Reborn as Bree [The ShadowDance Club 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Reborn as Bree [The ShadowDance Club 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 9

by Avery Gale

  Bree knew her breathing had become shallow and that she was starting to tremble, but she wasn’t sure whether it was from fear of a punishment at Jamie’s hand or from excitement about that same punishment. When she nodded her head his raised eyebrow prompted her to stutter, “Y–yes, I understand.” When he continued to stare at her, she quickly added, “Sir.”

  * * * *

  When they had first returned to the suite, Jamie hadn’t been sure they’d proceed with the punishment Bree had earned by leaving the suite without calling for one of them to accompany her, but she had given them the perfect “in” with her little episode of mentally checking out and her snarky answers. He was sure she had been subconsciously trying to ensure they would stay even though she had tried to dismiss them. He had to fight his smile when she had frozen at Ethan’s order to not back away. Holy hell, the woman was such a natural submissive it was almost as if she’d been tailor made for him and Ethan.

  As he’d pulled her to his side after sitting in the chair he’d seen her eyes flair with arousal and apprehension when she’d realized what was going to happen. He was deliberately stalling to give her a chance to call a halt to everything and he also wanted to watch her carefully for any hint of PTSD. He’d witnessed firsthand the results of the intensely brutal beatings she had experienced and he wanted to make sure she clearly understood the power of her safe word and that she was being spanked specifically because she had done something to endanger herself, not because of her connection to her spook parents.

  “Bree, your safe word is red. You say that word and everything stops. We move away from each other, discuss what went wrong, and how we think it can be prevented in the future. Play stops for that day, period. You are to use your safe word when you are at a point you can no longer tolerate the pain or emotions you are experiencing. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I understand. I say the word red and you are done with me.” Bree’s words were close to what he’d said, but not close enough.

  “No, that’s not quite right. Let’s go over it again because this is probably the single most important element in any Ds relationship and certainly the most important part of any scene. We will not be ‘done’ with you. We will all simply be finished playing for that day. We will take the time we need to evaluate what happened and how we all feel about it. Now, all that being said, I want you to know that if Master Ethan and I are doing our jobs right, we’ll be reading your body language and listening to you so closely that you should never have to use your safe word. But if we ever think you should have used it and you didn’t you’ll get a paddling that will keep you from sitting comfortably for several days.” Jamie watched her eyes go wide and this time he did let his smile surface briefly and was glad to see her relax a bit.

  Ethan stepped forward and explained, “Bree, you’ll also have the option of using the word yellow if you just want to take a short break and ask a question or express a concern about the way things are going. We will encourage you to use this option, particularly in the beginning while you are still learning. This gives you the chance to let us know you are getting close to your ‘overload’ point. We’ll stop and discuss things with you, but we may or may not agree about how to proceed. When you use your ‘caution’ word, your Masters have the final say about how things proceed. But you can rest assured each and every decision we make during a scene is governed by what we feel you need. Remember, what you want and what you need are not always one and the same.”

  Jamie had watched Bree closely while Ethan had been talking to her for any sign of fear and he was pleased that the only reactions he’d noted had been those associated with arousal. Her nipples were peaked and showing clearly through the thin shirt she’d worn and he could smell her sweet juices even through her yoga pants. He could hardly wait to get this punishment out of the way and sink into her sweet pussy. Leaning forward, he tightened his hold on her wrist for just a moment before releasing her and asking her clearly, “Bree, do you want to use your safe word?”

  It seemed like forever before she shook her head and then quietly said, “No, Sir.”

  He continued to watch her for several seconds before deciding she really was good to go. “You are being spanked for disobeying a direct order that was related to your safety. That is a pretty big offense, but since this is all new to you, we’ll go fairly easy on you this time and this time only. You’ll be getting ten swats, but we won’t require you to count them. Now, pull your pants down to your ankles and lie over my lap.” When she grabbed the top of her yoga pants he added, “Do you have on panties, chère?”

  “No, sir. Someone stole all my panties.” She looked mortified and Jamie wanted to hug Alex and Zach.

  “You will always be punished with your ass bare for several reasons, but most importantly, we’ll need to see exactly how your skin pinks under our hand. We don’t want to do any permanent damage and it’s much easier to monitor how your body is reacting if we can see it.”

  Jamie had seen her start to tremble when he’d told her to pull down her pants and he was pleased she’d let him explain without panicking. When she hooked her thumbs in the elastic and slowly lowered her pants to her ankles he was sure he his throbbing cock was going to spontaneously combust. He was grateful he needed to focus on his next instruction. “Now lie over my lap and then spread your legs. Don’t worry, we’ll help get you into the proper position.”

  He’d nearly called the whole thing off when he saw her eyes fill with tears as she draped herself over his lap. The woman was obviously not crying from pain since they hadn’t even touched her yet, so he’d known her tears were more likely because she hated the fact she’d disappointed them. He heard her small gasp when he shifted her forward so that her feet were off the floor and her ass was peaked and in the perfect position. Ethan moved her legs apart and when he nodded, Jamie knew her pussy was soaking wet. They’d monitor that closely to make sure the spanking didn’t have an adverse effect on her arousal.

  Not wanting her to have to deal with the anticipation too long due to her inexperience, he delivered the first several swats in rapid succession. When he slid his hand through her drenched folds after the first four slaps she moaned and lifted to his touch. Jamie looked up and smiled at Ethan, who was already grinning like a fool. Jamie watched as her ivory skin took on a nice deep pink and he wanted to prance around the room like a peacock at the sight of his handprints on her bare ass. Nodding to Ethan, he watched as Ethan delivered six strokes that were sharper than his own had been and he was sure she would have noticed they’d stepped it up a bit. But Jamie also hadn’t missed the fact that by the sixth strike Bree had been trying to push against his hold to lift her bottom toward the blows. God, she is absolutely fucking perfect.

  Just as he ran this hand through her slick and swollen pussy lips for the second time he sunk his middle finger deep inside her pulsing channel and said, “Come for us, Bree.” He was glad he’d had a good hold on her because she had nearly bucked herself off his lap as her release broke loose and vibrated its way to the surface in less than a second. She screamed as she came and for the second time today, Jamie was very grateful that the suites in the ShadowDance mansion and The Club had all been soundproofed.

  Jamie continued to hold her as she slowly started to surface from her orgasm. Just when she might have been close to rational thought, he watched as Ethan reached under her and he knew his friend had pinched her clit when he leaned close to her ear and simply said, “Again.” Bree was thrown right back over the cliff and this time he’d been better prepared and had her more securely anchored to him. When he finally felt her sag in exhaustion he turned her and cradled her in his lap as Ethan helped him remove her clothing.

  Brushing her tears away and kissing her sweetly, he told her how proud he was of the way she’d taken her punishment and how beautiful she’d come for them as well. And even though they hadn’t planned to make love to her tonight, there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that was exactly what
they were going to do.

  Chapter 16

  Ethan watched as Jamie cuddled Bree and whispered what he was sure were words of praise into her ear. He’d been shocked at how well she’d taken her punishment, but then again, it merely confirmed that they’d been right all along. Bree was a natural submissive and the fact that she was already curious about the lifestyle was a huge bonus. She had come beautifully on command—twice. He wondered how long it had been since she had given herself a release because the two she’d had moments ago had to have been mind-bending in their intensity. His cock was so hard he wasn’t sure he’d be able to walk across the room to the bed without doing some kind of permanent damage, but he was damned well going to try. Leaning over, he nodded once to Creed before scooping up their beauty and making his way to the enormous quilt-covered bed.

  Whispering close to her ear, Ethan said, “You, my love, are amazing. You took your punishment so beautifully and then came for both of your masters immediately upon their command. You have pleased us both very much.” He felt the shudder that skittered up her spine and smiled when she looked up into his eyes. Feeling his heart clench at the lost look he saw floating in her gaze, he leaned forward and kissed the tear tracks on her sweet cheeks. “We want to make love to you. We won’t do anything that you aren’t ready for, but we also want to start preparing you to take us both at the same time.” Searching her sweet face for any trace of hesitation, he let out the breath he hadn’t even realized he was holding when he didn’t see any resistance.

  He had held her long enough that Jamie had turned down the bed, so he was able to lay her gently onto the sheets. Hearing the rustle of clothing behind him, he knew Creed was undressing so he took time to smooth back her silken curls. It was the color of spun gold and he was pleased when she turned into his touch. “Do you wear the contacts for vision correction or just to alter the color of your eyes?” He knew his question had startled her because he saw more than heard her quick intake of breath.

  “My vision is fine, but…well, my eye color is fairly distinctive, the contacts are required to conceal that.” She had responded so slowly he’d wondered at first if she was going to answer him at all. He hadn’t been surprised by her reply, but he found himself saddened by it.

  “Well, love, beginning tomorrow, Master Jamie and I would like for you to leave them out. It’s better for the health of your eyes, but more importantly, it’s important for you to be yourself. We’ll leave the issue with your name up to you, but my guess is that you’ll want to keep your new one rather than tackling the nearly impossible task of reversing a declaration of death.” He also assumed she wanted to maintain the distance she’d established from her parents, but that was a topic for another day. Pleased at her slow nod he stood up and moved back to undress and watched as Jamie lay down next to her.

  Ethan had always appreciated how easily they worked together. As snipers they’d been one of the best teams the military had produced in two generations, largely because they could anticipate each other’s actions and reactions to within a fraction of a second. It had been obvious from the beginning that they were both good, but together they were invincible. They had stayed partners during their entire tenure in the military racking up a success rate that would likely endure for years to come. While he knew on a cognitive level that their work had contributed to the safety of a lot of people, his heart had always wondered when and how that cosmic debt would present itself. Pushing those dark thoughts to the back of his mind, he refocused his attention on the naked woman arching toward Creed’s gentle touch.

  He had gotten lost in thought and didn’t remember getting undressed but he was grateful for her soft, lust-filled sighs that brought him back to the needs her body was so blatantly displaying. Her breasts weren’t huge, but their peaked baby-pink nipples were begging for attention and he was happy to oblige. Positioning himself on her other side, he swiped his tongue over the beaded flesh and then blew a puff of air over them and smiled when goose bumps raced along the surface of her beautiful skin. Watching as Creed slid down between her thighs and opened the engorged lips of her labia, he could almost feel the need pulsing through her. Ethan pulled back just enough to admire her bare mons, God how he loved being able to see every muscle twinge and every sweet drop of her honey as it flowed from her depths. “We love your waxed pussy, love. It is a something we hope you’ll consider continuing.” Ethan felt her tense and wondered if he’d overstepped some unseen boundary.

  Bree slowly opened her eyes and met his gaze directly when she spoke. “It isn’t waxed. It’s…well, it’s lasered so it’s permanent.” Ethan knew Jamie had frozen at her words just as he had. When they both just continued watching her, she went on to explain that she and a couple of her college friends had undergone the treatments as a sort of sorority bonding activity a couple of years earlier during an extended reunion trip through Europe. And while he was thrilled with the results, the thought of her exposing herself to multiple clinicians was enough to make him see red. If she belonged to him no one would see her naked without either him or Creed in the room. Tamping down his urge to voice his opinion he simply smiled at her and was glad for his decision when he saw her visibly relax.

  * * * *

  Jamie’s eyes hadn’t left hers from the moment she’d first started explaining how she’d come to be bare and smooth under his tongue but now his cock was demanding its due and the need to explore was just too much to ignore. “Fuck! I have to see it all, chère. Lift your legs. No, keep them apart.” Jamie knew Ethan was watching each of her reactions as he lifted her legs and saw that there wasn’t a hair to be found, hell, she’d even done her legs. “Unbelievable. Well, I have to say this is a most welcome surprise, sweetness. Your skin is so very beautiful. You look like the angel that my grand-mère kept in her reading room.” Moving his hands down and then back up her smooth legs, he exerted just enough pressure to make sure she understood his need for the touch. “She saw you, you know? The last time I was home she told me you were on your way to me. Her gift of ‘the second sight’ has always been particularly accurate when it comes to me. I can hardly wait for you to meet her.”

  Jamie knew Bree was trying to track his words but he also knew she was failing in a big way and that was exactly as he’d intended it to be. He had never let his hands stop moving, he was using a technique similar to tantric massage that Doms often used with newbie subs who were having difficulty focusing during their first foray into public scenes. He wanted her so lost in the sensations he and Jantz would be providing that her mind finally let go and just let her body take over. That moment of surrender would be sweet for all three of them.

  A true submissive was easy for Jamie to read and Bree’s submission went bone deep. The caretaker portion of her personality and her desire to please those around her were the core of who she was and those were traits usually found in true submissives. “Chère, I want you to keep your eyes open and on mine. I want to look into their depths as I fuck you. No matter what Master Ethan does, I want you to keep your eyes open and on mine, do you understand?” Even though they had already started the scene earlier, he knew she’d hear the shift in his voice from lover to Dom.

  “Yes, Sir. I understand.” At her words, her eyelids fluttered open and he was enthralled with the desire he saw reflected in her eyes. Un-fucking-believable—I can’t believe God’s grace—she is an answered prayer.

  He quickly rolled on the condom that Ethan handed him and then moved between her thighs and used the tip of his cock to tease her slick pussy lips. When she moaned and started to close her eyes he growled and her eyes opened wide and locked on his. He slid in balls-deep and didn’t waste any time setting a fast pace. Just as he felt her nearing the point of no return he rolled to his back, taking her with him. She seemed startled by the move and he knew he’d brought her back from her impending orgasm.

  Jamie watched as Ethan laid the lube and a small butt plug on the bed and then spoke close to her ear. “Love,
lie down on Master Jamie’s chest. I’m going to start stretching this beautiful ass so that you’ll be able to take us both. You’ll feel a small pinch and a bit of a burn. But I’m going to go very slowly so you won’t be in any real pain, but I want you to remember that you have a safe word. If you use it, everything stops and we discuss things, understand?” She was already lying over Jamie’s chest and he’d banded her tightly to him with one arm while he massaged slow circles over her lower back with his other hand.

  Jamie had to hold back his chuckle when she gasped and noted the lube was cold. He leaned close to her ear and whispered, “You aren’t going to be cold for long, sweetheart, I promise.” He could feel Ethan’s finger through the thin membrane separating them and was pleased to know he’d been able to breach her tight ring of muscles without her crying out. The plug Ethan had brought to the bed was small enough the hard part was over.

  Ethan nodded to him over her shoulder and Jamie immediately started sliding in and out of her sheath and he’d raised her up enough that he was able to see her eyes were glazed with desire. Suddenly she became much tighter and Jamie knew Ethan had begun inserting the plug. Bree’s eyes rolled back and she groaned, lost in the pleasure. Jamie was so overtaken by the sweet sounds she was making and the way her body was responding to his that he couldn’t even correct her for closing her eyes.


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