Their Virgin (A M/F/M Romance)

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Their Virgin (A M/F/M Romance) Page 1

by J. L. Beck

  Copyright © 2016 by J.L. Beck

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  About The Author

  J.L. Beck is a stay at home to two little minions and happily married to her high school sweet heart. When she's not writing steamy hot as sin books, you can find her with a glass of wine, and book of choice in hand. She believes all love stories should have a happy ever after, but knows that real life sometimes occurs so for her readers if she can give her books a HEA then she's happy.

  If you like romance that bleeds from the pages, and love stories that make you swoon then pick up a J.L. Beck book and forget about the world for a while.

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  Their Virgin

  A Ménage Romance #1

  J.L. Beck

  Chapter One


  I sighed into my Kindle as the neighbor next door slammed a hammer against something loudly for the hundredth time today.

  “What the absolute fuck?” I growled, shoving my sunglasses up onto my head eyeing the fence that separated our houses. Annoyed wasn’t even a word that I would use to describe how I was feeling at this point. Three days worth of construction and they still weren’t done with whatever shit it was that they were doing over there.

  With a huff, I shoved from the hammock where I was supposed to be reading two arcs for authors I loved and walked inside the house. I was going to see if my mother would take care of this issue so I could get back to my regular programmed reading schedule.

  “I cannot focus with all the drilling, and hammering going on out there,” I complained leaning onto the marble island where my mother was slicing lemons for the fresh lemonade she was making.

  She lifted her soft brown eyes to mine, “Maybe that’s a good thing. All you ever do is read. I think you should us this time to do something more productive.” Okay, so now I was more annoyed.

  “Reading is productive. Just because you don’t read doesn’t mean it’s a useless hobby.” I scoffed upset that she wasn’t seeing this for what it really was, a complete and under nuisance.

  She placed the knife down on the cutting board and picked up the lemons placing them in the pitcher next to her. Then she picked up the wooden spoon and stirred the contents of the drink together.

  “Isabella, reading is a great hobby, when it doesn’t consist of your entire life. Now do me a favor since you seem to be so annoyed with the Armstrong twins who do excellent work by the way and bring this pitcher of lemonade over to them.”

  My face turned to stone she had to be kidding me? The fates weren’t on my God damn side that was for sure.

  “Here are a couple of cups. Now get going. They’ve got to be thirsty with the heat out there today.” She all but shoved me out the door, the contents of the pitcher sloshing against the sides of the glass with the movement. I wanted to tell her to go do it herself but I loved my mom and respected her more than that. When she asked me to do something I did it.

  So while I was unhappy that I had to do it, I still marched my happy ass over there fully ready to provide the so, called Armstrong twins with some freshly made lemonade.

  I followed the fence line to the front of the house and then slipped over to the other side of the fence into the yard they were working on. There were numerous tools lying on the grass, so many that I had to watch where I was stepping so I didn’t trip. With my eyes on the ground, I didn’t notice the delicious male specimen before me. Instead, I ran head on into him my chest colliding with his sweaty one. My eyes lifted almost immediately the grip I had on the pitcher of lemonade slipping from the beauty before me. He caught it just in the nick of time, taking the pitcher out of my hands so I wouldn’t spill it.

  As he did so his fingers grazed mine and bolt of electricity ran through me, sending a throbbing sensation straight to my core.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off the beast of a man, who was shirtless with a body to die for. My eyes slid up and down his body numerous times taking in his olive complexion and every tight muscle and dip he had on display before coming up to a stop on his handsome face. His features were manly, older, and rough. He had slight stubble that marred his cheeks, and chin and a pair of dark coffee brown eyes that were filled with wonder as he looked down at me.

  “Ummm…” I stumbled over my words, completely taken back by this handsome as hell man. He loomed above me at least a foot taller than my five foot two stature.

  “Oooo. Lemonade.” Another male voice met my ears and a tingle went down my spine as my eyes honed in on the owner of said voice. My heart thudded loudly in my chest as I swallowed past the lump of courage that had escaped me and found a new home in my throat.

  Sweet baby Jesus in a manger they were fucking twins and identical ones at that. I could feel my cheeks heating as I ogled the other twin just as much as I had his brother. They looked exactly that same, they even had the same pair of eight-pack abs.

  “This is for us right?” The brother in front of me questioned with an eyebrow raised a devilish grin forming on his lips as he brought the pitcher to his lips taking a gulp of the sweet lemonade. Oh, how I wished to be that damn pitcher right now.

  “Uh yes,” I mumbled my palms sweating. It had to be the heat because there was just no way that these two men were causing me to feel all hot and bothered.

  “Good.” Twin number two ripped the pitcher away from his brother taking a sloppy drink, causing some of the lemonade to miss his mouth and drip down his chin and onto his chest. I bit the inside of my cheek, stopping myself from licking my own lips. Oh, how I wanted nothing more than to run my tongue against the muscles of his stomach and chest.

  For fuck's sake I needed to get my ovaries under control, better yet these pesky hormones of mine.

  “Thank you, sweetheart.” My heart thudded loudly in my ears and I swear I was a second away from wiping the drool that was surely dripping from my lips, and holy hell there were two of them.

  “You’re welcome. My mother made it for you. She said the work you two do is excellent.” I had no idea why I said the last part. I was just babbling. The twins looked at each other, then back at me. I could see a mischievous glint in both their eyes.

  “I’m Logan.” Twin number one who seemed to be the well, mannered one of the two announced. Then he hooked his thumb in the direction of his brother. “And that asshole is Luke.”

  I couldn’t help but smile even though on the inside it totally felt wrong. I wasn’t the happy go lucky type and I definitely wasn’t the type to fawn over two men but these two were way to gorgeous to not notice.

  “And your
name is?” Luke who was definitely more of a bad boy questioned, leaning his arm against his brother’s shoulder. They both stared at me waiting for an answer.

  “Isabella.” I quipped moving from foot to foot nervously. I was a natural introvert who normally spent all her time in a fictional land created by authors. I was pretty sure they could see the anxiety rolling off of me in waves because Logan took the two glasses I had brought and placed them on a nearby brick. He took the pitcher from me and poured some lemonade in each individual glass.

  When he was done he passed the pitcher back to me with a tight-lipped smile that said get out of here sweet cheeks. But you see I was gluten for punishment and had this desire deep down in my belly to get to know these two better.

  The feelings of lust and desire they were giving me were almost overwhelming. Yet, I wanted them as the girl I was the introvert with her virginity still intact, how was that even possible being the person I was?

  Pretend you’re her, the girl in the book.

  My subconscious was a dirty little bitch sometimes and if anyone asked I would blame it on that for the things I was about to say.

  “My mom has some old pieces of fence that need to be replaced and then painted. Do you think you guys would be up for the job?” If it gave me more time with them then maybe, maybe…

  “Psh, the question is can you handle us, babe?” Luke taunted lifting his eyebrows. My eyes roamed over his body once more, taking in the fact that he was wearing nothing more than a snug pair of blue jeans and work boots.

  Men who looked this good shouldn’t be allowed to roam the Earth without at least a shirt on.

  “Um, come over tomorrow at nine.” I bit my lip, a red blush creeping up my cheeks as I realized I had just ordered them to do something. Without thought I turned on my heels and headed towards the gate to leave, my flip-flops slapping against the brick walkway they were working on.

  “Hey now…” Logan exclaimed, his hand landing on my shoulder stopping me from going a step further. “How old are you?” He asked his voice deep, husky, and alluring. I wanted to wrap myself up in his voice.

  “Eighteen. Why?” I retorted out of curiosity wanting to know exactly why my age was a factor in anything.

  “Oh. No reason. We just wanted to make sure we could be home alone with you if your mom wasn’t there when we came tomorrow.” His hand fell on my shoulder and I watched it the warmth leaving my body as he did so. I was a virgin, a woman who had never felt true pleasure but when he touched me, I could feel something, something deep. It bloomed in my chest and radiated down my body settling into my core.

  I licked my lips, “She has to work tomorrow but I’ll let her know you’re coming over.”

  “Good. Good.” He smiled stepping away from me. My insides were burning my body begging me to reach out and touch him again or let him touch me. Ignoring the feeling I walked towards my own house, the pitcher of lemonade in hand. As soon as I made it into my own yard my eyes cast a glare at the pitcher, in the very place where the twins had placed their lips. Lips that I wanted on me.

  Fucking Christ. I was screwed.

  “Nice boy’s aren’t they?” My mother’s voice startled me causing me to jostling the pitcher, which in turn caused it to spill across my chest. Worst of all I was wearing a white t-shirt.

  “Goodness gracious Mom. Please let me know next time you’re going to pop up out of thin air.” I growled, angrily placing the pitcher on the patio table. Then I pulled my shirt off, over my head, catching one of the twin’s faces looking over the fence and directly at me, a very shirtless me.

  “I’ve been standing here for some time watching you eye my pitcher up like it cracked your Kindle screen or something.” I was aroused and embarrassed all at once how the fuck did this happen. The twin ducked his head back behind the fence and I turned around to face my mom.

  “Yeah, they’re nice boys… Though they look to be more like men, but I suppose that’s my own opinion.” I picked the pitcher up off the table and handed it to her. She started at me for a moment before speaking in a hushed voice.

  “Don’t you even think about starting something with them because they’re much older than you Isabella, and you don’t need your heart broken.” I rolled my eyes at her, knowing damn well anything she told me I couldn’t do I would.

  I’d take both of them. One in my mouth, and one in my cunt. Then I would break their hearts.

  Chapter Two


  I had a hard on the moment she left, and that hard on only seemed to grow harder as I peeked over the fence catching a glimpse of Isabella in nothing but her bra, and short denim shorts.

  “Fuck!” The word came out in a hiss as I stroked my cock, fisting it roughly in my hand, all while imagining Isabella’s tight cunt around it. If I thought about it long enough then maybe it would come true, right?

  Shut up, she’s barely legal. The thought popped in my mind just as I found my release, hot cum sputtering out of me and against the shower wall. Tingles of pleasure went up and down my spine, and fire filled my belly as I continued to stroke my cock ever so gently milking my release until there was nothing left.

  “Stop beating off, and hurry the fuck up. We got to be at that chicks house in ten minutes and if you aren’t in the truck and ready to go I’m going to sink my cock into her virgin pussy before you do.” Luke teased.

  I shut the water off and opened the shower curtain grabbing the towel off the vanity. I wrapped it around my mid-section and opened the bathroom door, anger now replacing the pleasure that was just consuming me seconds ago.

  Only my twin brother could ruin a good hand job.

  “First off, the job wouldn’t even be ours if it weren’t for me and two, how the fuck do you know she’s a virgin?” I was a ladies man and had slept with a lot of women but a virgin, or better yet a barely legal virgin was something I had never tainted before. The mere word coming from his mouth was the only thing I could think about. I didn’t even care that he accused me of beating off, it’s not like it wasn’t true.

  Luke smiled at me like he knew something I didn’t know. “Logan, Logan, Logan. My young padawan, the fact that she’s eighteen and looks as if she would rather be buried in a book than stuck serving lemonade to two men next door just gives her away. That and well she blushed as she was eyeing us up, any woman that’s been with a real man wouldn’t blush over two handsome studs like ourselves.” I couldn’t even stop myself if I tried from rolling my eyes. He must’ve thought I was high either that or fucking dumb.

  “Just because someone blushes when you talk to them doesn’t automatically make them a virgin. I fucked Lily down the block three weeks ago, and I can tell you right now she isn’t a virgin, not even close, and she blushes a fucking lot.” I finished walking away from him and into my bedroom while drying off, hoping he would take his stupid theory and shove it up his ass. Isabella was way too fucking beautiful to be that pure.

  I pulled on my dark green Henley and stepped into a pair of worn blue jeans. Then I dried my hair leaving it in a dismantled mess and put on some deodorant and cologne. I wasn’t as vein as my brother Luke who spent at least a half an hour staring at himself in the mirror daily.

  “Hurry the fuck up beauty queen, were going to be late.” Luke hollered across the house just as I descended the stairs and because of his comments about Isabella, I needed to make my motives about her clear to him. Sometimes we shared women, and I had no qualms about it, but if Isabella was as pure as Luke claimed her to be then she was mine, all fucking mine, and any chance of him fucking her before me was slim to none.

  “I want to make it clear now, just so there isn’t any bad blood between us because if Isabella is as pure, and naïve as you claim her to be then she’s mine to take. You can have her after I take her but I won’t share Luke, not this time.” The words ripped from my throat fiercely. I didn’t even know why I was feeling these fucking emotions especially when Luke was probably wrong.

; Luke grinned at me, “I want her just as bad bro, but since you’re the more gentle of the two of us I’ll let you have her first but after that, if she says I want your cock Luke then I’m going to give her all eight throbbing inches of myself. Understand?” I couldn’t even help the smile that formed, nor could I hide it. When my brother and I fucked it was usually the same chick, once or twice. Neither of us had time for love, so when we did screw someone they knew the terms. That’s why if Isabella was, a virgin getting her to agree to said terms would be hard, hell getting her to lower so virginal panties at all would be hard.

  “Then come the come the fuck on asshole, let's go see the barely legal virgin.” I slipped my feet into my boots and laced them in record time. My body was humming by the time I made it out to the truck. Luke was driving today, and that was a good thing because for some odd fucking reason I was all shaken up.

  My palms were sweating, my stomach was churning and if I was being completely honest I wondered if she would even let me touch her. A roughed up construction worker with a less than stellar past that she didn’t know. If she was smart she wouldn’t.

  “Don’t over fucking think it bro. We’ve fucked girls like her before and you know she wants it. Did you see the way she stared at us? The way her pink tongue slipped out over her bottom lip? I could practically see every single fantasy she ever had, on her face. I can read her like a book. She’s ready for us.” Luke tried to convince me even though I didn’t really need much.

  I was just worried about the feelings I was having towards her. Since the moment she showed up with that pitcher of lemonade I wanted to get to know her and to kiss her and see if her body would melt into my touch.

  When I looked into her hazel colored eyes there was a story that was begging to be told, a secret just for me and the desire to unravel her was consuming. I was thankful as fuck when she told me she was of legal age, and even more thankful I would get to see her again.


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