Reborn as Bree [The ShadowDance Club 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Reborn as Bree [The ShadowDance Club 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 7

by Avery Gale

  Leaning forward and placing soft kisses on each of her eyelids, he said, “We weren’t going to make sweet love to you tonight, pet, because we didn’t think you were ready for that yet, but I believe we need to rethink that. And believe me when I tell you that this change suits us both, because there is not anything that Master Jamie and I want more than to sink our aching cocks deep inside your sweet body. And we intend to give you the release your body and soul are both crying out for. Would you like that, love?”

  Chapter 12

  Bree felt like she was about ready to explode from need alone. She couldn’t even begin to imagine how she was going to survive an orgasm at these men’s hands. And weren’t people supposed to be actually having sex when they came? Geez, you’d think a doctor would know this stuff. The only thing she knew right at this moment was that her brain wasn’t firing on all its cylinders and that she didn’t care. She was starting to worry that she would well and truly die of embarrassment if, later on, she found out that this was the ultimate “newbie” mistake. Just as she was starting to really work herself into “a state” as her mother used to say, she felt a sharp slap on the inside of her thigh and looked down to see Ethan frowning at her.

  “Stop worrying yourself about every little detail. Your job is just to feel, is that clear?” Bree could tell Ethan was frustrated with her, but not because she was inexperienced. No, she was sure his frustration was because she wasn’t staying “present.”

  Vowing to try to rein in her fleeting thoughts and insecurities, she nodded her head and then remembering Jamie telling her earlier that she would be expected to speak her answers she quickly said, “Yes, sir, I understand.”

  “Very good. Now, let’s see if we can get your body back on track for that release it needs so badly before we slide deep into this sweet pussy, shall we?” He’d no sooner spoken the words than he leaned forward and spread her soaking folds apart and covered her aching clitoris with his mouth and sucked.

  Bree felt like someone had strapped her to the side of a rocket and launched her into deep space. She’d barely registered her body starting to tremble and Jamie’s arms tightening around her when she heard a scream a split second before everything around her erupted into a kaleidoscope of brilliant colors racing past her as if she’d been dropped into a vortex of swirling, melted crayons. It was several long moments before she realized what she had heard was actually her own scream of release as she’d fallen over into a soul-shattering orgasm and that the rushing sound she thought was wind from her drop through the colorful tunnels had really been the sound of the blood racing through her ears. Holy crap on a cricket, all those books I’ve read were right. If an orgasm feels that good without sex I’m not sure I’ll live through one that involved their cocks inside my pussy. But I sure am anxious to try.

  * * * *

  Ethan had never been as thrilled with a sub’s response as he was with Bree’s. She had flooded his tongue with her sweet honey and he’d been happy to savor every drop. Thank God Creed had been ready and had his arm banded securely around her narrow waist because Ethan wasn’t sure if she would have collapsed or taken off skyward. She was so fucking perfect he worried for just a moment that it was all too good to be true. But when he looked up at her sated expression and rapidly drooping eyelids he was able to bring himself back to the moment and refocus on the beautiful woman in front of him. Standing up he cupped her sweet face in his hands as he spoke. “You are a treasure and I want you to know how pleased your Masters are with you, love. Now, let’s get you up on the bed. I know you are physically exhausted and Master Jamie and I want you to start taking better care of yourself, as a matter of fact, we’re going to insist on it. But right now, we’re going both going to slide in deep and let you feel just how desirable you are.” Nodding to Jamie, he stepped back and watched as his friend lowered himself over Bree and slid his sheathed cock slowly into her pussy.

  “Oh my God, chère, you feel fantastic. The walls of your sweet pussy are flexing around my cock and taunting my control. You may well push me past my ability to rein myself in and that is not how I want this to go.” Ethan could hear Jamie taking slow, deep breaths and knew he was desperately trying to bring his body back under his mind’s control—likely no easy task from the tortured look on his face. Slowly Jamie began sliding in and out of her channel, and watching as her expression changed from being startled by the new sensations to one of pure desire was one of the most beautiful things Ethan could ever remember seeing.

  He could see Bree’s eyes widen as she approached another climax. The first one had blindsided her, but she was going to feel this one coming. Ethan could hardly wait to start teaching her to delay her releases so that they were more intense. It was one of the hardest things for subs to learn, but certainly one that paid off in spades. Listening to her soft pleas he leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Master Jamie is waiting for you to go over first, love. Come for him, now.”

  Ethan knew that her body had responded before her mind had even processed his words because her scream had been instantaneous. Jamie’s shout followed right on the heels of hers and watching them had him so hard he wasn’t sure he was going to last long enough to give her body the attention it deserved.

  After Jamie had moved to her side, they both spent long minutes touching her with tender caresses, letting her know exactly how important her gift had been. “Are you sore, love? If you are, please tell me and I’ll wait to make love to you. I want you to enjoy the experience and look back on it with fondness. Seeing a flash of relief in her eyes, Ethan wondered how long it had been since anyone besides Catherine Lamont had taken a genuine interest in the welfare of the beautiful woman lying next to him.

  “I am a little sore, but I want you so much, too. Could we just go slow?” His heart was lost to her for sure. There was an inherent sweetness in her, but there the fire of desire was rekindling as well.

  “Oh, sweet one, I want you, too, more than you know. I’ll go just as slow as I can, but your body calls to me in a way that tempts my control. So if you get uncomfortable, tell me and we’ll figure out something else, alright?” She smiled and nodded her head, as enthusiastic as she had been the first time. Christ, she is amazing.

  He rolled to his back and smiled at her puzzled expression. “I’m going to give you a measure of control this time, sweet sub. Let Master Jamie help you mount up.” Jamie helped her and it was a good thing he’d kept a hand on her because Ethan had been so lost in ecstasy, he hadn’t been ready as she dropped suddenly, fully seating him inside her. Her tissues felt sweetly swollen from their attentions, making her tighter than he’d been prepared for and he took several deep breaths trying to slow his raging libido.

  “Oh sweet Jesus, you feel so incredible. I have no idea how Master Jamie maintained a bit of control. Just stay still for a few seconds, love.” He could feel her flexing muscles and might have chalked it up to involuntary contractions if he hadn’t seen just a fleeting grin before she seemed to lose herself again in the sensations. “Okay, you little minx, I saw that grin, you are deliberately tempting me, so I know you are ready. I want you to set a pace that suits you but I’ll control the angle of penetration, do you understand?”

  “Yes, I understand…Sir.” He watched as she positioned her feet under her so that she was essentially doing squats over him and the feeling of her body sliding up and down over his shaft was intoxicating.

  “Oh fuck, that is so good. You are going to be the death of me, no questions about it.” He let her stroke him several more times before he tilted his hips forward just enough that he knew the tip of his cock would move over her sweet spot with every pass. Her gasp told him his angle had been perfect and he heard her panting breath and soft moans.

  He was at the end of his own control so he canted his hips just a bit further and on the next stroke he felt her go completely liquid around him just before she shouted, “Oh please, I have to…I need to…oh please.”

  Ethan didn
’t have time for his usual questions about what she wanted, hell, he’d been proud of himself for holding off long enough to shout, “Come,” before they both exploded in an orgasm that literally had him seeing small pinpoints of light dancing in his vision. She had collapsed onto his chest and he cherished the feeling of her breasts brushing against him. When they both had finally caught their breath he realized his cock was still inside her. Knowing he needed to dispose of the used condom, he reluctantly helped Jamie lift her to her feet.

  After disposing of the condom, he returned to find Jamie holding her cradled in his arms, so he turned down the bed. Watching as his friend laid her gently upon the mattress and smoothed the covers over her filled him with satisfaction.

  Once they had her settled and were sure she was nearly asleep he spoke to her again, “We’re going to go back downstairs for a few minutes while you rest. We’ll secure the door and leave the bedside light on for you, but rest assured, we’ll be back soon. We want to hold you while you sleep. Don’t leave this suite without one of us. Should you need anything—call us. We’ve shown you how to operate the intercom—don’t hesitate to use it.” He kissed her lightly on the tip of her nose before turning her toward Creed.

  Watching as Creed pulled her close and whispered words of praise in her ear, Ethan couldn’t help but smile at the satisfaction he felt watching them together. Creed continued to speak to her in French as a wistful smile played over her lips just before she let herself slide over the edge into sleep.

  * * * *

  Bree woke up feeling like she was floating on a cloud. Even though she didn’t remember exactly where she was or how she’d gotten there she just wanted to snuggle down into the most comfortable bed she’d ever slept on. But before she was able to lose herself back into a luxurious sleep the events of the past few hours started to make their way to the surface. She knew she had to make her way downstairs and find out what was going on, after all she was the one ultimately responsible. Damn it, she’d brought trouble to the Lamonts’ home. Endangering Catherine’s family and friends was the last thing she had ever intended to do.

  Looking around the suite she didn’t see her luggage and she thought that was odd since she remembered Alex saying they’d moved her things in to the suite. Shrugging it off she decided to check the drawers in the enormous dresser hoping to find something decent so she could go in search of the powwow she was sure the men were having about her. Trying to hold her irritation at bay at not being included in the discussions she tried to remember how wonderful Jamie and Ethan had made her feel, and how she had been more than willing to slide right into sleep. She wasn’t sure how long she’d slept, but since they weren’t back in the room she didn’t think it could have been that long. When she opened the first drawer she was shocked to find her own clothing neatly arranged inside.

  She quickly located a pair of yoga pants and a matching T-shirt, and even though she looked through each of the drawers, she didn’t find any panties. At first she’d thought that was more than odd, but then she remembered all the romance novels she’d read and she figured the Doms who had obviously unpacked for her had likely taken anything they didn’t think she would be needing. Shuddering to think about Alex and Zach Lamont seeing the plain-Jane panties she’d had in her luggage, she really wasn’t that surprised they’d gone missing.

  Sighing to herself, she moved to the bathroom. After freshening up and running a brush through her unruly hair she left the suite and made her way down the hall. She’d hadn’t gone far when she suddenly remembered Ethan’s warning to not leave the suite without one of them, but she decided it was already too late to salvage it. And after all, she was a grown woman so she should be able to move about inside without anyone’s permission. Just as she neared a staircase she realized this wasn’t the same one they’d come up earlier, but figuring it would still lead her to the main floor she made her way down quickly. Since she was barefoot she was knew she was moving almost silently and she fleetingly wondered if anyone was aware of her movements. Then remembering all the security monitoring equipment she’d seen outside she almost laughed out loud. Oh yeah, you can bet your sweet ass someone somewhere knows that suite door was opened. When she passed one of the security cameras she looked directly at it and gave it an innocent finger wave.

  Just as she made her way to the bottom of the stairs she heard men’s voices so she moved silently in that direction. Standing outside a door that obviously led into Alex and Zach Lamont’s office, Bree was shocked by the discussion she heard taking place inside. She would have told you there wasn’t anything left of her heart for her parents to break, but she’d have been wrong. Hearing that they and their employers had likely hidden highly sensitive information on a chip they’d secretly put inside her body had eyes filling with tears and renewed the sense of betrayal she felt at their hands. How could they be so heartless as to place their only child in such danger? What went through the minds of people that made them think of others merely as vessels rather than individuals? It was just so far beyond Bree’s comprehension—she couldn’t even imagine how someone’s mind had to work for that to be considered acceptable.

  * * * *

  Just as they had reentered the Lamonts’ downstairs office Jamie heard Mitch describing the various types of chips that he thought might have been implanted in Bree’s shoulder. He felt a rage go through him the likes of which he’d never experienced before and by the expression on Jantz’s face, he was experiencing the same feeling.

  Mitch Grayson was a gifted empath and Jamie was sure he would pick up on his and Ethan’s emotions quickly. As if he’d thought it into existence, Mitch turned to them and said, “I understand your frustration, trust me I have been precisely where you are. But until we know exactly what we’re dealing with we’ll have to keep everything on an even keel so that no one outside our inner circle has any idea Bree is anything other than exactly who she presents herself to be. We’ll get Doc Woods up here tomorrow to remove the chip but I’m setting up some precautions just in case it’s one of the extreme ones I’ve been reading about recently.” Jamie knew Mitch hadn’t missed the confused looks on the faces of his teammates when he continued, “There are several new models out there that are much more sophisticated than the simple GPS models we’ve seen before.”

  Alex leaned back in his leather chair and said what every person on the room was thinking, “Update us.”

  Mitch looked around at his teammates and then explained that the new generation of chips could be downloaded with huge amounts of data and most had batteries that would last for years. They could also be updated without being removed and replaced. All someone would need was the proper codes and to have the “host” near a wireless device.

  Jamie had known Mitch Grayson for years and there wasn’t a doubt in Jamie’s mind the man was holding back something critical. When he couldn’t stand it another second Jamie grimaced to himself when he heard the snap in his voice. “Out with it, Grayson. What are you not telling us?” He hadn’t meant to be an ass, but his imagination was working at warp speed and none of his conclusions involved a happily ever after.

  Mitch sighed and then answered, “Some of the devices are set to explode if they are exposed to a sudden temperature change. This means we’ll need to be prepared to keep the device at something fairly close to Bree’s normal body temperature until we can determine exactly what we’re dealing with.” Jamie shot to his feet and started to pace, his long stride taking him the length of the room and back in just a few short steps.

  Finally stopping to look over at Ethan, he said, “We need to be there with her, both of us. And I’d rather she didn’t know anything about the possibility of the device exploding. Hell, she is already determined to leave because she is worried about bringing danger to a place where there are children. She was a pediatrician, you know, and even the possibility of being peripherally responsible for harming children was just devastating to her.”

  Jamie looked from E
than to Colt and then Alex. They were all used to deferring to Colt as their former team leader and the current head of their security team and of course the Lamonts were their employers so it was natural to include them when waiting for information and assignments. Shaking his head at his own mental meanderings he finally looked at Mitch and asked, “So you’re telling me that Bree’s parents have likely hidden sensitive data on a chip they had implanted in her and that the kidnappers actually had the data at their fingertips all along and didn’t know it?”

  “Fuck!” Zach Lamont’s muttered curse was echoed around the room before Alex raised his hand to still the frustrated murmurings.

  “Hold on, let Grayson finish. I want to make sure we have a clear picture of all the possible outcomes before we make any plans.” Jamie had always admired Alex’s ability to remain calm in the midst of a shit storm but his growing concern was evident from his tight-sounding words.

  Mitch cleared his throat and then purposefully continued speaking. “I’ve had her phone since she arrived. We took it out of her car as soon as Creed had moved her inside because it was also broadcasting in a big way. They had tags on this girl out the yin yang. There was also one in each piece of luggage. Trust me when I say, they don’t want to lose trace of her. Now, do I think all of these are alerts funneled to the same group of people? Not likely, but I’d say several are linked directly to her parents or their employers. Also, her phone has been ringing and she has lots of voice mails. Now, while I’m willing to snatch up her phone because its technology makes it a security threat to us as a group, I’m not willing to invade her privacy to a level where I break in to her personal voice mail.” Sighing, he leaned back in his chair and Jamie could see his friend was clearly troubled by all the information he’d had to share about Bree. Shaking his head, Mitch muttered, “Bottom line is, I like her. She’s the real deal, guys—totally genuine. Rissa and Kat like her, you guys”—he pointed in Jamie and Ethan’s general direction—“are fucking smitten, and about damned time, I might add. And if that isn’t enough, I’ve read the reports. She was top in her class, she is a fantastic pediatrician and…” his voice had gotten soft before he finished, “Well, she is exactly the kind of doctor I want taking care of my children.”


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