Cheap & Classy (Hide Your Crazy)

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Cheap & Classy (Hide Your Crazy) Page 5

by Hardenbrook, T. A.

  “Oh, Molly Anne, don’t you remember? Daddy sold that car once you left to go on that road trip thing you participated in.” My sister grinned. Even through the computer I could see her eyes twinkling with pride.

  “You fucking bitch.”

  Chapter 7

  Twinkle twinkle little whore, close your legs, you’re not a door.

  My whole body shook as I sat there, completely dumbfounded, staring at the screen. The only thing I cared about in this whole damn meeting was my car, and my bitch of a sister and crazy ass mother both knew that. They knew I wouldn’t contest what was being divvied out, because I still had my car. She was the only thing I wanted from that family. A gift from my father years ago, and they refused to let me have those memories. Of all the spiteful, hurtful, downright ugly things they have done over the years, this one took the cake.

  “Please tell me you are just being a stupid snatch, Rebecca. Please,” I begged, fighting the tears pooling in my eyes.

  “Peter, do we need anything from Molly Anne? Her behavior right now is upsetting, and I would rather continue this meeting without her,” Mother stated, playing the wounded victim card she had perfected over the years.

  “Miriam, we do have the matter of the divided shares in the firm. Molly does have stock in your husband’s business,” Mr. Thompson commented, reaching over and grasping Mother’s hand across the table.

  “I personally don’t give a fuck about the practice. I want to know where in the hell is my car!”

  “Your vulgarity is offensive, Molly Anne, and I will no longer tolerate it. When you are back to your proper senses, please contact Mr. Thompson on what needs to be done with your share of the business. Until then, I do not wish to speak with you. You may end the call now, Peter.” Mother glared at the screen, and then turned back to Peter with a smile.

  “You selfish………….” The call had been ended. Letting out a frustrated scream, I slammed the laptop closed and hurled it across the small bus. “That pie-eating, bitch nose, pirate!” Dropping my face into my hands, I let the tears I had been fighting spill over my cheeks. I can’t believe they really sold my car and waited until now to tell me. I knew my family was messed up, but this was the last straw. I could deal with my mother insulting and reprimanding me. Hell, I could even put up with Rebecca doing the same. But when they sold the only possession I whole heartedly wanted, I don’t think ever facing those two women again would ever be possible.

  “Molly?” Megan’s voice drifted up the stairs, and moments later her concerned face poked around the corner. “Are you okay?”

  Letting out a soft sniffle, I wiped the remaining tears from my cheeks and nodded my head. I hated the fact I was crying over this, but I didn’t know what else to do. I could possibly try and track down who they sold it to, hopefully buy it back. But, I had no clue on the starting location for my search. Lord knew I couldn’t just ask my mother for the name and phone number of the purchaser. It would be a cold day in hell before she forked that information over. My baby was gone, and I would never see her again.

  “I’m really sorry to bother you right now, but we have a slight problem with the meet and greet,” Megan said cautiously, still hovering by the bus steps.

  “No; it’s fine, Megan.” I stood, wiping the wetness from my tears off on my jeans. Megan hesitated before taking a step over my laptop on the floor.

  “I take it the laptop was being bad?”

  “You could say that.” I laughed, forcing the notch in my throat down further. I needed to keep my emotions in check, get the problem fixed, and go about my job. No more meltdown for me, I had a job to do. “So what is going on?”

  “Well, the room they booked us into is seriously the size of a broom closet. I have no idea how we are going to fit both bands in there, let alone another two hundred fans.”

  “Alright, let’s go see this problem room.” I gestured for the steps, forcing a tight smile across my lips. Megan stepped over my laptop again, and bounded down to the bus door. Glancing down at my computer sitting on the floor, I purposely smash my right foot over the apple symbol, hearing a slight crack beneath my feet. The sound was unbelievably satisfying to my ears; giving me a weird sense of control over the situation. Sure, I probably just broke my laptop, but I could always buy a new one. And with that thought, I headed down the steps to solve the second problem of the day.

  The concert hall was a lot smaller than the last venues, but Megan wasn’t lying about the meet and greet room. The dark grey walls only added to the closed in feeling, and the single window on the back wall let in only a fraction of light that was needed to bring life to the closet.

  “You weren’t kidding,” I said with a frown.

  “Yep. Like I said earlier, I have no clue how we are going to make this work.”

  Rubbing the back of my neck, my eyes nearly went crossed as I stared at the single table in the middle of the room. There was no possible way to make this spot work.

  “What do you want to do?” Megan asked, leaning back against the cold brick wall.

  “Outside?” I questioned. That was the only other logical choice, considering all the rest of the venue rooms were being used by the bands and crew. “Megan, go find Allen and see if they have anymore white pop up tent things like they use over craft service. I’ll go talk to the manager and see if they have more barricades they can set up outside.”

  “Won’t that cause an issue with the other ticketholders outside?

  “Probably, but hopefully they will see it as a free look at the bands before the show tonight. I don’t see any other option. We will just have to have all security on hand in case it gets a little rowdy.” I shrugged my shoulders and immediately grabbed my cell, sending Stephanie a text with the new plans. I refused to cancel the event, considering NP would have my head when it violated the contract with the venue. Giving a refund on tickets was not something a company took lightly, and if I could prevent that misfortune from happening, then I had done my job.

  “Do you want me to inform the guys after I talk with Allen?” Megan volunteered.

  “I got it, no worries,” I responded with a half-smile. I refused to let this morning’s troubles affect my job.

  “Okay. I’ll message you once I talk with Allen.”

  “Thanks Megan.” I glanced down at my watch and realized Pleasure Revenge should be in the middle of sound check. I was almost positive that the guys wouldn’t have a problem with being outside, considering the Californian sunshine was blaring down upon us today. Sunshine, fresh air, and girls in very little clothing. What could possibly go wrong? I laughed to myself. Knowing my luck, an earthquake would happen, open the ground, and swallow us all whole. I really needed to stop reading those damn end of the world type books.

  Heading down to PD’s dressing room, I could hear the music way before seeing the door. Normally the guys kept it pretty low key before their shows. Reaching for the door handle, the vibration shocked my senses. “What in the hell?” Opening the door and peering inside, it looked like a damn bomb went off. Clothing scattered all over the damn place, empty beer cans and alcohol bottles scattered the floor, and half naked women frolicking about like damn drunken fairies.

  No one even realized I had opened the door and was standing there with my mouth hung open. Pretty sure the ratio of girls to boys had to be at least eight to one, and considering this room wasn’t very big, claustrophobia had already started in. I really shouldn’t be shocked, considering the lack of morals most women backstage displayed, and after all, they are pig headed little boys wanting to see a little booby action.

  “Guys!” I shouted loudly. Looking around, I realized not a single person heard me. Storming over to the speakers, I pushed my way past two topless chicks making out to yank the power cord out of the wall. “Perfect.” I grinned, letting the cord drop out of my hand.

  “What the hell? Oh hey……………….Molly,” Chance slurred, giving me an ‘I’m already drunk for the day’ type of

  “First, ladies please place your tits back into their holsters and exit the room, thank you. Gentleman, I suggest you all go clean yourself up so we can have a little chat, okay?” The irritation in my voice was obvious as the women scrambled around the room, tossing me nasty looks as they wandered out into the hallway. “Go ahead and glare at me, Sweetie. I don’t really give a fuck.” Crossing my arms underneath my chest and rolling my eyes, I tapped my foot on the hard concrete while waiting for the rest of the hussies to clear the room.

  “What gives, Molly? We were just having some preconcert fun.” Eric laughed, standing up from the couch and zipping his pants.

  “You guys are gross, and not to mention stupid. You all have a meet and greet in an hour and the location has changed.”

  “So what?” Chance barked, still laid out on the couch with his cock out for the world to see.

  “Put that diseased thing away, Chance; no one wants to see it,” I threatened.

  “I’m sure most of the women you just chased out wanted to.”

  “Yep, and this is why you do mandatory STI tests.” I liked sex, too, just with people who kept it in their pants more often. Well, technically I liked sex with Reid, who hated to keep it in his pants, too. Judgmental much, Molly?

  “So what’s up?” Brantley questioned, pushing himself off the far wall and joining us on the couches.

  “Well, the indoor space reserved for your meet and greet was too small……………… I’m moving y’a’ll outside.”

  “Y’a’ll? Bringing back those southern roots now are we, Molly?” Brantley joked.

  “Suck it, Brantley.” Tossing a glare in his direction, I quickly glanced over at the other members to get their take on being outside. “Anyone have an issue with it?”

  A collective no came from the group as I nodded my head. “Alright. Security will escort you guys out the back door in…………….” I glanced down at my phone to check the time, “forty-five minutes. Please no more drinking, guys.” Smirks turned into glares as I smiled during my last comment. I couldn’t have them belligerently drunk while meeting fans. Some people actually still looked up to these idiots. I don’t know who those people were, but I bet there had to be some………………..somewhere. “So sober up, wipe off the lipstick and whatever other bodily fluids hanging around on your skin, and I’ll see you all in a little bit.”

  “Did you see the rack on that redhead?” Eric cheered as I was walking out the door. Yep, this no dating thing was going to work out just perfectly for me.

  Chapter 8

  Why yes, officer, that is a large man dancing penis.

  I had exactly ten minutes to change before I had to be outside for the meet and greet. Ripping my Deftone’s t-shirt over my head, I find a plain black tank top and red vest to toss on. My t-shirt and jeans look was really fine to be wearing, but I tried to look a little more put together and professional when working with the public. Slipping on a pair of black skinny jeans, I slid my feet into my red ballet flats and set about fixing the rats nest on my head. Plugging my straightener in, I frowned at my appearance in the mirror. I missed my bright purple hair. Sure, people responded to me better with my natural shade, but it didn’t make me feel like the Molly I used to be. Running the iron over my bangs, I grabbed a couple bobby pins and pinned the left side away from my face.

  I ran some black eye liner over my lids, and covered my lashes with a quick coat of mascara. Smearing some chap stick on my lips, I puckered up and gave the mirror a quick air kiss. “Really Molly?” I laughed, realizing that was a total girly moment I just had. Stuffing my bathroom contents back into a bag, I slide the door open and did a final visual in the long mirror on the back of the door.

  “Um………Molly,” Megan’s voice wavered once again from the stairwell on the bus.

  “What now?” I sighed, dropping my bag on the couch.

  “Slight problem outside.”

  “Of course there is.” Taking a deep breath, I hurried down the steps into the Californian sunshine. “What now?” I asked Megan, holding my hand above my eyes to shield myself from the light.

  “That,” Megan squeaked, pointing to a rather large penis behind one of the barricades.

  “Wow, that is giant penis.” I couldn’t stop laughing at the guy in the costume. Who in the right mind would dress up like a big dick and attend a meet and greet? Sure, the majority of fans were female, and I’m betting this man got a ridiculous amount of attention wearing the costume…………….but…………….a penis? Personally, I think the things are ugly; kind of like a deformed E.T, sometimes shriveled up and creepy looking.

  “I didn’t know what to do.”

  “Do nothing, Megan; just nothing.” I smirked. If the man wanted to stand in that costume in this seventy degree heat then be my guest. “Remind me to get a picture of that later.” Megan awkwardly nodded and glanced down at her clipboard. I couldn’t help but notice the blush that had crept over her cheeks and the tips of her ears.

  “Hey it’s a dick! Fucking rad costume, dude!” Chance yelled while walking out the door to the covered tent area. Of course that man would find it entertaining. However, I also found him whacking off to old episodes of Crocodile Hunter last week; it really shouldn’t surprise me anymore.

  “I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it all now,” Megan muttered, shaking her head at Chance hi-fiving the penis dude.

  “Just wait until they start asking for a unicorn to accompany them on the road, and then actually finding a damn horse and attaching a fake horn to make the children happy.”


  “Trust me, it only gets weirder from here on out.” I laughed, patting her shoulder gently with a smile. I had already overheard the unicorn request a couple nights ago. It was only a matter of time until one of them came to me and asked if it could happen. At least it wasn’t an emu like the last tour I was on.

  “Alright, boys, I need you all to be consciously aware of your water intake. It’s warm out here, and with your little party earlier, I don’t need any of you dying on me before the show,” I lectured both bands, nodding to Megan as she passed out cold water bottles to each of the band members.

  “What, so no beer?” Chance questioned, looking disgusted as Megan forced a bottle into his hand.

  “No. You all can get completely shitfaced after tomorrow night’s show. The only thing I ask is that you stop drinking till after the concert tonight, and tomorrow when you are so intoxicated your world is spinning and begging you to purge the night away, please do it in the bathroom toilet and not all over the buses.”

  “Fun-sucker.” Jeremy laughed, popping the top on his bottle and immediately taking a drink.

  “Yep,” I replied, popping the p sound a little louder than I expected.

  “That’s not the only thing she is good at sucking,” Brantley raved, reaching over to high-five Chance.

  “Watch it, asshole; I have your wife’s number now.”

  “You lucky mother fucker. You’re going to get a threesome,” Chance exclaimed loudly.

  “Water! Drink it.” I glared at the two of them, pointing to the water bottles sitting on the table in front of them. Nodding to security at the gates to start letting the first ten through the lines, I turned back around to threaten the boys again. “Please, be on your best behavior. We are outside in public and I really don’t want anyone arrested before playing tonight.”

  Brantley and Chance both exchange evil smirks then saluted me simultaneously. Perfect, I couldn’t trust them more than a horny teenage girl at a Bieber concert. I couldn’t erase the nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach. Being out in the open with seven adult children was the reason we normally had these little shindigs in an enclosed, private area. Lord only knew what shenanigans they had planned for this afternoon; and knowing them it would be something epic and stupid all at the same time.

  “Megan, watch them closely. I don’t care if you have to annoy the shit out of them b
eing that close, but I can’t afford for them to screw up. I have a couple of phone calls to make for their day off on Wednesday,” I quietly said to my assistant. Megan offered a weak smile and wandered back behind the table as the first couple fans got closer.

  I flashed Chance and Brantley the classic ‘I’m watching you’ motion, silently praying that the afternoon could go on without a hitch. Laughing out loud, I wondered why in hell I was kidding myself. Something always happened, and I always had to find a way to clean the disaster up. Maybe being a manager wasn’t my dream job after all. Maybe I needed to be a zookeeper, since I basically cleaned up shit all day long anyhow.

  I had just run up to the sound boards to talk about a new intro for Pleasure Revenge when my phone started buzzing. Looking down, I noticed it was a text from Megan. Unlocking my phone, my fingers glided over the text app, rolling my eyes to what could have possibly happened now.

  *Megan* Police! Help!

  “You have got to be kidding me!” Clenching my jaw tightly, I asked Bill the soundman to give me one second while I sorted the latest problem out. Sprinting across the concrete floors, I silently sent up a prayer to the gods that I didn’t end up on my face. Slamming the large double doors open, I noticed Megan talking frantically with her hands to two police officers.

  “Hi officers, what seems to be the problem?” I asked in the sweetest voice I could possibly muster up. Plastering on the classic fake smile, I batted my eyelashes a couple times. I hoped my blonde hair would give me a pass to whatever happened out here. The two cops just glanced over to the railing, nodding at the still dancing super penis on the sidewalk.

  “Why yes, officers, that is a dancing penis,” I managed to say with a smile, realizing this moment was going downhill faster than a cheetah on roller blades in the New York City Marathon.

  “Ma’am. The sidewalks are city property, and vulgar activity out in public cannot happen. Public nudity is a criminal offence.”


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