Heaven Sent

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Heaven Sent Page 12

by Tania Sparks

  I lean over to him and clasp both of his hands in mine. He can obviously see my sadness and he’s worried. I’ve rehearsed this speech maybe a hundred times in my head, but that isn’t making it any easier. I take a deep breath and start talking, “Richard, a month ago you broke my heart…”

  He inhales quietly and squeezes my hands, “Eve…” he says desperately.

  “Richard, that night when you told me that you wanted a break for a month, beforehand, I knew you were nervous, I knew you had something on your mind, but I had convinced myself that you were going to ask me to marry you….”

  Richard looks at me sadly, “Oh Eve, I really had considered asking you exactly that, but I freaked out. I had been so conflicted for weeks. I knew I loved you, and I knew I wanted more with you, but I was so scared. I honestly thought that if we had a month apart I’d be able to reassure myself that what I really wanted was to settle down with you. Eve, I realise now that a month apart was a stupid idea. But it did confirm to me that I want more with you. I’m not freaked out any more. I want us to be together, I love you.”

  This is really tough, I thought it would be difficult, but this is gut-wrenching. But I’ve made my decision and I am absolutely positive of my choice. “Richard, that month apart, it was horrific, I cried solidly for two weeks. I was so sure that we were over. I didn’t even consider that you would want me back again.”

  His eyebrows push together in a frown and he says exasperatedly, “But Eve, I said it was just a break.”

  “I know. I know that’s what you said Richard, but that’s not what it felt like. I thought we were over. I never expected that we would get back together.”

  Richard sighs and whispers, “I buggered up didn’t I Eve? but surely it’s not too late to fix this?” he asks anxiously.

  I grimace, “No Richard, I think we’re over. I think we should just move on.”

  I hear him take a sharp intake of breath. I’ve really shocked him. He genuinely thought that he could just walk back into my life and everything would be like it had been before, as if nothing had happened. I can see a sudden thought of realisation hit him. Probably more harshly than he intends he snarls, “You’ve found someone else haven’t you Eve?”

  “Richard, it’s not like that.”

  “Then what the fuck is it like?” He scowls as he rises to his feet irately. I also stand and take a surprised step away from him. He’s shaken me. I’ve heard Richard swear before, but he’s never actually sworn at me. It’s out of character for him. Before I can answer he continues his train of thought, “It didn’t take you long did it Eve, so much for heart broken. It’s only been one fucking month! I presume the bastard you’ve hooked up with is back in LA – who is he?”

  I try to respond calmly. This conversation is quickly escalating into a nasty argument and I don’t want that. “Richard, I never intended it to happen, but it’s not anyone in LA.”

  He lowers his voice and I can see a glimmer of hope in his eyes, “So it’s someone here in San Francisco? – you’ve only been here a couple of days Eve. It can’t be that serious, surely we still have a chance? Can we try again?” he questions optimistically.

  I respond as kindly as I can, “Richard, I’ve made up my mind. You and I really did have something special, but you ruined it when you wanted a break. I’ve met someone else, and he’s really important to me, I owe it to myself to give it a try.”

  I can see Richard frantically trying to figure out what’s happening then I see sudden understanding as another wave of awareness floods his brain. “It’s someone from that fucking band isn’t it!”

  I just stare at him blankly.

  “I knew it, I got the feeling that you knew them more than just because they were staying at the hotel. I’m a fucking moron. How could I not have seen it! ...actually, forget me being a moron, how can you be such a dimwit Eve, they’re bloody musicians, they probably have a girl in every city they visit. You’ll be tossed to the side as soon as they move onto their next concert! Which band member is it Eve?” he demands.

  He really is getting quite irate now. “It’s not like that.” I whisper exasperatedly.

  “Of course it is Eve, how stupid can you be! Tell me which one it is.” he demands again.

  “Richard, it’s not like that, you don’t understand. I knew him in high school. We know each other. We met up again a few days ago, we sort of re-kindled things.”

  Richard is now pacing around the small room hysterically. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” he exclaims as he pulls frantically at his hair. I’ve never heard him swear so much. I can see him slowly putting the pieces of the puzzle together, “Holy Christ, it’s Ash isn’t it! Ash Miller from Oblivion is your fucking ex high-school sweetheart, Ashton!”

  Richard and I had shared our relationship history with each other a few months after meeting. He knows that “Ashton” was my first and he knows that he had left me heartbroken to pursue his career, but I never told him what he does or who he is. I look down at my feet and whisper my answer, “Yes.”

  “Shit!” Richard shouts and then he paces the room in silence. I can see the fury fuming off him in waves. “Eve, I’m going to go now because I’m so fucking angry.” He walks across and grabs his luggage that the concierge must have brought up earlier. He opens the door to the room and looks back to me, “This isn’t over Eve. I love you. I’m willing to fight for you. But right now I’m so livid that I can’t even look at you. I’m going to get myself my own room and in the morning I’m flying back to LA. When you come back home tomorrow, we’re going to talk. Once you realise that your rock star has already moved on to the next girl in the next city, you’re going to want to come back to me. I’ll be waiting Eve. I love you and I think our relationship is worth fighting for.” He slams the door closed and leaves.

  I collapse onto the bed and start to cry, sobbing into my pillow. That whole thing went so much worse than I ever imagined. I lie snivelling for what feels like hours, but I glance across to the alarm clock and realise it’s only been about an hour and a half. I hear a desperate knock at my door. My tears have all been shed but I’m still mumbling to myself and wheezing loudly. I’m sitting on the centre of the bed with my arms wrapped around my knees staring blankly at the door. The knock gets louder and I hear Ash frantically calling, “Angel, Angel please, I can hear you’re in there. Are you okay, please open the door baby.”

  I slowly get up from the bed and make my way across the room to open the door. As soon as it’s open Ash pushes his way in, frenziedly looking around the room to make sure I’m alone. He holds onto me tightly, completely encircling me in his arms. “Are you okay Angel, did he hurt you?” he asks as his hands rake over me as if looking for any sign of injury.

  “No Ash he didn’t hurt me.”

  “Then why are you crying Angel, why are you so upset?”

  “Oh Ash it went so much worse than I thought it would. He was so mad....”

  Ash scowls, “If that fucker hurt you I’m going to kill him!”

  “No Ash, I told you, he didn’t hurt me, we just argued but it was horrible. He figured it out. He knows about us..”

  Ash looks at me solemnly, “But that’s good Eve, we’re together now. He would have found out about us eventually.”

  “It was just so awful Ash. He swore at me, he’s never sworn at me before. He was so furious, I’ve never seen him like that.” I start to cry again.

  Ash holds me even tighter. We stand in the middle of the hotel room as he consoles me. After about ten minutes, I stop crying. Ash looks down at me and says, “Come on Eve, let’s lie down. You look exhausted and you need some sleep. He pulls back the covers on the bed and encourages me to climb in. He gets into the bed behind me, pulling my back to his front. We’re both still fully clothed. He places one of his arms under my neck. With the other hand he stretches down and pulls the blankets over us and then reaches across and turns the lights off. He holds me securely around the waist. It’s extremely comforting and I
soon relax and snuggle into him. He wipes some strands of hair away from my face as he gently strokes my temple. My eyes start to get heavy as I slowly start to drift off to sleep. I hear Ash whisper in my ear, “I’ll be here when you wake up Angel.”

  I whisper back to him, “Thank you for staying with me Ash.”

  “No problem Angel, I’ve got nowhere else I’d rather be.” We both drift off into a peaceful sleep.

  Chapter 10

  The next morning I wake up wrapped in Ash’s arms, still with my back snuggled into his front. Just as I open my eyes I hear Ash rasp, “Mornin’ beautiful.”

  “Morning Ash.” I whisper.

  He squeezes me tight and wraps one of his legs over mine. “How you feeling today Angel?” he asks cautiously.

  I think about it for a few seconds. To my surprise I feel good. Last night all seems like a bad dream, but what I feel now feels comforting, it feels right. Me here with Ash, this is where I’m supposed to be. I wriggle around onto my other side so we’re facing each other and I respond to his question. “I actually feel really good Ash. This is perfect. I love waking up to you wrapped around me. I feel like we can finally be together with nothing in the way. This feels right.”

  I nuzzle into his chest as he pulls me in tight. “I’m so happy to hear you say that Angel. I was sort of worried you’d change your mind.”

  “Never Ash. This is what I want. You are what I want.”

  Ash leans up onto his elbow, “What’s your plan today Angel, when’s your flight back to LA?”

  “Eleven o’clock.” I reply, then I suddenly panic, “What’s the time Ash?”

  “It’s still early Angel, it’s only seven.” I relax into him as he settles back down to embrace me. We lie there in comfort for a few minutes, just enjoying the companionship and the warmth of each other’s bodies.

  Ash’s hand moves over my hip and caresses me softly. “You Hungry Angel? You want some breakfast?” he asks quietly.

  “No, I’m not really hungry yet.” I reply as a snuggle closer stroking my hand over his t-shirt covered chest.

  “Do you want a shower?” he asks quietly.

  “No, not yet.” I mumble as my hand moves lower and drifts under his t-shirt, caressing his abs, my fingers running back and forth just below the waistband of his jeans.

  A groan rumbles through his chest. “Do you want me to turn the television on?” he chuckles.

  I simply whisper, “No.”

  He smiles at me warmly, tucks a few strands of hair behind my ear and rests his palm on my cheek. He studies my face for a few seconds, his eyes are hooded and the sapphire blue of his irises burn with desire. He quietly asks, “Do you want me to make love to you Angel?”

  “Yes.” I whisper.

  He moves towards me and his lips touch mine, moving delicately as he kisses me tenderly. His hands drift to the nape of my neck and he undoes the clasp on my halter neck. He encourages me to sit up then lifts my top up and over my head dropping it to the floor, then he gently lowers my head back down to the pillow. He repositions himself so he’s kneeling over me, straddling my hips. He slowly removes his t-shirt and drops it to the floor beside the bed. The heat in his gaze is scorching my skin as his hungry eyes rake over my body. The connection between us is palpable. We both have so much to say to each other, but we don’t need words. The intensity blisters between us and every emotion, every feeling, every thought is communicated silently. We can finally be together without the looming threat of other relationships.

  His hands run firmly over my shoulders, his fingers and palms stroke down my arms, then he gently glides back up towards my shoulders with the back of his hands so his knuckles are brushing against my sensitive skin. This hands lower again, but this time they caress over my collar bone and down to my breasts, squeezing gently then smoothing over my ribs and waist. “You’re so beautiful Angel.” he whispers. “I can’t believe you’re mine again. This is like a dream I never thought would come true.”

  I sigh in pleasure, Ash’s touch combined with his heartfelt words are making me melt. He slowly undoes my jeans then moves backwards until he’s standing at the foot of the bed. He tugs them off and drops them to the floor. He leans over and grabs my panties, slowly dragging them down my legs. He removes his own jeans and boxer shorts as I watch him raptly. This man is amazing. He’s so sensual and is making me feel not only aroused, but also tremendously cherished.

  He crawls back up the bed and sits so he’s once again straddling my hips, but now we’re both completely naked. Leaning down, he places his hands either side of my head so he’s hovering over me. Dipping his head our mouths meet tenderly, our tongues tangle and caress as he explores my mouth with his tongue and nibbles at my lips. He moves down my throat placing tender kisses on my sensitive skin. His lips descend down my body. His hands move to my breasts and he cups them gently, his forefingers and thumbs roll my nipples to hard nubs. He leans down and his tongue laps around one of my nipples. I arch my back in invitation and moan in ecstasy. He moves backwards so he’s now straddling my knees. His attention moves from my breasts to my hips, his warm hands caressing me. Wherever his hands trace it leaves a trail of ignited skin as sparks of pleasure shadow his touch. He repositions his legs, pushing them between mine so he’s now kneeling on his knees between my spread thighs. He leans down and his mouth dances a pattern across my ribs, down to my stomach, his tongue circling my belly button, briefly dipping inside. He places soft wet kisses and erotically nips with his teeth across my hip and down to my upper thighs. His mouth moves to my core as I feel his tongue move in one strong stroke from my entrance to my clit. A bolt of fierce arousal spikes through my body as I buck beneath him. His lips secure around my clit and he sucks. My whole body tingles and I can feel heat mounting rapidly inside me. I tangle my fingers in his hair and tug firmly. He growls, the vibrations from the sound causing my clit to throb. I feel his hand moving from my hip to the moist delta between my thighs, a single finger slips inside, slowly circling and stroking. My inner walls clamp around his finger as my body desperately seeks more. His lips are still sucking my clit and I can feel my orgasm building. He adds a second finger and starts to pump faster releasing my clit from his lips. The pressure is building to a climax and suddenly I feel my whole body convulsing, “Oh my God Ash!” I scream as my orgasm explodes and severe ripples of pleasure pulsate through my entire body catapulting me into a frenzy of sensation. Gradually the tremors start to subside. I’m still trembling in pure carnal pleasure, his hand slows down so he’s now stroking inside me leisurely, bringing me down gently.

  I grab hold of his forearms and look into his burning sapphire eyes, “Please Ash, I need you inside me.” He smiles warmly as he lowers himself over me. He guides his cock to my entrance and slowly slides inside. He’s stretching me as he moves deeper, inch by delectable inch. When he’s completely embedded inside me, he drops his head and rests his forehead against mine, “This okay Angel?” he staggers.

  “Perfect Ash, but please move, I need to feel you.”

  He places his lips on mine and kisses me passionately. His hips start to move, rocking back and forth smoothly. There’s no urgency, no desperation or claiming of each other. This is making love. It’s sweet, tender and feels even more intimate than anything we’ve done since we reconnected. We worship each other as we glide together sensually. Ash’s breathing starts to get heavier and I can sense his body beginning to tense, I know he’s getting close. I rake my fingernails down his back and he groans in pleasure. “Oh Jesus Angel, I’m going to come, are you close?”

  “I’m close…you feel…ahh…so good…please….”

  “Together Angel, we’ll come together.”

  “Okay Ash.” I stammer, barely able to utter the words. He continues to pump into me a few more times and then both our orgasms explode simultaneously. I feel like I’m flying, my vision is a burst of colour, both of our bodies are convulsing violently but in sync, we continue to thrust, prolon
ging our orgasms for what feels like forever.

  He holds onto me and rolls us to our sides so he’s still inside me and our limbs are entangled. We’re both breathing heavily. “Jesus fucking Christ Angel, that was….”

  I laugh quietly, “Yeah, that was … intense.”

  “Yeah.” he whispers.

  Ash slides out of me and we lie on our backs recuperating. Our arms are draped over each other and we’re lying so close that our bodies are touching from our shoulders right down to our toes. I feel totally satiated, I feel loved and I feel thrilled and excited about my future with Ash.

  After about twenty minutes Ash sits up swinging his legs over the side of the bed. He leans back and touches my hand, “Let’s go have a shower Angel.” He nods his head towards the bathroom.

  “Sounds like a good idea.” I reply as I get up and we walk slowly hand in hand to the bathroom.

  After taking our time in the shower to lather each other up and rinse each other off, we get dressed and order in some breakfast from room service. After finishing breakfast I grab out my suitcase and start to pack my stuff.

  “Our charter flight leaves at midday Angel, why don’t you just cancel your flight and fly back with us?”

  “I can’t do that Ash, I can’t just invite myself along on your flight.”

  “You’re not inviting yourself Angel, I’m inviting you.”

  “Are you sure it’ll be okay?”

  “I’m sure, it won’t be a problem, let me just make a phone call.” Ash picks up his phone, presses some buttons and mumbles some words into it.

  “All sorted Angel, you’re coming with us!” he smiles.

  “Thanks Ash.” I say appreciatively. I walk over to him and kiss him on the cheek.

  After finishing packing and phoning the airline to cancel my commercial flight, we head upstairs to Ash’s room so he can pack.

  Chapter 11

  The flight back to LA was amazing. The chartered jet was incredibly luxurious. The guys were all relaxed and happy to be heading home for some rest before the tour kicks off again in a few days. Once we get into LA everybody goes their separate ways, catching individual taxis or being picked up by friends or loved ones.


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