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Love Me Like You Do: Books That Keep You In Bed

Page 33

by Fields, MJ

  “They will be, won’t they?”

  “As long as everyone does their job correctly, but we live in a society where one little human error and the bad guys go free.”

  “I’m exhausted just thinking about it.”

  “Tell me about it, what about you? What’s the most exhausting thing about your job?”

  “Besides the long hours and all of the red tape we have to go through, I’d say idiocy. The number of injuries I see that could have been avoided had the person used their brain is staggering.”

  I laughed because I’d met several hundred of those types. “We probably know the same people.”

  Ryan laughed at my remark. “No shit, last Fourth of July . . .” I groaned at the date alone, since a lot of stupidity came out that night. “I had some guy think it was funny to hold a Roman candle near his penis. Probably trying to pretend that his was that big. Unfortunately, the candle misfired and shot off the wrong way.”

  “What happened?”

  “He was holding the firework in his zipper, it shot in his pants and burned the entire region. Or, how about all the people who let their children hold bottle rockets and then the kids get scared and drop them? The bottle rocket goes off even though no one is directing it.”

  “Oh my god, yes. We had a call on this exact thing. Their kid dropped it and it flew into their garage. Caught the whole thing on fire. Would have burned their house down had the FD not gotten there in time.”

  “As different as our jobs are, we really have a lot of similarities, I wouldn’t have guessed it,” Ryan said as he stood and helped me put away the extra food.

  “I know, right? Want to watch a movie?”

  We moved into the living room, Wasabi on our heels. Once we were comfy and situated, I leaned forward for the remote, but Ryan’s strong hand wrapped around mine. “Is there something you’re dying to see?” I shook my head. “Then let’s just talk. I have to leave in a little while anyway to be home for Callie.”

  My personal phone started ringing, and since very few people had that number, I always answered it. “Let me get this in case it’s an emergency.”

  “I totally understand.” Ryan leaned back.

  “Hello? Hello?” Ryan gave me a puzzled look, but I didn’t immediately hang up because I could hear ruffling sounds. “Hellllo?” I asked with a bit more attitude before disconnecting. “That was weird. I could hear someone on the line, but no one said anything.”

  “It didn’t say who?”

  “Nope, just said unknown, and that doesn’t happen since I’m law enforcement and my phone number is protected. Maybe it was a wrong number butt dial.”

  “Maybe,” Ryan answered. I twisted and faced him, curling my legs up on the couch and pressing my hands on his thighs. “What are you doing?” He smirked.

  “What does it look like?”

  “Not sure, that’s why I asked.”

  “I believe that your words to me the last time we were alone on my sofa were, ‘next time.’ Well, I know that you’re a man of your word so this is next time.”

  Ryan let out a chuckle. “And I haven’t lied to you yet, have I?”

  “Nope, so strip. It’s my turn to see what the hot doctor is packing.”

  “Are you on the pill?”

  “Yes,” I quickly answered.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “God, yes, do you trust me?”

  “If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be here.” With that sentence, he was standing and sweeping me up into his arms.

  Holy fuck, the man was getting ready to fuck me and my mind was wandering off like mother-fucking-Dr. Seuss. I’d like to have sex, yes I would, I’d like to have sex if I could. I’d have sex on a train, I’d have sex on a plane. I started giggling and couldn’t stop.

  “Care to share? What’s so funny?” Ryan took the last few strides into my bedroom before dropping me into the center of my bed forcing me to laugh some more.

  “Nothing, I promise. I’m excited. Silly things popping in my head because I’m so happy.” I silently prayed that I hadn’t put a damper on our activities. When Ryan started stripping, I let out a moan and quickly removed my clothes, tossing them onto the floor in a pile.

  Ryan climbed into bed but I wanted to take the lead, this was his turn since last time was all about me. Wrapping a hand around his hard, throbbing cock, he let out a groan and it fueled me on. I stroked up and down while beads of precum rippled on his tip. Using it as lubricant, I coated his cock, and moved my hand faster as the friction added heat to his already hot sex.

  “Lay on your back,” I ordered, and he obliged. Working my way over, I straddled him, and positioned myself above his erect cock. He slid one hand to his base and held himself up while I slid down, enfolding him in my heat.

  “Sadieeee,” Ryan moaned my name like it was a glass of water after a five-mile hike. He made me feel desirable.

  Resting on my knees, I lifted my body up before sliding back down and taking him into me deeper. Once he was in to the hilt, I began the rhythm. One that would satisfy him and me. Thrusting my hips forward and then sliding back, I repeated this movement. It didn’t take long before he was bucking upward to add to our rhythm. My head thrown back, he moved one hand and trailed his fingers down my neck, along my collarbone, until he was cupping one breast.

  “Yes, Ryan, squeeze, please.”

  “Faster Sadie, god, you feel so fucking good.”

  I increased my speed, back and forth, dragging my clit along his pubis as the muscles in my body began to tighten.

  He moved his hand from my breast and wrapped his arms around my back, lowering me against him. He took my mouth, sliding his tongue inside, and I felt as if my entire body was being devoured. From my mouth to my pussy, he was filling me, and I knew that I could only hold on for a few more minutes.

  “Ryan, please. I’m going to cum.”

  “Let me feel you. God, I want to see you.”

  “Ryan,” I called out his name as everything that had once been so taut was shaking, convulsing, and every nerve ending was on high alert.

  Ryan bucked harder and faster, and then I felt him, his cum shooting inside of me, each pulse of his release making me wet, filling me. When the last of Ryan’s orgasm faded, he relaxed, holding me tight against him. But at that moment, the simple feel of his breath was like little pins against the overly sensitive nerves in my body.

  “You’re going to kill me Sadie.”


  “That was incredible. I don’t think that I can move, maybe not ever again.”



  “Callie, is that you?”

  “Da-da-daddy?” Callie heaved my name between sobs.

  “Calm down, what’s wrong?”

  “I want to come home.”

  “Okay, are you still at Animal Kingdom?”

  “No. At Grammy’s.”

  “I’m on my way.”


  “Yes, sweetie?”

  “Will you stay on the phone with me?”

  “Of course, hold on and let me get in the car so that the speaker picks up, okay?”

  “Okay.” Her voice was soft, and her spirit sounded so broken.

  I slipped on my shoes and then snagged my keys as I dashed out to the garage. In under a minute, I was in my SUV and pulling out of my driveway. “You still there, Callie girl?”


  “What happened that’s got you so upset?”

  “Promise not to tell Grammy that I told you?”

  “Callie, that isn’t fair, you’re crying, it’s my job to stand up for you. If Grammy made you cry, then I need to tell her that she made you cry. I need to have her stop it.”

  “But she won’t ever see me again. She said that you will keep me from seeing her if I tell you.”

  “All right, Callie, you need to tell me.” The acid in my stomach was turning because I wouldn’t put it past that woman to do something outrageous.

  “She said that Sadie doesn’t really like me, that she only likes you and is going to take you away from me and then I won’t get to see you very much.”

  “No one could ever take me away from you. You’re mine, kiddo, you and me. Is that what has you so upset?”

  “She also said that Sadie wants to move into our house, and I got excited, but Grammy said that if she does that, she will throw away all of mommy’s things, and won’t let me ever talk about mommy again. That her mommy will become my grammy and that I’ll never see her again. I told her that Sadie’s mommy is an angel like mine and that she has a Margaret. Grammy said that’s why Sadie is doing all of this, she wants to be my Margaret.”

  I turned onto Louise’s street. “None of that is true.” I pulled into Louise’s driveway. “I’m out front.” I disconnected and got out of my car.

  The front door flew open and Callie ran to me practically flying into my arms. “Caroline, you know better than to open—oh, Ryan, I told you that I would bring her home.”

  “Where’s Fred?”

  “I’m right here, what’s going on?”

  “You’re done. Never again. Do not contact my daughter or me. You need some serious help, Louise. I’ve spent the last ten minutes trying, once again, to undo all of the damage your head games have caused, and I’m done. What kind of sick person tells a six-year-old that their father’s girlfriend is going to take him away from her or throw away all her mother’s stuff?”

  “She will, you know it. No woman wants the memory of a man’s other wife around.”

  “Louise, you didn’t do all of this, tell me that you didn’t?” Fred asked, but Ryan could tell that Fred already knew the answer. “Please, Ryan, I understand that you’re mad. We love Callie. Don’t do this.”

  “See, Caroline, he’s dating someone and he’s taking you away from us.”

  “Louise!” Fred shouted.

  “Get her some help,” I ordered before taking Callie and putting her into the back seat.

  Once Callie was safely fastened, I pulled out and headed home. Once there, I sat on the floor by her dollhouse again.

  “You know that your mommy loved you with all of her heart, right?”

  “Yep, Sadie told me. Her mommy loves her, too.”

  “Your mommy didn’t want to leave you, and if she could have stayed, she would have.”

  “I know, but then I wouldn’t have an angel to look over me. Now, I always have an angel.”

  “Yeah, you always have an angel.”



  “Hello? Hello?” I disconnected and slid my phone back into my pocket as Harley handed me the paper cup of Wawa coffee. I stared at my phone. That was my fourth call since yesterday.

  “You look happy, Ryan must be doing something right. Is he good?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “What do you mean, you don’t know?” She looked more appalled than anything.

  “I mean—” I held up one finger, thankfully saving me from talking about sex and not allowing her to continue to rant, so I could answer my phone. “Hello? This is Deputy Lazar, who is this?” Someone was on the other line, I could hear them, but they weren’t saying a word, so I disconnected.

  “What’s going on?”

  “No clue, these started yesterday afternoon, the number is blocked. If it weren’t on my personal phone, I’d have the station track it.”

  “Probably one of those automated telemarketers,” Harley rationalized.

  I didn’t want to tell her that I highly doubted it, since telemarketers didn’t call in the middle of the night and you usually didn’t hear a television in the background. When my phone rang again, Harley snatched it.

  She answered it and pressed speaker. “This is Deputy Scott, how may I help you?”

  “I’m sorry, I’m not sure how I dialed you, but I was trying to reach Deputy Lazar.”

  That’s Ryan, I mouthed.

  “Is this Ryan?”

  “Yes it is.”

  “It’s Harley, hold on one second, she’s right here.” Harley handed the phone to me. “Holler at me if you want to do anything tomorrow or Thursday. I’m heading home.”

  “Bye, talk to you later.” I took the phone off speaker and turned my attention to Ryan. “Hey, sorry about that. We had a massive wreck on the 408 and I’m just now getting off work.”

  “Sounds rough. Was everyone okay?”

  “Everyone but the cars. I’m headed home now.”

  “Why don’t I bring you something to eat and you can relax?”

  I thought of his words from yesterday, next time. Was this next time? “Okay, I’ll be home in fifteen. See you soon.” I disconnected and then popped my coffee into the holder before grabbing my helmet and heading to my house.

  I had just walked inside when I heard my doorbell. Snatching Wasabi up to try to curb his barking, I headed for the door. I was still in my uniform and hadn’t even put away my gun yet.

  Which had Ryan smiling. “You are so fucking hot in your uniform, have I told you that?” I shook my head. “You are.”

  “I hate to break it to you, but I’m getting ready to take it off.”

  “Do you see me complaining?”

  “Haha, I’ve been sweating all day, this vest is heavy, and my pants don’t breathe. I know none of that is incredibly sexy.” Ryan bit back a smile and set the food in my kitchen while I unlocked Wasabi’s doggy door so he could go outside. “Do you care if I take a quick shower?”

  “Not at all.”

  I headed back to my bedroom, feeling like a complete ho. Why? Because all I could think about was him following me into the shower. Hell, I wanted him to take me . . . now. We’d been playing this cat-and-mouse game, and I wanted him.

  I’d never tire of the sound of cracking leather, it was that noise when leather was real thick and not pliable. In other words, it fit right in with the rest of my uniform. I unsnapped my holster and slid out my gun then placed it into my nightstand, making a mental note to get a gun safe in case Callie ever came over.

  Wait. What? Who the fuck was I? When did I start thinking about kids and childproofing my home? Harley was going to kill me.

  I set my radio on the charger and then got to work on my pins, tossing them into the dish I kept on my dresser.

  I was unbuttoning my shirt as I walked into my bathroom when Ryan cleared his throat and I looked up, locking eyes with him in the reflection in my mirror. My bathroom wasn’t big, so when he walked in, he seemed to engulf the space. Our warm breaths filled with desire immediately fogged up the mirror. I dropped his gaze and bent to turn on the shower so the water could warm up, and when I straightened, he was there, his hands on my waist, pulling me back to him, his erection pressing into me. Every hair on my body was standing on end as I leaned against him, wanting to get closer, wishing we didn’t have clothing separating us.

  “Are you joining me?” Good god, my voice was so low and sultry that it even turned me on.

  His answer was to pepper the side of my neck with kisses as he toed off his shoes and slid his hands up my body to the row of buttons holding my shirt closed. The warmth of his palms followed the fabric as it slid off my body before his fingertips traced along the waist of my pants. They joined my shirt on the floor a second later.

  Nope. This wouldn’t do at all. If I was getting naked, then so was he. Since he didn’t seem all that inclined to strip, I would just have to help him with it.

  I spun, bit back a smile as his attention dropped to the swell of my breasts, and then tugged his T-shirt off him. The man was nothing but defined lines of smooth skin and muscle, and it was making my mouth water.

  My reaction to him only got worse when I dropped to my knees in front of him, my fingers catching on his belt and working to free it, working to free his button and tug the fabric down his hips.

  “Holy shit, Sadie, I’ve told you this before but you’re going to kill me.”

  “I think y
ou have that the wrong way around.”

  Because he might just kill me if he made me stop. I needed to taste him.

  So, I leaned forward and ran my tongue up his length before closing my lips around him and taking him in so deeply he hit the back of my throat.

  “Fuck!” His hands were in my hair, fisting as if he needed something to hold on to as he watched me.

  Again and again, I slid my lips and tongue over him, his guttural cries telling me that I was doing a fucking great job. When I looked up at him, his head was thrown back and he had his bottom lip trapped between his teeth. If I had a camera, I would take a damn photo of how the man looked in this moment and frame it in my bedroom.

  “Stop.” But I didn’t. “Sadie, stop. You, I want inside you.” Okay, at that, I acquiesced. He reached for my shower door, and I thought he was going to turn the water off, but he didn’t. He pulled me inside and pressed my back against the cold tiles.

  Then his lips were on mine, and they weren’t soft or gentle. No, it was the kiss of a starving man who had just sat down at a feast. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his body tight against mine as I sank my hands into his short hair. If I hadn’t been holding on to him as tightly as I was, I probably would have fallen when he shifted just enough to hook his arms under my knees and lift me so I was spread for him.

  I didn’t care about the cold tiles against my back. I didn’t care about the waste of water running down the drain. I didn’t care that my dog was probably sitting by the door, wondering why he was locked out. The only, only thing that mattered right then was the hard press of his cock against me. Well, that and the fact that he wasn’t inside me yet.

  “Ryan, stop playing.”

  His chuckle was deep. “Oh, this isn’t playing.”

  Then he was nudging his way into me, and I didn’t have the words to argue. When he was balls deep, we were both breathing in jagged bursts. It was too much and not enough at the same time. I knew he was waiting for me to adjust, but I didn’t want that. So, I nipped his bottom lip.


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