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Savannah's Secrets

Page 17

by Reese Ryan

  “Of course it is.” Pain stabbed her chest. Memories of the nights spent in Blake’s bed played in her head.

  He nodded sadly. “All right then, Vanna. You go on home. Get some rest now that you know everything is okay. Come back and see me tomorrow, if you have time.”

  She had nothing but time.

  “See you tomorrow, Granddad.” She kissed the old man’s whiskered cheek before making her way to the cafeteria to find her sister.

  I honestly, truly did it.

  So why was she more miserable than she’d ever been?

  Because Blake wouldn’t answer her calls or return her messages. But she wouldn’t leave town without thanking him and Joseph Abbott for what they’d done.


  “Can I talk to you, son?” Iris Abbott stuck her head in Blake’s office.

  “Sure. Come in.” He finished typing an email to a group of distributors before giving her his full attention. “What can I do for you, Mama?”

  She fiddled with her scarf, her expression apologetic.

  “Whatever it is, Mother, just spit it out.” He sat on the edge of his desk.

  She paced the floor. “It’s about Savannah.”

  “What about her? Is something wrong with her or the baby?”

  “No, it’s nothing like that.”

  Blake was still furious with Savannah. She’d lied to him. Gotten involved with him under false pretenses. Hid her pregnancy. Yet he couldn’t stop thinking of her. Wanting her.

  “What is it, then?”

  “Let’s just say she did too good of a job around here.” His mother sighed. “I’m plumb exhausted from trying to pick up where she left off.”

  “I see.” Blake returned to his seat. “Ask Max to run the event manager ad again. Hopefully, we can find a replacement before you get too swamped. In the meantime, Zora and I will help however we can.”

  “I suppose that’s one way to go.”

  Blake put down his pen and cocked his head. “You’re not suggesting that we—”

  “Who better to carry out these plans than the brilliant mind that devised them?” his mother interrupted. “Besides, the distributors liked working with her. I didn’t dare tell them she wasn’t here anymore. I said she was out for a few weeks on personal leave.”

  “How could you even suggest we bring Savannah back?”

  “Because she did exactly what we hired her to do and more. Did you know she’d already booked several corporate events and weddings at the old barn?” Iris wagged a finger. “We’ll need to hire permanent event staff out there just to keep up.”

  The storage room at the barn. That was the last time he’d been with Savannah. His body hummed with electricity at the erotic memory.

  He tried to push the sights and sounds of that night from his brain.

  “So we’ll hire permanent staff for the space. But that doesn’t justify bringing back someone we can’t trust.”

  “But I do trust her, honey. You’re right—she should’ve told us the truth. But she had free rein while she worked here. If she’d wanted to harm our company or sell our secrets, she could’ve. But she didn’t, because that was never her intention.”

  “She’s a liar with a heart of gold, is that it?”

  “Something like that.” His mother smiled sadly. “Did I ever tell you that when I was about ten years old a man came to town and swindled my daddy out of a good portion of his savings?”

  “No.” Blake had learned more about his family’s financial past in the last week than he had in more than three decades.

  “It nearly broke him, and to be honest, he was never quite the same after that. He felt he’d failed us. I guess in some ways he had, going for a get-rich-quick scheme like that.”

  “Must’ve been tough for Grandpa Gus.”

  “It was tough for all of us. Especially for my mom. She’d never trusted the man to begin with and she’d begged my daddy not to invest with him.”

  “Did Grandpa Gus ever get his money back?”

  “No. And I used to dream about tracking down that man and making him pay for what he did to my father. And to us.” She leaned back in her chair, her eyes steely. “I’d have done just about anything to bring him peace again.”

  “I can’t believe you and Gramps admire what Savannah did, as if she’s some modern-day Robin Hood. Don’t forget that would make us the villains in this story.”

  “I do admire her. Look, honey, I know this isn’t what you want to hear. She deceived us and she hurt you, even if she didn’t intend to. But from what I hear, she’s hurting, too. You know Grandpa Joe already gave Martin his money and his stake in the company. If that’s all Savannah cared about, would she still be walking around looking miserable?”

  “How do you know that?”

  “It’s Magnolia Lake, darlin’,” his mother said matter-of-factly. “I know everything that goes on around here.”

  “Maybe she should’ve considered that before she put herself in this position. Before she put us all in a compromising position.”

  “Maybe so. But let me ask you a question. And I want you to be completely honest, if not with me, then at least with yourself.”


  “If the shoe had been on the other foot, how far would you have gone to get justice for your grandpa Joe?”

  Blake’s attention snapped to hers. His mother knew how much he loved and admired his grandfather. He would’ve gone to hell and back to protect the old man, if he believed someone had wronged him.

  Apparently, Savannah had the same level of love and affection for her grandfather. Unfortunately, he hadn’t told her the whole truth. But then again, neither had his.

  “What does Parker think about giving Savannah her job back?”

  When their family had met to discuss the situation, they’d all been angry at first. But when his grandfather explained the history between him and Martin McDowell, most of them had softened their stance. Only Parker had objected to giving McDowell a stake in the company.

  Surely, Parker would be Blake’s one ally.

  “Your brother says that if you can deal with Savannah coming back here, he can, too.” A slow smile lit his mother’s eyes. “Parker says that for him, it’s about the bottom line. And she’s certainly proven she’s good for that.”

  “It would be awkward, us working together and having a child together, but not actually being together.”

  “It’s important that you two get along. There’s my grandchild to consider, after all. So perhaps this is a good way to force your hand.” Her voice softened. “Of course, there is another option.”

  Blake raised an eyebrow. “Which is?”

  “Things wouldn’t be so awkward if you two were actually together.”


  “I know you love her, son. You’re just being stubborn, because your feelings and your pride were hurt.”

  “You make it sound as if I’m being unreasonable. Aren’t you the one who always told us that honesty is the very least we should expect in a relationship?”

  “True.” She nodded gravely. “But then I also told you that we sometimes do the wrong thing for all the right reasons. Can’t you see that’s what Savannah has done?”

  “I appreciate what you’re doing, Mother, but it’s not that simple.” Blake tapped his thumb lightly on the desk. “Parker is right, though. This is about the bottom line. Savannah’s impact in her short time with the company is undeniable. I’ll consider it, I promise.”

  Blake loved Savannah. He honestly did. But he didn’t know if he’d ever be able to trust her again.

  He ruminated on the question for the rest of the day. It was still spinning in his head when he approached his driveway and found Savannah, parked there, waiting for him.

  * * *

bsp; Savannah climbed out of her car as Blake pulled into the drive. She’d been parked there for an hour, determined not to leave until she’d said what she came to say.

  “Hello, Blake.” She was undeterred by his frown.

  “Savannah.” The iciness of his tone made her shudder. “Surprised you’re still in town. After all, you got everything you came for.”

  His words sawed through her like a jagged blade.

  “I needed to thank you and Mr. Abbott for everything you’ve done for my grandfather.” Her mouth was dry and there was a fluttering in her belly. “You couldn’t possibly know how much what you’ve done means to him and to our family.”

  “It means you won. Perhaps deservedly so,” Blake acknowledged as he swiped the dogs’ leashes from their hook on the wall. He opened the door and Sam and Benny raced toward her.

  “Sam! Benny!”

  The larger dog jumped on her, nearly knocking her backward. Blake was suddenly there with his arms around her, ensuring she didn’t fall.

  Her heart raced as her gaze met his.

  Blake held her in his arms, his chest heaving. Sam poked her leg with his wet nose and Benny barked. Yet, in Blake’s arms, it felt as if the world had stopped. It was only the two of them and the baby they’d made growing inside her.

  “Thank you, Blake.”

  Blake released her without response. He grabbed the leashes he’d dropped, clamping one on Benny and the other on Sam.

  “I missed you two.” She showered the dogs with hugs and kisses. Their tales wagged and Benny licked her face. Savannah stood, meeting Blake’s gaze. She swallowed the lump in her throat. “I’ve missed you, too, Blake.”

  Hurt and disappointment were etched between his furrowed brows. Yet there was a hint of affection in his dark eyes.

  If she could peel away the layers of pain and distrust, maybe they could salvage the warmth and affection buried beneath. Grow it alongside the love she felt for him and for their child. Nurture it until it turned into something beautiful and lasting.

  He didn’t acknowledge her admission. Instead, he gestured toward the path by the lake. “I have to walk Benny and Sam.”

  “Blake, I...I love you.” The words stumbled from her lips.

  “I would’ve given anything to hear you say that a couple of weeks ago.” He sighed. “Now, how can I trust that it’s not just another ploy to manipulate me?”

  “I never used what happened between us to manipulate you. Everything I said to you...everything we did... For me, it was real. All of it.” She bit back the tears that stung her eyes. “I never intended to fall for you. But I couldn’t help wanting to be with you.”

  Benny and Sam started to whine.

  “Walk with us?”

  She fell in step beside them.

  “If you feel...the way you say you do...why didn’t you tell me before?”

  “I felt guilty because of the secrets I was keeping. Making one confession without the other wouldn’t have been fair to you.”

  “So what was the plan? To string me along until you found something?”

  “There was no ‘plan’ where you were concerned.” She wrapped her arms around herself as they stopped for the dogs.

  “Then why did you get involved with me?” He studied her.

  “It wasn’t a choice.” She couldn’t help the involuntary smile or the tears that leaked from her eyes. “How could I not fall for you? You’re the most amazing man I’ve ever known.”

  “But you couldn’t trust me with the truth?”

  “I was torn between what I felt for you and doing right by my family. After I lost my parents, I promised myself I’d never stand by and do nothing again. I was determined to protect my family at all costs. Even if that meant losing what I wanted most. You.”

  “So you used me to get what you wanted, and I played right into your hands.” Blake turned on his heels and headed back toward the house.

  “I wasn’t trying to use you, Blake.” She scrambled to keep up with his long strides. “You were just...this vortex that pulled me in. I couldn’t resist, and after a while, I didn’t want to because you were incredible. And you made me feel special in a way I never had before. You made me want things I never wanted before.”

  He stopped and turned to her. “Like a baby?”

  “Yes.” Her mouth curved in a soft smile. She wiped away tears. “I didn’t plan this baby, but the instant I knew, there wasn’t a question in my mind about what I should do. I was given the most amazing gift. A piece of you. Our baby.”

  His gaze dropped to her hand on her belly. He swallowed hard, neither of them saying anything for a moment.

  Blake walked away without a word.

  Savannah wanted to dissolve into tears, but she had no right to expect forgiveness. All she could do was hope that someday he’d want to be part of their child’s life.

  * * *

  Blake took the dogs inside. Savannah’s words pierced the hardened shell that had formed around his heart. Reminded him of the incredible moments they’d shared.

  During the past week, he’d been forced to question every moment. Every kiss. Wondering if any of it was real.

  Something deep inside him believed it had been, and that she truly did love him. He wanted to forgive her and to be excited about the child they were having.

  But could he ever trust her again?

  Blake stepped out into the garage again as Savannah opened her car door. The sight of her leaving triggered something in him. Maybe he didn’t know for sure how things would end between them, but he knew he couldn’t let her walk away.

  “Where are you going?” He approached her.

  “Back to my apartment, for now. Back to West Virginia once Grandpa is done with his treatments.”

  “Just like’re walking away?”

  Savannah blinked, her brows scrunched in confusion. She shut the car door and walked toward him.

  “You obviously don’t want me here, and I don’t want to make things worse. I just want you to know that you’re welcome to be as involved in this child’s life as you choose. I’d never stand in the way of that.”

  Blake took a few steps closer and swallowed the lump in his throat, unable to speak.

  It was fear, plain and simple.

  He wanted to be with Savannah. To raise their baby together. It would be difficult to get past this. To trust her implicitly. But it couldn’t be worse than the torment that seized him as he watched her turn and walk toward her car again.

  “Does that mean you don’t want your job back?”

  She turned toward him, eyes wide. “Your family would trust me to work for you again?”

  Blake rubbed the back of his neck. “My mother, Max, Zora...even Parker... They all want you back. You’re good for King’s Finest. There’s no disputing that.”

  “And what about you, Blake? What do you want?” She stepped closer and studied him. “As much as I love working with your family at King’s Finest, I won’t come back if it’ll be too painful for you. I couldn’t do that to you. I’ve already hurt you so much. I won’t do it again.”

  Tightness gripped his chest as he stared into her lovely eyes, glistening with tears. His throat was raw with emotion.

  Blake could see the love in her eyes. Hear it in her voice. He’d been right all along. Her feelings for him were real. Now that there were no more secrets between them, what remained was the love and friendship they’d been building. It ran deep, and it was as sweet and clear as the waters of King’s Lake.

  “What I want, Savannah, more than anything, is to be with you and our baby.” He slipped his arms around her waist. “Because I love you, too.”

  He kissed her. Savored the taste of her sweet lips and salty tears. Then he took her inside, determined to make up for lost time. To make love to her and get rea
cquainted with every inch of her glowing skin.

  Later, as they lay sleeping, he cradled Savannah in his arms, his hands perched protectively over her belly. His heart overflowed with the love he felt for her and for the child she carried.

  Their child.

  He pulled her closer, determined to never let them go.


  Eleven months later

  The old barn had become a popular wedding venue, and it had never looked more elegant than it did now.

  Blake surveyed the crowd of people who’d assembled in their Sunday best to help him and Savannah celebrate their special day. Family, friends, employees and townsfolk. Most of whom he’d known his entire life.

  Blake’s hands were shaking. His breath was ragged and labored. A stone lodged in the pit of his stomach.

  But he didn’t have an ounce of doubt about marrying Savannah Carlisle. Aside from the day little Davis was born, it was the happiest day of his life.

  So why was he so nervous?

  Maybe he was afraid Savannah would come to her senses, turn tail and run. That she’d decide she didn’t want to be part of this big, noisy, opinionated family.

  Blake clenched his hands together in front of him and released a slow breath.

  He was letting his nerves get the better of him.

  Savannah loved him and their son. With a love he felt in every fiber of his soul.

  He’d seen that love, true and deep, in Savannah’s hazel eyes each morning. Felt its warmth as they played with their child.

  Was rocked by its power when he made love to her. Felt it surround him as they fell asleep in each other’s arms each night.

  No, he didn’t question the authenticity of her love for him.

  And unlike the feelings he’d once had for Gavrilla, what he shared with Savannah wasn’t contained within the small unit they formed. It encompassed both of their families.

  “You ready for this?” Max, his best man, stood beside him.

  “Never been more ready for anything in my life.” Blake smiled at Davis, who waved his arms at him as his great-grandfather bounced him on his knee.


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