Reverse Abduction

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Reverse Abduction Page 8

by Eve Langlais

  “You stripped me.”

  “The asshole in that arena clocked you pretty hard. You had some brain bleeding going on. So you spent a few days in the med unit getting patched up.”

  “I almost died.” The knowledge she’d almost expired, and so ignobly, widened her eyes.

  “Yeah, you did. A funny thing happened while you were in the medical bay recovering.”

  “What?” The query was spoken softly.

  “I missed you.” He snorted. “I know that sounds crazy, especially since you’re always driving me nuts. Twisting my words. Challenging me at every turn. And yet, there it is. I missed you, princess, and I’m glad you’re not dead.”

  “I am glad too.” Perhaps her happiness at not dying was why warmth moved sluggishly through her veins, surely not his statement.

  “But here’s the thing…” The fingers, still lightly stroking through the sheet, stopped, and she gasped as he pinched a nipple poking. “I don’t want to miss you. I shouldn’t give a damn about a woman who’s done nothing but denigrate me. I shouldn’t want you.” The pinch turned into a roll of her nipple between his fingers, and a soft moan escaped her.

  “The needs of the flesh don’t need to be rooted in affection.” A lesson taught to Kulin females as their mothers prepared them for an eventual joining with a warrior family.

  “But that’s just it, princess.” His fingers stilled. “I like you, even though I don’t want to.”

  His admission mirrored her own thoughts. Her own inner turmoil. “What shall we do to combat this impasse?”

  “Well, apparently, I can’t just outright kill you. Or ditch you, so I’m thinking there’s only one thing left to do.”

  Her lips parted.

  “Slake my passion.”

  He said it so boldly.

  It was enough to make her realize what he meant. She shook her head. “I will not be raped.” Never mind she was tied. She would find a way to fight him.

  His turn to shake. “I won’t rape you, princess. As a matter of fact, I won’t fuck you, even if you beg. I’m horny, not stupid. I know what would happen if I took your virginity.”

  “What makes you think I am pure of body?”

  He snorted. “I know. And I am not about to change that. I don’t think either of us want that kind of commitment.”

  He didn’t want to be her mate. Which was fine. She didn’t want him as her mate either. What then did he propose?

  “If you don’t plan to fornicate with me, then how will you assuage your passion?”

  “Our passion,” he corrected. “There are ways, princess. I’m about to teach them to you.”

  The very thought made her shiver.

  “What if I said no?”

  He gave her a look. “Do you want me to walk away?”

  The correct answer was on the tip of her tongue, and yet she said, “No.”

  He smiled. A slow and sexy smile that did things to her. Made her heart stutter.

  Then it stopped when he said, “I’m going to make you come so hard.”


  A sharp tug pulled the sheet off her body, and her skin reacted, especially her nipples, which hardened into dark points.

  He let himself just stare at her. Not something he’d indulged in while she recovered. There was something wrong about ogling an unconscious woman, but now that she was awake and licking her lips, her eyes at half-mast, he looked his fill at her long and lean athletic body. Nothing soft about Azteriya, except for her bountiful breasts.

  “Do not stare.”

  “I’ll do whatever I like, princess. I’m in charge.” To show her how helpless she was, he tweaked her bare nipple, twisted it enough that she cried out and arched.

  She was so responsive to his touch. Ripe for passion.

  And he was oh so ready too. His cock throbbed.

  He stripped off his shirt, feeling her watching him. She didn’t even pretend to look away.

  She bit her lip when his hands went to his pants. Her gaze widened as he pushed them down over his hips and kicked them away.

  “What is that?” She stared at him, her brow creased.

  “What?” He looked down. “It’s a cock. I know your men have one.”

  “Under them. You have an exterior sac.”

  She referenced his balls, and he laughed. “I do. Want to touch?”

  A startled gaze met his. “Why would I touch them?”

  “Because it feels good. Because it makes me hard even to think of your hand fondling them or taking them in your mouth.”

  “In my mouth?” She squeaked the last word.

  “I’m going to teach you so many things, princess.” And, hopefully, finally rid himself of this insane desire for her.

  He moved to the foot of the bed. Her thighs were already parted because of the tethers. He stared at her. Stared at the petals of her sex, more pronounced than a human’s. But without the clitoris at the top of her sex. Like the males of her species, whose balls were tucked out of sight, the clit was inside. If a cock were to penetrate, it would rub against it.

  But he wouldn’t be fucking her. Not if he wanted to stay a single man—and a living one.

  A finger could reach it, though. Perhaps even his tongue.

  He positioned himself on the bed between her legs. She trembled. Not in fear—excitement.

  He could see the desire humming through her veins and shining in her gaze.

  He let her watch him as he stroked the length of his cock, the tip of it blushing and full. He used that tip to rub against her moist lips, drawing a gasp from her.

  “I thought you weren’t going to penetrate,” she said.

  “I’m not. This is called teasing.” A teasing that affected them both as he kept rubbing his swollen head across the wet folds of her sex.

  Yes, wet, because she was excited; the honey on her nether lips proved it.

  He wanted a taste.

  Leaning closer, he ran his tongue over her nether lips.

  Azteriya groaned and even hissed, “Yes, more,” as he stroked her with his tongue, flicking it across her moist petals, quick strokes that had her hips thrusting against his face.

  Her enjoyment made him throb, and it occurred to him there was a way to indulge them both at once. It took but a moment to reposition, his knees cradling her head, his face overtop her sex.

  “What are you doing?” She sounded curious.

  “On Earth, we call this a 69. Which means you’re going to lick me while I lick you.” A simple explanation that drew an, “Oh” from her.

  She’d soon see, and learn.

  He lowered his body until his cock pressed against her lips. Her clamped lips.

  “Open up, princess.”


  He stifled further questions by pushing the tip of his shaft into that opening.

  Only belatedly did it occur to him that she could bite and cause damage.

  To forestall that, he dipped his head and gave her a lick. The soft sigh blew warmly over his cock.

  “That’s it, princess. Blow me.” He huffed a hot breath on her sex. “Lick me.” A long, wet one across her trembling lips. “And suck me.” He tugged at her, savoring her unique musky taste.

  After that, she needed no instruction. Slowly, hesitantly, she tasted him, drawing him into her mouth and then sucking at him instinctively. She quickly understood the power she had over him as the strong pulls of her mouth and lips drew groans from him.

  It felt so fucking good, and he planned to return the favor. He lowered his head once again between her thighs and ran his tongue over her delicate lips. He lapped at her over and over, taking great pleasure when her hips began to undulate in time to his strokes.

  Back and forth, he swiped his tongue, delving between her folds for a deeper taste of her. He knew he’d found her clit, a round knob just inside, when she gasped around her mouthful of cock. He stabbed at her pleasure button, rewarded by mewling cries that vibrated his shaft and elicited
even more of her honeyed nectar.

  He couldn’t resist propping himself on one arm and sliding a finger into her tight, heated sheath.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, pausing for a moment, her body going still.

  “Making you come.”

  He finger fucked her, sliding it in and out, not far, just enough to stimulate her clit, until she came with a scream that he stifled with his cock.

  Then it was his turn to yell and his body to go rigid as she sucked him, sucked him so hard he spilled in her mouth. And she took it. Swallowed his cream, and then said, “Can we do it again?”

  Hell yeah. The only problem was keeping his promise to not fuck.

  Because, in that moment, and the others where they did things—dirty, sexual things that left them sweaty and limp, he wanted to sink balls deep inside her. Mark her womb with his seed and call her his forever.

  Problem was, if he did that, she’d probably kill him.

  What a way to go.


  Azteriya was alone, only because Jedrek had left her bed to go check on the status of the ship. She also was untied.

  The male had a point when he claimed there was nowhere for her to go. As to taking over the ship, her last attempt had left much to be desired.

  For the moment, she let him command.

  He did it so well. Especially in bed. She rolled onto her naked stomach and held in a moan. Her skin, overly sensitized, urged her to rub.

  Even the slightest brush of fabric made her shudder. Yet, she’d climaxed only moments before.

  It didn’t seem to matter how many times Jedrek made her body sing. How many times she clenched and cried out her pleasure. She ached for him. Yearned for more, wanted to—

  She knew what she wanted. She just couldn’t do it.

  Instead, she accessed the most recent batch of mail the ship had grabbed as it passed a waystation—places dotted throughout the universes that served as refueling points and message centers. Without telling Jedrek, she retrieved the electronic messages kept in a secret account.

  The first one was from Dorrys.

  I am jealous of your adventures. You seem as if you’re having a wonderful time. I’m not. Mother thinks I should apply to become a handmaiden for the priestess.

  Azteriya frowned. Dorrys was too young for such a position. Usually, only widows and spinsters applied because one of the requirements was chasteness.

  I don’t want to do it, of course. I want to be married. But Mother is refusing to give me a dowry, and now that word is getting around about my handmaiden application, the warriors that are here won’t even look me in the eye. I don’t know what to do.

  The situation wasn’t a good one for Dorrys. She could either disobey her mother and find herself cast from her home and living in the wilds or she’d have to escape like Azteriya had. Except Dorrys would never run away.

  The next message was dated sometime later, also from her friend.

  The application was submitted. Guess I’ll be taking the veil soon. I’ve got to do some purification rituals first. I kind of wish now that I’d allowed Men’ran to propose. He might not have been the best warrior, but at least then I would have my own hearth and a chance at a family. But enough of my woes. I haven’t seen any new images. How is your adventure?

  Turning out to be a lot different than expected. Sure, Azteriya had found battle, but this thing evolving between her and Jedrek? She didn’t know what to do or think about it. She’d left home to escape a mating, and yet now, all she could think of was taking the final step with him.

  Your parents are livid you left. But they’re hiding it. Your mother is acting as if you’re some kind of pioneer, heading out to the stars to find a male because the warriors you’ve met so far are beneath you.

  Trust her mother to find a spin on the situation.

  The next message came under Dorrys’ name, but it wasn’t from her friend.

  Don’t make me fetch you. Return home at once.

  She didn’t need a signature to know it was from her mother.

  Since Dorrys’ account was compromised, she debated sending a reply. What would she say?

  How about the truth?

  Having too much fun. Met a male. Thinking of keeping him. Miss you.

  Because she did miss her family and her home. Her mother, for all her succinct opinions on a proper Kulin daughter’s place, was quite simply her mother. A person who’d shared everything in her life up until now. As for her father, how she wished she could share her adventures and let him know his teachings were being put to good use.

  In the end she settled for sending, Not ready to come home yet. Miss you.

  “Why the big sigh?” Jedrek asked, entering without knocking.

  “My family figured out I was messaging Dorrys. They want me to come home.”

  “Maybe it’s time.”

  She rolled onto her back and glared at him. “If you wish to rid yourself of me, say so.”

  He reached out and grabbed her, pulling her to him.

  “Never said that, princess. But you can’t avoid facing your parents forever.”

  No, but for the moment, she could ignore them. She sought his mouth for a kiss. A kiss that led to touching. Pleasure. Climaxing and even more frustration than before.

  It wasn’t enough. But to ask for more…

  Would being his mate really be so bad?

  He held her cradled against his body, and she opened her mouth to speak, only to bite back the words as a chime went off.

  He pulled away from her and began to dress.

  “We’re here.”

  “Where?” He’d not told her of their destination, each time silencing her with kisses and, “It’s a surprise.”

  “The planet of my former commander. My foster home, I guess you would call it.”

  “You brought me to your world? Why?” Was this his way of saying he also tired of their situation? That he wanted more as well?

  “My best friend and foster brother is getting married.”

  The real reason caused a pang of disappointment. “You go to witness his nuptials. What of me?”

  “You’re my plus one.”


  What possessed him to bring her here?

  Why didn’t I drop her off somewhere and put a call in to her parents? He should have ditched her delectable purple ass, but couldn’t. His need for her only got worse the longer they spent together.

  So he kept her with him. Brought her to his home, a home he’d initially fought when Klardivus first brought him. But the stern warrior hadn’t allowed Jedrek’s frequent runaway attempts to sway him from mentoring and molding a boy who’d lost his family and his entire world.

  In time, his past life faded. Eventually, he understood he couldn’t return to Earth, not with everything he’d seen, everything he knew. Eventually, he made himself a new home, a new family.

  And part of that family was expanding. His foster brother and best friend, Zayn, was getting hitched.

  Azteriya strode alongside him, regal appearing and fierce despite the dress she wore. Her warrior regalia hadn’t survived their previous adventure, which meant he’d had to put in an order for clothes when he docked, which were delivered with curious looks, but no questions. Those would come later.

  The attire was very feminine and more practical than Azteriya realized. She railed at the short swirling skirt that left her legs bare. The soft-soled sandals that could grip any surface without slipping. The tight-fitted bodice with its winding material.

  What she didn’t notice was the slits to place the knives, the fabric sheaths within the skirt.

  Maezotomia was a planet of fighters, but socially advanced enough that the females not only trained and fought alongside the males but also embraced their sexuality.

  Is that why I brought her? To show her that not all cultures are like that of the Kulin? Why did he care? Her viewpoint didn’t matter to him.

  He didn’t give
a damn about her. She’d made it clear what she thought of him. Shown her disdain for all things human.

  Yet, that disparagement was never evident when they kissed and touched. When alone, there were no barriers keeping them apart. Nothing to halt the passion that always ignited between them. Perhaps removing the social barriers would stifle that flame.

  Or allow it to fully bloom and not be something they only resorted to when fighting.

  Upon disembarking from the ship, the first thing he saw was his friend. Zayn stood a few paces from the gangplank, as serious as ever, his dark hair hitting his wide shoulders, his countenance unsmiling. A true born Maez, he had the gray/green skin that was slightly scaly to the touch. The golden yellow eyes that could slit and see even in the dark. The build of a football player, wide and beefy. All normal things on this planet.

  What was strange was the softening of Zayn’s expression as someone moved around him, a shorter being with pale skin and short blonde hair.

  A human!

  Jedrek’s mouth dropped open, especially when his foster brother said, “It is about time you arrived. We celebrate my nuptials this very night. Meet my intended, Clarabelle,” he said, gesturing to the woman. “Touch her and die.”

  Which, to the uninitiated in the Maezotomian culture, was a normal greeting when presenting a mate. The Maez did not share. By declaring this upfront, it ensured no other male would attempt to steal their bride. To even flirt was considered a travesty worthy of going to war.

  There were many wars happening at any given time. A good thing the Maez were prolific.

  “A pleasure to meet your heart mate, brother. Might I ask how you found her?” Because she certainly wasn’t present the last time he visited.

  The petite woman smiled. “I kind of crashed here. And then, he wouldn’t let me leave.” Which apparently didn’t bother her one bit given the soft look she aimed at Zayn.

  I hope I don’t look at Azteriya the same way. If he did, she’d probably blind him.

  “And who is this you bring, brother?” Zayn aimed his gaze at Azteriya, and Jedrek bit his tongue because he almost blurted, Mine.


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