Home > Romance > OWNED PART II: BLAZING DEVILS MC > Page 1

by Alexa Rynn





  Copyright 2016 Alexa Rynn, all rights reserved.

  No part of this work may be reproduced without written consent of the author. This book is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  This book is for a mature audience only due to strong language and strong sexual conduct.




  I couldn’t believe I’d had my stepbrother’s dick in my mouth the night before. Or should I say earlier that morning. I had no idea what came over me, but it just felt right. It just felt like it what was I was supposed to do in that moment. I knew it might have been a bad idea but I couldn’t help it. More shockingly, I didn’t care. In fact, I had liked it. I had liked it a lot.

  If I was being honest with myself I had wanted to do it for a while.

  I loved all my stepbrothers. I really did, no matter what anyone else said about them on the streets, they had always been kind to me. They had always protected me. But it had always been different with Danger than with Link or Trigger. It had been ever since the day I met them.

  I had thought at first that it was because Danger was the only one of them that I actually lived with but as the years went on I realized it was way more than that. I connected with him more than anyone else. I felt the most comfortable and safe with him.

  And that’s what I was thinking about when I took a shower later on that morning, how comfortable I was with Danger. How I felt safe whenever he was near me. Sure, he drove me crazy but he also made me happy. It was crazy to me how just one argument with him could change my whole mood and put me on edge with everyone around me for the entire day until we made up.

  I knew that what I was feeling for him wasn’t how someone would normally feel about his or her stepbrother, but I chose to ignore that fact most of the time. I didn’t care what people said about him or my brothers or the illegal activity they were or weren’t involved in, all I cared about was how I felt when I was with Danger.

  And I felt safe.

  And that was why I decided that I wanted him to take my virginity.

  Danger had been gone when I woke up in the morning and he still wasn’t home by late afternoon. I glanced at the clock. 3:00 in the afternoon, where the hell was he? I had called him a few times but had gotten no answer. I suspected he was busy handling business after the shooting at the club last night, but still, I was starting to grow anxious.

  What made it even worse was that I had no one to talk to about what was going on. I couldn’t trust any of my girls with the fact that I had given Danger head last night. That would be good gossip if it was about any guy, throw in the fact that it was a Ford brother and it would be all over the neighborhood in no time. Especially since he was my stepbrother. Danger would be so pissed at me and it would probably cause a huge fight.

  But still, it was starting to drive me crazy. Just sitting alone with my own thoughts while I debated back and forth the ways I could let Danger know that I wanted him to be the first guy I ever had sex with.

  The door to our apartment swung open and Danger strolled in looking just as sexy as last night. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans with a red t-shirt that showed off his toned arms, matching red boots appear on his feet. He had a fresh cut, telling me he must have gone to the barber earlier that day.

  Going to the barber didn’t seem like handling business, and it definitely didn’t seem like a good enough reason to not text or call me back all day long. Something I couldn’t read came into his eyes when he saw me.

  I kept my eyes on him, not able to look away.

  All I could think about was that morning and how good he tasted. How much I wanted to do it again. I felt my body start to heat up at just the thought. If he felt the same, he did a good job of not showing it.

  “Hey,” he said, tearing his eyes away from me and heading into the kitchen.

  “Where have you been all day?” I asked, following him into the other room.

  His head was in the fridge by then and he emerged a second later with a carton of milk. “Busy.”

  “Busy doing what?” I crossed my arms over my chest, annoyed at his lack of detail.

  Danger ignores me, taking a bowl out of the dish drying rack and pulling a box of cereal down off the fridge, he poured himself a heaping bowl.

  “Busy doing what?” I demanded again.

  “Handling my business.” He sat down at the table and started eating.

  “Is that why you couldn’t call or text me back all day?”

  Danger shrugged, chewing his food slowly. “I didn’t realize you had called.”

  “You’re such a liar!”

  Danger rolled his eyes. “I’m really not in the mood to fight with you, Kat, I have enough on my mind without you nagging me every two seconds. Damn, let a brother eat in peace.”

  “Tell me what you were doing!” I demanded, choosing to be a brat. He never told me anything that I wanted to know about where the hell he was. It was both ridiculous and corny. He pretty much knew where I was every hour of every day and I never knew where the hell he was.

  Danger ignored me, taking his phone out of his pocket and scrolling through the screen. Oh, sure, now he could be on his phone. He kept chewing away on his cereal, acting like I wasn’t standing right in front of him giving him nasty looks.

  “I’ve decided you’re going to take my virginity,” I announced.

  Danger spit out a mouthful of cereal all over the table. “God damn, Kat. What the fuck is wrong with you?” He got up from the table and pushed past me, heading toward him room.

  “That’s what I want!” I yelled, chasing after him.

  “You sound like a crazy bitch right now, you need to calm down.”

  I waited until he was inside of his room and facing me to answer. “That’s what I want, Danger.” I pronounced each word slowly, trying to get my point across to him of just how serious I was.

  “I don’t care what you want, I care about what’s going to happen and that sure is hell is not going to happen,” he paused and then added, “ever,” to the end of his sentence. He looked stressed out; like his mind was about to explode at any moment.

  “I want it to be you, I feel comfortable with you,” I pleaded. I felt like I was begging and I hated myself for it, but I couldn’t really help it. This was what he did to me. He made me feel vulnerable and needy, like a little girl again. I hated it but I couldn’t control it.

  His face softened and something I couldn’t place crept into his eyes. “I feel you, I do. But Kat, what happened last night shouldn’t have. It was wrong and it’s not something we can ever do again.”

  I felt myself start to shake a little but forced myself to keep my body in control. “But I want to do it again.”

  Danger sighed loudly, the sympathy that was just on his face a second ago gone now. “Well, it’s not up to you. It takes two people and I’m telling you that nothing like that is ever going to happen again.”

  “But I-“

  “EVER,” he cut me off in a short tone. The tone he used with his brothers when they tried to question something he said. I found myself starting to grow angry at the way he was dismissing me. Like I was some child who had no say in what we do or what was going to happen in the future. Why did he have to be such an asshole?

  “Fine,” I crossed my arms over my chest, “then don’t talk to me.”

  Danger laughed loudly. “You don’t want to talk to me because
I won’t hook up with you? That’s the most fucked up thing I ever heard.”

  “That’s the most fucked up thing you ever heard?” I challenged him. “I doubt it.” I was borderline questioning the sketchy business activity that him and the rest of the club were involved in. It was a low blow and I knew it but I didn’t care. He hated when I asked any questions about what went on once he left the house. He hated when I asked any questions at all about him and my stepbrothers but, like I said, I didn’t care at that point. What should I have been? If he wasn’t worried about upsetting me why should I have been worried about upsetting him?

  Anger flashed through his eyes. “You’re being a baby, Kat. And you wonder why I still treat you like a child. This is exactly why right here.”

  “Let me know if you change your mind; until then don’t bother talking to me,” I snapped. And then I left his room, slamming the door shut behind me. I stood in the hallway for a minute or two, waiting for him to chase after me but he never came. After a few more seconds of throwing my tantrum, I sighed and tiptoed back toward my room, shutting the door behind me.

  I held back the tears that were forming behind my eyes, reminding myself that crying wouldn’t help the situation. How could someone so annoying drive me so fucking crazy? Crazy as in I wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about him no matter how hard I tried.

  I needed a new plan and fast.


  I banged on the door of my stepbrother’s condo just outside of town and the door swung open before I could even put my hand back down at my side. Trigger was shirtless, his face unshaven, and his eyes bloodshot.

  “Rough night?” I asked, already knowing the answer. Any night that my brothers were involved in a shooting was a rough night. I doubted they were the types to celebrate the success of a murder plot working out.

  “Kat?” he asked, he looked confused by my presence and a little disappointed.

  “Expecting someone else?” I asked, curiosity taking over.

  He cleared his throat loudly then shook his head. “No, no, not at all. Come in.” He took a step back and I followed him inside. Trigger could supposedly afford this place thanks to money from the restaurant that the three of them had purchased together five years ago. Trigger had been put on the title as soon as he turned 18 earlier this year. I had always suspected this place had less to do with the restaurant and more to do with The Blazing Devils and all their illegal activity.

  It was way nicer than anything else in our neighborhood and way nicer than any 18-year-old boy should have. Too much freedom if you asked me. But what did I know? I always heard Link and Danger talking about how Trigger needed to grow up, though, so allowing him to live all alone in a luxury condo seemed like an awful idea to me.

  It looked like your typical bachelor pad. Huge plasma screen on the wall hooked up to about three different gaming systems. Huge leather chairs and sofas sat against the walls and a small table in the dining room. It was nice. I would crash here sometimes if I was coming home late from somewhere and didn’t want to travel all the way across town.

  “Sit, sit,” he told me. He grabbed a shirt off one of the chairs in the dining room and pulled it over his head. He looked just like Danger, only a little younger and with fewer tattoos. I had never looked at him the way I looked at Danger, though. Probably because Trigger and me had been in the same grade and pretty much grew up together. He really did feel like my brother.

  “You want coffee or something?” Trigger said, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days, tired and worn out from whatever the hell he was going through behind closed doors.

  I smiled at how well he knew me. Back in high school, he used to bring me coffee every morning at school. It was so weird seeing big bad Trigger Ford walking through the halls with a coffee in his hand for his baby sister, but Trigger never seemed to mind. Caring what people thought was always the last thing on any of the Ford brother’s minds.

  I held up the steaming hot liquid that was in my hand. “Got some.”

  Trigger looked at it. “Oh, right. My bad. I’m a little out of it this morning.”

  “I noticed,” I told him. “Anything I can help with?”

  He shook his head. “Na, forget it. It’s no big deal.”

  I shrugged and took a sip out of my coffee. I knew better than to push Trigger. If he wanted to speak on something he would. Forcing him into it just made him more hostile and pissed off. Just like his brothers.

  He flopped his muscular body down on the couch next to me. “So, what brings you to my neck of the woods, kid? Just in the neighborhood?”

  I hated how even Trigger called me a kid when we were the same age, but I had stopped trying to get him to stop doing it a long time ago. It seemed like the more he knew I hated it the more he enjoyed saying it.

  “Not exactly,” I admitted. “I kind of need advice.”

  “So you decided to come to your smartest brother? Makes sense.”

  I laughed and shoved him to the other side of the couch.

  He grinned back at me. “Na, for real, what’s good?”

  I paused, knowing I need to proceed carefully. If I went about it the wrong way Trigger would call his brothers right away and they would all be in my business, asking questions. That wouldn’t go over well with any of them, especially Danger. If he thought I was going to tell anyone about what had happened between the two of us he would never forgive me.

  “Well… there’s this boy…”

  Trigger crossed his arms over his chest and grew stone-faced. “What boy? What’s his name?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m not telling you his name.”

  “You don’t need to be worrying about none of these little ass boys out here. If Danger or Link knew you were fucking around with some little prick they would flip out.”

  “I’m not fucking around with anyone! That’s the problem!”

  Trigger raised his eyebrows at me.

  “Trigger,” I paused, trying to think of the best way to stroke his ego. “I came to you because you’re the most reasonable and understanding. I knew you wouldn’t flip out or judge me. So, can you just try to be cool here? Please?”

  Trigger studied me for a second then ran his hand over his tan and smooth lips. “Of course, I can be cool, Kat. I’m the cool brother. I can be cool.” He leaned back, propping his muscular biker arms on the back of the couch. “Tell me what’s on your mind.”

  I tried to keep the smile that was forming from creeping onto my lips. It was too easy to figure boys out sometimes. Give them a compliment and they would do whatever you wanted. It was almost too easy. So why couldn’t I figure out the one boy I actually wanted to figure out? Danger was right about one thing he had said the other night; I would never meet another man like him.

  “I’m just wondering what it is I have to do to get this guy to notice me. I mean it seems like no matter what I do I’ll always just be one of the guys to him. I’ll always just be that girl he wants to be friends with.” I took a small sip out of my coffee, trying to not give too much away. I wanted to say that no matter what I did he would always look at me like a kid sister but I was scared that would give too much away. Trigger wasn’t a fool, he would put two and two together and figure out I was talking about one of his brothers.

  Trigger puffed his chest out. “Sounds like a little bitch ass to me. Fuck that pussy, if he can’t see what you’re about he doesn’t deserve to have you anyway.” Trigger clutched his fist at his sides like just the thought of some guy making me chase him around was enough to make him want to pound his face in. I doubted he would be so eager if he knew I was talking about his brother. Or maybe he still would be, who knew how Trigger or Link would react if they ever found out about what had happened between Danger and me.

  “I know that a part of you is right but it’s not that simple,” I sighed, wishing I could make him understand what I was feeling better than how I was expressing it but I knew there wasn’t
really a clear way to do that.

  “Yes, it is that simple. Who the fuck is this bitch ass pussy? I’ll go give him a talking to right now.”

  “Forget it,” I snapped. “ I should have known better than to think you would understand, I shouldn’t have come.” I got up and headed for the door, practically running to get away from him now.

  I didn’t know what I had thought would happen when I got here. Maybe that Trigger would have some great insight and help me understand what the hell I was feeling or how to make it go away. But I knew deep down it wasn’t either of those things. I had come here hoping that he would help me win. That he would help me find a way to get Danger to sleep with me, that he would help me gain the strength to play whatever game Danger had started. Because deep down in my heart I knew he was worth it.

  I was almost at the door when Trigger caught up with me. He put his body between the door and me, resting his hands on my shoulders. “Okay, okay, chill, chill. My bad, Kat, sometimes I can’t help but be that over-protective brother. Just come back in and sit down. Please?”

  I shrugged then turned around and headed back toward the leather sofa. Not necessarily because I wanted to but because Trigger could be impulsive just like Danger at times. Chances are if I had tried to push past him and leave he would have followed me anyway, causing a scene.

  “I don’t want to hear about what a fool he is, Trigger,” I tried to explain it to him again. “Maybe he is but that’s not going to stop me. He’s worth it; if that makes any sense.”

  Trigger nodded. “It does but I just have to say I’m against it right now. That’s my duty as your brother, got it, kid?”

  I nodded. I was all too used to the bullshit they gave me anytime a guy even looked at me. It was ridiculous. Just because they didn’t want to be in a relationship didn’t mean everyone else in the family had to obey the same rules.

  “Good, glad we got that part straight. Now if you wanna get this ashy ass bitch’s attention…” he trailed off and grinned when he saw my face. “I mean if you wanna get this kid’s attention you need to not be so available to him.”


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