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Shameless Page 23

by Sybil Bartel

  Squinting, I looked down the sight and tried to ignore the beast of a bodyguard behind me as cool air rushed up my dress. “Quit distracting me.”

  “Woman,” he breathed in my ear as his huge hands landed on my hips. “You think you won’t be a hell of a lot more distracted when faced with the real deal?”

  With the daunting, heavy weight of his Glock in my hands, and my too-thin sundress fluttering around my knees in the crisp spring breeze, I feathered my finger over the trigger. “Shut up.”

  “What are you waiting for?” His hands tightened around my waist.

  I knew the intent in that touch. Hell, my body knew it. It knew every lick, bite, kiss and tonguing it’d ever received from him. He was branded on my soul as sure as my own name. I couldn’t breathe near the man without thinking about what his heartbeat felt like as he pulsed inside me.

  And that branding suddenly shifted the focus from the gun in my hands to a low, throbbing pulse between my legs, and I cursed my bright idea of going commando. “I’m waiting for you to give me a little breathing room.” I wasn’t, and he didn’t listen anyway.

  “Is that right?” Drawing his words out, his tone one hundred percent said he knew I was full of shit. “Is that why you’re not wearing any underwear, princess?” His hands left my hips and the sound of his zipper going down almost echoed in the hushed woods around us.

  My pulse jumped. I wanted to squirm, and thrust my hips back into his so I could feel that exquisite friction only he could give me, but I remained stock-still. “Keep it in your pants, Marine,” I warned. “I’m holding a gun.”

  “I’m holding a bigger one.” Dragging the head of his cock over my dress and down the crack of my ass as if to prove his point, he growled low and menacing. “Make the shot and I’ll let you come.” His hands landed back on me and his thumbs drew hard circles over my hips, inching my dress up my thighs with each rotation until the flimsy material was bunched at my waist. “But if you miss?” His tongue swept across the skin just under my ear, then his voice turned fuck-my-head-up deep. “I will spank the shit out of you.”

  I sighted right and pulled the trigger.

  The shot went wild. Missing the target by a meter, the bullet hit a nearby tree trunk and splintered at the same time his rough hand landed on my bare ass with a hard slap.

  I jumped and almost dropped the Glock. My arms scraped across the branch I was leaning on as the sting from his slap warmed my flesh.

  Dragging his cock down my smarting ass so I could feel his metal, especially the new frenum piercing he’d gotten for me, he didn’t go nearly close enough to my aching core. Leaning over my back, he bit my ear. “Miss again on purpose, and I won’t fuck you for a week.”

  “Liar.” Sebastiano Hades Domani was a lot of things, but abstinent wasn’t one of them. “You can’t even last forty-eight hours when I have my period.”

  “Because you shouldn’t be bleeding, woman. You should be knocked the fuck up.”

  I shivered, from him, from his words.

  “You know you want me to put a baby in you,” he continued, licking the side of my neck before dragging his teeth over my collar bone. “And don’t lie and tell me you don’t love a good dicking when you’re hormonal.” He dropped his voice to a sex-infused rasp. “Think about how good fucking will feel when you’re knocked up.”

  He was right. I wanted everything he was seductively, shamelessly suggesting. And I did love it when he took me when I was hormonal, but I wouldn’t have known that if he hadn’t come at me and fucked me senseless in the shower that first month we were together. “Nice attempt at distraction.”

  “Hit the fucking target.” He dragged the head of his cock through my heat.

  My eyes rolled back and I bit my lip. “Fuck me, and maybe I will,” I managed, breathless.

  “Target first.” He nipped at my shoulder. “Aim like I taught you.”

  “No.” Oh my God, it should be illegal how good this man felt. “Give me that Prince Albert first.” I tried to grind my hips into his.

  Gripping me hard so I couldn’t move, he growled in my ear. “Reverse PA, woman.” He positioned his head at my entrance. “Be fucking thankful I knew the difference when I modified.”

  I was. So goddamn thankful. That piercing hit my G-spot every time he fucked me missionary. Orgasm was too tame a word for what he could do to me. “Please,” I begged. “Fuck me.”

  He moved so quick, I didn’t see it coming.

  He gripped the gun over my hand, jerked to the left, and his trigger finger smashed over mine in rapid succession five times. The shots blew away the center of the target. Yanking the Glock from my hand, he dropped it to the ground. Then he flattened his palm on my back, and bent me over the low hanging branch.

  He shoved into me in one thrust.

  My cry of shock mixed with a moan of pleasure and echoed through the woods.

  He pulled out only to slam back in and grind his hips. The reverse Prince Albert rubbed deep inside me and I felt it all the way to my toes. “Oh my God, Shade.”

  Gripping my waist, he slowed his thrusts and leaned over my back. Leaving a sweet kiss on my cheek, he stilled deep inside me. “What are you afraid of?”

  A shiver ran up my spine. I knew what he was asking. “I’m not afraid.” Not exactly.

  Slow and deep, he thrust again. “You took your pill this morning.”

  It wasn’t an accusation. He wasn’t pushing me into this, I knew that. He was asking because he didn’t understand. We’d talked about children. He wanted them. I wanted them. I loved him. He loved me. He told me every day that I was it for him.

  But that wasn’t the problem.

  He slowly ground his hips and kissed my temple. “Talk to me.”

  “I don’t want to talk.” I was afraid to. “I want to come.”

  He pulled out.

  His movement, quick and abrupt, was enough to make me gasp, but not hurt me.

  Before I could draw in my next breath, he’d pulled me up, spun me around and took my face between his rough hands. “I love you.”

  With his eyes more amber than brown in the mountain sun filtering through the pines, he was so beautiful and austere. He was also so shamelessly honest as he stood before me erect and exposed, that he took my breath away.

  A shyness I still struggled with even though I knew exactly how I felt about him, fluttered over my nerves as I said the words I meant deep in my heart, but still made me feel vulnerable every time I gave them to him. “I love you.”

  “Then why don’t you want to have a family with me?”

  I felt my face flush in crisp mountain air.

  He frowned. “Tell me.”

  Drawing in a deep breath, and stealing my nerves, I gave him the truth. “I know I told you I wanted to wait until the new house was finished.”

  “Woman.” His frown deepened. “The stilts, foundation and framing are up. The roof’s going on. Six more months and you’ll have your house.”

  I withered at the thought of disappointing him, or worse, forcing him into something he didn’t want. “We’ll have our house,” I corrected, even though I knew it was still a sore spot for him that I’d paid for the five thousand square foot custom built home. Perched on the north side of his mountain, it was a half mile away as a crow flies from his cabin. “I don’t want to argue semantics again. Your mountain, my home, whatever. You’ll love it when we move in, and it’s all ours.” And that was the point I was trying to get to.

  He gave me one of his growly rumbles from deep in his throat that told me he was pissed, but he wasn’t going to argue the point. “So what’s the problem?”

  I didn’t want to say this. I didn’t want to push, and I didn’t feel like I should have to be the one to bring it up either. He’d given me his word all those months ago in his apartment that he wanted there to be an us, and he’d never strayed from that.

  In the time we’d been together, he’d never given me any reason to doubt him, his inten
tions, or his feelings. He wanted me knocked up. He preferred his mountain, but he wouldn’t give up working just because I’d come into my trust fund. So we spent as much time as possible up here in between jobs he did for André. He worked when he felt he needed money and I spent my time getting our dream house built.

  I should’ve been perfectly happy. Everything between us was better than I ever could’ve imagined. But he hadn’t ever mentioned the one word that grew bigger in my mind with every passing day.

  I didn’t know if he was ever going to mention it.

  Out of patience, he barked out an order. “Spit it out, woman.”

  “I thought I would be married before I had kids,” I blurted.

  It was instant. His face transformed. The side of his mouth curved up, a gleam of mischief hit his eyes and the bastard winked. “Is that right?”

  It was my turn to growl. “You’re seriously going to stand there and make fun of me?”

  “No.” Picking me up, he covered the distance to the back deck of the cabin, and set my ass on the edge of the deck as he shoved my legs wide. “I’m going to fuck you while I make fun of you.” Without any more warning, he fisted himself with one hand, yanked my dress out of the way and shoved into me.

  My legs came up, my back arched and I braced myself with my hands behind me as I let out a half cry, half moan. He felt so damn good, I almost forgot I was mad at him. “This doesn’t get you off the hook for making fun of what I said.”

  “I’m not making fun of what you said.” He thrust deep and grabbed the side of my face as his fingers tangled in my hair. “I’m making fun of the fact that you don’t see what’s in front of you.” Bringing his mouth to mine, he kissed me. Deep and commanding, like everything about him, he owned my mouth like he owned my body.

  Pulling back just enough to look into my eyes, he caressed my cheek. “You’ve got me so wrapped up in you, woman, I can’t get any more got.” His voice went whisper low. “I’m yours. You’re mine.” Grasping my hand, he slid something onto my finger.

  I stilled.

  Lacing my fingers through his, he brought our joined hands up. “We’re getting married, woman.”

  A huge emerald, the color of the trees around us, surrounded by diamonds, sat on my ring finger.

  “Sebastiano,” I whispered, a tear sliding down my cheek.

  “Ti amo. Sei mio, principessa.”

  “I love you, too. So much.” Tears of joy fell unchecked down my cheeks, and I smiled. “You had this planned.”

  Grabbing my hips, giving me his smile, he thrust deep, but his tone turned lethally quiet. “Don’t ever underestimate me.”

  I cupped his face, but I caught myself before giving him an apology. Instead, I gave him a promise. “I won’t anymore.”

  He brought our clasped hands to my chest, just over my heart. “Thrust me with this, Summer.” His gaze piercing mine, he made me a promise. “I’ll never take it for granted.”

  I swallowed past the emotion in my throat. “Okay.”

  “You good?”

  My heart, my joy, they compounded and I smiled. I knew what he meant, and I didn’t take offense like I had before. “Beyond good.”

  He nodded once. Then, easing back only to push in slow, he glanced to where our bodies were connected. Watching himself, he gave me another measured thrust before bringing his gaze back to me. His eyes dark and serious, he held me in his intensity. “I’m lost inside you, woman.”

  A shiver rippled through my body before settling in my heart. “You’re my home.” I didn’t know how to say it any better than that.

  “Good.” Grasping my hips, he thrust hard and deep and brought his mouth to mine. “Go off the pill tomorrow.”

  Overcome with happiness, I couldn’t help it. I giggled. “In a hurry to knock me up, old man?”

  So quick I wasn’t expecting it, he pulled out. A second later he was grasping my legs just above my ankle boots and shoving me wide as his mouth latched on to my clit. Sucking hard, his teeth closed around my most sensitive spot.

  “Oh my God.” Falling to my back, the sun blinding me, I sunk my hands into his soft hair and fisted.

  Holding my clit captive in his bite, his tongue thrashed wildly.

  I didn’t stand a chance.

  Lightning-like fire exploded in my core and swept through my entire body.

  Before I’d stopping pulsing from the intense orgasm, Shade released my clit and latched onto my nipple through my dress. Then he drove his hard cock into me.

  His piercings rubbed deep as he bit my nipple like he’d bitten my clit and all of a sudden, I was coming again. The second wave hitting me harder than the first, my legs began to shake as he started driving into me.

  “Shade.” Oh my fucking God.

  Releasing my nipple, holding my hip down with one hand, gripping a handful of my hair with the other, he brought his mouth to mine. “Does that feel like an old man, woman?”

  “No.” My heart pounding, desire dripping out of my core, my back scraped against the wood deck with each of his trusts. “More,” I begged.

  “You’re going to get a lifetime of more, principessa.” Slamming his mouth over mine, he drove into me hard three more times.

  Then he let go.

  Filling every single one of my hopes and dreams with his brand of dominance, my bodyguard came inside me.


  Thank you so much for reading SHAMELESS! If you are interested in leaving a review on any retail site, I would be so appreciative. Reviews mean the world to authors, and they are helpful beyond compare!

  And make sure to check out the other books in the Alpha Bodyguard Series!

  SCANDALOUS – Tank’s story

  MERCILESS – Collins’s story

  RECKLESS – Tyler’s story

  RUTHLESS – Sawyer’s story

  FEARLESS – Ty’s story

  CALLOUS – Preston’s story

  RELENTLESS – Thomas’s story

  HEARTLESS – Ronan’s story

  Have you read the sexy Alpha Escort Series?




  Have you read the Uncompromising Series?






  Turn the page for a preview of HEARTLESS, the next exciting book in the Alpha Bodyguard Series!




  Explosives expert.

  There was a reason I was the only Explosive Ordnance Disposal technician in the Marines who’d never sustained any injuries. I didn’t take risks. Ever. My actions were precise. My thoughts were controlled, and I lived by one creed—no second chances.

  Except serving my country as an EOD in the Marines had a shelf life. Promoted off the front lines, I didn’t want to ride out my career behind a desk. A civilian job with the best security firm in the business seemed like a better solution… until a frightened client with haunted eyes lied to me about everything.

  Now she was going to find out how heartless a bodyguard could be.





  Not what the hell I thought I’d be doing with my life.

  Especially not for a spoiled Hollywood actress on location in Miami Beach. But triple pay and carrying a gun had its advantages. I’d shove away paparazzi and screaming fans for a lot less. The Marines trained me to be Force Recon—intimidation and crowd control was child’s play compared to four tours. This assignment should’ve been easy money.

  But the doe-eyed starlet with the perfect ass dragged me down her rabbit hole. Living for the spotlight, she leaked the perfect scandal. I warned her making headlines wasn’t in my job description, but she kept smiling for the cameras.

  Now she was going to find out just how scandalous a bodyguard could be.




  Gun for hire.

  I didn’t care what you called it, the end result was always the same.

  You paid me for a job, you got results. The Marines trained me to shoot, but life taught me to aim. Working for the best personal security firm in the business was a stepping stone. Put in my time, build the résumé, then move on. I didn’t do attachments on any level.

  Until a smoking-hot former one-night stand crossed the street in front of me, holding hands with a kid who was my spitting image. She tried to play it off, deny he was mine. She said she didn’t remember me, right before she picked her kid up and ran. She thought she’d made a clean escape.

  But she was about to find out how merciless a bodyguard could be.




  Bad boy.

  I didn’t come from the wrong side of the tracks. I was the wrong side. Every cliché you could think of, my family embraced. The only advantage I had was being the best-looking out of all my brothers. Except when I joined the Marines, looks didn’t count for shit downrange.

  I wasn’t active duty anymore, and working for the best personal security firm in the business, my looks were getting me in more trouble than they were worth. I just didn’t realize how much trouble until a princess from a country I’d never heard of asked for me by name. Her request was simple—me, my gun, and an art opening. But she recklessly failed to mention one crucial part of the assignment… pretend to be her new fiancé.

  Now she was about to find out how reckless a bodyguard could be.


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