Natalie's Choice

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Natalie's Choice Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  She felt differently.

  Slowly, he leaned in close, and she was so sure his lips would touch hers, but they didn’t. Someone cleared their throat, and Slash pulled away.

  Tugging down the edge of her shirt where it had rolled up, she looked up to see Dick. “Interrupting something?”

  “Fuck off, Dick,” Slash said.

  “I fuck often, but the workers need refreshments, and I’ve been asked to obtain them.”

  “I’ll go and grab some sodas.”

  She left the kitchen, heading outside to the cooler that she and Slash packed with food so they could work and eat on the job.

  “Ignore him,” Slash said, following her out.

  “He’s such a dick at times.” She covered her mouth, and gasped. “I can’t believe I said that.”

  “You’re not the first woman to think it, and with Dick’s track record, you won’t be the last.”

  “It doesn’t make it right.”

  “I’ve often wondered about him. The guys sent him because he was pissing them off. That’s his talent.”

  She reached into the cooler, but Slash stopped her, grabbing hold of her arm and tugging her close.

  There was a time she’d have been so pissed off by his manhandling, but right then a thrill went down her spine.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Every single time you look at me, Nat, it’s like you’re begging for my lips on you.”

  In response she licked her own, and heard him groan.

  “You have no idea what you’re doing to me.”

  “What am I doing to you?” she asked.

  You’re playing with fire right now.

  She couldn’t resist though.

  Slash pressed her against the side of the car, and his hardened cock rubbed against her stomach. “That’s what you do to me.”

  Natalie was a virgin. She’d not been with anyone else.

  Being the tomboy, the little ranch worker, there hadn’t been much time for her to experience stuff like that, nor had she wanted to.

  His fingers cupped her neck with his thumbs underneath her chin tilting her head back so that she looked at him.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world,” he said.

  “That’s not possible.”

  “You’re the most beautiful woman in my world, Nat. I love looking at you, I love being around you.” His thumb stroked across her lip. “And if you gave me a chance, I could show you a life that you’ve only ever dreamed about. I could be your everything.”

  With no one to interrupt them, Slash slammed his lips down on hers, and Natalie melted. His lips were firm, but so fucking good.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, needing him to be closer. She didn’t want to let him go, or risk him pulling away.

  One of his hands sank into her hair, releasing the pin that kept it at the back of her neck. His other ran down her body, cupping her ass and drawing her close to him.

  He was twice the size of her, and even though she was a bigger woman, a size eighteen, he made her feel small.

  “You feel so fucking good,” he said, trailing a kiss to her neck.

  She gasped as he sucked on her pulse, and her eyes closed. Every single part of her felt amazing, so alive, and she didn’t want him to stop.

  Her pussy was slick, and her nipples so tight.

  Slash was the first one to pull away. “That’s what you do to me, babe,” he said.

  He leaned down, grabbing several drinks out of the cooler.

  What the hell had just happened?


  Slash’s dick was incredibly hard, but he ignored the slight pain as he took the sodas in to the guys, who were all pretending not to have noticed.

  “I don’t know if you know this, Slash, but the idea is not to suck the girl’s face off. It’s just to kiss.” Dick then puckered his lips and started to make kissing sounds.

  “It looked like you were eating her,” Dime said, holding one hand out as he looked like he was eating something.

  They wouldn’t be his club brothers if they didn’t ride his ass about something. “Fuck off.”

  “You and Natalie, is it the real deal?” Devil asked.

  “To me it is, you know that. You don’t have to go all Daddy on my ass. I have no intention of ever hurting her. She’s safe with me.”

  “Butler told me what she said. I respect her even more now for not playing you both against each other,” Devil said.

  They all knew that Natalie wasn’t like that. She didn’t want to come between club members, and she was never seeking attention from anyone.

  “Believe me, Butler is not cut up about it. He’s balls deep in a club whore right now. He better be careful, otherwise one of them is going to slap on a daddy patch, and then he’s royally screwed,” Sexy said.

  “Are you happy?” Devil asked.

  The rest of the guys shut up.

  “You know I am. Any news on the assholes who jumped her and John?”

  John had stuck around because he didn’t feel entirely safe at the moment. Slash had spent some time with him. He was a traveler, hard worker, but not a fighter.

  “Nothing yet. There’s been more attacks in the surrounding towns, but each time they’re wearing fucking hoodies and shit. The MO is always the same. Unsuspecting victims, weak. They’re doing it for kicks. Lola found the right camera, but again, we couldn’t make anything out. However, we do know they filmed the attack. She’s running through recently uploaded images on social media. She’ll find them.”

  And when Lola did, he and the guys would pay them all a nice little visit.

  He left the guys to fix the room, and found Natalie in the kitchen with a brush. She said as soon as the sketches were done, she wanted to get started with the cleaning.

  By eight that night, a great deal of work had been done. Devil and the guys had already left, and he sat in the hallway, the cleanest part of the house, and shared a Chinese meal with Natalie.

  He watched as she dug into her noodles. Her eyes closing every now and again. A little hum escaping her lips that seemed to go straight to his cock.

  She tested him in every single way imaginable.

  When she opened her eyes, her cheeks heated. “You can’t keep doing that.”

  “Doing what?”

  “Staring. It’s not polite.”

  “I love watching you eat.” He loved the way her lips pursed as she sucked up some noodles.

  It made him think of how her lips would look wrapped around his cock, and those thoughts were not ideal right now.

  “We’re getting there,” she said.

  He was confused, and saw her looking up at the house. Damn, he thought she’d been talking about his dick.

  Get your head out of the gutter!

  Natalie wasn’t like other women, and that was one of the things he loved about her.

  “Now that Devil and the guys know about it they’ll be more than willing to help. I wouldn’t put it past him to round them all up, and make them come and fix it up.”

  She laughed along with him. “At times he does remind me a little of my dad. He’s very protective. Not just of Lexie and his kids, but you guys as well. I believe he’d even die for you all.”

  “You’re part of that as well, Nat. Don’t think for a second you’re not.”

  “It’s not really the same though.”

  “You’re part of our family, and he’d do everything in his power to protect you. That’s the kind of guy Devil is. No one fucks with him and gets away with it. Those guys better hope that someone else finds them first because when Devil gets his hands on them, they won’t live long enough to beg for forgiveness.”

  She nodded. “Is it wrong that I don’t feel badly about that?”

  “It’s not wrong.”

  “John is scared.”

  “We’re helping John.”

  She frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “We’re … teaching him to prot
ect himself. He’s not a fighter, and he’s been lucky not to get into one.” He shrugged. “We’re taking it upon ourselves to offer him some protection.”

  She giggled. “I bet he just loves that.”

  “He’s not always happy, but he’ll thank us for it the next time he’s in a fight.”

  The giggle turned into a laugh, and it wasn’t long before she was holding her stomach as if she couldn’t contain her humor.

  “What?” he asked, laughing along with her. “Okay, now I’m starting to think the joke is on me.”

  “It’s just that…” More laughter. “I’m so sorry. John is like the only guy I can’t see fighting. He’s not got it in him.”

  Slash had to agree. The guy couldn’t fight. “We’ll sort him out. You’ll see.”

  The laughter died, but during it, she’d gotten closer. His lips were so close to hers. He stroked her cheek, and the tension in the room mounted. He’d noticed that was happening a lot more now than before.

  She licked her lips, and he groaned. “You really need to stop doing that.”


  “Do you really want to know?” he asked.

  “I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t.”

  “It makes me think of your lips wrapped around my dick.” He ran his thumb across her lips, and slowly slipped it inside her mouth.

  She didn’t pull away or glare at him. Instead, she took his thumb and gave it a suck, making him moan. She teased her tongue across the tip, and then pulled away, her cheeks on fire, and she covered her face with her hands. “I’m sorry. I don’t have a clue what I’m doing.”

  He took hold of her hands, and pulled her so that she was straddling his waist. The jeans she wore covered her pussy, but he still felt the heat between them.

  “You’re a virgin?”

  Again, she went to cover her face, but he stopped her.

  “You don’t need to hide from me,” he said.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “I don’t mind.”

  “Please, I’m like the world’s oldest virgin.”

  “You’re a little older than Paris.”

  She stared at him. “Does that make it better?”

  “You’re only in your twenties. There’s plenty of time for everything.” He ran his hands down her back, and when she didn’t protest, he cupped her ass, squeezing the cheeks. She released a gasp. “You’ve not experimented once?”


  “Do you want me to stop?”


  “You’d tell me?”

  “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to.” Her hands moved to his shoulders. “I like being with you, Slash. I … I don’t want you to hide from me either. I want you to be real with me. Don’t be something you think I’m going to want.”

  Running one hand up her back, he cupped the back of her head, and pulled her close, taking possession of her lips while she moaned. Her hands cupped his face, as she kissed him back. She didn’t fight him. She held him closer.

  His cock pushed against the front of his jeans, and he wanted inside her.

  “What changed?” he asked, breaking the kiss.

  She panted, and rested her head against his. “I’ve always had a crush on you. After Dad died, and even before then, I was all over the place. I was scared, and nothing seemed to matter in that moment. Then of course Butler happened, and I didn’t want to come between you, not once. I don’t want to be the kind of woman the club hates. I’ve heard the way the guys talk, and they don’t always have something flattering to say.”

  “You need to ignore them.”

  “They’re your family, Slash. They want what is best for you. That can’t be a woman who comes between two brothers.”

  He kissed her again, relishing her hands as they gripped his jacket. Did she even realize she was rubbing her pussy against him? If they didn’t have any clothes on, she’d already be riding his dick.

  “You’re making it hard for a guy to play the gentleman.”

  “Then don’t play the gentleman, Slash. Be yourself.”

  “And if you can’t handle it?” he asked. He didn’t want to lose her, not when he finally had her.

  “Then I don’t deserve you. You shouldn’t pretend to be something you’re not, not for any woman.” She kissed him one more time. “Give me what you’ve got, and don’t hold back.”

  Chapter Seven

  Natalie walked into the kitchen, and paused when she saw Simon already at the kitchen counter. A notepad in front of him, pen in hand, she didn’t even need to look over his shoulder to see another letter to Tabitha.

  “Morning, sport,” she said.

  “Hey, Nat. Sleep well?”

  “Yes, very well.” She wasn’t about to tell him that she’d had lots of sex dreams about Slash with his hands all over her body, making her take her clothes off, but doing it in such a way that meant she couldn’t argue with him.

  Her mind was sick.

  The idea of being at Slash’s mercy, of him being in control, turned her on.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, pouring herself a coffee.

  “Writing to Tabitha.”

  “You don’t think this is a little much, writing to her every single day?”

  “It’s not every single day.” Simon sighed and put his pen down. “Dad said a girl doesn’t like a stalker, and I was being one.”

  She sipped at her black coffee and took a seat. “You don’t look too sure about that.”

  “I looked up stalker in the dictionary and I’m not that. I care for Tabitha. I’ll never hurt her and she likes getting my letters.” He sighed. “It’s useless.” He dropped his head onto his hands, and she took another sip of her drink. “Dad won’t move closer.”

  “His home is here in Piston County, honey.”

  “But Tabitha is in Fort Wills, and what if she finds someone else?”

  “Then it wasn’t meant to be.”

  He growled. “Why do people say that?”

  Natalie stared at the young boy. “I used to feel like that,” she said.

  The glare on Simon’s face began to fade.

  “I’d get so angry. My mom, she’d tell me that in time I’d stop caring about wearing boys’ clothing, and be more like a girl. I loved my mom so much, but I knew she wanted a little princess. You know, like Elizabeth. The kind of girl that liked wearing princess dresses, and being the fairy or the angel at Halloween.” She chuckled. “I liked being the zombie at Halloween. Erm, I hated wearing dresses, and I would always mess mine up. Like I’d go out into the fields, and do some digging and they would be stained with grass, mud, and it was gross. I loved helping at the ranch when I was a kid. It wasn’t my dream to own the ranch. The only thing I had that my mom also had a love of, was my drawing. She would get me to draw for hours and would put my pictures up everywhere.”

  “That has nothing to do with me and Tabitha.”

  “It doesn’t. What I’m trying to say is only you really know how you feel about her, Simon. Be yourself. Don’t try to be what other people make you. I’ve tried that, it doesn’t work.” She reached over, giving his hand a squeeze. “Don’t hang out of trees taking her picture, because that really would make you a stalker.”

  This made Simon laugh, and she watched as he went back to writing his letter.

  When Lexie came in, he was done and he left, giving his mom a kiss. “He’s growing up way too fast.”

  “Tabitha is going to be one lucky lady,” Natalie said. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a guy at such a young age be so committed and passionate about one person.”

  Lexie agreed. “Yeah, Devil is worried though. They’re kids, and they’re already like this. What happens when they find someone else? Simon’s a good-looking kid. Girls are going to be all over him.”

  “We’ll see what happens. I don’t think Simon’s going to fall for just any girl. There’s something special about Tabitha.”

  “She kicked him,” Lexie said.

  “When they were younger. Simon’s just a little older than Tabitha. He pushed her. When she got up, she didn’t go tattle on him. She walked right up to him and kicked him. I think there was even a shove in there as well. From that moment on, they were best friends. Kind of weird.”

  “That’s so incredibly cute.”

  “Yeah, I wish I’d been filming at the time. Tabitha is a firecracker and intelligent, as well. She knows how to wrap Tiny around her finger. She’s also got a little of Tate’s fire, but not her bitchiness. She’ll make one hell of a daughter-in-law,” Lexie said.

  Devil groaned. “Please, all I need to do is hear those words, and I know we’re talking about a Skulls kid.”

  “Simon’s incredibly stubborn,” Lexie said.

  “He knows what he wants,” Natalie said.

  “Speaking of knowing what he wants, and completely changing the subject, are you sure you know what you want?” Devil asked, looking directly at her.

  Her cheeks heated.

  “Did I miss something?” Lexie asked.

  “Besides the fact that our girl here is designing Slash’s home for him, they also shared one hell of a kiss.”

  Devil winked at her.

  She sighed. He was doing it on purpose to embarrass her.

  “You’re not being very nice right now,” she said.

  “You kissed Slash?” Lexie asked. “When did this happen? I thought you weren’t into him. Come on, girl, spill.”

  She’d never been one to talk about her feelings, and with Slash, it was so private. “I … erm… I…”

  Devil chuckled.

  “This isn’t fair.”

  “I’ve been told a lot lately that life isn’t fair, and Slash adores you.”

  “I like him a lot. Before everything went crazy, I would … ugh! I sound like a damn schoolgirl. Fine. I had a crush on him, and I would try to avoid him because he always made me tongue-tied. Now he doesn’t, but he makes me … happy.”

  There was no way she was about to tell them that he made her horny. How she’d watch him from a hiding space in the barn, and that if he so much as looked her way, she’d get hot all over.


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