Heaven Sent

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Heaven Sent Page 6

by Tania Sparks

  I open the door and walk back into the room towards Ash where he’s still standing talking to the guys. He takes one look at me and says, “Holy fuck Angel, you look hot! I’m one lucky son of a bitch.” He grabs me by the waist and hauls me in tight giving me a quick kiss on my lips. He feels so good pulled up tight against me. I can’t resist, I snuggle in and kiss him on his neck softly. I move up to his chin with a few small kisses until I finally place a kiss on the edge of his mouth. We look into each other’s eyes and stay like that for a few minutes just staring at each other, both of us unsure of where our relationship stands and what us spending time together actually means.

  “For God’s sake you two!” I hear Scott scold as he slaps Ash on the shoulder. “Ash, why don’t you just get on with it, all this sexual tension is making me hard and I don’t get to see my girl for another two days!” Scott’s words break the spell and Ash and I pull away from each other slightly, both with guilty smiles on our faces.

  Over the next half hour the guys take turns in getting freshened up and we head out. As we make our way outside I notice that a throng of fans are gathered behind some barriers. They all start screaming and trying to get the guys attention. We start making our way over to the barriers. As we get close I let go of Ash to allow him to walk towards the fans. “We’ll just be a few minutes okay Angel?, you stay right here, we’re going to say hi and sign a few autographs.”

  “Okay.” I say as I look in amazement at how many people have been waiting for them to come out and how excited they are to see the band. I notice that the redhead that’s been accompanying Hansen is waiting with me too. I turn to her and introduce myself. She’s softly spoken and has adorably cute features. She’s a real sweetie. Her name is Casey. I ask her how long she’s known Hansen and she tells me it’s only been a couple of days and that they met at one of his concerts earlier in the week.

  The strawberry blonde that has attached herself to Nikki stands a few feet away from us with a scowl on her face and her arms crossed as she watches Nikki kiss and grope as many girls as possible that are lined up behind the barrier.

  The band spends about fifteen minutes saying hi to the fans, signing autographs and having photos taken. At one stage a curvaceous blonde gets Ash’s attention and asks him to sign her boobs. Ash quickly looks back to me, raising his eyebrows as if asking for my permission. I shrug my shoulders and wave at him indicating I’m fine with it. I guess if this is his life, who am I to tell him no? He grins at me and turns around to sign the top of the girl’s boobs with a black magic marker. He turns back to me and mouths ‘sorry’ then moves along the barrier to greet more excited fans.

  Pete steps up and announces that the guys have to get going now. The fans complain and grumble in disappointment and the boys come wondering back towards me and Casey. “Is it always like this?” I ask Ash.

  “Pretty much.” he smiles apologetically shrugging his shoulders.

  “Hold on guys,” Cody says as he turns around and faces the waiting fans. “I think I forgot something!” He takes a few steps back towards the crowd of cheering people. He tilts his head to the side, smirks and holds out his arm pointing to the crowd. He moves his arm back and forth while wriggling his index finger at the crowd. He points to a brunette who’s jumping excitedly. Cody turns to Pete and nods to him. Pete walks over, picks up the brunette and lifts her over the barrier. She quickly runs towards Cody and jumps into his arms. I hear Cody say, “Hi sweetheart, you want to come to a party?” The girl just nods and giggles. Cody pulls her in tight with a big grin on his face.

  “Oh, my god Cody. I can’t believe you just did that!” I exclaim.

  “Just like a box of chocolates!” He laughs as the other guys chuckle at his antics. We all walk towards the limo and get in.

  Chapter 5

  After a quick ride, the limo pulls up to the back of the club and we all pile out. Ash puts his arm around my shoulder and I put my arm around his waist. Pete makes his way to the door and knocks. After a few seconds it opens and a bouncer greets Pete with a big smile, a handshake and a pat on the back. “Come on through guys.” the bouncer says as he escorts us through the club. The music is pumping and the place is packed. The guys high five a few people on our walk through and girls are touching the band members provocatively as we pass by, luckily in the most part the bouncer and Pete manage to hold the crowd back. We get to some stairs and make our way up to the VIP lounge.

  The lounge has glass walls on three sides and has a view over the dance floor below. There’s a large cream leather booth that stretches along two walls and a number of low tables are scattered in front of the seating. The whole room has a purple glow and although the music is still thumping, it’s not quite as loud as out in the main part of the club.

  We all take a seat and Ash pulls me next to him. Hansen snuggles with Casey at the other end of the booth and they’re whispering to each other intimately. Cody has the brunette that he picked out from behind the barriers on his lap. Nikki is sitting a few seats away with his arm around the shoulder of the strawberry blonde that came with him from the stadium, but he also seems to have picked up a couple of extra girls on our walk through the club. All three girls are fawning over him and he looks like he’s very pleased with himself. Scott’s sitting next to me and is relaxed, leaning back into his seat with his legs stretched out, his ankles folded and his head bobbing to the beat of the music.

  A skimpily clad waitress comes up and asks to take our drink orders. As most of the guys already have girls with them she concentrates her efforts on Scott who flirts back playfully. She takes our orders and walks away giving Scott a wink as she sashays back to the bar. A few minutes later she brings back our drinks and hands them out. She plops herself down on the seat next to Scott and puts her hand high on his thigh, “My shift ends in fifteen minutes.” she purrs.

  Scott smiles at her and pats her on the knee. “Thanks for the offer sweetheart, but I’m taken, I’ve got a girl back home in LA waiting for me.”

  “I won’t tell if you won’t.” she grins.

  “Thanks anyway gorgeous but I’m going to be a good boy.”

  “You sure?” she questions with a frown wrinkling her forehead.

  “100% sweetheart.” Scott smiles warmly at her.

  “Okay, let me know if you change your mind.” she pouts as she walks away. Scott gets his phone out of his pocket and dials a number. I hear him say, “Hi my beautiful, how’s your day been?” He chuckles and gets up to walk towards the far side of the room to get some privacy. I see him chatting away animatedly with a contented smile on his face.

  I turn to Ash. “I thought he was just trying to let the waitress down lightly…so he really does have a girlfriend?” I question.

  “Yeah, he really does have a girl back in LA. Her name’s Lizzie. They’ve been seeing each other for a couple of months now. She’s a school teacher. She’s flown out a few times over weekends to meet up with Scott when we’re on tour. Scott’s really fallen hard for her and hasn’t touched another girl since they met, which is an absolute fucking miracle for him!” Ash laughs and shakes his head in obvious disbelief.

  “That’s really nice, I guess it’s good that the entire band aren’t all man whores.” I laugh.

  “Hey!” Ash frowns, “That’s not fair!”

  “It is from what I’ve seen on the internet!” I exclaim with a grin on my face as I dig my elbow into his ribs.

  Ash tilts his head to the side and smirks, “You been checking up on me Angel?”

  “No!” I squeak, knowing that I’ve been caught out.

  Ash looks at me closely, “Angel, I’ve only got eyes for you. It’s only you who I’ve thought about all these years. It’s only you who owns my heart.” He places a chaste kiss on my lips and pulls me in for a hug. I snuggle into him and hug him back. He really does know all the smooth lines to make me feel special.

  Nikki and his girls get up and head towards the stairs. He looks over his shoulder
to Ash and smirks, “Ash, you coming down to dance? It won’t be as much fun without my wingman, but bring Eve, I don’t mind sharing.” He grinds himself against one of the girls in an exaggerated dance move as he grabs the second girl around her waist and slaps the third one on her ass. Ash throws a drink coaster at him. Nikki ducks artfully, but unfortunately it hits the strawberry blonde on the side of her head. She turns to Ash and scowls at him. “Oh shit, sorry sweetheart!” Ash laughs. She turns away, grabs Nikki’s hand and stomps off down the stairs with Nikki and the other two girls in tow. Me and Ash collapse into fits of laughter. We’re still chuckling to each other as we watch them move towards the dance floor. Nikki gives the strawberry blonde a kiss on the side of her head where the drink coaster hit her. That seems to make her happy and they all start dancing. We observe them grind against each other for a few minutes. They dance very provocatively and it’s extremely hypnotising to watch. It’s turning me on imagining me and Ash dancing like that. Ash leans in and whispers into my ear, “You want to dance Angel?”

  “Yep!” I reply as I abruptly put my drink down, stand up, grab his hand and pull him down the stairs to the dance floor. Ash is snickering at me. He can read me so well and knows that watching the others has made me all sorts of horny. I know I’m playing with fire, but I can’t help myself. We reach the dance floor and instantly start moving against each other. Holy crap! I’d forgotten how great it feels to dance with Ash. I turn my back to him and put my hands in the air, rubbing myself suggestively against him. The beat is pumping through my body. I can’t tell if it’s the music making my body pulse or the way Ash and I are dancing that’s having an effect on me. Ash runs his hands slowly down my arms, down my sides and grips me firmly on my hips. He pulls me in close and nuzzles into my hair. He whispers into my ear, “You’re so fucking sexy Angel.”

  I turn to face him and put my arms around his neck, our bodies are touching as we move against each other. We’re face to face, breathing the same air. My hands are running through his hair at the nape of his neck. His eyes are hooded and as he presses his body against me I can feel his hardness and I know that he’s just as aroused as me.

  As we continue to seduce each other with our bodies, I feel a male physique rubbing up against my back and strong hands grip my hips. I feel hot breath on my neck and hear, “Hi there beautiful.” rasping in my ear.

  “What the fuck Nikki!” I hear Ash shriek as he roughly removes Nikki’s hands from my body and reaches across to push him away from me. Ash grabs my hand and drags me across to the other side of the dance floor glaring venomously at Nikki over his shoulder. I can see Nikki rolling his eyes and laughing as he moves back to dance with his girls.

  Over the next couple of hours we alternate between dancing and resting in the VIP lounge. I briefly think about Richard and how unhappy he’d be with the way I’m behaving, but being with Ash feels so right and I’m having so much fun. Besides, it was Richard that had asked for a break from each other, I’m sure he’s been out having fun, so I’m entitled to have some fun of my own.

  Whenever Ash and I are dancing we can’t keep our hands off each other. I convince myself that as long as we’re only being evocative when we’re on the dance floor it’s okay – we’re only dancing – right?

  And that kiss after the concert – I was just congratulating him on a great show!

  Hell - who am I trying to kid?

  We sit closely in the booth. Ash’s arm is placed lightly over my shoulder and his other hand is resting on the bare skin of my thigh, his thumb teasingly tucked beneath the hem of my dress. I’m snuggled up to him and have my head resting on his shoulder and my hand on his thigh. The electricity between us is sparking and I can feel that we’re both restraining ourselves. I tilt my head and look up into Ash’s eyes. He leans down so our lips are almost touching. His breath whispers across my face. Is he going to kiss me? Do I want him to kiss me? I’m so conflicted. My eyes move from his eyes to his lips and back to his eyes again. Suddenly I let out a unexpected massive yawn. I gasp, embarrassed as I cover my mouth with my hand, breaking the sexual tension in a split second. Ash laughs “Not used to late nights huh Angel?”

  “No, this is way past my usual bedtime!” I reply as I feel my face blush.

  “Okay, let’s get you outa here then.” Ash sniggers.

  “Let me just go to the ladies room to freshen up first.”

  “I’ll walk you to the bathroom door.” Ash offers as he stands, takes my hand and pulls me up. I yawn again and Ash smiles warmly and shakes his head. He puts his arm around my shoulder and we head towards the bathroom.

  The sexual tension between us has been getting hotter and hotter as the night’s progressed. As we reach the bathroom door I have an over-whelming urge to drag him in there and do very naughty things to him. I’m pretty sure Ash is having the same thoughts because he sighs heavily and I notice him adjust himself in his jeans to accommodate his growing erection. Ash pushes the door open for me and stands back to let me past.

  I slowly make my way in and glance back to see Ash repeatedly banging his forehead against the wall in frustration. I lose all my self-control, I turn back and stride towards him. I grab him by the front of his shirt, drag him into the ladies room and pull him into a bathroom stall, slamming the door behind us and locking it. He looks at me shocked for a few seconds. I can see him having a dialogue with himself in his mind. Then he snaps. He pushes me up against the door roughly and our mouths crash into each other, our tongues thrashing and our bodies crushing together. Ash reaches down and lifts me up by my thighs as I wrap my legs around his hips, my dress rides up indecently. Our lips never leave each other as our bodies desperately try to get closer. Ash’s left arm holds me under my thigh as his other hand moves up to caress one of my breasts. Our hearts are both pounding frantically. My panties are wet and I can feel Ash getting harder as he thrusts himself against me. I need more!

  I release my legs from his hips and slide down his body. I go straight to his belt buckle and start to undo it, fumbling in my eagerness. Ash lets out a long groan and shaking his head he says, “I can’t believe I’m going to say this Angel…but we have to stop!” He secures my hands to halt my efforts.

  “I need you Ash.” I whimper, “Please, it’s been too long, I can’t take this. This chemistry between us is driving me crazy.”

  Ash holds both of my hands in one of his to stop me from trying to undress him. He takes his other hand and after smoothing down my skirt he strokes my cheek, gently dropping his forehead to mine. “Angel, I’ve thought about this so many times in the past seven years. There’s no way I’m going to fuck you in a bathroom stall at a night club. When I do, it’s going to be where I can take my time and savour every inch of you.”

  Holy fuck! that just makes me want him even more! I look up into his eyes and my body relaxes. I make a growling noise in disappointment. I pout my lips and say, “Okay, I know you’re right Ash, but this just feels so right, I’ve missed you so much.”

  Ash murmurs, “I know, I know Angel, but we can do better than this place.” He gestures around at the graffiti covered bathroom walls and I know he’s right. He lets go of me and unlocks the door. “I’ll wait outside for you Angel.” He kisses me softly, turns and walks out, leaving me feeling hot and frustrated. I’m no longer tired. In fact, I’m wide awake!

  I walk over to the sink and splash cold water on my face. I try to tidy my make-up and hair in the mirror but I still look flushed and ruffled. After a couple of minutes I make my way back outside to Ash. He grabs my hand and guides me towards the top of the stairs where Pete is waiting for us. “Back to the hotel then?” Pete asks. “Yep.” both me and Ash say at the same time while grinning at each other.

  Chapter 6

  Even though the limo ride back to the hotel is only about fifteen minutes, it feels long and torturous. We sit opposite each other trying to keep our distance, just our feet touching as we stretch our legs across the space between us. We
both know that one little touch will have us clambering all over each other. We finally get to the hotel. The limo pulls up at the front entrance and Pete comes around to open the door for us. We get out and Ash grabs my hand, we walk hurriedly towards the elevator, Ash presses the call button, the doors open immediately and we get inside. We ride up to the penthouse floor in silence hand in hand. The air is buzzing and I’m so wound up I feel like the energy sparking inside me is going to explode out of my body. The elevator door opens and Ash drags me out by my hand pulling me down the corridor. He takes his access card out of his pocket, swipes it and pushes the suite door open. I follow him inside. He kicks the door shut and as soon as it’s closed he has me pushed up against the wall and is ravishing my mouth with his.

  As his tongue plunges into my mouth I can feel his desire and determination. My skin is tingling and adrenaline is coursing through my veins. Our hearts are beating wildly. I’m trapped against the wall and there’s no place I’d rather be. I can’t think, I can only feel, pleasure and lust consume me. Ash drags his mouth away from mine and we’re both breathless, gasping for air. We stare into each other’s eyes and take a moment to appreciate the fact that we’ve found each other again after so many years.

  Ash rests his forehead against mine. “Fuck, I can’t believe you’re here with me Angel. I’ve thought about this…dreamt about this…I never thought…”

  He doesn’t complete his sentence, just lets out a loud sigh and rolls his forehead back and forth slowly against mine.

  This feels so familiar, yet so different at the same time. Pure yearning is overwhelming my every thought and my mind is chaotic, but before I get a chance to analyse what I’m thinking and feeling, he holds my face in the palms of his hands, his thumbs gently stroke my jaw. I can see longing burning in his eyes. His hands move slowly over my shoulders and down my arms in an unhurried and sensual stroke, his eyes track the movement of his hands attentively. He briefly entwines his fingers with mine then firmly grasps my hands and lifts them positioning them above my head. He presses my hands into the wall, glares penetratingly into my eyes and growls, “Keep your hands right there Angel. I want to see if every curve is as I remember it. I want to touch every single inch of your sexy body. You’re so fucking beautiful.”


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