Love Me Like You Do: Books That Keep You In Bed

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Love Me Like You Do: Books That Keep You In Bed Page 132

by Fields, MJ

It all makes me a nervous wreck, but I have to remind myself I’m not his mother, or his girlfriend. I just smile and beg him to be careful. He assures me he always is, but the thought doesn’t calm my nerves.

  Sitting backstage, waiting for the show to start, females flood the area in droves, giving each band member their pick for the night. At this rate, they can have five women to each one of them. I’m forced to tamp down the jealousy threatening to consume me. My only place in his life is as his best friend—that role means I swallow the envy, walk up to him, kiss him on the cheek and wish him luck. “I’m going to go grab my seat so I’m all set when you go on.”

  He snakes his arm around my waist, pulling me to him. “You sure? You can hang out if you want.”

  I look around the room, at all the women who I definitely don't fit in with, then back to him. Regretfully, I acknowledge to myself I don’t belong in this part of his world. “It’s okay. You need time to focus and get ready. Break a leg out there.” I smile, playfully backhanding his chest.

  “Thanks. Here.” He grabs one of the security guards. “Sean will take you to your seat. Enjoy the show.”

  I smile as I shyly walk away from the entire scene. When I turn to wave my final goodbye, I see one of the women has already staked her claim on Trevin. Her body’s pressed firmly against his. I’m disappointed to see his hands moving up her tight, leather miniskirt. When she reaches up to kiss him, he turns his head quickly, denying her what she wants as his eyes look directly into mine.

  Without thinking, my hand instantly goes to my mouth. The feeling of his lips flashes through my mind, only to remind me of the intense moment that lingered in the air this afternoon when I wanted them pressed against mine again. On my first visit to his house, Melissa had told me that Trevin didn’t kiss anyone. I remember reading an article about him once that mentioned it as well, but I dismissed it, having kissed him more than a few times. I completely disregarded it as false information.

  I can’t be the only girl he’s ever kissed.

  Our eyes lock for a second too long before Brad, the lead singer, blocks our view. I turn to walk out of the room, heading to my seat to enjoy the show.

  The band knocks it out of the park. Even though I’m not big on rock music, I’ve become big fans of theirs and I love watching Trevin in his element. The only time I see him truly smile is when it’s just the two of us sitting doing nothing, and when he’s on stage. He enjoys every minute, and it comes through in his performance. And I’m not going to lie—he looks damn sexy out there, playing his guitar with ease and singing back-up.

  After the show, I’m escorted backstage to meet the band, and as I turn the corner, I see a woman wrapped around Trevin as he sits on the couch, downing a beer. When he sees me enter the room, he pats the girl’s ass, telling her to get off him to make room for me to sit down. The girl glares at me as she moves on to the drummer who already has another woman on his lap.

  His arm wraps around me, and when I feel sweat drip down my back, I swat him away. “Ew, Trev, you’re all sweaty.”

  He laughs. “Why yes, I am. Most girls don’t mind that.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing I’m not like most girls,” I spit back.

  He leans in, wiping his sweaty face and hair all over my neck, teasing me. “Yes, it is a good thing you aren’t like them.” He pushes me against the couch so I’m lying flat on my back and he’s covering me, wiping his sweat on me, cackling at his disgusting behavior.

  “God, you’re so gross,” I yell as I push him away.

  His lips quickly brush mine, not romantically, but a quick, friendly kiss as he gets up to grab a towel and throws it my way.

  When I sit up to wipe myself, I notice women watching me, and no doubt questioning the fact that they just saw Trevin kiss me. They’re probably wondering who the hell I am, and I’m not going to lie…I love the feeling it gives me, even if it was just a friendly kiss.

  Surprisingly, within ten minutes, Trevin is grabbing my hand and escorting me out of the venue to a waiting limo in the back.

  “Are we leaving so soon?” I ask.

  “Yeah, this is my last night with you and my own bed for a long time. I want to take advantage. A bus with four guys for four months gets pretty nasty, pretty quick,” he says with a laugh.

  Even though I know the next few months will be filled with multiple women, the thought of him wanting to spend his last night at home with me makes me beam.

  Once we’re home, we pop some popcorn, put on a movie—that we don’t watch five minutes of—and talk the night away until the sun starts to come up. When the bus stops by at five in the morning to pick him up, we say our goodbyes and go on about our lives. Apart for the next few months—he’ll be on the road, and I’m going to bed to get some sleep before our big show tonight at the dance studio.


  No matter how far away I am

  I’ll always give a damn

  I’d be there by car, plane, or tram

  No matter how far away I am

  - Trevin Allen

  Lily – 21st Birthday

  I woke up this morning with something only a rock star—or someone who has people who will do anything for him—could pull off. The crazy man had someone build a pond on our front porch using a child’s blue plastic pool full of…you guessed it, lily pads. I’m lucky I didn’t have my hands full as I opened the door, or I would have fallen right into it.

  I wasn’t sure if I wanted to call him and yell because of the silly nickname and how I almost broke my face on his birthday present, or just sit and smile at how thoughtful his surprise is. I have no idea how he was able to pull something like this off while he’s on the road, but deep down, it genuinely made my day.

  It’s my twenty-first birthday, and I have plans to go out with my friend Jordan, who’s on the USC dance team with me. Finding friends has been a little harder than I anticipated, primarily because of who Trevin is. Some people recognized me from the tabloids, making it difficult to figure out if they wanted to be my friend or just get close to him. My rule of thumb is if they mention Trevin within the first few minutes, I know they have ulterior motives.

  Even though I’m not a big drinker, she’s convinced me to go out with her to a bar tonight to celebrate. I just wish Trevin was here. He still has about a month left on the road and is God knows where right now. I’ve tried to keep up with the different cities, but he’s traveling a long stretch of highway today between shows.

  The intercom on the front gate buzzes and I know it’s Jordan here to pick me up. The sound makes my stomach turn, and I hope I made a good decision giving her our address. This is the first time I’ve had anyone over. Even though Trevin says it’s okay, I don’t want to ruin his home life by blabbing where he lives to the wrong people.

  She’s heard of Trevin and Stone Cold, but thankfully, I’m the one who told her I live with him and she doesn’t follow the band enough to know about our friendship.

  I open the garage door since our front porch is still covered by my makeshift pond. “Hey, come on in. Let me grab my purse and we’ll head out,” I say, motioning for her to follow me.

  We walk inside and she stops instantly. “Wow. Okay, I know you said you live with Trevin, and I know he’s supposed to be some kind of rock god, but holy shit. You actually live here with him?” She looks around with her mouth open, staring at the open room lined with windows from floor to ceiling.

  I sigh, shaking my head. “Yes, I live here with him. Did you think I was lying?”

  “Okay, I’ll admit, I looked him up, but I don’t know…I guess I didn’t fully believe you. I mean, look at you. You’re not exactly a rock star kind of girl,” she says, looking around the place and motioning to me.

  I know she wasn’t intentionally insulting me, but it still hurts since it’s exactly what everyone else thinks of me.

  “I know I’m not, but I told you, we’ve been best friends since we were eight. We grew up right next door to each

  “I’m not gonna lie, I saw a ton of pictures of him and he’s a hottie. You’ve really never hooked up with him?”

  I give her a look, hoping she’ll drop the subject. “It's not like that. Come on, let’s go.”

  Thankfully, she lets it go and we head out to the bar. The place is crowded and we have to squeeze our way through the college boys trying to get at all the girls dancing around half dressed.

  I look down at my normal jean shorts with a cute tank top and my flip-flops. I don't fit in with the girls here, yet somehow that makes me happy. The more I stare at them, the more I see how silly they look, putting themselves on display. I don’t want to ever be like them, and if that’s all guys want, then I’m content being single.

  We make our way to the bar and Jordan waves down the bartender, who spots her flowing blond hair and walks straight up to her with a smirk covering his face. He’s cute, so I sit back to watch Jordan and take notes on how she flirts. I’ve never been much of a flirt, but if I’m ever going to get a boyfriend, I’m going to have to learn.

  “Excuse me,” I hear someone whisper into my ear. “Can I buy you a drink?”

  I turn to see a tall guy, clean shaven with dark hair that’s styled so it’s messy but cute.

  “Thank you, but my friend here is already ordering for us.” I smile sweetly, motioning to Jordan. She’s still wrapped up in conversation with the bartender who doesn’t look like he’s going to be making our drinks anytime soon.

  He laughs. “Yeah, I wouldn’t count on that if you want it quickly. Here…” He grabs my hand, pulling me to another part of the bar and getting the attention of one of the other bartenders.

  “So what can I get you?” he asks in my ear again.

  “I’ll take a cosmopolitan,” I reply.

  I’m totally lame. I have no clue what to order, so I went with the stereotypical female drink from Sex and the City. Inside, I shake my own head at my decision.

  He orders our drinks and turns to hand it to me. “Here you go.”

  “Thank you,” I respond before bringing the drink to my lips to take a sip.

  “Do I get to know your name?” he asks, placing his hand on my hip to bring me in closer to him.

  “I’m Lily.” I speak into his ear so he can hear me over the crowd, which might not have been a good idea. His grip held me even closer to him instead of moving back to where I was before.

  The lack of personal space makes me uneasy initially, but I take a deep breath and decide to enjoy this guy. He seems nice and he’s certainly cute.

  I’ve dated here and there, but I always end it before it goes anywhere past a month or two. None of them have felt right, or gave me that feeling deep inside that girls talk about. I need to get out of my head and try to date someone. I know I’m not getting any younger and I’d like to get married and have kids one day.

  “What brings you here tonight?” he asks. Our bodies mere inches apart, and the way his warm breath dances against my neck sends chills of excitement down my spine.

  “Actually—” I stop when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I take it out and he releases me a little to give me room to look at it.

  An instant smile fills my face when I see it’s a message from Trevin:

  Happy bday Lily Pad. Wish I could be there. Did you guys go to that Fire Falls place?

  I type back a quick response:

  Yea, we just got here.

  Then I put my phone in my pocket and look back to the man who’s still waiting for my reply. “Sorry, but yes, it’s my birthday,” I say with a shy smile on my face.

  “Well, happy birthday, pretty girl.” He pulls me back into him. “I’m Joe.”

  My lips tilt into a small smile. “Hi, Joe. What about you? What brings you out tonight?”

  “Same thing. My boy over there”—he points to a crowd of guys hollering while doing rounds of shots—“it’s his birthday as well and we’re here to celebrate.”

  “Hmm, small world, with birthdays and all.” I bring my drink to my mouth to avoid any awkward silence since I have no clue what else to say.

  My phone vibrates again and I grab it, knowing it’s Trevin:

  Be safe. Don’t get ice cream with anyone unless he looks a lot like me, then please, go right ahead.

  I reply:

  Oh, don’t worry about that. You know I don't live the crazy promiscuous lifestyle you do.

  Before I can put my phone back in my pocket, he replies:

  Ouch, that hurt, a little ;-)

  I smirk and I put my phone back in my pocket when I hear Joe ask, “Do you have anyone special you’re talking to?”

  I look up, surprised. “I’m sorry. No. I mean, yes. But no. He just wanted to say happy birthday.”

  “So is he your boyfriend?”

  “No, just a friend.”

  He pulls me closer to him again. “Good. Can I be your friend, too?”

  I gaze at him shyly, tempting a sexy smile. “Maybe. Tell me about yourself?” I ask as I bring my drink up for another sip.

  Before he can reply, I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder, pulling me away from Joe.

  I turn quickly to stop whoever thinks they can touch me until I see Trevin pulling me into him. Before I can say anything, his lips are on mine. I’m shocked to see him, but his soft, warm lips feel so amazing that we both stand there, pressed against each other. I feel a moan release from him and his mouth opens, slipping his tongue into mine, and I welcome him with my own sigh of relief.

  Nothing feels as good as him pressed against me. It’s been months since I’ve seen him, and the fact that he’s here, with me on my birthday, brings tears to my eyes.

  We kiss for probably a minute too long, running our tongues softly against each other’s. When he nibbles on my lower lip, I feel his reluctance to pull back, but finally, he does. His forehead drops to mine, and he lets out a long, steady breath as he holds me tightly.

  “Sorry, I got carried away there,” he says with trepidation.

  I look up at him. “I guess I did, too.”

  I start to move my hands up to my mouth to wipe my lips, but he stops me short. “No, don’t wipe it off,” he says before he pulls farther away from my front but tucks me into his side. He turns to Joe and says, “Sorry dude, but she’s with me tonight.”

  Joe stands up. “Fuck you, dude,” he spits back at Trevin as he gets up from his seat to go back to his friends.

  “Were you seriously talking to that asshole?”

  “I was, what’s wrong with that?”

  “So many things. Come on.” He grabs my hand to pull me out of the bar.

  “Wait, my friend’s here.” I pull him back to where Jordan is still talking to the bartender. I walk up to whisper in her ear, “Hey, look who just showed up?”

  She turns to see Trevin standing there, sticking out like a sore thumb with his black spiky hair and worn out black cut-off vest in a bar with a bunch of preppy co-eds. I’m even thrown off a little more when I notice a huge guy covered in tattoos eying anyone around Trevin, giving them a look that says Don't even try, and believe me, they all back down and look away instantly.

  His arm catches my attention and I can tell he’s gotten a new tattoo he seems to have left out of our conversations over the last few months.

  It takes Jordan a second to put two and two together, but when she does, she jumps up from her seat. “Holy shit, is that Trevin?”

  The bartender looks up and gives Trevin the biggest smile I’ve ever seen. He’s star-struck, and I can tell he knows exactly who he’s looking at. “Shit, man. Trevin. You’re my fucking idol. Can I make you a drink?”

  Trevin smirks. “Thanks, man, but I’m cool. Just came to pick up my birthday girl.”

  I lean in to give Jordan a hug goodbye. “You okay if I take off with him?”

  “Are you kidding me?” She looks at Trevin, who’s looking directly at me like there’s no one else in this entire bar. “How is he here? Isn�
�t he supposed to be somewhere on the east coast right now?”

  I look at him, the reality of him being here finally sinking in. “Yeah, he is. I guess he wanted to surprise me for my birthday.”

  She smirks. “Just friends my ass.”

  I tilt my head. “I told you, it’s not like that.” I hoped she was wrapped up with her bartender and didn’t just see us kiss.

  “Uh-huh. Okay. Have fun with your hottie rock-star friend.”

  We leave the bar hand in hand and he walks me to a running car that’s waiting at the front door and the scary guy with Trevin hops in as our driver, giving the bouncers a nod as he walks by. I slide in back, staying on my side of the car but grab his knee as he reaches his arm out so he’s touching my shoulder.

  “How are you here?” I ask.

  “Come on, I wasn’t going to let you celebrate your birthday without me.” The hand lingering on my shoulder rubs small circles nonchalantly as we talk.

  “But don’t you have a show?”

  “Yeah, tomorrow in Chicago. I have to fly out at four am.”

  I look at my watch to see it’s just past ten. “That’s in six hours. Why would you come all this way for only a few hours?”

  “To be with you.” He shrugs as he moves his hand off my shoulder and leans forward to tell the driver to take us home.

  I sit back, amazed at the man Trevin has become. I can’t get over how sweet he is to fly all this way, just to surprise me, and spend a few hours with me on my birthday.

  We’re dropped off at our house and Trevin almost falls to the floor, laughing at the sight of our front porch covered with the makeshift pond. “That turned out awesome!” he says, full of pride from his surprise.

  I hit his arm. “You’re lucky I didn’t fall face first into it. They put it right on our front door.”

  “I know, I told him to. But I knew I’d be here to clean it up.”

  “And that’s a good thing because it would have stayed there until you got back.”


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