by Mia Clark
Yeah so I told a story. Apparently it was really bad. Who knew?
And then she tells a story and it's pretty good, but now I guess I'm dating some other girl. Yeah, yeah, I catch on quick that the other girl is actually Ashley, but my dad doesn't know that.
This is fucked up is what I'm trying to tell you, and I don't like it.
Also, you know what's worse? I ordered a burger with onion rings and I asked for it rare. Do you know what I have in front of me right now?
They got the onion rings. I have a burger. Is the burger rare? I asked for it rare, so you would think so, but this is not a rare burger. It's medium rare at best, and it really pisses me off when restaurants try to pull that shit. I asked for it rare, you've got some stupid disclaimer on your menu about undercooked food, and I totally get that, but give me what I want, not what's safe for me.
Do you know who I am? I'm kind of a bad boy here, and I deal with unsafe on a daily basis. Maybe not daily, but at least once a week I probably do something stupid, so if the only thing I do wrong this week is get sick from an undercooked burger, I'd consider that a huge accomplishment.
This is why I don't get a motorcycle, by the way. Pretty fucking sure I'd mess that up bad. I'm a bad boy, but I'm not an idiot. I can still look cool in a convertible. Probably cooler, because who the fuck rides a motorcycle shirtless?
Who drives a convertible sports car shirtless? Me! Bam!
Yeah, so, that's where we're at. Eating. Easy, right?
Nah. It's never that easy.
Ashley got some chicken fingers platter that she dips into honey mustard sauce, plus some french fries. Except she stole some of my onion rings and trade them for french fries. What the fuck?
My dad gave me a look after that. I had to do something.
"Yeah, just steal my food," I tell her. "Go right ahead, Princess."
Real sarcastic and snarky, right? Ashley sticks her tongue out at me and gives me a look. Holy fuck, I want to kiss her so bad right then. Kiss her and shove my hand down her pants. Romantically, though. I'm pretty sure you can grope someone with romantic intentions. If not, that's dumb.
"Thank you, Ethan," she says, after I glare at her.
I grumble something. I don't know what. Doesn't matter, it's not important. Everyone goes back to their food. I bite into my burger, though I'm none too happy about it. Yeah, I could send it back, but then I've got to wait for more food and I'm hungry here. I chomp down on a french fry to try and cool my anger, and that's about when more "what the fuck?" stuff starts to happen.
There's a hand. It's a hand I know. It's Ashley's hand. Want to know where it is? Right on top of my cock. What a fucking tease.
She puts her hand on my thigh while acting innocent, dipping a chicken finger into her honey mustard sauce. When she brings it to her mouth and takes a bite, her hand slides up my thigh, towards my crotch, and she just lays it there. Sort of. Grabbing, too.
Ashley's really grabby, actually. It's not just me. Yes, I can't keep my hands off of her, but this is mutual grabbiness going on. I am not the only one to blame. She can't keep her hands off of me, either.
Thankfully the table is high enough where no one can really see what's going on, but Little Miss Perfect over here is definitely squeezing my cock. I was trying to restrain myself, but she's not helping, and if I didn't have my pants on, I'd have a full on erection right about now. Pants are the only thing holding that bad boy back.
Kind of wish that was what was going on, though. Erections are great. I was hungry for food, but I'm hungry for other stuff, too. Kind of like how you tell yourself you could really go for a burger right about now? That's me, and I really could go for a burger, which is why I got one, but I could also really go for a handjob right about now. How amazing would it be to get a handjob and eat a burger at the same time? Amazing as fuck, that's what that'd be.
It's not going to happen, though.
I try to shift away, but she's got an obvious advantage here. It takes two hands to eat a burger of this magnitude, and it only takes one hand for her to eat everything on her plate. Meaning, she has a free hand available to molest me. Which is what she's doing.
My cock stiffens even more, straining to get free. Fuck! It's hard to concentrate. I bring my burger to my mouth and go to take a bite, but I almost miss. How dumb would I look with ketchup and burger grease all over my face? Why do you do this to me, Princess? I give her a sidelong glare, and I know she sees it, but she just ignores me.
I put the burger down, moving towards the onion rings. Two can play at this game, and I do not like to lose. Just as I manage to slip my free hand under the table and make my move, uh...
Holy fuck, she doesn't play fair, does she? Wow. I don't even know what to say anymore.
She clears her throat, attracting attention. Her mom and my dad look up from their food and their quiet conversation with each other about some business junk. All eyes on Ashley, which means it's a lot harder for me to shove my hand between her thighs and tease her like she's teasing me.
Why am I dating this girl? I'm supposed to be the one teasing her and getting what I want. It's not supposed to be the other way around. I'll give her what she wants when I'm good and ready to do it. That's how this used to work. She's changed the rules completely.
I guess that's how this started in the first place. This is just one of those invisible rules that no one ever talks about. Ashley's Rule.
"Where are we going camping?" she asks.
I don't know if she actually cares or if she's just trying to keep me from groping her. Either way, my groping is put to an abrupt stop.
"There's this campground that Ethan and I used to go to sometimes when he was younger," my dad says. "It's out in the woods, more of a real roughing it type of place. They've got an electrical outlet for each site, but it's only enough to power something small. Usually for emergency use. Other than that, it's firewood and true outdoorsmanship."
"I hope there's showers and water, though?" my stepmom asks.
"At the office," my dad says. "There's a pool up there, too, but there's a lake nearby that's nicer. The showers are paid use. I don't know how much it costs now, but it used to be a quarter per minute, so you learn to move quick."
"It's more fun to just go swimming," I say. It's only then that I realize Ashley really doesn't play fair, because, uh... hello? Her hand is still squeezing my cock.
Wow. Seriously, wow. Just wow.
"Yeah, that's what we used to do," my dad says. "I guess it's not the same as a real shower, but it's more refreshing than one. It's an entirely different world there. You can walk for miles in the woods and never see anyone, or spend an entire day down at the lake. You can swim or fish. We'd need a license for fishing, but it's easy to get. If we do that, we can even cook what we catch over the fire later."
"It sounds like a lot of fun," Ashley says, her hand gently massaging my throbbing erection. "I've never been fishing before."
"Ethan could teach you?" my stepmom offers.
I will literally agree to anything right now, if only Ashley would stop teasing me. That, or just finish me off. Let's go somewhere private, Princess... I'll show you the consequences of what you've started.
She eases up, which I take as a good sign, except, nah, then she keeps going with her foot. Tapping at mine, rubbing up and down.
Ugh. Holy fucking... ugh. At least a foot's better than a cock, I guess.
"Yes," I say, because everyone's staring at me now. "Yeah, I can teach you how to fish. Could be fun."
"That's very nice of you," my stepmom says.
"It really is, Ethan," Ashley says, smiling at me. "I appreciate it a lot. I think it'd be fun for you to teach me..."
She trails off there, and I guess to the average person it'd seem like that's the end of her sentence, but I'm pretty sure this is some sort of play on words. You know how this all started? Stepbrother with benefits, I was going to help her and teach her stuff. That was even one of the rule
s. This is supposed to be fun. I don't care what you've done before, Princess. This is about what you want to do now.
I wanted to teach her so many things and I still do, but to be honest, fishing didn't exactly cross my mind before. It's barely even on my mind now. I can't stop thinking about...
Yeah, well, you know what I'm thinking about. Let's not even pretend I'm not.
"There's the hot spring, too," I say, quick, because I'm not thinking straight.
"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot about that," my dad says.
"What's that?" Ashley asks.
"It's nothing too out there. There's a natural hot spring a little further past the lake. It's a hike to get there, but once you are, it's nice. Supposedly it has magical properties, or that's what the campground owner says. I really doubt it. It's a nice place, though. Kind of like the jacuzzi at home, but natural and with the added bonus of minerals in the water."
"Yeah, it's cool," I say. "I could show you sometime if you want?"
By that, I mean I can't stop thinking about a couple of the previous times Ashley and I were in the jacuzzi, which basically ended in a lot of sex. You think a natural hot spring spot would be any different? I don't. Sex, with the added benefit of it being outdoor sex. Kinky as fuck? Yeah, let's go skinny dipping at the hot spring, Princess. My intentions are not even remotely pure.
I guess we could get caught doing that, but seriously the hot spring is basically out in the middle of nowhere. If we go really early or really late, we'd have it to ourselves, and...
Yeah, you're in trouble, Princess. Really really really big trouble.
Ashley just smiles. I don't think she's oblivious, but she doesn't know what kind of beast she's awoken. Or she does, and she's looking forward to it. I think it's the latter and I'm happy to oblige.
Chat goes back to idle stuff after that, nothing too serious. I try to eat my burger while this insane girl next to me keeps playing footsie with me. I nudge her back. I never really considered this as an option, but it's kind of fun. Bad boys don't play footsie with girls, you know? It's too cutesy, not really my style.
I guess it's my style now. What the fuck again? Dammit, Ashley!
"I need to go to the bathroom really quick," she says all of a sudden, excusing herself from her food.
She's on the outside of the booth, so it's easy for her to get up. I stare after her, my foot suddenly bereft, no longer in the company of another foot, lonely as fuck. She smiles to my dad and her mom, and then she turns to me, giving me some mischievous smirk. She's having fun with this, just teasing and toying with me.
I've created a monster. A sexy as fuck monster, but she's still a monster.
She sashays through the restaurant to the restrooms down a hall in the back. I watch her go, because, that ass. Pretty easy to watch, if I'm being honest. I pick up an onion ring and stuff it in my mouth, chewing away, thinking of the teasing frustration I'm going to have to deal with as soon as she gets back.
We're halfway done eating, so that's halfway through the meal, and then we can leave. That's if we don't get dessert, though. Fuck, I hadn't thought about dessert. I take another bite of my burger, dealing with the logistics in my head. There could be after dinner coffee, too. Or talking. Maybe a shared appetizer? You usually get appetizers before the meal, but sometimes they're nice for after if you just want to hang out and talk.
Do we usually hang out and talk? Uh... nah. Not really, but I feel like now is different. Ashley and I have been away at college for most of the year, and then our parents were gone for most of the first week we were back, so there's a potential reason for more idle chit chat.
Idle chit chat really fucking sucks when you just want to get up, go home, drag your stepsister upstairs to her room, or yours, throw her on the bed, and fuck her for hours. Generally I like idle chit chat, but not now.
Wait wait wait
Seriously, just wait a second.
I'm missing something.
This is important as fuck.
Ashley went to the bathroom. Our parents are not in the bathroom. I've been to this restaurant before, and in particular the bathrooms. They're one person per room, one male and one female bathroom. Ashley is in the female one.
Did she lock the door?
"Hey," I say. "I've got to use the bathroom, too. I'll be right back."
Nod nod nod, make this official. My dad shrugs, grunts, goes back to his food. Ashley's mom smiles at me as I slide out of the booth. If she suspects anything, she doesn't say it. Shit, I wouldn't suspect anything, either. This is a kind of crazy thing for me to do, but I feel like if I didn't do it I'd have my official bad boy membership card revoked.
Fuck, you know what I should do? Get a bad boy membership card. Then when Ashley tries to pull her teasing shit, I can just whip that out, show it to her, and then have my way with her. Yeah, I could do that without the card, but the card seems like it'd make it even better. Extra legit, right?
I strut through the restaurant, trying to keep my cool, just relaxing. I head towards the hall to the restrooms. I hope to fuck there's not a line. I can't exactly stroll into the women's room if there's someone waiting outside, now can I? I guess I could, but that might cause some issues, and I don't want to deal with that right now.
I want to deal with something else. Namely, the partly erect cock throbbing between my legs.
I get to the hall. No one is there, no waiting, nothing. I go up to the door to the women's room, grab the handle, twist it, and...
Fuck yeah! Unlocked! I open it quick and then shut the door behind me. A surprised looking Ashley standing in front of the mirror and inspecting herself opens her mouth to scream, but I rush in, grab her, spin her around, and clamp my hand over her mouth. I back up slowly to the door with her in tow and lock it.
That's it. I'm done.
I kiss her neck, slow and soft at first, but faster and faster with each kiss. Harder, louder. I move my hand away from her mouth when it's obvious she's not going to scream anymore. She surprises me by moaning instead.
"Ethan, what are you doing?" she asks, her voice a sultry gasp.
"What'd you think you were doing during dinner?" I ask her. "It's all fun and games until someone gets an erection, huh?"
"That's not how the saying goes!" she says, giggling and squirming in my arms.
"You think you can just tease me like that without some repercussions, Princess?"
"Mhm," she says, a silly smirk on her lips. "You were talking about anticipation earlier so I wanted to get you worked up."
"What kind of good girl are you?" I ask. "That's not even something good girls do, Princess."
"I'm a very bad good girl," she says, pouting. "I think maybe I need to be punished, Ethan." More pouting.
Holy fuck, this is doing things to me, you don't even know. I pull her closer, wrapping my hand around her stomach, grinding against her ass. She wiggles back against me, grinding even more.
"You had your hands all over me," I say. "I think it's only fair I do the same, don't you?"
She nods fast. "Mhm, I do."
Yeah, well, that's all I need. That's all it takes. I wrestle with the button of her shorts and unzip them quick, then rip them down her legs. Her panties, too. Gone, down, resting near her ankles. I push her forward so she's bending over, then I move to the side behind her. I rub my hand along her ass, feeling her delicious, sensual curves.
I tap her ass lightly, just a feeler, and she whimpers and squirms. I do it a little more, harder, but not too hard, then I rub lightly. I move down, teasing her pussy with my fingers. She's wet as fuck already, and I kind of just want to dip two fingers in and drag them out slowly, then lick them and taste her arousal for myself, but I've got some punishment to do here.
I spank her again, then once more. Just light and playful, sexy as fuck. She whimpers and wiggles. I've spanked girls before, but uh... only during sex? You know, when I'm taking them from behind, a quick ass smack. I don't know
if this is the same as that. I guess a quick smack on the ass when a girl is walking away is kind of a spank, too. I kind of like this, though. The difference is intriguing as fuck. I could definitely get used to it.
Nothing too insane, let's not go crazy here. I'm just saying I wouldn't be opposed to bending Ashley over sometime and giving her a few quick spanks before fucking the shit out of her.
Or making love. Whatever. I can be gentle, too. Roughly gentle. That's a thing. I just made it up. Fuck off.
I don't know if it's her or me but I can't take this anymore. I drive two fingers into her slick, wet sex, thrusting hard. She's still bent over, but she gasps and almost stands up at the sudden feeling of my fingers inside her. I pull my fingers out and she settles back down a little, but then I thrust them in again. This time she's ready for it, at least a little bit, and she holds her position. Her knees wobble, nearly buckling, but she manages to keep her balance.
"Ethan," she whimpers. "I'm sorry for teasing you during dinner..."
"Do you know how much I want to fuck you right now?" I tell her.
"You should," she says. Then, the kicker. "I dare you!"
"Nah," I say, pulling my fingers out and teasing at her clit. Her knees really do buckle that time and she almost falls over, but I catch her. "You're not the only one that can tease here, Princess."
I hold her up, dragging her to her feet again. She's still got her panties and shorts around her ankles, but that doesn't matter. I wrap my arm around her, keeping her on her feet like that, and my other hand nestles between her legs. I tease and torment her clit, then run my fingers up and down her slick labia, back to her clit. This isn't exactly smooth and sensual here, but it's not too rough.
I have a plan, I'm a man on a mission.
I can see her in the mirror, even though her back is to me. Her eyes roll into the back of her head and her mouth opens, lips parted a little. I pick up the pace, focusing solely on her clit now, this beautiful fucking button. Push it in just the right way and you get a surprise in the form of an orgasm.