Heaven Sent

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by Tania Sparks

  Heaven Sent

  Published by Tania Sparks

  Copyright © 2014 Tania Sparks

  All Rights Reserved

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24



  Seven and a half years ago …

  We’re at a college party and Ash is thrashing away on his guitar. He’s performing with his band on a small stage that’s been set up out the back by the pool. I’m getting my freak on, dancing and jumping, enjoying the show. I always get a huge thrill watching him, he looks so hot, I’m practically drooling. Unfortunately there’s at least a dozen other girls watching and drooling too. But I’m lucky, Ash only has eyes for me, he never even pays the other girls any attention, always spurning any advances from over-keen admirers.

  Ash and I are both freshman at Oklahoma College. We met about a year ago in high school and have been inseparable since. We’re soul mates. I’m studying towards a Degree in Business Management and Ash is studying towards his Degree in Music. Ash has always been in a band, mainly practising with his mates in his folks’ garage or playing at parties. Music is a real passion for him and he’s fantastic at it too!

  The guys finish their set and say thanks to the crowd who holler and cheer in appreciation. Ash jumps down off the small stage. Almost instantly there’s numerous girls trying to get him to notice them. He doesn’t pay them any attention though, instead he pushes his way through the crowd directly to me, stopping a couple of feet away. Just lately, we’ve started our own little after-show ritual and tonight’s no different. He raises his arms out to his side and with a massive smile on his face he says, “So Angel, what d’ya think?”

  I’m smiling like an idiot, watching him perform always turns me on and he knows it! I jump into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist, “It was fan-fucking-tastic band boy!” I screech. Our mouths crush together, our tongues entwine and our bodies grind against each other. I’m sure we’re putting on quite a display! But as always we’re lost in each other, nothing else exists, what can I say, we’re in love!

  After a short while we’re brought back down to earth by a loud ‘a-hum’ from behind Ash. I look over his shoulder to see two rocker-looking guys waiting patiently to get Ash’s attention. Ash slowly lowers me down his body and wraps his arm around my waist as he turns around to greet them. They all give each other some odd fist pump as they introduce themselves. Their names are Scott and Nikki and apparently they’re part of a hard rock group called Oblivion. The three of them chat animatedly about Ash’s performance. Scott and Nikki seem rather impressed with his talent. I don’t blame them of course, after all he is incredible. They explain that they’ve recently parted ways with their guitarist and are looking for a replacement. They think that Ash could make an ideal addition to their group so they invite him to audition.


  Within a few short weeks Ash has joined Oblivion and is dropping out of college to take off on a six month tour around the East Coast. They’ve scored the opportunity to open up for a huge rock group called Axion Temple. Music is Ash’s passion and it’s such an amazing opportunity that he can’t miss it. This could be his big break. Ash tries to convince me to come along with him, but I’m well into my first year at college and I have a full scholarship which I’d be silly to throw away.

  Before we know it, the day has come for Ash to depart. We’ll miss each other like mad, but it’s only six months and we plan on keeping in touch by phone and text. He even has some days where there’ll be enough time between shows that he’ll pop home and visit for a day or two. It’s going to be really tough, but we’re so much in love, we’re determined to make it work.

  Six Months Later - Seven years ago …

  Ash’s been on the road for nearly six months and I’m seriously looking forward to him coming home. I’ve missed him so much! We’ve managed to keep in contact almost every day. It’s been really hard without him. For the past six months my social life has taken a nose dive, it’s just not the same going out without Ash and it doesn’t feel right to go alone, so most of my time I spend in my dorm room studying. My dorm-mate Trixie constantly tries to get me to go out, but I’m really not interested.

  I’m looking forward to mine and Ash’s regular Sunday afternoon phone call because it’ll be the last one before he’s back home again. I make sure that I’m organised, my study books have all been put away, I have a drink of soda on my bedside table and I’m sitting on my bed with my phone by my side, waiting for it to ring. Ash normally phones at three o’clock on the dot, but it’s now half past and he still hasn’t phoned. I’m starting to get worried, but then the phone rings and I sigh in relief.

  “Hi Ash!” I chirp excitedly.

  “Hey Angel.” Ash sighs. He sounds down. He must have had a hard day.

  “Everything alright?” I ask concerned. There’s a long silence. “Ash?...you still there?”

  “Yeah Angel, I’m here.” He sighs heavily again. “Angel, we need to talk…fuck this is hard …”

  I’m worried. This doesn’t sound good. How can ‘we need to talk’ turn out well? My heart’s pounding like mad and I can feel heat and trepidation flood over me.

  “Angel, I’ve got some news…”

  “Okay…” I say, waiting nervously for him to continue.

  “The tour’s been extending, we’re going nationwide.”

  “That’s great Ash!” I exclaim, “You deserve it, you guys are awesome!”

  “Yeah, the tour’s great, but it means I’ll be away for a lot longer. Like another year.”

  I feel the colour drain from my face. Shit, a year’s a really long time! The last six months have been hell, but another year, that’s going to be really difficult. “That’s okay Ash.” I whisper, trying to sound as supportive as I can muster, “We’ll make it work….”

  I hear Ash sigh again. “Angel, it’s going to be a really busy tour, we’re scheduled to play almost every night, the travel will be gruelling and I’ll have bugger all free time.”

  “What are you saying Ash?” I ask panicking, I have a feeling I know where this conversation is going and I don’t like it.

  “Angel, it’s not fair on you, I can’t expect you to sit around and wait for me. I mean, hell, if this tour goes well, who knows when I’ll be back. You deserve to have a boyfriend that’s there for you.” His voice cracks, it sounds like he’s struggling.

  I am definitely panicking now and I’m practically hyperventilating. “Ash, please don’t say that. I don’t mind. You’re the only one I want. I can wait for you. Please don’t do this.�

  “Angel, I know you’re not going out, you need to socialise, you’re missing out on all the good parts of being at college. You need to have fun, I don’t want you staying at home pining for me, it’s not right, you deserve so much more. I can’t be there to give you that, so you should find someone that can. I’m letting you go Angel.”

  “Ash, please, no….” I’m crying now, sobs racking through my body. I can’t say anything, I’m stunned and absolutely devastated.

  I can hear Ash sniffling on the other end of the line too and then he whispers, “I love you Angel, good bye.” and the line clicks off.


  I flop down onto my bed. My world has ended. I feel empty.

  Eighteen Months Later – Five and A Half Years Ago …

  The next eighteen months go by in a blur. My world is shattered. I’m constantly depressed. I cry all the time. I’m barely getting through my classes. I’ve only just managed to hold onto my scholarship by doing some extra assignments, working through the term breaks and begging my lecturers to give me another chance.

  I keep myself as busy as I can. I spend every minute either studying or working at my part time job at a local hotel, working on the front desk and helping out with conferences. But if I do have any spare time I spend it trolling through the gossip sites and blogs. I know it’s not the brightest of ideas and I know it’s not healthy, but I try to follow Ash and his career. He’s impossible to get over and I just can’t help myself.

  Oblivion have made it really big and they’re now extremely successful. I’m so pleased for Ash that he’s living his dream, but every article I read breaks my heart. Our break-up left me feeling destitute and I’ve never quite recovered. Ash on the other hand seems to have coped quite well. In fact within a few months of our break-up the internet blogs and gossip columns reported that he had a different girl in his bed every night. Always blonde, always pretty. I guess what he really wanted was to live the rock star lifestyle, I had just been getting in the way.

  Just lately I’ve started to try and be a bit more social. My dorm-mate Trixie has been really supportive, she’s constantly tried to get me out and about and recently I’ve started taking her up on her offers. It’s fun, but it’s also hard. It’s been eighteen months but I’m slowly learning to enjoy myself again and each day is getting a little easier than the one before.

  Five and a half years later - 1 month ago …

  I open my eyes slowly and try to wiggle my way out bed. Just as I’m about to push the sheets off, a strong arm grabs me around the waist and pulls be back into his hard body. “Where do you think you’re going?” Richard grumbles in my ear.

  I can feel his smile against my neck. “I have to get up Richard, my shift starts in just over an hour!”

  “Mmm, okay Princess, but give me a kiss first.” He flips me around and plants a scorching kiss on my lips. He moves his body on top of mine and grinds his hips suggestively. I moan and kiss him back, raking my fingernails lightly down his back. A groan emanates from his throat and the vibration rumbles through my body. He asks, “Do you really have to get up right now?”

  I exaggeratedly pout my lips, “I really do!”

  He drops his head so his forehead is touching mine. He frowns and mumbles, “Okay, Princess.” I squirm out from underneath him, wriggle out of bed and head to the bathroom.

  Richard stayed at my place again last night. That seems to be happening more and more lately, but I don’t mind, it’s nice having him around in the morning. After both getting ready for work we take the stairs down to the car park at the bottom of my apartment building. “Later Princess.” He says as he pulls me in for a hug and gives me a quick kiss on my forehead.

  “Yeah, don’t forget I have a girls night with Trixie tonight, so I’ll see you tomorrow night.” I remind him.

  “Yeah, I’m taking you to that new restaurant in the village so I’ll pick you up at seven. See you then Princess.”

  “Yeah, see you then.”

  We both scurry off to our cars and head to work. I’m off to the hotel where I’m a Contract Manager and Richard’s off to his job as a Manager at the property development company he works for.


  I’ve had a very busy day at work and I can’t wait to get back to my apartment to relax. On my way home I call into the liquor shop and pick up a couple of bottles of wine for mine and Trixie’s evening catch-up, which I’m really looking forward to. We always make an effort to try and have a girls night at least once a week. Between my work schedule and Trixie’s active social life, if we didn’t make an effort, we’d never see each other.

  Trixie and I have known each other for more than seven years and we’re best friends. We shared a dorm room at college back in Oklahoma. I really don’t know what I’d do without Trixie, she helped me through some rough times.

  A couple of years ago we both decided to move to LA. This is where we live now, we share an apartment and we’ve shared so many adventures together over the years. She loves to party and have fun. Trixie’s the coolest girl I know and I couldn’t ask for a better friend.

  When I get home Trixie’s already there and is relaxing on the couch with some music playing on the stereo. I notice that she’s coloured her hair again, today the bottom half of her long blonde hair is bright pink. It suits her, it matches her go-getter attitude and wicked sense of humour.

  As I walk into the sitting area she claps her hands excitedly and says, “Hi Eve. Thank god you remembered the wine. I could really do with a drink!”

  “Hey Trix, yeah definitely, I could really do with a drink too! I have so much to talk to you about and it feels like we haven’t caught up in ages.”

  I make my way over to the kitchen placing one bottle in the fridge. I grab a couple of wine glasses and take the other bottle over to the lounge area and put them on the coffee table. “You pour the wine, I’m just going to get changed and I’ll be back in a sec.” I make my way to my bedroom to change into some comfy jean shorts and a t-shirt. I let my dark brown hair down and give it a quick brush. I go back out to the sitting area and plonk myself down on the couch next to Trixie as she hands me a large glass of wine and I take a long satisfying sip.

  Trixie smiles at me, “So what’s up Eve, sounds like you have a bit to chat about, how’s it going with Richard?”

  “Great…I think!” I reply, wrinkling my nose.

  “What do you mean, you think?” Trixie asks with a confused look on her face.

  “Well, it’s odd really, one minute he’s really affectionate and the next minute he seems really nervous. I get the feeling he wants to tell me something, but he never does. A few times over the past couple of weeks I’m sure he’s started to say something and then he just takes a big sigh and chickens out. It’s strange. He’s not the sort of person to get nervous. He must have something on his mind, but I don’t know what.”

  “Oh my god Eve!” Trixie squeals. “You’re so naive, have you ever thought that maybe he’s going to propose?”

  “What, no way!” I exclaim, shocked at her assumption. I hadn’t even considered that possibility. I guess it would explain Richard’s constant mood changes and the stumbled sentences.

  “Well, it’d make sense, you guys have been together for eight months or so now. If he’s affectionate one minute and then seems like he wants to say something but then doesn’t, maybe he’s trying to get the courage to ask you to marry him?”

  “No, no, that can’t be it!” I exclaim.

  Trixie grins at me with a knowing look spreading across her pretty face as she nods her head frantically, “I think it might be! maybe he thinks it’s time to take your relationship to the next level.” We just sit there staring at each other for a few seconds. Then we both shriek wildly at the same time.

  “He’s taking me out for dinner tomorrow night to that new restaurant in the village. Maybe he’s planning to propose then?” I blurt excitedly.

  “That’s it, I’m sure.
” Trixie giggles. For the rest of the night I can’t wipe the smile off my face. We order in some pizza and spend the evening chatting, eating and drinking.


  The next day after a long uneventful day at work, I get home, jump in the shower and start to get ready for my dinner date with Richard. I choose the most sexy dress I own and make sure I look my best. This may turn out to be a night I remember forever. Trixie comes into the bathroom and hands me a glass of wine, giving me an approving whistle, “You look fucking amazing Eve. This is a special night, maybe it’s the night you get engaged!” she squeals excitedly. I take the glass of wine and gulp it a little too quickly. My nerves are getting the best of me and maybe the wine will help calm me down a bit.

  The doorbell rings, so I grab my coat and handbag and open the door for Richard. “Wow, you look incredible Eve.” He leans in to give me a kiss on the cheek.

  “Thanks, you don’t look bad yourself.” He’s certainly made an effort to look nice too. He’s wearing dark grey pants and a dark grey shirt which is open at the neck. His hair is styled with product and he’s freshly shaven. He looks edible and smells amazing too.

  Trixie gives me a knowing look. “You kids have fun.” She smirks at us from the sitting area.

  “We will.” I respond excitedly over my shoulder.

  Richard yells out, “See ya Trixie.” He takes my hand and we leave the apartment closing the door behind us.

  On the short drive Richard seems nervous and we don’t really talk much. Once we get to the restaurant we park the car and make our way inside. We’re escorted to our seats and the waitress takes our drinks order. Richard is very quiet and we’re hardly talking to each other. It all feels very awkward. “Are you alright?” I enquire as I reach over and grasp his hand across the table.

  Richard just looks at me for a few seconds, he looks so nervous. His hands are sweaty, beads of perspiration dot across his forehead and he looks slightly pale. I squeeze his hand, he still hasn’t said anything and is just looking at me. “Is something wrong Richard?” I ask cautiously.


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