Deserts Of Naroosh

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Deserts Of Naroosh Page 55

by Bradford Bates

  It was like taking down Avatus for the first time in Wildstar. Tim still wasn’t sure what happened during that fight. Run, jump, dodge heal, holy fuck we’re all going to die had pretty much been the gist of it.

  Right now he was pretty sure they would make it out of this in one piece as long as they kept their wits about them. The one thing they couldn’t afford to do was panic. One chunk of the floor missing in the wrong place and a shit roll of the fire floor, and they were toast. So while it was going to be chaotic, they had to take things slow.

  “Cassie, you’ve got this. Everyone else prioritizes staying alive over DPS.” Tim ran with the group as Cassie moved.

  Run, jump, duck, dodge to a square that wasn’t red. Rinse and repeat. Keep Curse of Giving on the boss the entire time, and heal anyone who needed it. Part of him wanted to flip to his Way of the River stance, but he didn’t want to chance Cassie not having the extra protection when she needed it.


  There was a circle under his feet. When did that happen? Tim activated Quick Feet, turned, and sprinted away from the group, aiming for the edge of the room. When his feet stopped flashing red, he ran back to the group while casting heals. Hearing the floor drop out of existence behind him was one of the scariest noises he’d ever heard. Thankfully, he avoided the drop and could slide back into his normal rhythm of jumping and ducking.

  Apep hit twenty-five percent health and instead of sweeping them away as usual, bursts of dark energy shot from his body. The little floating spheres came out in a pattern with small gaps in between. Now they were being challenged vertically and horizontally, all while moving to avoid the flames.

  People's feet weren’t turning red anymore so they were avoiding that issue altogether. Behold My Power wasn’t off cooldown yet, so Tim cast Divine Light and a few Flame Bursts, but mostly he was holding back his mana for the final push.

  At ten percent health, the room grew darker, and they were all taking periodic damage again. The squares on the floor stopped shooting random gouts of fire into the air, but now they were disappearing one at a time. They’d reached the critical point of the fight.

  The Burn Phase.

  “Give him everything you’ve got!” Tim cast Who Needs a Shield to help with the damage and made sure Curse of Giving was active before he flipped the switch on his Wristband of the Faithful, doubling his mana regeneration for the next ten seconds. With his mana regeneration in overdrive, Tim started casting Healing Storm.

  His mana plummeted like a rock, but it let the DPS focus on what they needed to do. JaKobi wasn’t even trying to dodge anymore as he cast spell after spell. Lorelei's arrows never stopped coming, and ShadowLily’s daggers were dedicated to destruction.

  Apep didn’t stand a chance.

  The darkness cleared from the room and Apep exploded in a fireworks display of golden motes. The wispy golden lights swirled up into the heavens, and the fight was over.

  Chapter Fifty-Four

  “That was intense.” Tim climbed to his feet and started healing the leftover damage.

  The others were slowly standing. There wasn’t a single one of them that wasn’t burned, battered, or busted up in some way. Right at the end, Tim was pretty sure they were all toast.

  Another couple of seconds and they would have been.

  “Five fucking gold.” Cassie turned and glared daggers at Tim. “All I’m saying is Eternia better come up big time, or I’m going to be so pissed.”

  Lorelei pulled her into a hug. “No one ever said making the big time would be easy.”

  “Do you really think we’re big-time?” JaKobi asked with a wistful tone.

  ShadowLily grinned. “The biggest.”

  “I kind of like the sound of that.” JaKobi walked toward the stairs.

  Tim leaned over and whispered to ShadowLily, “What exactly are we going to be the biggest at?”

  “I don’t know. He sounded so excited about it that I wanted to keep it going.” ShadowLily straightened her back and twisted her head and neck until something clicked. “Let’s go.”

  They walked to catch up with the others. “Eternia didn’t say anything about meeting additional resistance during this part of the plan, but keep your eyes open in case.”

  Cassie gave him a quick nod, and the set of her shoulders changed as she continued up the stairs. “Better be worth it,” she grumbled.

  JaKobi flashed Tim a quick thumbs up. “Remember babe, we’ve got pizza coming.”

  “I want all the pizza in the world. Big-ass slices falling from the heavens like one of Waterboy’s spells.” Cassie kept her pace consistent as she continued climbing.

  ShadowLily nudged her grumpy companion with her shoulder. “Just give him some time. Joe will figure it out. He always does.”

  “All I want is some pizza, a beer, maybe a little sex, and a nice long nap. Is that too much to ask for?” Cassie hung her head.

  “Fuck no!” Tim shouted. “That’s exactly what I want.”

  That broke the tension they’d all been harboring from the fight. It was amazing what good friends could do for one another when they stuck together. They had one part left to accomplish, and they would be able to rest.

  They reached the top of the stairs and Cassie poked her head out of the little alcove, then waved them forward. As soon as Tim knew they were inside the actual palace, he pulled the stone from his inventory and looked at it. Maybe instead of asking Eternia if he could make portals, he should have asked her how to activate the damn thing.

  Tim set the stone gently on the floor in the center of the hallway. He backed away, then called on the only thing he could think of. He used his lifeline to the goddess.

  The words to Appeal to Goddess tumbled from his tongue, and a moment later she was there.

  “You have done well, warrior of the light, all of Naroosh thanks you.” Eternia reached down and touched the stone.

  A moment later the hallway was filled from end to end with a portal. The resistance fighters streamed through the opening and right into the heart of Phandar’s palace. The ground shook with their presence.

  Neema and Khalid emerged at the end of the trail of warriors.

  Khalid stopped and extended his hand to Tim. “Thank you for this, my friend. If you ever need anything and it’s in my power to give, it’s yours.” He looked over the rest of their group. “That goes for all of you.”

  Neema kissed Lorelei. “I’ll see you after the battle, yes?”

  “Yes,” Lorelei responded with a throaty growl and dove in for another kiss.

  Khalid was grinning, but his eyes had a serious set to them. “Neema, it’s time to go. Goddess, I will see you up there.” He turned to follow the resistance fighters.

  “Wait.” Eternia reached out and grabbed the warrior by the shoulder. “All of you take hold of me quickly.”

  Tim knew when to ask questions and when not to.

  This was one of the times not to. He ran forward and grabbed Eternia’s arm, and saw JaKobi and Cassie touch her feet. Then they were all too close together for him to see much of anything at all. Brilliant white light erupted around them, and Tim buried his head against the goddess, trying to keep it out.

  There was a screaming sound, and everything went black.

  What in the fuck?

  Tim reached down and touched comfortable bedding. ShadowLily wasn’t around so it must have been late. He was having the worst dream. They went on this really long quest and right before they were about to hit the big payday everything went fuzzy. Had it all been a dream or... He jumped out of bed and equipped his robes.

  Right there, right where it was supposed to be, was his little Juggernaut piece of flair.

  So it was real, but how did he get here?

  There was only one way to find out. Tim got up and headed down the stairs into the inn. It was crazy to think how far they went, and he was right back where he started at the Blue Dagger Inn with Ernie behind the counter, Gaston drinking beers in the
middle of the day, and Liz running around trying to keep everyone else happy.

  ShadowLily ran to him. “Thank Eternia. You're awake.”

  “Yeah, but I’m a little fuzzy on the details.” Tim made his way to a chair and smiled as Liz brought him a steaming hot cup of coffee.

  The brew was just the way he liked it, dark and full of flavor. A good cup of coffee went a long way to ease his mind. Right now Tim’s mind was spinning, and focusing on the liquid goodness coursing down his throat was helping him find his calm center.

  It felt good to sit although he’d just gotten out of bed. Why was he even in bed? They were about to storm the palace. Then everything went fuzzy. Tim sipped from his mug and looked up at the woman of his dreams. “What happened, and where is everyone else?”

  ShadowLily still watched him as though she expected him to keel over. “Everyone is fine. Cassie is with JaKobi. Lorelei, Neema, and Khalid are fetching us food from Joe’s. Hopefully, we’ll find out more when they get back.”

  “Did we finish the quest?” Tim laughed at the thought of adding one more completed quest to the pile he already needed to turn in.

  What he really wanted was a little downtime to get everything squared away so he could focus on what was coming next.

  The assassin grinned at him. “When have things ever been that simple on a major questline?”


  Tim nodded as he thought about what she was saying. Vitaria had done something, and Eternia saved them. At the moment, those two facts were all he could be certain of. Only one person could fill in the details, and she wasn’t here right now. It wasn’t like goddesses hung out in inns like the rest of them.

  Another sip or two of coffee, and Tim felt his muscles start to relax. Everyone was fine. They merely needed to come up with a new plan of attack. He let his eyes wander around the room as he tried to wrap his head around being back home. Then he noticed Eternia sitting in a big cushy chair by the fire.

  What in the fuck?

  Eternia’s sapphire eyes looked dim as her gaze locked onto him. “The quest to save this world from my sister is not yet complete, adventurer. Can I count on you to see it through to the end?”

  Tim put his cup of coffee aside and dropped to one knee. “The Blue Dagger Society is yours to command.”

  List of Tim’s Current Stats and Skills

  “Tim” level eighteen Battlesworn

  Primary Stats

  Strength: 14

  Endurance: 21

  Dexterity: 22

  Intelligence: 46

  Wisdom: 53

  Perception: 6

  Vitality: 4

  Revitalization: 4

  Luck: 7

  Notable Gear


  Simple Dagger of Dexterity, +1 (X2)

  Staff of Divine Retribution, +4 Intelligence +5 Wisdom

  Orb of Concentration, +4 Wisdom +5 Intelligence


  Tarnished Circlet of Divine Wisdom, +1 Intelligence +3 Wisdom

  Wilbur’s Fur-lined Shoulder Guards, +1 to Perception Vitality, Revitalization, and Luck

  Battlesworn Robes of Justice, +4 Intelligence +6 Wisdom

  Jerkin of Unmeasurable Delight, +1 to all base stats

  Paul’s Gloves of Mending, +4 Wisdom +7 Intelligence

  Belt of Divine Inspiration, +4 Wisdom +2 Intelligence +1 Endurance

  Hermit’s Pants for Special Guests, +2 Endurance +2 Intelligence

  Boots of Tranquility, +2 Dexterity +2 Endurance, Increase mana regeneration by 2%

  Jewelry and Accessories

  Leather Wraps of Divergent Health, 10% chance for single target healing spell to jump targets and heal the secondary recipient for 50% of the value.

  Wristband of the Faithful, +1 Endurance, ten seconds of double mana regeneration

  Ring of Luminosity, +3 Wisdom, +2 Intelligence, +1 Endurance

  Necklace of Unshakable Will, +3 Wisdom +1 Intelligence.

  Trinket of the Smiling Monkey, +1 to random stat


  Appeal to the Goddess: Novice rank three

  Infiltrator: Novice rank four

  Quick Feet: Novice rank five

  Disturbance: Novice rank six

  Night Vision: Novice: rank six

  Backstab: Apprentice rank one

  Snare: Apprentice rank one

  Throwing Knives: Apprentice rank two

  Sneak: Apprentice rank five

  Dodge: Apprentice rank seven

  Flame Burst: Apprentice rank seven

  Behold My Power: Apprentice rank eight

  Small Blades: Apprentice rank eight

  Weaken Undead: Apprentice rank eight

  Healing Storm: Apprentice rank nine

  Who Needs a Shield: Apprentice rank nine

  Cleanse: Journeyman rank two

  Curse of Giving: Journeyman rank two

  Divine Light: Journeyman rank two

  Healing Orb: Journeyman rank nine


  Way of the River: Apprentice rank seven

  Way of the Boulder: Journeyman rank one


  Armor of Eternia: Journeyman rank one

  Attacks of the Faithful: Journeyman rank one

  Open Quests

  The Deserts of Naroosh

  Breaking the Juggernaut

  Take Her to the Theater

  Tomb of Nemset

  Author Notes - Bradford Bates

  Written January 16, 2021

  Before I start with any actual notes, I wanted to give a special mention to my beta team. They always tell me when I’m getting off track, and I really appreciate their notes and feedback. I can’t say enough nice things about my editor Lynne. Let’s just say when she gets my books she has her work cut out for her and always does a fantastic job. Of course, none of these books would exist if Michael didn’t take a chance on a new face. I’m always going to be grateful for the opportunity to work with such a great company like LMBPN.

  A few other noteworthy mentions.

  Without my wife Becky, I’d be completely lost. She does so much work around the house, has a demanding full-time job, and takes care of me in so many ways I couldn’t even list them all. She’s the reason things get done around our house. :-) Plus, she takes care of our four fur babies Blizz, Jackson Bower Bates, Cisco Ramon, and Lucyfur.

  I’d also like to give a special shout-out to Mathew from Grow Sciences here in Phoenix. I got to meet him at a little event, and he’s the real deal. You’re not going to meet another guy in his industry who cares as much about their customers, and their experience as Mathew does. Grow Sciences is always checking the pulse of the community, and striving to be the best. When a great product is backed by amazing people, it’s a match made in heaven.

  So much changed while I was writing this book. I found myself struggling early on but just found a way to keep grinding and refining the story until I was pleased with it. Of course, COVID happened, and it certainly changed our lives. There were moments of hope watching people sing to each other from their balconies and moments of despair like when we saw Keyontae Johnson collapse on the court. My hope for all of you is that you and your family and friends are safe and healthy.

  2020 was a weird year for me personally. I turned forty, normally that would be a milestone, but this year it just kinda felt like a blip. The writing community lost a dear friend in author T.S. Paul. Scott really helped me out early on in my writing career, just by talking to me and keeping me motivated to keep going.

  Scott and I met about six years ago, probably a week after Michael did his big throwdown on Kboards which might as well have been the big bang as far as the publishing industry was concerned. We wrote together, we laughed, we did all the things friends do. I won’t ever forget the time we had dinner at Hofbrauhaus in Vegas. Singing, laughing, there might have been a little dancing, and I still have these two giant ass beer mugs I’ve never used.

  Scott was a big hunk of love, and
he will be missed. If you haven’t checked out his Federal Witch Series you’re seriously missing out on an amazing story.

  Let’s get on to the fun stuff.

  Despite the fact that whenever you run into someone now you have a moment from Gladiator. “Still alive, Quintas?” things will get better. 2021 will be the year we get on top of the virus and show it who’s boss. When I think of 2021 and what the future holds, what I feel is hopeful. If 2021 is the springboard, then 2022 is when we will really take flight.

  For the next couple months, I’ll be locked in the writer cave working on book four. I’m enjoying where the story is going so far, and am even more interested to see how the book ends as the plot points come together. Tim has become a personal buddy of mine. I sit down to play a little Valhalla or Cyberpunk and think what would Tim and the crew do in this situation, how would they handle it.

  Normally, I just channel my inner Cassie, scream a one-liner at the TV, and charge into the fight without a care in the world.

  That’s how we roll!


  Author Notes - Michael Anderle

  February 2, 2021

  First, thank you for reading both this story, and here to the back in the Author’s Notes as well!

  Scream our inner Cassie… I like that.

  I, also have a bad habit of stifling my inner expression that I’m too embarrassed to let out. Well, except on the page of course.

  I can’t pinpoint a time in my life where I felt that embarrassment was a feeling that was so abhorrent, I shrank from doing things that might bring about even a small chance of creating that feeling in myself. Why try when I can do it naturally all the damn time?

  I walk across a perfectly flat floor.

  I trip myself.

  A particularly awkward comment to a girl in my teenage years.


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