Mr James

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by Kendra Roberts

  Mr. James

  Kendra Roberts

  Copyright © 2020 Kendra Roberts

  All rights reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electric or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without prior written permission from the publisher.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Other Books by Kendra Roberts

  About the author

  Chapter 1


  Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was my own personal anger that caused me to act like this, but as I walked down the street, my body was moving on its own like an automaton. Then I saw it.

  A tattoo shop.

  I didn’t know if going in there was the right solution. But after finding out that my best friend, someone I cared the hell about, cheated on me and broke up with me, maybe this was the solution I needed.

  I stepped in the shop, as a man was coming out from the side.

  “We’re closed.”

  “I guess you don’t like money then,” I snapped.

  He pursed his lips, looking me up and down.

  He was pretty attractive. Short brown hair and a muscular body, and he had tattoos down both his arms. They were in a various array of different colors and drawing styles, and all looked interesting. However, there was a strange feeling about him.

  Like he was a bad guy, and I had walked into the wrong neighborhood. Yet, there was something thrilling about him. I thrust out my wallet, getting the cash out, and looking this hunk dead in the eye.

  “I want a tattoo,” I said to him.

  He scoffed.

  “Did you not hear me the first time? We’re closed.”

  “I don’t care. I’ll pay you double what I’d normally pay for a tattoo,” I offered.

  I needed to feel things again. I was so hurt by my ex that even just standing there prattling on was driving me nuts. He looked me over and whistled.

  “You’re cute but…you sure about this? This shit’s permanent,” he told me.

  “Do I look stupid? I know that, and that doesn’t change my answer. I want it,” I reaffirmed.

  He looked at me with slight annoyance at the realization that he wouldn’t get me to back down.

  “Fine. Double what I normally charge. Do you know what you want?” he asked.

  I paused. What did I want? I mean, I could do anything really.

  “Do you…have any suggestions?” I asked.

  He was standing near a desk, laughing his ass off. He had a cute laugh, but I felt put on the spot.

  “So you came in here after hours, asking for a tattoo, being quite forceful, and when I ask what you want, you simply don’t know what kind of person you are,” he threw at me.

  I paused, realizing that this was actually happening. He didn’t seem fazed by the way I spoke; but then, I sighed.

  “I’m sorry, it’s just…kind of a mess. I need it. I was hurt by someone. Someone I thought I loved, and I need something to make me feel alive, anything really,” I explained to him.

  My eyes were filling with tears, and soon, I felt his hands against my shoulders, touching me. He didn’t seem inclined to give me a hug. I sensed that he didn’t want to. But when he looked me in the eye, I could see the care on his face.

  “Well, I can see that you don’t know how to describe how you feel but…if it means that much to you, I guess I can put something nice on your arm. Anything, right?”

  I nodded.

  “Yes, I’ll take anything,” I said.

  “Damn, you must be desperate. Well, tell you what, if you don’t want it on your arm, I can put it somewhere where others won’t see it. I can see that you’re not totally thinking rationally, but I’ll make sure it’s not something you’ll regret, okay?” he said kindly.

  I can’t believe he was agreeing to this. Maybe he pitied me. Or maybe he was just worried about me getting upset again. I didn’t know. He seemed a bit worried about me. He seemed to care a lot more than my shitty ex, who decided to fuck my best friend, Maddie, while I was at work.

  “Thank you. So goddamn much,” I said.

  “No problem. If you don’t want to answer question, you don’t have to. You are a cutie, so I’m letting this one slide,” he said.

  I had a feeling he was just playing hard to get, but I’d be lying if I said he didn’t make me feel happy and appreciated. I didn’t want to scare him off, but it was a nice - a refreshing feeling that made me feel good.

  I moved into his work room, a small place in the back. It was sterile and clean. He looked so scary and mean, but in reality he was such a professional.

  “Alright, have a seat. You need to either take off your jacket or push it up. I suggest the former.”

  I did as he told me, shimmying it off. I could see his eyes darting toward my larger breasts, making me flush in response. His eyes focused there for a moment before looking back at me.

  “Well, ready whenever you are,” he announced.

  “Don’t get too excited,” I mused.

  “Oh, this is exciting for me. Not every day do I get some tipsy woman stumbling in here, demanding me to ink her up. I think this will be fun,” he said with a smile.

  That teasing smile was enough to make me shiver. He was so goddamn attractive that it wasn’t even funny, and while I was hurting, this was a nice bit of solace. I sat down, waiting for him to come over and get ready to ink me up. I braced myself, waiting for the next step.

  Little did I know that this little tattoo session would change my life forever.

  Chapter 2


  I did feel bad for her. As she sat down, closing her eyes and sighing, I spent a moment studying her face.

  She was young, probably a couple years younger than me. Her face was red. She’d definitely been crying. She also looked a little tipsy as well when she came in.

  Just how much did she have to drink to cause this much impulsivity?

  I didn’t get it. I’d just do my job. But first I needed her to sign a waiver.

  “Hey uh…miss?” I asked.

  She opened her soft eyes, turning to me, her brown eyes meeting my blue ones.


  “Oh, I, uh, need you to sign a waiver. Just making sure you’re not allergic to anything on the list and all,” I said.

  “Oh, okay,” she agreed. She looked over the list, crossing off a few things and then giving it back to me.

  “Alright, ready to begin?”

  “Born ready,” she said with a smile.

  I grabbed her arm and got the gun out. I wanted to put something on her, something with some sentimental value.

  I started to move my gun over the area, pressing the ink in. She coiled her face in displeasure.

  “Sorry, it does feel a bit like a cat scratch I think,” I pointed out.

  “Yeah…by the way, what’s your name? I don’t know how to address you?”

  “James. And you?”

  “Lisa. Anyways, James, it feels okay. I’m just quite tired,” she replied.

  “Well, don’t conk out on me. I’ll try to do this as fast as I can, to get you on your way,” I told her.

  I mean, I liked touching her soft skin, watching the area become dark with color as I worked my magic. but I also knew that it was late; I was ready to go home and relax.

  And yet, I wanted more of her. I wanted to take care of her, to spend more and more time with her. Something was pulling me towards her.

  This broken woman.

  I didn’t understand it. I m
ean, she had just gotten out of a relationship. Why would she want to be with a guy like me? I mean, I was a nice dude, and I knew I was attractive, but she probably wanted something small, some kind of fling, and yet, I felt that I could provide that along with a ton more.

  I wanted to.

  After I had finished the outline, I began to fill it with color. It was a small piece, something I’d wanted to put on someone’s body for a while now, but I hadn’t found the right person, or the right impulsive customer, to try it on.

  I worked my hands for about another half hour. Thankfully, it was a pretty small tattoo. I didn’t want to give her something super huge, that she’d regret. After I finished the final touches, I put the gun down to look at my handiwork.

  “Wow,” I said.

  “Is it okay?” she asked.

  I laughed at those words.

  “Okay is one way to describe it. Quite beautiful is really the better term, if I do say so myself. Anyways, you can open your eyes now, Lisa. Check it out.”

  She opened her blue eyes and stared at the drawing. It was a phoenix, breaking free from its nest, soaring into the air.

  “Whoa,” she said.

  “Yeah, I figured you’d like it. Something symbolic, for all that’s going on,” I offered.

  Her eyes filled with tears as she looked at me.

  “Thank you so much, James.”

  “You’re welcome. Oh and by the way, since that’s an original creation, it’s on the house,” I told her with a wink.

  Her eyes widened with an incredulous look.

  “Wait, you’re serious?”

  “Yes. I’m serious. I don’t do this, but…I can tell you need it,” I said.

  She still looked dejected. Her eyes cast downwards, her shoulders slumping.

  “I don’t know what to do, James. I really don’t,” she said.

  I didn’t know if it was cool to hug her, but then she had her head in her hands. Sobs came from her throat, and after a few minutes, she spoke.

  “I walked into the room, expecting it to be a normal day. But then I caught him. In bed. With my best friend,” Lisa explained.

  “Jesus. I’m so sorry, Lisa,” I comforted her. I did feel sad. She didn’t need a shitty boyfriend like that, especially when she could have so much better.

  I hesitated to say me, of course, but you get the idea.

  “You don’t understand, James, I wanted to marry this guy, and now I can’t. because that rat bastard cheated on me,” she wept.

  “I know, Lisa. But, you don’t have to heal right away. If you want, we can get some dinner or something in the morning after you’ve slept it off. You’re not going back to his house, right?”

  She shook her head. I breathed a sigh of relief at those words.

  “Alright, well, here’s my number, or just come to the shop. I’m going to head out. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask,” I told her.

  She nodded, smiling.

  “Thank you, James. You’re a real angel.”

  I shook my head.

  “I’m not. I’m just the demon you need during these times.”

  She walked out, and as she closed the door, I sat in my chair, sighing.

  I liked her. A lot. And I knew that I would be taking advantage of the situation if I pursued it.

  But there was something about the fact that I could possibly help her overcome the pain she was suffering. It excited me. I wanted to know more, and to get to know her better. Even though if she knew what kind of life I lived, it might scare her away.

  I walked out of the tattoo shop, heading to my chopper before rolling down the street into the night to head to my house. I wanted to protect her and figured that might happen. There were rumblings of something going on, and I had no idea what.

  Chapter 3


  I walked back to my apartment, realizing that I had passed by my ex, Ryan’s, place. The light was on, so he was probably there with Maddie.

  My hands clenched into fists at the thought. I couldn’t believe he did me dirty like this. But then I remembered in my bag was the number that James had given me.

  He was cute, I’ll give him that. He was also quite mysterious too. I liked that about him, especially since he seemed to be super nice. He had listened to me throughout the tattoo. There was something just…relieving about this that I enjoyed.

  And yet, I wondered if he really felt the same way I did about him. I wondered this as I opened the door to my house and stepped inside. James did make me feel a fluttering in my heart when I was around him.

  But I wasn’t sure if I was ready to move on. He seemed nicer than he looked, a bad boy with a heart of gold. And I liked that about him.

  After getting settled in, I went to my room. There was a picture of Ryan and me together. I grabbed it and chucked it into my closet, my eyes filled with tears.

  I wasn’t sure if I was ready to move on. Not after what he had done to me. I thought I could overcome the pain inflicted on me, but when I thought about it, I only sighed.

  “I hate this,” I told myself.

  I didn’t want to be some pity party motherfucker either. But I knew tomorrow would be awkward, considering I wasn’t with Ryan anymore.

  And sure enough it was. The next day I went to work, feeling like all eyes were on me. They could see I’d been crying, something that was becoming all too familiar. I went into my office, opened the door and then closed it. Moments later, there was a knock.

  “Come in,” I said.

  I was a legal secretary for a prominent law firm. I had a pretty cozy job and everything seemed nice. But I was always itching for more. When my coworker and best friend, Jessie, came in, she looked me in the eyes and spoke.

  “It happened, didn’t it? Something with Ryan?”

  “How did you know?” I asked.

  She scoffed, “Come on, Lisa. It’s so fucking obvious that you’re hurt. Also, you never wear blazers and here you are, wearing one. So what gives?”

  I paused. It’s obvious, huh? I looked at her, trying to figure out if I should tell her the truth or not. But then, I spoke.

  “I’m just…it’s hard to talk about,” I said.

  “Well, if you need to say something, I’m here for you. It’s obvious that whatever he did wasn’t cool, and he hurt you,” Jessie insisted.

  Should I tell her? She wasn’t the type to blab, but I wondered how the company would take something like this. I sighed, trying to keep myself together.

  “It’s just…I found out the motherfucker cheated,” I said to her.

  Her eyes widened with shock.

  “No fucking way,” she added.

  “Yeah. Found out the hard way when I walked over to his house. We were gonna have a romantic evening together…and then I caught him with Maddie,” I explained.

  Her eyes widened in surprise.

  “You mean like…. the delivery lady who comes in here, Maddie?”

  “Yeah, my best friend,” I told her.

  She sighed, putting her head in her hands.

  “Of course that bitch was up to something. I never liked her,” Jessie stated.

  “Same here, but I guess Ryan did. Because I caught him sleeping with her. And then….I did something I probably shouldn’t have,” I told her.

  “What is it?’

  I rolled up my arms, showing the small tattoo that I had just gotten.

  “I went to this tattoo shop. This nice man gave it to me. He was so charming. He had me hook, line, and sinker. But…I dunno, I feel like it’s a bad move,” I told her.

  “You shouldn’t move too fast, but maybe it’s what you needed?”

  “Maybe. He also gave me his number. I want to see him again, but I’m also…a bit scared, you know? I wonder why I feel this way. I feel like I might be moving too fast, but I also want to pursue this. I know that’s foolish, but I can’t stop thinking about it, Jessie. I mean, it could help me recover from the pain,” I reasoned to her.
  “You’ve got a point there. Maybe you should try it. I mean, I’m not you, and I won’t tell you how to live your life, but maybe that’s what you need, my dear,” she said.

  I felt like it was, even though it could be a foolish move to let my guard down. I mean, I barely knew James, but he was attractive and treated me like I mattered to him. He was a bad boy, sure, and I could sense there was more to him. And yet…I liked that. I felt a connection with him that I didn’t feel with most people, which was why I was halfway considering any of this.

  “I’m glad to have talked with you, Jessie. I just don’t know what to do yet,” I admitted.

  Did I give him a call? Or should I wait a bit.

  “Well, I would say to be careful with moving too fast. You don’t want him to be a rebound guy. But I think it may do you some good,” Jessie said.

  I nodded. I did feel the same way. I felt like…even though it was a bit impulsive, it was the right decision.

  Something I had rarely felt with anyone else…

  “It’s very odd, like…I have a good feeling about all of this, but I still feel a bit scared. Maybe it’s just my conscience talking,” I admitted.

  “Well, at the end of the day, you have to choose for yourself what it is you want to do, Lisa. It’s your life, but I suggest that if you think it’s right, maybe seize the moment,” she replied.

  I felt that way. It could actually do me some good. Then I got to work, finishing typing. I stayed kind of late, until it felt like the right time to skedaddle. After finishing up, I grabbed my phone, along with the card containing his number.

  I knew it was unlike me. I used to predict my every move, taking little risk because I wasn’t sure how to feel. But when I dialed the number, waiting a few moments for a response, I knew that I was doing the right thing.

  I wanted to see where this might go and what might happen to me next. I wanted to pursue this. Even though it was different, I liked James and he had an aura that made me crave more. It was like a drug, and now that I had had a hit, I wanted more.

  I waited a few moments before I heard James’s voice on the other end. I wondered if he’d been waiting for me to call.


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