Millionaire's Society Mistress

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Millionaire's Society Mistress Page 14

by Marie Kelly

  Smiling in agreement she had held his look, Craig’s head lifting as a woman’s voice had sounded, Fiona seeing a guarded look come to his eyes.

  “Craig…Craig Darling”

  Fiona turning to see the woman descending upon them.

  She was stunning. From her perfectly coiffured blonde hair to her elegant toes which peeked out of an expensive dress, the front slit allowing her long legs to be seen. As beautiful as she was, her features were hard, arrogant as she had taken in Fiona in his arms, her blue eyes narrowing noticeably.

  Coming to a stop beside them, Craig had gently stepped from Fiona as the other woman had moved to him, her body draping against him not even trying to hide her feelings for him as sensually she had kissed him on the side of his mouth. Craig had avoided her lips on his as he had turned slightly at the last moment

  “It is so good to see you back Craig. This place had been so boring without you”

  Her looks playful and full of innuendo

  “You must be so glad to get away from that terrible Scotland…I hear it is almost in the dark ages”

  Fiona had felt herself bristle at the other woman’s comments, as Craig had moved over to place his arm around her shoulder

  “Not at all Alanna. Scotland has got to be one of the most beautiful countries I have ever seen” Fiona smiling warmly up at him at his defense of her home.

  “Alanna I would like you to meet my girlfriend Fiona Campbell. Fiona this is Alanna DeCleur”. Alanna had frowned

  “Campbell?” her eyes opening wider as she had given an unpleasant half laugh

  “So you brought yourself back a souvenir…how sweet” Her eyes blazing with a jealous anger.

  “Craig darling…once your little friend gets sent home…daddy thinks it is time for some merger talks”

  Hearing his hiss of breath Alanna had opened her eyes with-wide eyed innocence before directing her look at Fiona, who was holding onto her temper with difficulty, a smirk coming to her arrogant face

  “So are you managing to settle in Miss Campbell?” her voice bored.

  Putting on a smile Fiona had bitten back in just as polite a tone.

  “Well there are a few things that I am having to get used to. For example my idea of polite conversation seems to differ so dramatically from yours…but then again Scottish people do tend to be more backwards and considerate.

  She had heard Craig’s soft chuckle beside her, the other woman glaring spitefully at her as she had with a withering look moved away from the pair.

  “Please ignore her Fiona. She is spoilt, rich and tends to get what she wants. Not a good mix”

  With her lip twitching she had given a small laugh

  “Seems to me that the thing she wanted most was you” expecting to hear him laugh, surprised as he had looked down at his drink, a serious expression on his handsome face.

  “Did you date her…the ex not accepting that things are over?”

  Giving a laugh he had shaken his head determinedly

  “No…Alanna DeCleur is not the kind of girl you have a casual affair with”

  Smiling softly he had led her to meet more friends of his, Fiona however, feeling discomfort at his last statement. So Alanna was not the casual type…but obviously she was, and what exactly did ‘merger’ talks mean, they had seemed far more personal than he was letting on.

  Two weeks later Bob MacKenzie had arrived at their home, Fiona delighted to see the imposing man that she had at one time thought would be her father-in-law. As the two had hugged, Craig had frowned. While Fiona was Fiona, since she had arrived in the large city she had seemed less vibrant, he not sure why. However, as she had shown the older man around their home and he had filled her in on the latest news and gossip from home, she had become so animated, shining, her smile so wide on her lovely face.

  Both had enjoyed Bob’s two day stay, he excited about their plans for expansion of the company. Later at the male-only Burns Supper event he had gently told him how lucky he was to have a woman like Fiona in his life. Adding that he was especially delighted to see how determined he was to keep her there a small twinkle in the craggy older man’s features.

  As the peer had once more returned home, he had laughed taking back gifts and letters to friends and Scott. As he had left, once more Craig had seen the light diminish from her, pulling her in close to hold her as he had nibbled her neck

  “Maybe we should take a trip back in a couple of months”

  The wide smile and warmth from her eyes making him gulp down the lump in his throat.

  “I would love that” she had cried with real feeling in her voice.

  For another couple of months the two had carried on with their lives, each and every day more perfect than the last. The store was finally fitted, Craig impressed with how quickly they had pulled everything together. He had found that Fiona had a keen business mind, planning and scheduling deliveries with the experience that many of his own managers seemed to take years to master. So well prepared was she that the store had opened early, receiving wonderful reviews and quickly becoming one of the city’s must -see venues. Fiona had spent one of the two months training the staff, ready to provide true Scottish hospitality to those who walked through the doors. The assistant Manager, Drew had very quickly gained her trust, and it was therefore with an easy mind that she had looked forward to their upcoming trip back home.

  A week before they were due to leave she had furtively moved around the dining-room, opening drawers and making small frustrated sighs. Smiling he had watched her for a few moments

  “What are you looking for?” his voice full of humour as she had looked up at him a small scowl on her face

  “I can’t find my passport…I was sure I left it in here”

  Craig nodding

  “Ah….yes…my fault. I found it and moved it into my study. I put it in my desk drawer…seemed safer”

  Giving him a big grin she had moved out of the room to the large study. Unlike her brother’s, his was more modern, not really Fiona’s taste, the colour scheme a little too officy for her.

  Rummaging in the drawer she had given a sound of triumph lifting the small passport. Closing the drawer, her eyes had fallen on a letter, freezing in her steps as two words had caught her eyes. ‘us marrying’

  Gasping she had picked up the sheet, not caring that it was nothing to do with her, that it was his private mail, the words scorched into the back of her eyes.

  Reading it, she had felt the panic and pain tearing at her hardly able to believe the words.

  Dearest Craig

  I talked with Daddy today and he is completely thrilled at the idea of us marrying. Merging our companies seems a wonderful idea and will make us both even stronger. My father longs for grandchildren, as I am sure that you do children. We will be THE society couple and will make each other very happy.

  I understand your need for the Scottish girl, or others in the future, you are a man of appetites, which I fully understand and accept.

  With love always

  Alanna…lets meet on Thursday to make it official

  Gripping the paper in her fingers she had reread the contents, disbelief filling her. How could he be so heartless? He was intending on marrying another woman? Taking a deep breath to hold back the tears stinging the back of her eyes she had moved from the library to where he stood in the dining room, deep in thought as he had read through a legal document.

  “Did you find it?”

  He had absently muttered, looking up quickly hearing the inflection on her voice

  “Yes…. But that wasn’t the only thing I found”

  Raising his head Craig had frowned seeing the sheet of paper she held in her hand, his voice slow

  “Did you read it?” frowning more deeply as she had nodded “That had nothing to do with you”

  Moving forward hand outstretched as anger had filled her green eyes “Nothing to do with me Craig!!” her voice growing higher

  “This lette
r says that you are marrying Alanna DeCleur…and it has nothing to do with me?”

  Stopping he had placed both hands on his hips, uncomfortable that she had read the letter

  “If you read it then you will see that she wants it…not that I have agreed to it”

  Fighting back the tears which had risen to her eyes despite her best efforts to hold them down, Fiona had looked back at him

  “So you’re not planning on marrying her then?”

  For several taut seconds the two had stared at each other, Craig tight-lipped and scowling, Fiona’s eyes shining brightly with the unspilled tears, a look of hope on her lovely features. It was Craig’s sigh that had finally broken the silence as he had passed a hand over his chin, discomfort briefly on his features before his face had become harder

  “It is something I’m thinking about”

  His voice cold and slow. Fiona staring back in complete disbelief.

  “Thinking about?” she had cried “What the hell does that mean?”

  He had shrugged his shoulders “Exactly what I said” before moving slightly from her

  “Bringing her father’s business and mine together makes sense…that plus she might be right, maybe it is time that I settled down and produced some heirs”

  Fiona had stood frozen to the spot disbelief filling her “So what…this is a business decision?”

  Craig nodding as he had watched her so carefully, taking in the myriad of emotions running through her beautiful face

  “And what about me? When were you intending on telling me Craig?”

  He had sighed, pulling himself taller seeing anger filing the woman before him

  “What do you want me to say Fiona? I told you I was thinking about it. I haven’t made a decision yet … and it had nothing to do with you”

  “Nothing…” incredulity had made her stare “So the fact that you are sleeping with me means nothing?”

  “What is it you are expecting Fiona? It is not as if you and I would ever be more than we are now”

  Recoiling in shock she had stared at him “And why is that?”

  She had cried at him, her voice becoming slower, harder as the anger had bubbled deep within as she had fought to contain it, not prepared to let him see the hurt that filled every part of her. Scowling he had waved his arm dismissively

  “Because marriage is like any other business deal Fiona. Both parties get what they want from it. I own your brother’s Company…I own him” his tone harder “and I own you too … you work for me”

  Taking a deep breath she had rounded on him “So what you are saying is that I am good enough to sleep with when you want but not for anything more?”

  She had given a small mirthless laugh. “Phew so glad we cleared that up” the sarcasm clear on her voice, Craig bristling.

  “Stop being such a child Fiona. We both know how these things work”

  Fiona had choked with hurt and anger not even able to speak. With a small groan he had moved closer taking both shoulders in his hands so that he could look down into her eyes.

  “Fiona…if I marry Alanna, it doesn’t have to change anything between us. I can find you somewhere close-by, you have the business…nothing has to change”

  With a shrivelling look she had shaken his arm from her stepping back quickly.

  “How dare you look down on me! You don’t own me Craig…nobody owns me. I come from good decent people and live by some clear ethical rules. You on the other hand are scum, the very fact that you expect me to become your bit on the side is proof of that, and I will NOT be a part of this”

  Dark anger had filled his face as he had once more seized her shoulders hauling her hard up against him

  “Do not push me Fiona. Do you really think I am so blind that I don’t see the way you feel about me?”

  Blinking she had tried to struggle free

  “I see the look in your eyes…you’re in love with me and it tears you apart doesn’t it. Some blue blood high-class debutant falling for a self-made street rat…it must sicken you”

  Stilling in his hold her eyes had been cold daggers of contempt

  “You are wrong. How could I love somebody so emotionally crippled as you Craig. And do not make me the one to be looking down on the other here. You are marrying Alanna because you don’t see ME as good enough for you. YOU make me sick”

  With a surprised and angry gasp he had quickly released her before stepping away, a more controlled expression settling on his handsome features. His hand had grabbed the paper from her hand, the document held so tightly in her shocked fingers that it had ripped, leaving part still clenched tightly in her hold.

  “Well at least we understand each other” His tone low and angry before he had turned and moved from the room “I have a meeting…don’t wait up”

  The words thrown at her as he had strode angrily from the house.

  Hearing the front door slam closed all bravado had left her, as slowly she had sank down onto the floor, her heart breaking into a thousand pieces, tears streaming down her face as she had gasped for air crying long heart-rending sobs of pain.

  Not even Donald’s betrayal of her had caused the heartache that was tearing through her. Craig had never made her any promises, and she had known that eventually he would get bored of her and end the affair, but his cold-hearted plans had cut through her like a sharp knife. Feeling so worthless she had tried hard to pull herself together, all her small hopes and dreams for the future dashed away by his cruel words. So he saw her as his mistress, not marriage material, just the woman he had bought and paid for, one more business deal more sobs wracking through her small frame.

  For over an hour she had lain on the ground, curled up as she had tried to find the strength to stand, to get off the floor and move. Eventually there had been no more moisture as she had rolled over onto her knees, her hands shakily dashing away the remaining tears from her face. With every ounce of strength she pocessed she had pulled herself onto her feet, moving over to the large desk. Only then had she noticed the small shred of paper still clutched in her fingers and she had stuffed it into her pocket, before taking two sheets of paper she had started to write putting both in envelopes which she had sealed, one to Craig and the other to Scott.

  With eyes that were cold and lifeless she had then moved up the stairs, pulling from the cupboard the large backpack she knew to be there, the one she had bought so many years ago when her dreams of exploring had been something to look forward to.

  Pulling out only those clothes she felt she would need she had filled the backpack writing another note which she had left on the bed before calling a taxi. She had stopped at a bank, withdrawing over a thousand dollars, enough to keep her going for a few days she was sure, giving a small sad sigh at the high balance in her account. Once more remembering that to him he had owned her Fiona realising that she had certainly been well paid.

  Dropping her at the train station, Fiona had looked at the board to find out which train was leaving next, not prepared to wait around for Craig to find her and talk her out of leaving, giving a small smile as she had moved towards the one for Canada. She had always wanted to go there. Raising her chin with determination and paying cash for the long trip she had given a shaky smile. So Fiona Campbell’s global walkabout would start in Canada she had said softly to herself as with ticket in hand she had boarded the train.

  As the train had moved further and further from New York and Craig, cold icy hurt had filled her, the pain too much for her to bear pushed down where it would not have to be dealt with. Across from her a kindly woman had offered her a sandwich from the large Tupperware box she had pulled from an oversized bag. She had talked of her home four hours outside Toronto, her voice full of pride as she had described it. Hearing of Fiona’s walkabout plans she had offered her a place to stay, in exchange for working a week in the small holiday camp she and her sons ran, Fiona accepting with a thankful smile, shaking hands with the older woman who had introduced herself as
Elizabeth Brown.

  Craig had moved into his home, frowning at the lateness seeing the lights still on, not ready for another confrontation with Fiona. Sighing he had moved into the living room, surprised to find it empty. Moving from room to room he had once more returned to the main area only then spotting the two letters sitting on the desk.

  With a coldness gripping his stomach he had seen one addressed to Scott and the other with his name on it. Quickly he had torn open the envelop pulling out the sheet of paper reading the contents


  The one thing that even you cannot change about working for somebody is their ability to quit, so please accept my resignation.

  I really hope that you find what you are looking for and that you and Alanna can make your merger work, however I am sure that you will understand that there are some business deals which are best not sullied with third parties.

  Take care


  Groaning softly he had not even hesitated as he had picked up the letter for Scott and ripped it open, quickly scanning the sheet

  Dearest Scott

  I am so happy that you and Nat have worked things out. Give her and the kids a big kiss from me. I have enjoyed my time in America, but now it is time to go. Craig and I have agreed to go our separate ways and I wish him only the best. As I am already in America, and given that my world trips seem doomed if I start them from home, I have decided to set off from here. Don’t worry about me, I have plenty of money and will make sure that I stay safe. Not sure yet where I will be but will be in touch soon.

  Love you


  Throwing the sheets on the table he had sworn loudly before pulling his phone from his pocket quickly dialing her number. Holding the phone from his ear he had heard the faint ringing coming from upstairs quickly moving up to the room they had shared. Cursing once more he had picked up the phone discarded on the bed beside another sheet of paper. Lifting it she had told him to donate the clothes left, Craig pulling open the wardrobe finding all the dresses he had bought her still dangling from their hangers.

  With a small groan he had known that she truly had left marching purposefully downstairs once more.


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