Reborn as Bree [The ShadowDance Club 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Reborn as Bree [The ShadowDance Club 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 11

by Avery Gale

  * * * *

  Jamie was biting the inside of his mouth so hard to keep from laughing he was sure it was going to start bleeding any minute and one look at Ethan told him that his friend wasn’t faring much better. God, she was completely wasted and absolutely adorable.

  Ethan shook his head and coughed over his laughter before saying, “Well, love, do you think you are ready for that experience? I know we have been using various plugs on you but it may be a little painful if you aren’t properly stretched. But then again, I’m thinking you have ingested enough liquid pain killer that it might work out after all. What do you think, Master Jamie?”

  Jamie had been trying his damnedest to not laugh aloud at the hopeful expression on Bree’s face. Pretending to give great consideration to the question, he finally answered, “I don’t know. As Doms, we really shouldn’t give her a ‘two-fer’ when she’s drunk. She really needs to be able to give informed consent. You know how Alex and Zach are about The Club’s rule against playing after more than their two-drink maximum.” Then turning back to Bree he said, “How many margaritas did you say you had? And before you answer, let me remind you that your little ’rita party was all recorded live and in color. Also you might like to know that we have been watching the feeds from the beginning because we were worried about you. We didn’t know how you would react to the kick-ass drinks we know Kat is famous for concocting, so we wanted to keep a close eye on you.”

  Bree reached her hand up and placed her palm on the side of his face and slowly stroked her fingers along his cheek. “That’s so sweet I think I might cry. I don’t really remember how many drinks I had but not too many to not know how much I want you. I’ve wanted you…both of you since the first minute I saw you. You, my Cajun Angel, you know that my heart recognized you the day you carried me out of hell.” Then turning to Ethan she added, “And you, my tough but loving Master Ethan, our hearts recognized each other right away, too. You know it and I know it.”

  Jamie could tell she was worried because they both just sat dumbly and stared at her for long seconds before they seemed to regain the ability to speak. He felt his own face break out in what he was sure was a doofy grin and then noticed Ethan had a similar expression. He hoped their smiles told her everything she needed to know. Oh yeah, chère…You are definitely getting one of those two-fers tonight!

  Chapter 20

  As soon as they had entered the bathroom of the suite Bree felt a shift in the energy or maybe that was actually the earth tilting on its axis because everything seemed to be leaning, no, make that spinning a bit to the left. Her eyes widened when both men turned to stand in front of her with their muscular arms crossed over their powerful chests. As she let her eyes trail down their amazing bodies she noted that they both had spread their legs shoulder-width apart and the effect their posture had was surprising in its intensity as she felt her pussy flood with moisture in anticipation of their possession. She knew they wouldn’t have missed her gulping swallow but she couldn’t help that now. She hoped that her mental “Holy shit!” hadn’t actually been said aloud, but judging by the tiny twitch she’d seen in Jamie’s jaw she was pretty sure she’d actually spoken the words. Damn but she needed to remember how potent Kat’s margaritas were.

  Both men had worked with her during the past week on various elements of the BDSM lifestyle and she’d quickly discovered that there wasn’t a question she could ask that would embarrass either of them and each day she learned something else about herself. Her time at ShadowDance had been an amazing journey of self-discovery and she had been pleasantly surprised to discover how healing those small revelations were.

  “Strip.” Ethan’s quiet command had surprised her because she had been concentrating so hard on not weaving. When she didn’t move quickly enough he simply raised his eyebrows and she quickly scrambled to peel off the formfitting swimsuit she’d been wearing.

  When she returned to her original position she saw that they were both naked as well. Wow, how long did it take me to get that damned suit off anyway? Bree watched as Jamie started the shower and then they both turned to her. Ethan reached out his hand and as she placed her small one in his much larger one, he said, “Let’s get that spring water off of your beautiful skin, shall we? The shower will also help sober you up a bit. Did you eat anything this afternoon? We can have a tray sent up.”

  As she entered the enormous shower she turned a bit too quickly and fell against Ethan’s chest. Burrowing her face against him she sighed and answered, “I did eat a bit, but I’m only hungry for the two of you right now. Maybe we can eat later?” She would have sworn she heard them both growl before they set about washing her hair just as they’d done each time they had showered together. The feel of their hands massaging her scalp and then soaping her body was sweet torture.

  * * * *

  Jamie wasn’t sure he was going to get out of the shower without fucking her into the floor-to-ceiling windows that took up one entire wall of the enclosure. He loved the way the windows could be frosted for privacy or left crystal clear if the Dom decided his sub was in need of a bit of “display play.” They hadn’t taken time to frost the wall so anyone in the garden would be getting a show right about now. The idea of pressing Bree against the glass and sliding into her sweet depths while the whole world watched them was almost more temptation than Jamie could pass up.

  He and Ethan worked together to get their sweet sub washed, dried, and smothered in her sweet-smelling lotion as quickly as possible. Taking note of the small incision on her shoulder, Jamie was pleased to see the minor wound was almost completely healed. Watching as Ethan combed through her tangled hair, Jamie was almost overcome by a feeling of satisfaction that he’d never known before Bree had come into their lives. As his grand-mère would say, “the light that shines from inside her warms all those it touches.” Damn, he could hardly wait to introduce his two favorite women to each other. He and Ethan had talked about taking some time off and taking her to meet their families as soon as it was safe for her to travel and he was getting antsy for that time to arrive.

  Ethan’s voice brought Jamie’s thoughts back to the moment and he smiled when he heard his friend tell Bree exactly how he wanted to find her when they returned to the bedroom. Laughing at her gasp when Ethan sent her on her way with a swat to her rosy ass, Jamie still marveled at the primitive conditions Bree had lived in for so much of her life. She’d grown surrounded by abject poverty and clearly didn’t put much stock in material things. He and Ethan had both been shocked when they learned that everything she owned was in her small car. Alex and Zach had brought in three small suitcases the day she’d arrived. And according to the Lamonts, her small car had also held a small box of books and another smaller box containing a few personal mementos that looked like things made by children and that was the extent of her belongings. Christ, it had taken him three trips with his SUV to move his younger sister to college and she’d barely made a dent in her bedroom.

  When they stepped into the bedroom Jamie nearly swallowed his tongue at the sight before them. Bree was bent over at the waist with her feet spread far apart with her hands grasping the wooden end board on the large bed. Her back was arched perfectly and when she turned to look at them her expression was one of anticipation and excitement. Gone was the wary and skittish woman they’d met so recently. He and Ethan were both thrilled with the way Bree had seemed to blossom under their dominance. The change in her self-confidence level was very gratifying.

  Looking over at Ethan, Jamie knew his friend was falling for Bree just as he was. Jamie was grateful Alex was working to get Bree’s medical license in her new name, but as far as he was concerned Alex’s inevitable success would be a mixed blessing. On the positive side was the joy Bree found in caring for those in need, but he also worried that she would want to move to a larger city in order to establish a practice. Deciding to set those thoughts aside, Jamie stepped closer to Bree and ran his hand down the satiny smooth skin covering h
er spine and smiled as she moaned softly and arched into his touch. He murmured, “Beautiful,” and Ethan heartily agreed.

  * * * *

  When Ethan stepped into the bedroom and took in the beautiful woman so perfectly displayed before him he’d felt all the blood drain out of his brain and race south. He’d been so blown away at the stunning vision, it hadn’t been until Jamie had stepped forward that Ethan had been able to surface from the trance he’d fallen into.

  Even though he’d agreed with Jamie’s assessment that Bree was beautiful, the word was vastly inadequate to describe how heart-stopping she was. She was, quite simply, radiant. There was just something about the woman that spoke to him on such a primal level Ethan wasn’t even sure he could describe it to anyone.

  He’d been sitting on the back deck late last night when Zach Lamont had joined him. After discussing trivial bullshit for several minutes, Zach had looked directly in his eyes. “It blows you away doesn’t it?” At first, Ethan had been so surprised by the question he hadn’t responded. Zach had assumed he hadn’t understood and added, “When the one walks into your life—it knocks the blocks out from under you doesn’t it? I just wanted you to know, Alex and I understand and we’ll help in any way we can. Our mom has told us a lot about Bree’s past and we know you and Creed are helping her overcome her fears, but don’t be afraid to seek advice if you need it. If neither Alex nor I can help, we’ll find someone who can. She’s special, Mom and Kat both love her and that alone speaks volumes, but the night she came up to the nursery to check on our children was the night it all gelled for Alex and I as well. Did you know that she came back up twice during the night? How she got out of that suite without waking either of you is nothing short of a miracle, personally I think we should hire her for the teams.” Ethan was shocked to learn she’d been able to leave the room without waking them. Christ, they were among the world’s most sought-after operatives and they’d let a civilian leave their watch not once, but twice in one night?

  As if sensing the direction his thoughts had turned Zach leaned forward and clasped his shoulder. “Don’t go there, brother. She walked down the hall and back because she was concerned for our children—don’t you dare punish her for that. When Alex and I questioned her she assured us that you both needed your rest more than you needed to walk those few feet with her. She agreed to beep the intercom once before coming again and she did, so we were waiting outside her door the second time.”

  Ethan knew he’d sighed in relief, but it still stuck in his craw that he’d been bested by the little beauty he was falling in love with. Zach had leaned back and then as if reading his mind, said, “It’ll be okay, you know. She’s falling for you two also. Just see how it plays out, but I have a great feeling about this one.” After Zach had gone back inside, Ethan had smiled into the darkness and thought back to the only time he’d ever met Jamie’s grand-mère. The damned woman wasn’t even five feet tall and yet she had a presence that nearly filled any room she entered. She’d walked out onto the porch one evening and placed her hand on Ethan’s arm and said, “When the Universe sends your angel, save her and then let her save you,” and then she’d just walked away. He’d been left with the impression that the Universe had sent him a messenger that night and he’d been equally convinced as he’d watched Zach walk away this evening as well.

  Now, standing beside Bree as she maintained her position while Jamie stroked the length of her spine, he was humbled by the gift of her submission. He’d never wanted to please and protect a woman as much as he wanted to with Bree Hart. She was, without question, the missing piece of the puzzle that had become his life. For the first time in his life, he was worried a woman would be repulsed by his family’s wealth rather than attracted to it. And despite her obvious lack of community standing and “name” he was sure his family was going to love her because there was just a goodness that was so innate in her that it called to everyone who came into contact with her. Shaking off his musings, Ethan refocused his attention on the woman in front of him. She was already trembling in need, but he and Creed were planning to push her a lot further before they launched her into sub-space.

  Chapter 21

  Bree felt her pussy flexing in response to Jamie’s touch. Even though he was only lightly dragging his fingers up and back down her spine her body had become so attuned to both of them that their mere presence was usually enough to make her panties wet. Of course she wasn’t wearing panties right now thanks to The Panty Bandits aka Alex and Zach Lamont. Oh hell, she’d been so sure that shower would counteract all the alcohol she’d consumed but it seemed her askew sense of humor was still drowning in Margaritaville. She caught herself before she giggled at her own mental joke, or at least she thought she’d merely thought it until Ethan leaned down and spoke so near her ear she felt his warm breath caress her already sensitized skin. “Of course you aren’t wearing panties, love, you were told to be naked and in exactly this position. And I’m sure Alex and Zach will enjoy their new titles. You look lovely by the way. And I’m not sure what you meant about Margaritaville, but we’ll give you a pass on that one this once.”

  She thought there had been an underlying tone of amusement in his voice but she wasn’t sure. But at least he didn’t appear angry and that had to be a plus. She groaned when she felt Jamie’s hand leave her back, but Ethan was still close and said, “He’s not leaving, sweet sub, he is just making sure we have everything we’ll need to make this enjoyable for all of us.” Bree felt her knees turn to rubber when Ethan slowly moved his fingers through the soft petals of her labia and drew lazy circles around her slick opening. And when he pulled the upper shell of her ear in between his teeth and gently bit down she felt a flood of moisture and knew it must have washed over his fingers before it began then slowly trickling down her inner thigh. “Oh my love, you are so wet for your Masters and I can’t begin to tell you how much that pleases us both. Now, Master Jamie is in position so I want you to crawl up onto the bed and follow his directions. Can you do that for me, my sweet Bree?”

  “Y–yes, M–Master Ethan.” But before she had actually managed to move, Ethan had taken his fingers and using her own juices as lubricant he pushed a finger just inside her rear entrance.

  “This is mine tonight, Bree. I’m going to fuck your sweet ass while Master Jamie fucks your hot little pussy. We’re going to show you exactly what it means to be our woman. Are you ready for our possession, love? Are you ready for the ultimate submission? Know this, my love, after tonight, there’ll be no turning back. After tonight, you will belong to Master Jamie and I both. It might not be ‘official’ or legal—yet, but it will be just as real. Is that what you want, love?”

  Bree’s vision blurred with unshed tears of joy as she stood up and wrapped her arms around Ethan and said, “Yes, Master Ethan, that is exactly what I want. I want you both to be my Masters.”

  Ethan returned her hug and she heard the emotion in his voice when he told her to get up on the bed and follow Master Jamie’s instructions. As she crawled up onto the massive bed, she looked at Jamie and was relieved to see him smiling even though his eyes were filled with unguarded desire. He reached for her and pulled her easily onto his chest, and framing her face with his large hands he brought her lips to his. Bree was immediately lost in his kiss. She felt as if he was reaching inside her and quietly stroking her soul. His kiss was pure seduction, like a gentle spiral that was moving her steadily toward a release she wasn’t sure her heart was going to survive. When he finally released her lips, he gradually raised her torso so that she was positioned on her knees with her sex directly over his cock. His tenderly spoken words sent a rush of her honeyed syrup directly to her outer pussy lips. “Take me inside your sweet pussy, chère. I want to feel your tight velvet walls wrap themselves around my cock. That’s right, slowly now, oh yeah. You are ma joie, mon amour.”

  Even in her fog of bliss, Bree felt herself warm to Jamie’s words, being called “my joy, my love” filled her
heart. She felt herself trying to speed up the pace, but his hands gripped her hips and forced her to savor each torturously slow withdrawal and reentry until she wasn’t sure she could take it another moment. When Jamie finally pulled her tight against his chest and started kissing her hair she was so aroused she could feel her blood surging through her system and wondered if her heart was going to beat itself right out of her chest. When she tried to sit up, again his arms tightened around her like steel bands and he whispered, “No, chère, stay here while your other Master prepares you.”

  She listened and let herself float with Jamie’s words. “Relax and let the sensations blow over you like a cool breeze on a hot summer day. That’s it, go with me—let’s relax in the pirogue as we drift through the slow-moving waters of the bayou. Let the sunshine wash over your beautiful naked skin. Feel the beads of sweat as they trickle between your bare breasts. And then a soft breeze blows over us and I watch in wonder as your skin flushes and the chill bumps race over your stomach before disappearing into your bare nether regions.”

  Bree felt herself being drawn into his fantasy as his voice hypnotized her into a state of relaxation so deep that when Ethan’s lubed fingers began pushing gently but firmly into her ass, she found herself pushing out struggling to accommodate the breach even as he began scissoring his fingers back and forth attempting to stretch and lubricate the tight tissues. Using the gentle push and pull as a part of the fantasy, Jamie spoke close to her ear. “Feel the soft rocking of our small canoe, chère? Let the motion lull you, let it seduce you. Flow with it as if it was coming from the depths of your soul. When you surrender to the sensations we will be able to make you soar with the wind. Are you ready to fly, ma jolie?”


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