Reverse Abduction

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Reverse Abduction Page 11

by Eve Langlais

  Would he be happy to see her return?

  These thoughts and more plagued her as she stumbled into sleep. Her mind churned with thoughts of him, his kisses, his groans, the thumps of bodies hitting the floor. The yelled, “Don’t make me kill you. Princess wouldn’t like it,” waking her.

  Her eyes were barely open when her feet hit the floor and she fled her room. She emerged into the common area of their home to see her father facing off against an intruder. A shape familiar in size and…

  “Jedrek?” The faint light of the moon orb on the wall illuminated his features. “What are you doing here?”

  “Kidnapping you.”

  Father snarled. “Don’t you dare touch my daughter.”

  Before Father could attack, Azteriya tripped him from behind and stepped over him, placing herself in front of Jedrek. She cocked her head. “Why do you want to kidnap me?”

  “Because you’re my woman.”

  For a moment, indignation filled her then warmth. A body-heating molten warmth as she realized he’d come for her. “Are you claiming me?”

  “Fucking right I am. I should have come after you the moment you left.”

  He cared. Enough he’d risked death infiltrating her planet to find her. She flung herself at him, and he only staggered a little as he caught her.

  “Is that a yes?”

  She nodded. “You may abduct me.”

  “I wasn’t asking permission.”

  “I know.” Which, for some reason, caused heat to lick between her legs.

  “Just so you know, I follow the culture of the Maez. Which means, since I’m claiming you, any other who touches you dies.”

  “Very romantic,” she sighed. A human word she finally understood. “And I should add that, in the spirit of adopting your culture, any woman who so much as ogles you will lose her eyes.”

  He chuckled. “Violent, but, then again, that is the reason I love you too.”

  “You love me?”

  “He’d better, invading our home in the middle of the dark period, attacking your father.” Mother appeared in her nightdress, brandishing a knife.

  Jedrek shot her a wary glance. “Um, princess, I might need my hands.”

  “Mother won’t hurt you.”

  “Are you sure of that?” Mother’s expression gave nothing away. “What kind of dowry are you offering?”

  “None, Mother. He is abducting me.”

  Mother sniffed. “Sycophant, trying to curry favor with me by following our traditions. Where will you live?”

  “I don’t have a permanent home yet. So probably on the ship for now.”

  “A ship is no place to raise a child,” Mother argued.

  “We’ll worry about that when it happens.”

  Azteriya leaned close and whispered in his ear. “It already has.”

  Thump. Jedrek hit the floor.

  Consternation had her frowning at him while Mother snickered, “Just like your father. We had to get married quick too.”

  Eyes wide, Azteriya gaped at her mother, who angled her chin. “Don’t look at me like that, daughter. Your father was the finest warrior around. I made sure no other could claim him.”

  “But you told me he abducted you.”

  “He did, after I refused to marry him.” Mother’s smile held a softness to it she’d never seen. “He knocked out my father and two brothers to get to me. Still has the scar of the knife I stabbed him with.”

  To quote Jedrek, mind blown.


  Jedrek awoke in a bed. Not alone, nor was he tied.

  Azteriya leaned over him, her white-blonde hair unbound and framing her face.

  She smiled at him. “About time you woke.”

  “Maybe next time you think of dropping a bomb, you could give a man warning. Is it true? Are you really pregnant?”

  At her nod, he placed a hand on her flat stomach. A belly with his child inside. Holy shit. “I love you, Azteriya.”

  “I would say your grand affection for me was obvious. I am obviously a treasure without parallel. The future mother of your progeny. A—”

  He interrupted. “I love you despite the fact you’re arrogant. I loved you before I knew you carried my kid. I love you because you’re arrogant and awesome and because living without you sucks.”

  Her expression softened, and she leaned forward to whisper against his lips. “I missed you too. I am glad you came for me. I was about to come fetch you.”

  “You were what?” His eyes widened.

  “I decided I required you as part of my daily existence and was set to fetch you after the sleeping period was complete.”

  “You could have just called and said I miss you, come see me.” He would have dropped everything for her.

  “But abducting you is much more pleasurable.”

  “You mean would have been.”

  “No, I abducted you.” Her lips curved into a grin. “In the interest of keeping you alive, Mother drugged you that I might smuggle you back aboard your ship.”

  “I didn’t need help. In case you hadn’t noticed, I made it to your place fine.”

  “Only because my father allowed it. He wanted to test your intentions.”

  “I take it I passed since I’m still alive?”

  “You did. I would never allow anyone to kill you.”

  Emasculating, but coming from his princess, it said a lot. “So what happens now?”

  “Now we go forth and forge a future. You’re my mate. You were the moment we lay together and I marked you.”

  His lip tingled as if in response to her words. The bite. “I’ll still need to claim you at the next triple moon in sight of everyone.”

  “If you must, but in the meantime, I have a need.” She shifted enough to yank the blanket covering him free. She straddled him, naked. They were both naked.

  His cock noticed and nudged. Her mouth curved into a pleased smile. “Now that is the welcome I was anticipating.”

  “I’ll show you a welcome.” He gripped her hips and pushed up against her, drawing a gasp.

  He watched her, saw her eyes close, her nipples harden, and her sweet cunt, oh so fucking wet. She slicked him with her honey. He couldn’t wait to bury his cock. But first he wanted to play. He let his fingers dance over her skin, feeling the heat of her against his flesh, loving how this powerful woman trembled at his touch.

  He let his hands roam, teasing her flesh while his hips ground against her, a torture for them both. He reached up and cupped her neck, drawing her down, possessing her mouth. Whereas he devoured her, wanting to taste, his passion a tidal wave overtaking him, she kissed him hard, demanding more.

  But her lips weren’t the only thing he wanted to kiss.

  “Give me your breasts.” She didn’t argue, simply shifted that she might offer those perfect globes to him, the puckered nipples in need of attention.

  He licked them first, moistening the skin, before he blew on it. Followed by a hard suck. A gentle nip that made her growl, “I am not fragile.”

  No, she wasn’t. She was strong and beautiful, so he bit her, harder this time, pinching her flesh, causing her to cry out.

  When he gripped her breasts, he did so tightly, firmly, squeezing then kneading as he worshipped the tips with his mouth. He flipped her onto her back, catching her protest with his mouth.

  He wanted better access, so he pinned her legs apart with his body, and as he kissed her, hungrily, he let his fingers tickle up her leg. When he reached the apex of her thighs, he slid his hand over her bare mound.

  She shivered. “Touch me,” she commanded.

  “When I’m ready.”

  At his refusal to jump to obey, she moaned, opening her mouth for his tongue. As they dueled for supremacy, he let his fingers trail over her to the mouth of her cunt. He rubbed around the petals of her sex, the warm honey making her slick, enough he slid his finger in with ease.

  The tightness of her sex, the insides ribbed—for his pleasure—clung
to his finger. He knew how it could feel around his cock.

  So he teased himself.

  He poised himself over her, pressing against her sex, wetting the tip.

  Her eyes opened, heavy with passion. Her lips parted and full. “Love me, Jedrek.”

  The soft plea saw him sinking into her. Balls deep. Seated to the hilt. Filling her up and stretching her.

  He shifted his hips, giving it a swirl, and she cried out. Then moaned as he dragged his cock out, the ridges in her channel making him gasp. Only once the tip tickled her lips did he slam back in. Deeply. Again. In and out. The suction of her making him throb. The heat of her making him move faster. And faster.

  She matched his quickening pace. He dug his fingers into her ass cheeks, lifting her off the bed, giving himself a better angle to slam his cock.

  As the ship they were on growled and groaned, lifting from the planet, he sank deeper.

  “Hold on,” he said. She reached out and gripped the bed’s frame. He held on to her and kept thrusting. The fleshy sound of smacking bodies competed with the roar of the ship. As they penetrated the atmospheric veil, his strokes went long and deep, rubbing over her inner sweet spot.

  Gravity fled, and they floated, making his task more difficult.

  So he flipped her onto her stomach and spread her legs. “Brace yourself,” he ordered. With her holding the wall, he grabbed her by the waist and thrust into her. Drove his cock into her slick cunt and fucked her hard.

  She embraced his savage claiming, took each stroke with short pants and hissed, “Yes. Harder. Do it. Bite me.”

  Bite her? He might have questioned it more but instead found his mouth on the flesh of her shoulder, and before he knew it, he bit down hard.

  She screamed as her climax exploded. She quivered around his sheathed cock, fisting him so tight.

  Jedrek let out a yell as he ground against her ass. When the gravity came back, his strokes remained hard and fast, triggering her into a second orgasm that finally had him coming, gasping her name.

  They collapsed on the bed. Sweaty. Sated. Together.

  An alarm sounded.

  “What’s that?” he asked.

  “Well, I couldn’t exactly leave openly with you. So, we had to make it look good for my family. As you might recall, I mentioned how my mother drugged you when you fainted—”

  “I didn’t faint. I was momentarily overcome by your atmosphere.”

  She snorted. “While you were overcome, Father and I knocked out some city guards, planted evidence you did it. Stole a cruiser and led security forces on an overland chase. Met up with your foster father and then openly blasted off from the planet.”

  “You did what?” He sat bolt upright in bed.

  She leaned back and smiled smugly. “Mother deserved something, so I gave her an abduction to be proud of.”

  “And started a war?”

  She shrugged. “It was the least I could do to make her friends jealous.”

  With a laugh, he pounced on his princess, his mate, his lover. For now and forever.


  After they satisfied each other again, Azteriya leaned into Jedrek, finally realizing that to rely on someone wasn’t a weakness. In his presence, she found strength, the kind to throw off a lifetime of chains and to forge her own path.

  A path she wouldn’t travel alone. She’d found acceptance and the fulfillment of a dream. She’d barely had time to process it, but she’d been asked by Shianny, a mighty female Maez warrior, if she’d like to join their Shield Against Jaqdubwa. A planetary group dedicated to the protection of the sacred forests against the marauding tree-shredding Jaqdubwa who kept trying to invade their groves and tear it down to sell on the Obsidian market.

  Her answer, “Will it involve killing things?”

  “Much blood and violence.”

  “I am pregnant.”

  Shianny gave her an assessing look. “Does that make you an invalid? I gave birth to my eldest on a battlefield and fought with her in a sling on my chest moments after.”

  Ever felt like you’d found something missing all your life? The Maez were only part of it. Jedrek was the other part, a male who’d given her the one thing she never realized she needed—love.

  And even better, his Maez traditions gave her permission to kill to protect it.

  Before Azteriya finished enacting her brilliant reverse abduction…

  A sleepy-eyed Dorrys stumbled into the garden. A message from Azteriya saying, “Goodbye. I’m eloping with a human,” had woken her up. Dorrys knew it was silly to envy her. How exciting she’d found someone.

  If only Dorrys could have the same luck.

  In the distance, she could hear sirens. She wondered if it had to do with Azteriya’s escape.

  Sigh. Dorrys sat on a bench and trailed her fingers in the raised pond, faintly smiling as the aquatic creatures within nibbled her fingers. Soon her freedom to do such things would be curtailed.

  Maybe I should run away.

  But how? And where would she go?

  The wail of sirens grew louder as security vehicles swept past. Chasing who?


  She looked at the far wall and blinked at the giant lizard brandishing a sword in the garden.

  “Are you going to kill me?”

  It flashed a forked tongue at her.

  She stuck her own tongue out right back.

  That small act of impertinence was probably why she ended up over his shoulder and abducted.

  The End

  But stay tuned because I have a feeling that Dorrys and Clarabelle have a story to tell.

  For more Eve Langlais humor and books see

  Looking for more alien romance?

  Also by Eve Langlais




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