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For Her Son's Love

Page 19

by Kathryn Springer

  Zach met Miranda and the officer in the lobby of the PD, his expression grim. “Miranda. Will you come with me, please? We need to ask you some questions.”

  Fear skittered through her as she followed him into the interview room. And came face-to-face with Hal.

  Lines of dissipation marred the face she’d once thought handsome and his smile held only a fraction of the charm she remembered. He reached out to her and Miranda instinctively recoiled. Zach tensed and stepped between them.

  “Miranda.” Hal glanced at Zach and hesitated. Then he raised his hands and smiled beseechingly at Miranda. “Can you clear this up, sweetheart? I’ve been trying to convince your friends in blue that I had your permission to take Daniel for the evening.”

  Sickened, Miranda met his gaze. The husky timbre of his voice pleaded with her to set things right but there was no mistaking the threat in those pale blue eyes.

  “I…” Miranda’s mouth dried up.

  “Mr. Stevens claims he’s an old friend of yours,” Zach said evenly. “And that you planned to meet tonight after the diner closed.”

  “That’s right.” Hal shot the detective a wounded look to generate some guilt for the way he’d been mistreated. “Tell him, Miranda.”

  Fear gripped Miranda’s heart. If she lied to Zach, they’d let Hal go and he’d force her to go back to Atlanta with him. If she told the truth, she still wouldn’t be free of him. Hal would be convicted of kidnapping and serve some time but he’d know right where to find her and Daniel again. They’d never be safe.

  Yes, you will. Remember where you are, Miranda. You’re in the palm of My hand.

  The words swept through her like a warm breeze, clearing her mind and warming her heart. She was through running. No matter how afraid she was, she chose to believe the promise.

  “He’s lying, Detective Fletcher. I didn’t give him permission to take Daniel.”

  Disbelief darkened Hal’s eyes and then he lunged toward her. “You—”

  Before Miranda could blink, the young patrol officer had Hal pressed against the wall and in handcuffs.

  “Read Mr. Stevens his rights and find a comfortable place for him to spend the night,” Zach barked. He looked down at Miranda and offered her his arm. “Come with me, Miss Jones. I know someone who’s very anxious to see you.”

  Andrew heard the click of the door and drew in a ragged breath when it opened and he saw Miranda standing there. She looked as if she were fresh off the battlefield—and maybe in a sense she was—but a warm light coaxed out the gold in her eyes and she managed a wan smile.

  He’d known his lady would come through.

  He’d been praying for her ever since Zach had escorted an apologetic there’s-been-a-mistake-officer Hal Stevens to the department.

  The guy was a piece of work. Minutes after they’d gotten a lock on his position and had burst into the hotel room, he’d played his part to the hilt. Feigning confusion, he’d immediately cooperated with Zach, explaining Miranda had invited him to Chestnut Grove for a visit. When he’d seen Daniel in the park, he’d claimed Daniel had told him Miranda wouldn’t mind if they hung out together until they met later in the evening for their “date.”

  If Andrew hadn’t already known the real situation, one look at the terror etched in Daniel’s face had told him the boy had probably been threatened within an inch of his life if his story contradicted his abductor’s. Daniel had skirted around Hal and barreled into Andrew’s arms, whispering four words that had almost wrecked him.

  I knew you’d come.

  Andrew wanted to pound Stevens into the ground but decided to let the feds do that in their own special way. Toby had managed to finagle another week on the yacht by calling with some new information. Andrew figured kidnapping added to fraud and tax evasion would put Stevens away for a long time.

  As soon as they’d hustled Stevens into a squad car, Zach had taken over. The way things usually worked, Andrew stepped away from the situation and went home.

  Not this time.

  Daniel had clung to him like a monkey all the way to the police department and Andrew hadn’t been in a hurry to let him go. He knew Zach had to question Miranda and get her side of the story. He’d prayed God would give her the strength to stand against Hal.

  The expression on Miranda’s face told Andrew He had.

  “Mom!” Daniel flew into her arms and Miranda burst into tears. “It’s okay.” Awkwardly, he patted her back. “I knew Andrew would find me.”

  Through blurry eyes, Miranda watched Andrew break away from the wall and saunter toward them. Choking back another sob, she let him draw both her and Daniel into the comfort of his arms.

  “Thank you,” she murmured. It didn’t feel like enough. Not after all he’d done for them.

  “How do you feel about going home?” he said, and hiked Daniel onto his shoulder. “This guy’s just about done in.”

  So was she.

  The car ride was quiet. Andrew drove while Miranda sat in the backseat, her arms around Daniel as he dozed against her.

  As they neared the diner, Miranda noticed all the lights still on inside.

  Andrew pulled the car along the curb. “Let’s stop for a minute.”

  He got out first and eased Daniel out of Miranda’s arms.

  “What’s going on?” Miranda climbed out, blinking in surprise at the number of people she could see gathered in the dining room.

  “I’ll let Sandra explain.” Andrew smiled and opened the door. The enthusiastic cheer that greeted their arrival woke up Daniel and he lifted his head off Andrew’s shoulder, blinking sleepily at the faces around him.

  Kelly pulled Miranda into the room, laughing at the dazed expression on her face.

  “Sandra called Naomi Fraser,” she explained. “Apparently the Chestnut Grove Community Church prayer chain decided to meet at the diner tonight.”

  Miranda balked. “To pray for Daniel?”

  “You’re family, Miranda,” Leah said, and gave Miranda’s arm a gentle squeeze.

  Anne winked. “She’s right. You better get used to it.”

  Miranda shyly scanned the smiling faces of the people gathered around the tables. “I think I will.”

  Reverend Fraser ruffled Daniel’s hair. The boy smiled in return and suddenly they were surrounded by the people who’d spent the evening fervently praying for his safe return.

  Sandra kissed Miranda’s cheek. “You take the day off tomorrow, sugar. You deserve it.” She lowered her voice. “You can spend the time unpacking those suitcases of yours.”

  Miranda smiled. “I didn’t get very far,” she admitted.

  “That’s good, because you’re right where you are supposed to be.” Sandra turned to the prayer warriors gathered in the diner. “Pie and coffee on the house for everyone. We’re celebrating.”

  “Ready to go?” Andrew pressed his hand against her back and the warm contact sent little jolts of electricity dancing through her.

  She nodded, suddenly unable to speak.

  By the time they reached her apartment, Daniel had fallen asleep against her shoulder, his breathing even and untroubled.

  Andrew carried him upstairs to the apartment and laid Daniel on the bed, carefully pulling off his shoes. Miranda relived that fleeting fanciful moment when she’d wondered what it would be like to be a family. To be the one Andrew didn’t leave. The one he loved.

  “Andrew?” Daniel sat up groggily.

  “What is it, champ?” Andrew sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Are you gonna leave?” The uncertainty in Daniel’s voice tugged at Miranda’s heart.

  The shadows hid Andrew’s expression but he nodded. “I’m going home to get some sleep. But how about I pick you and your mom up in the morning and we go to the beach?”

  Daniel grinned. “All right.”

  Miranda walked out of the room and caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror on the wall. She looked terrible. Purple smudges under her eyes. Her hair loos
e and wild. Rumpled T-shirt and jeans faded with age.

  It was crazy to think Andrew was interested in anything more than friendship. Guardian or not, he’d end up with a woman comfortable in his world. Someone stylish and classy…

  His reflection joined hers in the mirror. Two days of stubble shadowed his jaw and lines of fatigue bracketed his mouth.

  He took her breath away. And so did the words he murmured in her ear.

  “I love you, Miranda Jones.”

  She closed her eyes. When she opened them, he hadn’t disappeared.

  She gulped and stumbled blindly into the living room. He caught up to her.

  “Running away again?”

  “No.” She smiled and his love gave her the courage to step boldly into his arms. “Sandra was right. I’m right where I’m supposed to be.”

  His arms tightened around her and when he smiled, Miranda saw the future in his eyes. And it was full of promise.

  “I love you, too…” The words got lost in his kiss.

  When they finally moved apart, Andrew looked as dazed as she felt.

  “Marry me,” he whispered. “I won’t rush you into anything but I want the three of us to be together. To be a family. When you’re ready—”

  “I’m ready!” Daniel bounced out of the bedroom, wide-awake, and bounded over to them. “How about tomorrow?”

  “Daniel.” A breathless laugh escaped. “Tomorrow is…too soon.” Her two favorite men stared at her in disappointment. She glanced at Andrew. “Isn’t it?”

  “I don’t know.” Andrew shrugged, a wicked twinkle in his eyes. “I do have…connections. I might be able to arrange it.”

  He was teasing her but Miranda loved it. “How?”

  “You’ll just have to trust me.”

  Miranda moved back into the shelter of his arms and smiled up at him.

  “I do.”

  Dear Reader,

  It was so much fun to revisit the characters in Chestnut Grove (and get to know new ones) in this continuation of the A TINY BLESSINGS TALE series.

  As Miranda and Andrew’s story came to life, I was reminded of how tempting it is to want people to heal on our timetable. Past hurts in Miranda’s life made her wary of accepting friendship and trusting others, but the believers in Chestnut Grove didn’t give up on her. God’s faithfulness was reflected in their loving patience, until Miranda eventually made the decision to trust Him, too!

  I hope you continue reading A TINY BLESSINGS TALE. There are more exciting stories as the series continues!

  Please visit me at or I’d love to hear from you.

  In Him,


  Andrew didn’t get upset when people misjudged him, because he knew working undercover as “the Guardian” was God’s will for his life. Have you ever been misjudged by others based on choices you’ve made? How? How did it make you feel?

  What were Miranda’s strengths and weaknesses? What did you most admire about her character?

  Sandra Lange never gave up on Miranda. She prayed for her and loved her even when Miranda was afraid to form friendships. Ultimately, Sandra was the one Miranda turned to at a crucial point in her life. Has God ever put a “Miranda” in your life? Someone in your area of influence that you refused to give up on? Who is it?

  Meg, Anne, Pilar and Rachel met at the Starlight Diner every Sunday for brunch. Do you have a group of “lifetime” friends you meet with on a regular basis? What are the needs these deep friendships meet in the lives of women?

  What do you think first attracted Andrew to Miranda? At what point did Miranda begin to see there is more to Andrew than what the newspapers said?

  What is the significance of the unpacked suitcases in Miranda’s closet? Why do you think she never replaced the clothing as Daniel grew?

  Miranda realized she’d never created a real home for Daniel. Instead of wallowing in guilt, she determined to start fresh by decorating the apartment. What were the changes she made? What did those changes reflect?

  Both Andrew and Miranda had trust issues. In what ways were they alike? How were they different?

  Is there a Bible story you read as a child that had a significant impact on your faith as an adult? Which one?

  What was your favorite scene in the book? Why?

  Special thanks and acknowledgment are given to Kathryn Springer for her contribution to A TINY BLESSINGS TALE miniseries.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-8600-3


  Copyright © 2007 by Harlequin Books S.A.

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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