The Straw Men tsm-1

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The Straw Men tsm-1 Page 22

by Michael Marshall

I looked again. Peered carefully at the other faces for a while, to refresh my eyes. Then I glanced at

  the woman again. She still didn't trigger anything.

  'It's not my mother, if that's what you're thinking.'

  'I'm not. Keep looking.'

  I did and finally something caught, and I let it come on. It took a few seconds, and then dropped like

  a brick. 'Holy shit,' I said.

  'You see it?'

  I kept looking, expecting to become less sure. I didn't. Once I'd seen it, it couldn't be denied. Though

  a lot of her face was obscured, it was there in the eyes and the slope of the top half of her nose.

  'That's Mary,' I said. 'Mary Richards. My parents' neighbour. In Dyersburg.' I opened my mouth to say something more — I'm not sure what — but then shut it again with a snap, sideswiped by a sudden

  flash of another image.

  Bobby didn't notice. 'So what's Ed doing in Montana back then? Or what was she doing here?'

  'You real set on waiting for this guy tonight?'

  'You got another plan?'

  'I might have something else to show you,' I said. 'And it's cold and I don't think we're going to see Ed out here this evening. We should head back into town.' My hands were trembling, and my throat felt dry.

  'Suits me.'

  I got out of the car, went to the front of the trailer and broke back in. I scribbled a note on the back of the photo, apologizing for breaking in, and then propped it up in the middle of a card table. I added my cell number at the bottom, and then I left — taking a moment to reach back through the door and prop a magazine up against its inner surface.

  Bobby drove back into town with the headlights off, but we saw no sign of anyone, and when we passed the bar the old Ford was not sitting in the lot. Neither, I realized only later, was the big red truck.


  We checked into the Holiday Inn and I showered and took five as I waited for Bobby. The room was clean and fresh and reassuring. I had a big pot of coffee on hand, delivered by someone in a nice white uniform and an off-the-rack smile, which is usually the best type. I don't have the Cheers gene. I'm quite happy with people not knowing my name.

  I wished I still had the photograph. I wanted to look at it again, was already halfway to convincing myself it had been a trick of the light. That, and the fact that Mary's dead face was imprinted strongly in my memory. Her body would be lying in a cold drawer in the morgue by now, but nobody would understand what had happened to her. I thought they should know, and running from Dyersburg still rankled with me. I was thinking that a phone call to the Dyersburg PD might point them in the right direction. They'd ask for my name and details, but I could make something up. I'm good at that kind of thing.

  I had got as far as reaching for the phone when Bobby knocked on my door. I let the phone be and hauled myself out of the chair.

  'You okay?' he said, as he shut the door.

  'Been a weird few days, Bobby.'

  I opened up the laptop and placed it in the middle of the table. I motioned him to sit back in the other seat, then slipped the DVD-ROM into the slot and loaded up the bar scene from the video.

  Loud music. Chaos. The drunken progress of the man holding the camera. The coughing fit, and then a walk round the corner into the area where people were playing pool. A young couple stood with their backs to the camera, and a big man with a beard and his girlfriend were lining up to take their shot.

  The camera staggered closer, and the girl with the long hair glanced up. I hit PAUSE on the player software and froze the video on her face. I hit a couple of keys to save a graphic capture of the screen, then booted up Photoshop. I opened up the capture, and this time zoomed in on the woman's face. I grabbed some background, and wiped it over the lower portions of her long hair to remove it. I cloned some skin texture and cut in around her cheeks, making them older and wider, and then picked up some hair and changed the style to one more suitable for an old lady in the year 2002. Did a quick selection, dropped in a steel grey, and then finally added noise over the altered part of the image to mask the difference in grain, followed by a Guassian blur to take the sharp edges away. I zoomed back out again until the picture was half its natural size, and the rough editing was less apparent in the quality of the image.

  You had to ignore the fact that part of the scene around the face now looked odd, but it wasn't hard given what had been revealed in the centre. I'd suspected this since Ed's trailer, but seeing it on-screen still made me feel breathless.

  'Okay,' Bobby said, very quietly. 'That's her again. Along with your parents.'

  'But they only met Mary when they moved to Montana.'

  'And they said something like: 'This Mary woman. Complete newcomer in our lives. Certainly never met her before.''

  'They acted as if they'd only known each other a couple of years.' My head was spinning. 'And I remember my mother telling me about how she'd just met Mary when she came round with cookies the day they moved in.'

  'When actually they'd known each other for over thirty years.' Meanwhile he'd spooled through the clip and frozen the image on the girl sitting cross-legged and weaving on my parents' living-room floor.

  I nodded. The way the light caught her nose and cheekbones, you didn't even have to do any editing.

  It was Mary.

  'So what do you think about the Ed guy? Could he be the cameraman?'

  'The only time I saw him and my dad in the same room they behaved like strangers.' I'd already described this occasion to Bobby on the way out to the bar. 'But they must have known each other. They all did. For some reason, Mary moves out, possibly not even that long after the time shown in the video. She'd certainly been in Montana a long while before my folks moved out there. In the meantime, my parents and Ed stay here, but not in contact, and the one time I accidentally bring them together, my father lets it happen but neither acknowledges the other.' I thought back to the occasions when I'd met Mary at my folks' house, but all that did was confirm my existing impression — which is that if they'd all known each other before Montana, they went to some trouble for it not to appear that way. I was wondering why they'd all bother to hide this fact from me, and then saw this was muddled and egocentric thinking.

  My parents went out there on purpose, I realized. 'They went there because they thought or knew something was going to happen, and that's why the three of them pretended not to know each other.'

  'You're stretching just a little bit.'

  'Am I? Maybe Mary wasn't killed just because she was in the way. Maybe whoever came out to the house had two jobs, and Mary was one of them.'

  Bobby considered, nodded. 'Then, when you turn up back in Hunter's Rock, Ed runs like a jackrabbit.'

  'We should have stayed out at his trailer.'

  He shook his head. 'He's not going back there in a hurry. By now he'll have called the guy at the bar, and found you know where he lives. Plus you're looking too zonked for any action that might involve chasing people. You left your number. If he goes home, he knows how to get a hold of you. Tomorrow we go back out to the bar and lean on the owner. Find out if the old guy has any known associates or another place he hangs out.'

  'Needle in a haystack, in other words.'

  'The needle's still there. If it's been placed at random, it could be the very first thing you find.'

  'Very deep, Bobby. Let me write that down.'

  'Meantime, I'm going on the Web.' He glanced at the cell phone, which was lying on the table. 'And if

  you're hoping Lazy Ed's going to call, you might want to turn your phone back on.' While he ran a phone cable out the back of the laptop to the connector on the desk telephone, I

  watched the screen of the cell. Sure enough, within a few seconds a message indicator lit up.

  'Got something?'

  I dialled the service and listened. The voice recorded was that of a woman. 'Not him. It's the girl I

  talked to at the hospital. She said she'd l
ook up some files, let me know if anything looked useful.'

  'And did it?'

  'She doesn't say,' I said, disconnecting. 'Just for me to give her a call tomorrow.'

  'Ward, look at this. You got an email.'

  I looked over his shoulder. There was a short message on the screen:

  EARN BIG $$$ GUARANTEED!!! We are a small company offering an EXPANDING service. Make use of our product to

  change your world, working with nothing more than your own dedication. The pure shall

  rejoice in there hearts when he seeth our Web site!

  Go back for information that could change all our lives! Start immediately — with a

  business that's growing fast. Hundreds are already doing more than they ever thought

  possible: Why don't you become one of us?

  Don't delay — this offer ends at midnight.

  'Look up 'junk email' in a dictionary,' I said, 'and they've probably got that printed out in full.'

  'But,' Bobby said, 'there's no order form. The sending address looks fake and it mentions a Web site without giving the URL, and then gives a deadline in three hours' time. They're not making it easy for you to get ripped off. Plus look at the two sentences with exclamation marks at the end. The first is odd — some kind of biblical-sounding thing — and the second says 'Go back'. Go back where?'

  I thought a second. 'This has come to me as a result of having already visited some site and having my IP address logged.'

  'Sometimes, Ward, it's almost like you've got a fully functioning brain.' He doubleclicked a desktop bookmark, and the browser loaded up. Within a few seconds we had the page in front of us, with just the two words: WE RISE.

  But this time they were underlined, and when Bobby moved the cursor over them, it became a pointing hand.

  'It's changed into a link,' he said. He clicked on the words and a small dialogue box popped up asking

  for a password. 'Oh, crap.'

  'The Straw Men,' I suggested.

  He typed it in. A white page came up with the words UNAUTHORIZED ENTRY at the top. Bobby

  swore and clicked the back button. 'Show me the email again,' I said. He switched the browser to the background, bringing the email

  back to the front.

  I scanned it quickly. 'Try there, as it's spelled in the 'rejoice' sentence.'


  'It's the only misspelled word in the entire email, and it's in the sentence referring to the Web site.'

  He clicked, typed it in. We got unauthorized again. 'It's going to throw us out soon,' he muttered,

  retracing his steps once more.

  'Try it spelt correctly.'

  He clicked and typed in 'their'. There was a pause. And then another page came on screen. This was

  black, with the word WELCOME, in white in the centre. 'Okay,' Bobby said, his voice quiet and constricted. He moved the cursor over WELCOME, and it

  changed to a pointing hand. I crowded in closer, and he clicked on the word. There was a pause, and then the screen changed to a forest green, filled with white text.

  THE HUMAN MANIFESTO [image: strawlogo.jpg]

  HERE IS THE TRUTH Some people do not agree with Evolution as a Theory. This is wrong. We were only told

  that Evolution was untrue for so long to STOP US from seeing the real Truth. But now we have Seen it, and it cannot be hidden again by Politicians or other LIARS. You think you know the Truth but you don't: You only know LIES.

  THE HISTORY OF MANKIND. In olden times we were all apes. Then one day 5 Million years ago a new line split off to make three new types of apes: the gorillas, the chimpanzees and the 'hominids' — who became us. Anyone who has seen TV programs on how smart chimpanzees are will not find it hard to believe this is TRUE. 2.5 Million years later the first creatures who were true Humanity came into being. They are sometimes referred to as Habilis, although names during this period are open to controversy: This is a dark period in our Evolution, and the scientists use LONG WORDS when they do not know as much as they want us to THINK they know.

  By 1 Million years ago we began to see a type called Erectus, so-called because they stood Upright. It is standing Upright that divides us from the apes, and from all other animals. Some of this type became Neanderthals, who were successful for a long time. Over the next few hundred thousand years this type became better at walking, got better tools, and tamed FIRE. Further Evolution then took place in Africa, finishing in Homo Sapiens. Our brain size became bigger, hence our Intelligence, which is unique. The Homo Sapiens supplanted the Neanderthals.

  During all of this time, humankind and those who came before us were HUNTER-GATHERERS. We lived in small groups who tied together through Kinship and Co-operation. We fed ourselves with game that we HUNTED and berries and roots that we GATHERED, and then we moved on.


  About fifteen thousand years ago everything started changing. This may sound a long time ago, but not when you think in terms of Millions of years. What happened is we stopped our natural hunting and gathering. Why?

  Some people have put this down to growing population, causing a strain on resources, and less freedom to move. Or changes in the weather because the Ice Age had finished, and various other things. I have read all of the so-called Scientific explanations, and no one

  knows. There were once millions of bisons roaming the plains of America. They were still able to support themselves. They had to move about to find new food, but that is the Natural Way. Humans, who can stand Upright, are DESIGNED for walking long distances. So why did we suddenly stop moving — when we had spent millions of years Evolving to be another way?

  The reason is because WE STARTED FARMING. The result was that people started staying in one place, and began living in larger groups up to hundreds and then thousands of people. And once this had started, it could not be stopped. Farming makes more food, but it is a LESS EFFICIENT method of supporting small numbers of people. It only works with big groups. Farming also caused more people to be born, which meant the groups got even bigger. Once you have a bigger population, you cannot give it up and go back to foraging. You are Trapped.

  From these changes came towns and cities, which gave rise to even more population growth. These caused LACK OF EQUALITY, and then LEADERS and RELIGION. It also created MORALITY. If you start living in one place for a long time, then you will be seeing the same people tomorrow as you did yesterday. This means that you have to start behaving towards them in a certain way, or they will KILL you. From this people came to believe that they OUGHT to behave in certain ways — even if you do not know the people involved. And for the first time we saw one of mankind's not endearing but most real tendencies, something that makes us different to all other natural species: that of ALTERING THE LAND. Up until then we had lived as part of nature: Since we started farming we have been RAPING the earth and changing it to our own ends.

  And yet farming people were actually LESS HEALTHY than foragers. Growing food brought SMALLER returns for the same effort. Hunter-gatherers had MORE LEISURE and WORKED LESS than farmers. They had a better balanced diet than farmers, who relied too much upon root or cereal crops. Farmers were more likely to get infections and epidemics — because everyone was living close together. People did not live as long, and got SICK more.

  SO WHY DID THIS WAY OF LIFE SWEEP THROUGH THE WORLD, IN A MERE FEW THOUSAND YEARS? Why, across virtually the entire planet, did our whole Species change its way of living after Millions of years — especially when at first they were WORSE OFF?


  Viruses are very small, but when they are in you they take your body over so it behaves in the way that the Disease wants. Many Viruses make you sick, like colds. Some will kill you, like AIDS. But the cleverest Viruses do not make you sick or kill you — because they want you to be their HOME.

  20,000 years ago WE WERE INFECTED. Homo Sapiens brought the virus from Africa, which is why all the Neander
thals died out. They were better adapted to cope with conditions, and with an Ice Age — and yet, within just a few thousand years, they died out.

  This Virus made us start living in groups and towns precisely because it would be easier for it to SPREAD AMONGST US. We did not do this because it was better for us. We did it because we were trapped. By the time the Virus had taken hold and we had become its home, our nature had changed and we could not go back.

  The Virus has become so much a part of us that the Scientific Establishment will never see it, no matter how clever they think they are.

  This is why a Homeland is very important to many people, including the JEWS: If we move then the Virus thinks we are returning to our real way of life and causes trouble for us.

  This is why we don't care about people from other countries: They mean nothing to us.

  This is why Terrorists and Murderers kill innocent Americans: We mean nothing to them.

  This is why our cities are full of Violence: We are forced to live in other people's filth like rats in boxes, which is anathema to us.

  This is why things like the Nazi holocaust and Bosnia and Rwanda take place: Different tribes are our Enemies, and if you push us together we will fight.

  This is why our leaders are Liars and Fools. Government means stopping us from having our FREEDOM, for the sake of the so-called rights of people we do not know.

  This is why people Murder and Kill: Because the only thing that stops us is Morality, which was invented by the Virus.

  They are always trying to make us feel like we're the same, and say that we all bleed the same colour, but even that is not true: There are different blood types — because of genetics.

  Even at this basic level we are incompatible with each other. Even our blood is not the same.


  We must start the action in the cities, amongst the Blacks. We may not like you — because you are not our type, and we are only brought together because of the Disease — but you are Victims too. You have been brought from your proper Home and penned into places where there is no hope for Your Kind. You must be the first to rise up. The world will follow.

  We are not supposed to live in huge groups. We are not designed to care about people we


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