County Lines Rider

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County Lines Rider Page 7

by Samantha Bassett

  I’d woken in that amazing white cotton bed, it was so soft I hadn’t wanted to leave. The sudden thought of clothes crossed my mind, I couldn’t turn up at work in the dress I had been wearing, however, I needn’t have worried, at the foot of the bed was a set of clothes, a smart polo and jeans. I came downstairs and Edwin was sitting in the kitchen. He stood up and kissed me.

  “I have some work I need to do this morning. However, I have asked Maria to help you.” A lady who was bustling in the kitchen turned and greeted me, before placing a plateful of delicious-looking breakfast in front of me and fantastic freshly squeezed orange juice.

  “Maria looks after me, don’t you!” She smiled. “And it was her selected the clothes for you, I hope there are suitable.”

  “Oh Maria, they’re beautiful.”

  “Now, I want you to have some new equestrian clothes, so Maria will take you somewhere with my credit card and she knows how to spend well.” He smiled.


  I found myself travelling with Maria in her car, she was chatty and pleasant, I found out that she had worked for Edwin for some years and was his assistant and housekeeper. She pulled up at a posh looking shop.

  “Here we are…” She smiled, glancing across at me. She saw my nervous expression. “What’s up?”

  “Look this is all too much, I can’t go in there… I’m fine with what I have.”

  Maria laughed, “Edwin would be most upset if you don’t get kitted out properly. Let him spend his money, he has enough of it and, if you make him happy… I have to say, I’ve not seen him so happy in a very long time. He was singing as he came down to breakfast. You will be very good for him…” She put her hand on my knee. “So, shall we spend? I need some new boots too, so let’s splurge!”


  It was an experience being fitted for breeches and boots. I had only ever had were hand me downs or things left in the lost property box. The few things I had bought myself were cheap and ill-fitting. I had never had leather boots, so this was a new experience. In the end, we walked out with a dizzyingly expensive collection of clothing.

  Maria drove me to the stables, she told me that I should take some of the clothes, the rest she would keep for me in the guest room which I should call my own. I thanked her and waved her off.

  “Oh my goodness… Here’s the dirty stop out!” Sue rushed towards me. “Tell me, everything…”

  “Oh he’s lovely, we went to the theatre, and had dinner…” Sue held up her hand.

  “No… When I say everything sweetie, I mean what was the sex like?”

  I blushed. “There wasn’t any…” I registered her shock and surprise. “He’s a gentleman, he said we wouldn’t rush things. He tucked me up in the guest room.”

  “He tucked you up…” She smirked. “Sure…”

  “No Sue, honestly.”

  “Well, I’m disappointed.”

  “Don’t listen to her…” Anne stepped out of the office. “It’s nice to see he acted like a gentleman. Even if he isn’t one.” She swayed slightly and her speech was slurred.

  “Anne, have you been at the bottle already babe?”

  “F.. off.” Anne snarled, turning on her heel and walking away.

  “Oh someone’s in a mood…” Sue paused glancing down at me. “And who’s been shopping. I wondered why you weren’t here to muck out. Too important for that now in your new shiny boots.” I stuttered, but Sue stopped me. “Enjoy the attention, we may seem to be jealous, but we’re all so very pleased for you…”

  “Thank you, Sue…” I hugged her warmly.


  “You’re distracted. It’s that bloody girl.” Patrick tutted.

  “Can you not just be happy for me?”

  “You don’t pay me to be happy for you.” He sighed. “I am here to make sure you keep making money, and that is what I am trying to do. We have another drop-off tonight so I need you to be sure that everything is ready.”

  “Of course, just make sure that the staff are kept away.”


  “You’re miles away!”


  “You’ve been soaping that throat lash for at least the last fifteen minutes and you haven’t heard a word I said.”

  “Oh I’m sorry, I’m miles away.” I blushed as the girls laughed.

  “It’s love!” Sue led a cheer which caused me to blush even more deeply.

  “Is he taking you out tonight?”

  “Yes, he sent me a message earlier.” I smiled.

  “Ooohhh!” The girls chorused.

  “Oh shut up!” I giggled.


  I put on a pair of smart jeans and a tailored shirt. I had asked Sue to give me some makeup and she had eagerly painted my face. It was only when I walked out into the dining room to mass laughter that I looked in a mirror and saw that she had painted the tip of my nose and lips red like a clown. “Oh, you bitch!” I couldn’t help but laugh and rushed away to remove the excess and try to look at least a bit more normal.

  “Well, you are missing a delicious meal…” Michelle pushed the ladle through the brown slop. “Not quite sure what it is, but I am sure it will be delicious.” The others pulled faces and laughed.

  “Don’t wait up for me…” I blushed as the chorus of catcalls rang through the group.


  Maria had cooked an amazing dinner at home and it was only Edwin and I enjoying it across the dining room table, making each other laugh. He came across and started to spoon feed me chocolate pudding before we started to giggle and splash it on our faces when Edwin took great pleasure in licking from my nose and cheek. Maria came into the room and said that Edwin had a telephone call. I waited for a few minutes before she returned apologetically saying that he had been called away but would be back in an hour or so.

  I frowned, but then, realising I had left my phone at the stables asked if Maria could drive me there so I could collect it. The round trip would only take twenty minutes or so and she was more than happy to drive me.

  We chatted on the way and she pulled up down the road while I popped into the railway arch. The living room was quiet the television was on, but everyone was silent. “Hi, guys…” There was no response. All of the girls were fast asleep, slumped on the sofas. I saw a couple of bottles of wine on the dining table so I imagined that a good night was had by all while I was away. I laughed and collected my phone.

  Out on the yard, there was a lorry tipping a load onto the muck heap. I was confused, I was sure I saw Patrick standing there, I didn’t want to talk with him so I sneaked away in the shadow and got back into the car. “I’ve got my phone!”

  “Great, let’s get back…”


  I was almost asleep on the sofa when Edwin came back. “Oh hello…” He leaned in and kissed me warmly.

  “I am sorry to have left you.”

  “Oh it’s okay, I’ve had a bit of a nap…”

  “Well… I will have to wake you up…” Edwin leapt across the sofa, grabbing me and tickling me. I shrieked as he found my ticklish spots under my arms. I cried out pleading for him to stop as we rolled on the floor, and then, he gently kissed me, caressing my body. I felt more alive than I have ever done. Edwin held me in his arms before slowly unbuttoning my blouse.

  I had stuttered that I was inexperienced, honestly, I was downright scared, a kiss and a cuddle was one thing, however, it was clear that this was going to go further. Edwin was a gentle lover, taking each step slowly as he undressed me, kissing and caressing my body, going lower. I gasped as he touched me, he looked into my eyes and I nodded, pleading with him to take me.


  The Morning After The Night Before...

  “Good morning all!”

  “Is it?” Sue rubbed her eyes. “I feel like shit…”

  “You were all fast asleep last night.” Sue expressed surprise. “I came back for my phone. I saw you all, dead to the world.” I smiled. “It’ll be all that win

  “Mandy, I think I had half a glass, none of us had much as it tasted terrible and then, well, I don’t remember we all woke up on the sofas.”

  “Sue, I am sure you have a lot more than just half a glass if I know you!” Sue’s serious face told me that she was not joking. “Come on, I’ll muck out for you. Go and have a brew…” She nodded her thanks as I went to grab a pitchfork and barrow.


  “I’m worried about the girls Anne.”


  “I came back here last night. I’d forgotten my phone. They were all zonked, fast asleep, but Sue said they didn’t drink much.”

  “She’s lying Amanda.” She sighed. “They were drunk, I left them to it.”

  “Oh, you were here too were you?”

  She frowned. “I don’t have time for this.”

  “And what was that delivery? I saw them dumping something on the muck heap. It’s twice the size today…” Anne grabbed my arm, dragging me to the tack room. “Ow! Anne, you’re hurting me.” She shoved me down on the bench seat.

  “Right you!” She snarled. “If you know what’s good for you, just forget what you saw.”

  “What did I see?”

  “Nothing…” Anne rubbed her eyes. “Oh shit! Amanda. I don’t want you involved in this.”

  “What? What’s happening?”

  “I can’t tell you…” Anne grabbed my shoulders. “Oh God, I wish I could. Please, Amanda, for your own good, your own safety, say nothing, especially to your boyfriend. I know you don’t understand, I know you think I’m being stupid, but please.”

  “Okay, Anne.” I slither free of her vice-like grip. “I get it, I saw nothing. You want to take delivery of muck, fine. It’s none of my business.”

  “Yes… Thank you… I’m so sorry.” Tears ran down her cheeks. “I try everything to protect you, but I’m letting you all down.” She sniffed. “I’m sorry…”

  I watched, confused as she walked out of the room. I had no idea what she was talking about. Anne was everything to me, to all of us. She was the closest thing I had to a mother. The thought chilled me. I’d not thought of mum in so long, I could hardly remember her, my mind corrupting what she looked like, how she had hugged me. I shook my head. I needed to keep going.


  “I’m just suggesting that you should not be involved with the girl.”

  “Patrick…” Edwin fought to keep his voice calm. “The girl, as you call her, is called Amanda. She is charming and innocent and…”

  “And what?” Patrick squealed. “Oh for God’s sake, don’t say it… Don’t tell me that you love her. Have you forgotten what is happening at the moment? You can screw anyone you like once this deal has been done.” He didn’t see Edwin reach out, but as the blow struck he felt the impact which knocked him from his feet. He fell heavily, rubbing his jaw.

  “Don’t you dare tell me what to do…”

  “And, don’t think you can frighten me, Edwin.” Patrick stood up slowly. “I know everything and control every operation. I’m doing this for your own good.”

  “You don’t control me…” His voice was a strained whisper. “Get out!”

  “Fuck you, Edwin!”

  “Get out before I have you killed!”

  “Brave words… I do hope you don’t live to regret them…” Patrick slammed the office door as he left.


  “You’re tense…” I rubbed his shoulders, I could feel every muscle was taut. “I can help.” I ran my hand over his shoulders and onto his chest. He stood up quickly, throwing me off. I landed on my bum heavily. “Edwin!” I gasped.

  “Shit!” I saw a flash in his eyes, his face softened. “Oh, Babe I’m sorry…” He picked me up gently. “I had a crappy day, but I shouldn’t take it out on you…”

  “Do you want to relax…” I started to slowly unbutton his shirt, slipping his jacket from his shoulders. “I can help you relax…”

  “Oh, babe!”



  “Anne, are you sure?” The barman held the bottle. “I know what I need Dave.” She grabbed the vodka bottle filling her glass, knocking it back in one gulp. “I have to do something…”

  “Sure Anne…” He smiled. “But first, have a nights sleep and please, have a shower…”


  I lay tangled in the sheets, Edwin in my arms. The tension in his body had gone and he was yawning. I smiled and kissed him gently. He pulled me towards him and kissed me deeply.

  “I have something for you. Something I want you to look after.” He reached down and handed me a small box.

  “Jewellery…?” I looked inside. “Ah… no… What are these?”

  “I just want you to keep them safe. Do me a favour, when you get back to the stables tomorrow put them somewhere safe in your bedroom there. I just need to make sure that they are protected, just in case of any problems.” He paused. “I trust you more than you can know and I want you to trust these with your life.”

  “Okay…” I dropped the box on the bedside table. I would put in in my old boot with the money I still put aside with every pay packet.

  “You want jewellery?”

  “Well… I would love to have a ring…” I joshed.

  “Ah… You wait and see…” He embraced me in his arms.


  In The Dead of The Night

  Detective Inspector Willoughby sat down heavily. “No…”

  “You haven’t heard what I have to say.” Tracy Jackson shrugged.

  “No… I don’t want to know what you have to say. I want to have a coffee and sit here for a moment and wonder why my life is a monumental pile of crap.”

  “Funny you should say that…” She smiled.

  “Is it?”

  “There was a Crimestoppers call which came in late last night, no name but it mentioned our favourite nightclub owner.”

  “Edwin Smith?”

  “The very same.” She placed the printout on the desk in front of him. “They said that there has just been a large delivery of narcotics, enough to flood London come in from the Far East.”

  “We have been all over Smith like a rash and seen nothing.” He gulped his coffee. “Where is this delivery of goods supposed to be.”

  “Well, that’s ‘not so good’ news.” She paused. “The intelligence says that it’s at the stables we raided before.”

  “No…” Willoughby stood up quickly. “Not a chance.”

  “Hear me out.”

  “The Chief would have my bollocks for cuff-links if we went back there mob-handed.”

  “No… I’m suggesting we go and scope it out. If we find anything we leave it in place and put surveillance in place. A quick check late at night.”

  “Okay…” Willoughby smiles. “If only to prove you wrong.”



  I ignore Anne’s call and walk into the indoor arena closing the doors behind me. I smile and greet my riders before starting their lesson. I see her standing beside the doors but ignore her. It’s some hours and a few lessons later when she comes towards me in the now-empty school.

  “Look I’m sorry about yesterday.”

  “I saw nothing. I understand.” I pull my hat from my head and run my hands through my damp hair.

  “Please.” Anne grabs my arm. I look at her sharply. “Amanda, I know it will make no sense, but I needed to tell you.”

  “Okay, look I need a break I have been teaching for four hours now.”

  “I understand.” She turns and starts to walk away, shoulders slumped, she pauses for a moment. “Just remember the good times, please.”

  I stood for a moment watching her leave, she was making no sense. I shook my head, I was tired and needed a break.


  Overall it was an exhausting day. I dragged myself into the hallway, pulling off my boots, my feet sore. The atmosphere was quiet and jaded as I slumped into a chair
and waited for dinner to be slopped onto my plate. Edwin was away. He’d told me I could use his house while he was on business for a few days but, to me, it didn’t feel right. I’d told Maria I would stay at the stable and so she was going to take a break and visit her parents.

  We ate quickly before slumping down in front of the television, it was late, we had all been working hard so it was not long before, one by one we slipped off to bed.


  Anne watched the rain run down the windows of the bus, before long she was stepping off the bus and walking down the dingy steps of her basement flat. She pushed the door open and stepped into the darkness. Too tired to eat, the call of the bottle was strong, so she uncapped the vodka and took a slug.


  “Tell me again why I’m here at three in the morning, in the pissing rain.” Willoughby snarled.


  “Okay, so where is this.” He glances over to where Tracy is pointing. “No way…”

  “We have to check…”

  “Jackson, you can start digging in the shit if you want…”

  She shrugs and ignores him, grabbing a pitchfork which was leaning on a wheelbarrow she strides up to the muck heap. As a horsewoman in her youth, she was not as disgusted as Willoughby and has come prepared wearing Hunter boots and over trousers. She climbs to the top of the heap and starts to dig. “Hold the torch so I can see better.” Ten minutes of digging has Willoughby starting to complain that this is another hoax when the fork hits a mass of plastic. She leans down and grabs the wrapped parcel, throwing it towards Willoughby who leaps back. “If that isn’t what we are looking for.”


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