Honey Flava

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Honey Flava Page 17

by Zane

  The door opened, without so much as a knock, and Madam Oy walked in. “Why aren’t you ready, Takumi? Mr. Takanobu Nagumo is waiting downstairs for you. I’ve told him how well you perform the fan dance, it’s his favorite.”

  Takumi looked up with fear in her eyes. There was no good explanation for the way she looked.

  “Oh my God, child. You appear horrendous to me and certainly will to Mr. Nagumo. What in the world will I do?” The old woman paced the room silently, her cane tapping the floor every time she lifted her left foot.

  “You must do the dance anyway. Use your skills to hide your face and finish as fast as you can. Leave your hair down. We will have to hope and pray that this danna will not take offense to you. Get dressed and be downstairs in five minutes.”

  Madam Oy left without another word. The slamming of the old wooden door added a finality to Takumi’s situation. “Help me get dressed, Sendai. I’ll show her.”


  WHEN TAKUMI MADE HER entrance downstairs, Mr. Nagumo was sitting waiting for her. Madam Oy started to wheeze when she saw that Takumi was wearing a white bathrobe with a purple-painted dragon on the back. She wore no shoes, her hair was wrapped in a lavender towel, and the huge umbrella she held hid all of her face.

  She snuck a peek at Mr. Nagumo before she began. His receding hair was black, what was left of it. He wore expensive clothing and shoes and she could smell his cologne from across the room. His belly hung over his custom-made leather belt. There was no kindness in his eyes. His lips drew together in a thin line of determination. What was this man here for?

  The dance started out as it always did with structured hand movements up and down. Her legs both bent at precisely the same angle when she moved. She lowered the umbrella onto the floor and picked up a black, silk fan. Tiny steps were taken as she stared at the garden scene that adorned the fan.

  Takumi shook her head and let the towel fall down. She touched the closed fan to her hair and smiled. In one slow moment she had whipped the fan open and was following its motion with her head. The music was soft vocals that seemed to tell a tale of love lost.

  With her arms connected she simulated the waves of the ocean. Her still-wet hair swished against her upper arms as she moved. The fan was laid down and her palms came to rest upon one another. In one fluid motion she knelt on the floor. Cupped hands rested beneath her chin, then rose into the air as she lowered herself onto the floor. Her eyes were closed to the stares that surrounded her.

  The unusual position, with her legs bent under her, caused her robe to flop open and reveal her bare, virginal pussy. She had used black makeup to draw whiskers, a nose, and ears there—Mr. Nagumo was privy to geisha kitty.

  Takumi made no effort to rise when the dance was over. Madam Oy fainted and no one moved to revive her. Quiet overtook the room for several minutes.

  Clap, clap, clap. The round of applause piqued Takumi’s curiosity, so she sat up and opened her eyes. Mr. Nagumo was clapping. A smile was on his face. He’d gotten up from his chair and was right at that moment heading toward her.

  “Well done, you little minx. Very well done indeed. I’ve never met a geisha who would dance as you just have. You’re exactly what I’m looking for. I’ll be back tomorrow night. We’ll be going out. You may want to wear a kimono, but clothing is always optional with me.” He was still laughing when he exited through the front room of the teahouse.

  Takumi got up as fast as she possibly could and ran out of the teahouse and back to the main part of the okiya. Tears of rage covered her face. White makeup poured off her face. She threw off the robe and dropped onto her bed immediately after tearing through her bedroom door.

  It took at least an hour, but her fury did diminish with time. I can’t believe he liked that. What kind of danna wants a geisha who would shame herself like that?

  “Uh, mmm, Takumi.”

  She hadn’t realized someone else was in the room with her. Aiko sat on the edge of the second bed with her hands folded in her lap. “I heard what you did, how he reacted. We must leave tonight. There’s no more time, Takumi. Please.”

  “I have brought shame upon Madam Oy, upon my geisha sisters, upon my own mother, and worst of all I have shamed myself. You were right, Aiko. This man is looking for a plaything, nothing more. I’m doomed.”

  “No, please don’t say that. More importantly, don’t think that. We were meant to be together, and together we will be! Enough self-pity. Let’s leave right now.”

  The young girls held hands as they crept from the okiya. They hoped that the falling darkness would cover their tracks. They stepped outside, shut the door, and leaned down to put on their shoes—and Madam Oy materialized from inside the okiya.

  “Going somewhere, girls? You wouldn’t steal from me, would you? Both of you are my personal property, don’t forget that.”

  She grabbed the girls by the hair and dragged them back inside screaming. After they were dragged through the house, they were locked in separate closets with no light. “You won’t be released until tomorrow. Mr. Nagumo has agreed to become your danna, Takumi.

  “I’ll have one of the girls pack your things. He wants you to live with him. I’ve already called your mother and explained what a golden opportunity this is—she was thrilled for you.” Loud, heavy footsteps could be heard as Madam Oy walked away.

  “Aiko, can you hear me?”

  “Yes, I can hear you. Why wouldn’t you listen to me, Takumi? Now you’ll be moving to Tokyo with the old pervert and I’m destined to reside in this horrible house, loveless, for the rest of my days. You should have listened to me.”

  “I’m so sorry, Aiko. You’re right of course. I had no way of knowing this time would be different than all of the last times.”

  “You had every way of knowing—you had me.”

  “I promise I’ll listen to you from now on. Aiko? Please, talk to me.”

  All of Takumi’s pleading was met with silence. Aiko might as well be on the other side of the earth. Takumi had torn down her lover’s trust. She’d painted her pussy to look like a kitty, what was she thinking?

  I wasn’t thinking, that’s the problem. I haven’t had to think for myself, ever. My mother thought for me at home. Madam Oy thinks for me here. If I get shipped off to Tokyo, Mr. Pervert will do all of my thinking for me I’m sure. It’s time I figured out what I want and go after it.

  “I love you, Aiko. I love the way your hair smells after you’ve walked in the rain. I love the way you smile when I bring you sweets from the kitchen. I love the tenderness you show when you help me prepare for a night out in the teahouse. How hard that must have been for you each time. I’d never thought of it before. You never complained, not even once. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Not here, not in an okiya. I want to get a small hut and live with you by the ocean. I want to make love to you on the sand as the sun sets on the horizon.”

  Her grand statement was met with quiet.

  “We were meant to be together. You know it as well as I do. We’re soul mates, you and I. You’re the only reason fate saw fit to send me to this terrible place. Say something. Say you hate me. Say you never want to touch me, laugh with me, or walk hand in hand again. I can’t stand the stillness, Aiko. Please…”

  The closet in which Takumi had been placed opened up. Mr. Nagumo stood before her, hand stretched out. “Come with me, my child. I have a driver waiting. Your things are already in my trunk.”

  Takumi withdrew from his touch and scooted back into the recess of the wooden corner. “I won’t go with you. I don’t even like men!”

  A strange look came into the old man’s eyes. “You have never been with a man?”

  “No, and I don’t plan to be either. I lick pussy. I kiss soft, full lips. I won’t be of any use to you.”

  “Hmm, Madam Oy was being truthful then. I had my doubts. You were such a slut tease during the fan dance. I’ll teach you what happens when young girls show their bodies to men.”

  Takumi prayed as she’d never prayed before. Please, God, don’t let this happen. I’m a good person. I love Aiko. Don’t take me away from her.

  God didn’t seem to be listening. An old, wrinkled arm extended into the opening and grabbed her. He didn’t even slow down to get a good grip. He pulled her all the way to the front door, then threw her outside on the ground. A tall, stocky man dressed all in black picked her up and carried her to the vehicle.

  “Let me down. Aikooooooooo!” Takumi beat her fists against the burly giant, but it had no effect. The driver threw her into the backseat and locked all the doors. Mr. Nagumo slid onto the leather seat from the opposite door.

  “Wave good-bye, little one. Your time here is done.”

  Takumi shifted as close to the back window as she could. All of it was fading away with distance. She kept watching, waiting for something that never came. Finally she sat on the seat keeping the distance between her and Mr. Nagumo as wide as humanly possible. Her arms crossed and her knees pulled up to her chest. It wasn’t the most comfortable position, but it was the best she could do to fend him off for the moment.


  AT SOME POINT TAKUMI fell asleep. She awoke with a film of dried tears on her cheeks. “Open your eyes, child. We’re here.”

  A large home stood before them on a hill. The driver took a dirt drive up to the main entrance. Two servants were standing by the front door ready to greet this monster of a man home. The giant came around to open the door. She become conscious of the fact that her new danna had tons of money.

  Mr. Nagumo took hold of her wrist and pulled her out of the car on his side. “You will smile when you meet my servants.” It was a command, not a request.

  It was all Takumi could do to walk without tripping. She didn’t even attempt to fake a smile. One servant was a man and one was a woman. It made sense that Mr. Nagumo handed her off to the woman. “Please show her to the guest room. Stay with her at all times. Do not let her out of the house for any reason. She’s been ill and I want to make sure she acclimates her system before she goes running off. I’m sure you understand.”

  “Yes, sir. Of course, sir.”

  Mae had been in Mr. Nagumo’s employ for several years. She knew he was a dirty old man. He’d practically raped her one night in the kitchen. Luckily she’d grown too old for his tastes. Her arm draped around Takumi’s shoulders as she guided her to the third-floor guest room.

  “What’s your name, child?”

  “I’m not a child. I’m twenty-seven years old.”

  “Really? Well then. You do look much younger. But please tell me your name. I’m Mae. I do all the cooking and cleaning around here. It isn’t paradise but it isn’t an alley in Bangkok either.”

  “My name is Takumi. I was living in the house of Madam Oy learning to become a geisha when Mr. Nagumo found me. Is he as perverted and sick as he looks?”

  “Yes, dear. I’m afraid he is.”

  “I thought so. Could you help me out of here?”

  Mae wrung her hands nervously. “Quiet. Don’t let anyone hear you talk about leaving. He’ll have all of our heads if he even suspects something like that is going on. The last time he fired everyone save me and Paul. We were lucky to keep our positions, and we didn’t even know the young lass was leaving. Paul’s English. They don’t do this sort of thing back where he lives.”

  “Wait a minute, Mae. What do you mean by the last time? He’s taken girls before? Was she a geisha also?”

  “No, not exactly. I shouldn’t be speaking of this. You have clean clothing in the wardrobe and fresh fruit in the bowl by the bed. I suggest you get some rest.”

  “Please, Mae. Don’t leave me here alone. What if Mr. Nagumo comes?”

  “I’m sorry, Takumi. I can’t.”

  Mae closed the door when she left, and Takumi could hear a key flicking the lock into place. Living with Madam Oy hadn’t been great, but this was a real-life prison. She couldn’t go outside or talk to anyone. I wonder what Aiko is doing right now? The best thing to do was just lie down and go to sleep. She could be with Aiko in her dreams. No one could take that away from her.

  I can see Aiko. Her tiny figure is standing at the top of the stairs in front of our old building. Her arms are out straight, beckoning me to them. There’s a sad look on her face. “Why are you sad, darling?” I want to ask her, but the words won’t form in my mouth.

  I run toward her, but the more I run, the larger the chasm between us grows. “What’s happening?” I call to her, but she doesn’t answer. “I miss you.” I see her mouth moving but no sounds come out. “I miss you more.”

  Suddenly she points emphatically behind me. I turn and run right into Mr. Nagumo. Why is it that he can hear me, touch me, and probably smell my fear? “I don’t want to go with you. Leave me here!”

  Takumi felt the sweat on her skin. Her eyes were puffy from crying, and she found it hard to open them. Who cared anyway? She might as well lie in bed the rest of her life if this was to be her destiny. Thoughts of suicide crossed her mind. Was life even worth living?


  MAE ENTERED THE ROOM and shoved the floor-length curtains aside. “Time to rise, ma’am. The master expects for you to join him for breakfast this morning. He’s requested that you wear something blue, his favorite color.”

  “I dress for no one. Tell him to get stuffed.”

  “Please, don’t be like that. I think this will be a safe meeting for you. He only wishes to talk—for now. Here, I’ve picked something for you to wear.”

  Mae held out a simple blue dress, and Takumi pulled it over her head. “Fine.”

  She walked down two flights of stairs to reach the dining area of the home. A huge buffet had been prepared for just the two of them. What a waste.

  “Takumi, so glad you’ve joined me. We need to discuss a few things. Please sit across from me. That will be your regular seat.”

  Her defiant manner wouldn’t allow her to do as he asked. She sat in the armchair right next to him and gave him an insolent glare. “What do you want with me?”

  “I own you now, Takumi. I understand you had a life before you came here, and that’s fine, but now you are here to serve me and do as I wish. The first thing I wish is for you to sit across the table from me.”

  How far should I push my independence?

  Mae pleaded with her eyes from across the room and gave Takumi a reassuring nod. Takumi stood and walked to the requested chair.

  “Thank you. Now, for the other rules of the house. You will not leave the grounds without a chaperone. You will be at my every beck and call. If you need or desire something, please ask. I do a lot of entertaining, and it is likely that you will be asked to join in the party festivities. You will find that I can be most accommodating when I get what I want.”

  Takumi turned up her lip and looked away.

  “I expect you to look into my eyes when I speak to you. Some gentlemen think women should look down, but I know that the eyes are the windows to the soul. They never lie. This way I shall always know what you are thinking. Your eyes will speak louder than your words.”

  Her eyes rose to meet his. She spoke not a word.

  “Do you agree to abide by these rules, Takumi? The alternative is to be locked up in your room for the rest of your days. You will still do as I ask, of course, but you will forgo the before-mentioned perks of the house.”

  “I will do as you ask until the day I escape this wretched hell of a mansion you call home.”

  “Hmm, so glad you brought up the escape option. If you try to leave my perimeter, I will have you shackled to the wall in the dungeon and brought up only for parties. It’s your choice of course, but with me you get only one chance.”

  “May I leave now?”

  “You may eat now. When you’re finished, you are welcome to spend the remainder of the day on your own recognizance. Don’t make me regret giving you this leeway, Takumi.”

  “Of course not, sir.”

The food tasted bland in her mouth. She ate only because she had to. Freedom had been so close. She’d had everything a person could possibly want only a few days earlier—a devoted lover, a place to live, and the promise of a happily-ever-after future. Now she had a tyrannical master who had bought and paid for her services. She lived hundreds of miles from everyone she’d ever known. Life sucked.


  TAKUMI SPENT THE DAY exploring the grounds, gardens, and escape routes. She had no intention of staying here any longer than she had to. One constant was in her mind: Mr. Nagumo had her body, but he would never have her heart or her soul.

  Since she had a while before lunch she retired to her suite for some alone time. Thoughts of Aiko whirled through her brain. Images of their building filled her mind while she fell into a deep slumber.

  “Aiko? Is that you?” A person stood before her in a long, white dress. The person’s back was turned to her, making it difficult to identify who it was. She stood before the double doors of the building with the sun pooling around her outline. Takumi’s eyes couldn’t adjust to the brightness.

  Suddenly the figure turned and walked toward her. Features became recognizable as the person came closer. “Aiko, it is you!”

  Takumi ran to close the distance between them. She wrapped her arms around shoulders covered in white, gauzy material and laid her head down. Aiko didn’t speak. She didn’t lift her hand to pat Takumi’s back. She didn’t open her eyes to gaze upon her long-lost lover.

  “What’s wrong with you, Aiko? What have they done?”

  Whispers drifted into the air although Aiko’s lips never separated. “They have bartered for my servitude, Takumi. Tomorrow I go to live with another madam in another city. Madam Oy has chosen to retire. She complained about the price she brought for me. I’ve been quite useless since your move. Please come to me. Together we are everything. Alone we are nothing.”


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