Mia's Men: A Reverse Harem Romance Novel (The Heiress's Harem Book 1)

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Mia's Men: A Reverse Harem Romance Novel (The Heiress's Harem Book 1) Page 9

by Lucy Felthouse

  Throwing a dirty look over his shoulder, he said, “Much more of your cheek, missy, and I’ll be the one whacking your arse. Do you hear me?”

  “Ooh,” she said exaggeratedly, widening her eyes in mock horror, “is that a threat or a promise?”

  Having fished out the tea bags, Thomas added milk to each mug, then returned the carton to a mini-fridge he’d installed on another shelf beneath the kettle.

  Silently, he crossed the small space to the door and locked it.

  Mia gasped. “W-what are you doing?” Her widened eyes were genuine this time, and were accompanied by an elevated pulse rate as he turned from the door and advanced on her.

  He flashed her a grin laden with filthy intent, which sent a sudden and unexpected rush of lust coursing through her veins. “First of all, young lady, I’m going to whack your arse, and you can make your own mind up as to whether it was a threat or a promise. And then I’m going to remind you of just what an excellent shag I really am. It’s been a few days…”

  “Three, Tom. It’s been three days,” she replied, her calm voice belying her rapidly growing arousal.

  “What can I say? I missed you. Now stand up, pull your trousers and knickers—if you’re wearing any, you dirty cow—down, and bend over the chair. And be quick about it.”

  This was a side to Thomas that Mia hadn’t seen before, and as thrills ran up and down her spine, she came to the conclusion she rather liked it. Whether she’d like having her arse whacked remained to be seen, but she trusted him implicitly, so decided to go with it and see what happened.

  Getting as hurriedly to her feet as her heels would allow, she looked at Thomas’s face before she turned around, and the intensity in his expression sent a bolt of lust zipping directly to her crotch. As she shifted into position, she realised her pussy was wet, a fact that Thomas would no doubt discover very soon. Planting her feet carefully for stability, she then undid her navy-blue trousers and pushed them down to her knees, along with her skimpy black thong. After a deep breath to summon some bravery, Mia leaned over, gripping onto the arms of the chair for extra balance.

  “Mmm, very nice,” Thomas said. She sensed him moving up behind her. “Very nice indeed. So you are wearing knickers—though they’re so miniscule you can barely call them underwear.” He gave a snort of derision, then reached out and trailed the tip of one finger across the naked skin of her arse.

  Mia gasped and clenched her buttocks, drawing a chuckle from Thomas.

  “I haven’t even done anything yet, Mia. But I will, very soon. And if at any time you really and truly want me to stop, if you’re not enjoying it, then just say ‘tomato’. But remember, we’re in a garden shed with thin, wooden walls. We’re going to have to stay pretty quiet. We don’t want Betty or James coming out to investigate, do we?”

  She shook her head frantically, her hair tossing wildly in front of her eyes as she did so. “No, we bloody well don’t. I’ll do my best to stay quiet.”

  “All right.”

  Mia strained her ears to try and figure out Thomas’s next move. To her surprise, she heard and felt him move away from her. Then, after a series of shuffles and clicks she couldn’t fathom out, the space was suddenly filled with music. Some kind of heavy metal, if she wasn’t mistaken. It was loud, but not so loud that they wouldn’t be able to hear each other speak at normal volume.

  “There,” Thomas said, the sound of his voice growing closer, “that’ll help a little bit should anyone happen by. Now, are you ready?” He trailed his finger over her buttocks again, then down into her crack, where he delved deep enough to coat his digit in her juices. “Oh, well, you certainly feel ready… for my cock inside you, that is. But don’t forget, you’ve got to pay for your cheekiness first.”

  “Y-yes, all right,” she said on a gasp, keen for him to get on with it. Not because she was in any hurry to be spanked, but because the sooner he spanked her, the sooner he’d finish and fuck her.

  Now he swept his whole hand over her bare backside, and she felt the trail of wet stickiness that the finger he’d dipped between her labia left behind. The sound of the thrashing music was utterly bizarre in the circumstances, but at least she didn’t have to worry about each gasp and moan being audible from the outside. Hopefully she’d be able to keep anything louder under wraps, but she couldn’t be sure that the occasional groan wouldn’t escape.

  “You really do have the most beautiful arse, Mia,” Thomas said, cupping her right buttock and giving it a hearty squeeze. “Have I told you that before?”

  “I-I’m not sure.”

  “Well, you do. And soon I’m going to find out how much more beautiful it looks when it’s red with my handprints. I’m looking forward to it.”

  With that, he let go of her bum cheek. A millisecond later, his flattened hand landed on it with a slap. Mia sucked in a breath and gripped hard onto the arms of the chair, hoping her suddenly wobbly legs would continue to hold her up.

  This time she felt—or sensed, she couldn’t be sure—the movement of air before Thomas landed a spank on her left buttock. She bit her lip and rolled her eyes back in her head as sparks of pain radiated through her flesh, then dissipated gradually to leave a sensation of heat behind. She suspected he was starting off relatively gently, to see what she could take, whether she liked it or not. Right now, she was good with it, though her pussy ached and grew slicker with every passing moment.

  Apparently satisfied she was happy with what he was dishing out, Thomas repeated his action on her right cheek again, followed rapidly by her left. Right, left; right, left, still with a similar amount of force, over and over. Soon the impacts stopped being a shock to the system and became something she anticipated; craved, even. The pain had deepened and developed into something else, a type of dark arousal she hadn’t experienced before, but one that she liked, very much.

  Did this mean she enjoyed being spanked? She supposed so.

  The blows persisted, so regular, so rhythmic that they lulled her into something akin to a trance, where all she was aware of was the slap, slap, slap of Thomas’s hands on her bum, the burning heat radiating from her flesh, and the arousal that continued to build low in her abdomen and between her legs. She felt like if he didn’t fuck her soon, she’d burst.

  His voice thick with lust, Thomas said, “Bloody hell, Mia, are you sure you haven’t done this before? You’re a natural. Your arse is a stunning colour, and I’m dying to stick my cock between those luscious cheeks and fuck you.”

  “Do it then,” she managed, her own voice little more than a whisper.

  But somehow, he must have heard her. Or maybe he hadn’t, and decided to do it anyway. “Fuck it.”

  She felt the brush of material against her bum and the backs of her legs; heard the unmistakeable sound of a zip being drawn down. The snap of latex. Then the caress of knuckles next to her pussy, the press of a blunt cockhead at her entrance. She moaned and pushed back, desperate for him to fill and stretch her, to fuck her hard, to make her come.

  Thomas hesitated briefly, as though he was considering teasing her, but then, with a muttered curse, he entered her. In one seamless move, he forged deep, her copious juices easing his way. As his hips crushed up against her arse, his shaft balls deep, their moans mingled in the chilly air, swallowed up by the heavy metal music that continued to crash and bang around them.

  “Fucking hell, Mia,” Thomas ground out, gripping her waist. “You’re so hot, so fucking wet. Did you like being spanked?”

  Struggling to form words with a brain that was fuzzy with lust, and a tongue that felt too thick, too clumsy, for her mouth, she said, “Yesss… it was… hot. I wasn’t sure at first,” she swallowed hard, then cleared her throat, “but my body seemed to know before my brain did. All of sudden I was so horny that all I wanted was you inside me.”

  “Well,” he replied with a jerk of his hips, “I am inside you now. You got your wish. Now hold on, because this is going to be fast and furious. Remember
; stay quiet.”

  A sarcastic retort about a famous film franchise crossed her mind, but before she could give it voice, he pulled back until only the very tip of his dick was inside her. She’d barely let out a moan at the frustrating loss when he forged deep again. He repeated the action, again and again, not giving her brain time to catch up with the blissful sensations running through her body. Her knuckles turned white as she hung on to the chair arms, her orgasm growing closer with each frenzied thrust.

  She pressed her lips together, fighting hard to keep quiet, knowing it would only get harder when she came.

  “Oh, Mia… fuck…” Thomas’s fingers dug into her flesh as he fucked her. Then he moved one hand down her front and between her legs. It took him a second to get his hand into position as he continued bucking his hips, but once he zeroed in on her swollen clit, he quickly got into a rhythm of stimulating it. A very effective rhythm, which made Mia cry out as she sensed her orgasm was just… there, barely seconds away from hitting her.

  “Tom… please…”

  Fortunately, the thundering music was as relentless as Thomas’s thrusting, and it helped to mask the sound of their bodies slapping together, as well as the moans neither of them could entirely prevent from escaping.

  “Come with me, Mia…”

  “Yes… yes!”

  The ferocity of their fucking grew to fever pitch, and Mia had the crazy thought that their friction was going to make them catch on fire. The notion, along with anything else of use, was obliterated from her mind as her climax suddenly hit with an explosion of sparks all over her skin. She bit her lip hard and grunted as her core spasmed around Thomas’s cock. He had, by now, stopped moving, and his shaft throbbed and twitched inside her as he came with a string of unintelligible words and held her tightly to him.

  They remained still, cursing and groaning as they rode out their respective orgasms, and their breathing returned to normal.

  After a minute or two, Thomas carefully pulled out and stepped away. The chill of the air hitting her exposed skin made Mia gasp. Then he said, “Here,” and handed her a tissue.

  “Thanks,” she said, taking it and slowly standing up straight. Once she was confident she wasn’t going to fall on her arse, she used the tissue to clean herself up, pitched it into the bin next to the mini-fridge, and put her clothes back to rights. She raked her hands through her hair, pushing it back from her face and tucking it behind her ears. Then she slumped into the chair, immediately regretting it as her arse cheeks blazed. “Ow! I forgot about that.”

  “Forgot?” Thomas said, his eyebrows almost disappearing into his hairline as he tucked himself away and zipped his trousers back up. He must have ditched the condom before he passed her the tissue. “How the hell could you forget I spanked you?”

  “Only briefly, and only because you fucked me so good I couldn’t think of anything else.”

  “Nice save, there.”


  They shared a grin, then Thomas turned to the shelf where he’d left his phone and their tea. He silenced the music—much to Mia’s relief—then picked up a mug and gingerly took a sip. His face registered surprise as he swallowed. “Still just about warm enough to drink. Want yours?”

  “A spanking and a fucking, followed by a cup of tea? What could be better?”

  He passed her the other mug. “Told you tea was the solution for everything.”

  “No you didn’t. You said it was the best solution you had for my particular problem.”

  “Ah, yes. You’re right, of course.” He took the other seat and gave her a hopeful look. “Did I at least make you forget about the problem for a while?”

  “Problem?” She raised her eyebrows. “What problem?”

  Thomas grinned again and gave a quick nod. “Excellent.”

  They smirked at each other over the rims of their mugs as they supped their tea. Then the silence was shattered by the sound of Mia’s phone ringing.

  “Ah, damn it,” she said, retrieving it from her jacket pocket. “No rest for the wicked.” She glanced at the screen. It was Elias.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Hey,” Thomas said, leaning forward and putting a hand on her knee, his brow creased. “Who is it? Your face has gone all funny.”

  “Oh, charming,” Mia shot back, hovering her thumb over the screen, unsure whether to press the green or the red button. She wanted to speak to Elias, but it seemed… weird to do so in front of Thomas.

  Thomas rolled his eyes. “I just meant your expression… I don’t know how to describe it. I can’t tell if you’re shocked, terrified, horrified, or what. Anyway, are you going to answer it?”

  “Yes.” She got to her feet. “Excuse me, please.”

  “No, it’s all right,” he replied, standing too. “I’ll give you your privacy. I ought to get back to work, anyway. I don’t want the boss thinking I’m skiving off.” He winked, then pressed a quick kiss to her cheek before putting his mug down on the shelf. “If you need me, you know where I am.”

  Mia pressed green just as Thomas turned the key in the door, then opened it and walked out, closing it softly behind him. “Hello?”

  “Oh,” came Elias’s voice down the line. “I didn’t think I was going to reach you. I was just starting to think about what I should say to your voicemail.”

  “Hi, Elias. Sorry, I was… in the middle of something.” That was one way of putting it, she supposed.

  “No apologies necessary, Mia. I know you’re a busy woman. Hello, by the way. Lovely to hear your voice.”

  “Likewise. I wouldn’t have expected to hear from you in the middle of the day. Are you off work?”

  He chuckled. “Chance would be a fine thing. No, even us city boys get a lunch break, you know. Albeit a brief one. Anyway, I don’t want to keep you from your work, but I just wanted to let you know that I’ve spoken to the owner of the Aventador, and he’s given me a list of possible dates that you can take it out. He’s based in Kent, so we’d have to travel there, of course, but I’m happy to come and pick you up, or you can meet me there, or you can travel into town and we can go from here. Whatever you prefer. Anyway, if you give me your email address I can send the list over to you and you can check your diary and let me know when is best for you. There’s no formal time limit on the experience, though, so don’t worry if it’s not for a couple of months, or even more. Though,” he paused, “if it’s not for a couple of months, I hope you’ll agree to see me before then.”

  “Okay, sounds great. I’ll text you my email address. And yes, even if it’s not for a couple of months, it’d be great to see you before then. For coffee, or dinner, perhaps?”

  “Whatever you like. Obviously I’m stuck in town during the week for work, so if you’re ever here, let me know. My evenings are usually free—though sometimes I finish work pretty late. But otherwise, I’m more than happy to come up to your neck of the woods at the weekend. Anyway, have a think about it, and let me know.”

  “All right, will do. Like I said, I’ll text you my email as soon as we hang up, so we can go from there.”

  “Excellent. I look forward to hearing from you. Catch you later, Mia. Bye!”


  The call ended. As soon as the phone’s screen cleared, Mia pulled up a new message, input her email address followed by a couple of kisses, and sent it to Elias.

  He replied instantly—he must have still been using his phone. Got it, thanks. Xx

  Smiling, Mia locked the phone and returned it to her pocket. Then she downed the rest of her tea and put the mug next to Thomas’s. Spotting a box of tissues—that explained where he’d gotten the tissue from earlier, then—she grabbed one and wiped beneath her eyes to remove any mascara that might have run earlier. More than a few streaks and flecks of black on the tissue showed that Thomas had indeed been a very brave man when he’d looked at her without flinching. She smiled.

  After putting the tissue in the bin, she left the shed, closing th
e door behind her, and went in search of Thomas. She couldn’t see him, but then that didn’t mean anything—he could be anywhere. Stopping for a moment, she closed her eyes and listened, hoping to hear him pottering about. She could phone his mobile, of course, but there was always a chance he might not have it on him.

  Immediately, she picked up the repetitive sound of sweeping. Apparently he was tackling the leaf problem—a never-ending task at this time of year. She followed the noise, pausing every so often to make sure she was still going the right way—sound carried oddly sometimes and could mislead—and soon came across him at the edge of the formal gardens near the main house. “Hey.”

  He turned to her with a smile and leaned on the end of his broom. He’d already amassed a decent pile of leaves, their reds, yellows, and browns standing out against the grey of the slabs they sat on. “Hey,” he replied, then looked her up and down, his gaze lingering for a moment on the knees of her trousers, before returning to her face. “You all right? The phone call—not more bad news, I hope?”

  She shook her head. “No, not at all. Quite the opposite, in fact.”

  “Yeah?” He raised his eyebrows. “It’s about time you had some good news, Mia. You deserve it.”

  “Thank you. And thank you for… you know. Being there for me. The tea and… stuff.” She glanced towards the house, conscious that James and Betty were inside somewhere. It was very doubtful they’d be able to hear the conversation, but they might be able to read the body language if they happened to look and, if they spotted her grubby trouser legs, dependent on the dirtiness of their minds, could jump to the wrong conclusion entirely.

  Thomas nodded, a smirk tweaking at the corners of his lips. “You’re welcome, Mia. Any time, you know that. I’m happy to lend an ear, or make you tea and… stuff.” His smirk broke out as he spotted the flush taking over her face. “So, are you able to share the good news, or is it private?”


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