Cheap & Classy (Hide Your Crazy)

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Cheap & Classy (Hide Your Crazy) Page 14

by Hardenbrook, T. A.

  “See? Everything is fine and taken care of. Now, get in the car so you don’t miss your flight.” Megan reached over and gave me a small hug, pulling me back and looking directly into my eyes. “You are going to be great. Don’t worry about the guys; I’ve got them under control.”

  “Please, no new rashes,” I commented, giving her a pleading look.

  “The children will be in perfect condition when you get back,” Megan joked, shooing me away to the waiting car.

  “Alright,” I stalled, glancing around backstage one last time.

  “Let’s go,” Danielle demanded, stomping her foot loudly. “My arm is getting really tired of holding this damn dress up, and I need some vodka.”

  Giving Megan one last smile, I let out a small sigh and nodded to Danielle. “Finally. You really are cutting into my drinking time.”

  “Make her beautiful, Danielle,” Megan hollered out as we walked down the stage steps.

  “I got this in the bag,” she called back, instantly flashing a cocky smile at me.

  Oh dear lord, please let me make it through this evening without any nipple slips or crotch shots. Please?

  The black dress was cut low in the back, floating dangerously close to the crack of my ass. Danielle assured me that the tape would stick, keeping my booty from making its red carpet appearance. I knew she wouldn’t let me down, but with my luck, the tape would malfunction. I just couldn’t bend over, or squat, or even walk very fast for that matter. Nothing like a full moon on the night of the awards show.

  Turning around to face the mirror, I bit the inside of my cheek while staring back at my reflection. This was not the Molly I was used to. This was a more grownup and sophisticated version of my normally unpolished self. My blonde hair was perfectly straight, with several pieces pinned back away from my face. The makeup artist had done a bold smoky eye, and even managed to get some fake eyelashes on me. I gave that woman credit, considering I sat still as well as a two year old in a candy shop. My lips were painted a softer shade of red, and my exposed skin glistened with the lotion they spread over my arms. No, this wasn’t the normal Molly, but I was completely okay with it for once.

  “Are you ready for some shoes?” Danielle asked as I was still mesmerized by my appearance in the mirror. Panic started to creep in, wondering what Reid was going to say about the dress. I only had a brief five minutes with him earlier this afternoon before getting whisked off to hair and makeup. Danielle claimed she cleared the dress with his stylist, and that we would match perfectly going down the red carpet. But, that wasn’t my issue.

  Turning around in the mirror, I stole another glance at my backside. This dress was one hundred percent stunning. I felt beautiful and sexy, wrapped up with a bow of sophistication. This was a completely new Molly, and I was starting to love it. But I couldn’t stop that nagging feeling in the back of my head. Sure, it sounded a lot like my mother’s voice, but in all reality it was playing devil’s advocate on what Reid was going to think.

  “Shoes, Molly?” Danielle commanded again, holding out a pair of silver sparkly Louie’s that made my mouth water. I’m normally not a heeled kind of girl, but something about these glittering little bobbles were making even the tomboy parts of me giggle in excitement.

  “Sorry,” I commented, hiking the front of my dress up a little as Danielle leaned down to slide the shoes on.

  “Now, you need to kick forward when you walk. Your dress does not have that large of a train, but it’s important that you don’t step on the front and yank the tape down,” Danielle instructed, demonstrating the kick and walk she wanted to me do.

  “Got it,” I mentioned, while trying to keep my composure and look elegant standing in the heels. Thank god they were not super tall, thus eliminating the natural disaster I was on large heels.

  “Can someone get her a shot?” the makeup artist shouted.

  “No more booze for Molly. It’s going to take all her concentration to make it down the carpet without face planting,” Danielle warned the people in the room.

  “Thanks for that vote of confidence,” I grumbled.

  “Just looking out for you.” Danielle circled around me as I stood there like her very own dress up Barbie. She started to tug gently on the sides of the high necked bodice, making sure the tape had properly adhered to my boobies to keep them up in place. “Can I get some fans blowing lightly in here? It’s getting a little warm.”

  “Remember, I have deodorant under my tits to keep the tape up.” I laughed as she wandered to the back side and ran her finger along the dip over my ass. “Are you going to buy me dinner before getting any lower there, sister?”

  “Oh stuff it. You are my first red carpet styling and I want to make sure you are perfect.” Pursing my lips, I flashed a small smile in her direction.

  “Another coat of lip-gloss and will someone find me that silver clutch?” Danielle snapped her fingers and the minions in the room scattered. It was amazing the demand she required when in charge of the room. If I wasn’t her friend, I would definitely be scared.

  “Let me radio Reid’s room and see if he is ready for the limo.” Danielle grabbed her phone and scampered out into the hallway.

  “You look beautiful, Molly,” an assistant said, holding a water bottle with a straw out for me to take a sip.

  “Thanks,” I managed to say.

  For once, I wasn’t the ugly swan anymore.

  Chapter 22

  “Hoedown isn’t just a term for a redneck festival.”

  “You look gorgeous, Molly Anne,” Reid whispered in my ear while in the limo.

  “And you look pretty dapper yourself,” I replied softly. Riding to the theater was slightly uncomfortable, having his publicist, two body guards, his personal stylist, and a videographer. Nothing screamed romance like sitting there all ladylike, in a smoking hot dress, with a man who could melt my panties right off my body, and all the people that work for him.

  “I need Molly to switch sides with you, Reid. We will all exit the vehicle first, then Molly, and then you, Reid.” Aubrey, his publicist, looked directly at Reid, never once glancing in my direction. While I was feeling stunning and beautiful before, this woman could make you seem worthless even dripping in diamonds.

  I knew she wasn’t happy that I would be dangling on Reid’s arm from her first scoff when she stormed into my dressing room. “I need you to make sure nothing of her pops out that shouldn’t be seen. And, Molly, let Reid do the talking. You are just there as an accessory, got it?”

  “Are you ready for this?” Reid grabbed my fidgeting hand and laid it in his lap.

  “I can’t believe I agreed to this,” I muttered, giving him a weak smile.

  “The rest of your band mates will be joining you on the carpet. We need some group shots in the beginning, so your friend will have to step to the………….”

  “Aubrey, she is my girlfriend, and her name is Molly Anne. You may address her by her first name or Miss McGlenister, but never again speak of her in the way you just did,” Reid snapped. His eyebrows furrowed as his hand tightened around mine. For someone that had been working for him for a long time, she really should have known how to avoid the nastier side of Reid. “This isn’t my first award show, so I know the drill.”

  “I apologize for my slip of the tongue Reid, and Miss McGlenister. Please know that it was not meant to be mean.” Aubrey looked rattled at Reid’s little outburst, nervously twitching the pen in her hand. For some reason, I had been waiting for this side of Reid to emerge. Everything was flowers and daisies it seemed like lately, and we all knew that wasn’t the side of Reid we got to see that often.

  The car pulled up to a stop and Aubrey pressed a hand to her ear. “We are ready to move,” she replied to whoever was talking to her.

  I had always made fun of those people wearing those little Bluetooth devices. They always seemed crazy wandering around holding a conversation with themselves, failing their arms about in animation. Surely, there was
someone on the other line, but then again I think some people pretended to make themselves seem important. The crew exited the limo and closed the door.

  “Why did they close the door?”

  “To make an entrance, my love.” Reid chuckled as he pressed a kiss to the side of my cheek. “Are you ready for everything to change?”

  “I guess so.”

  “Way to have the confidence, Molly Anne.” A knock on the window signified they were ready to open the door. “Look past the photographers, if you can. That way you don’t get blinded by their lights. Oh, and don’t forget to smile,” he said right as they opened the door and I was bombarded by millions of flashing white lights.

  “Smile, Molly,” Tiny said through clenched teeth. Taking his hand and letting him help me out of the car, I steadied myself on the shoes, and did a quick glance of the dress. The slinky black fabric shimmered down to the carpet, still holding in all the right areas.

  “My ass isn’t showing, is it, Tiny?” I said with a smile, praying to God the tape had held up in the car ride over here. Tiny offered a small smile with a slight nod, as he grabbed my elbow and gently led me a couple steps away from the door. Instant screams and cheers erupted seconds later as Reid emerged from the limo. Standing up and smoothing the front of his suit out, Reid slide the buttons through their holes and offered his arm out for me to take.

  “Thank you,” I managed to stutter out, still completely rattled from all the commotion.

  “Just smile and walk along with me,” Reid said calmly, beaming for the cameras as they all shouted his name over and over again. Still smiling, I slightly nodded my head and silently repeated ‘kick walk’ in my head, over and over again. If my fear about face planting earlier was anything on the richter scale, then being out here in the open, with everyone shouting to look this way, and hey pretty girl, should register as a massive earthquake. “Relax,” Reid commented again, this time unhooking our arms and sliding it down the side of my body, pulling me in closer. “Just a quick pose smile for the cameras, Beautiful.” Reid kissed the side of my head, and a smirk appeared on my lips. “Now there is the Molly Anne I have come to love.”

  “Reid, Reid! Who is this woman on your arm tonight?” someone shouted over the noise.

  “My girlfriend, Miss Molly Anne McGlenister,” Reid beamed with a genuine smile.

  Grabbing my waist a little tighter, I leaned into the man and made myself comfortable. Sure, this wasn’t my absolute favorite thing to do, and the flashes were seriously brighter than staring directly into a lighthouse window, but making this carpet my bitch was going to be a piece of cake. Hell, I was rocking this dress. I had yet to face plant in the kick ass shoes, and I had one of the hottest men attending tonight. What could possibly go wrong?

  “Fuck, Molly, can I take you home with me tonight?” Brody shouted as we approached the rest of the guys and their dates. I spoke too soon.

  Just when I had thought we were getting to the end of this monster carpet, the damn thing kept going. I was actually offered refreshments at one point, to ‘keep up my stamina’. How absolutely insane is that? I would have loved to have a bite of whatever was on the tray, but the three pairs of spanx cinching in my midsection refused to budge, thus preventing me from eating the rest of the evening. People were serious when they claimed beauty was pain, because these damn undergarments were going to be the death of me.

  “Hoedown!” Brody shouted loudly over the crowd, laughing and pointing just ahead of us.

  “Please don’t tell me we have to square dance?” I groaned, peeking around the side of Reid to see what the commotion was. “What in the world are you talking about?” I asked Brody, giving him a questionable glance.

  “That chick up there in the sparkly red dress just kicked rocks. Hoedown duh, Molly.” Brody looked at me with an irritated glance, and then went back to feeling up the poor model that was probably by now regretting that decision.

  “Down south we call those hoedowns gatherings you know where people eat lots of pie and square dance amongst barrels of hay?” I mentioned to Reid.

  “Remember we are in LA, Molly Anne, and well, Brody speaks very literal.”

  “Poor girl,” I mumbled while turning to smile at another set of cameras. I couldn’t imagine what words could have been ushered if I took a header. Knowing Brody it would be something creative no less.

  “Can we get some singles?” a camera man shouted as we continued to pose. Acknowledging the request, I pulled away from Reid’s side and took a few steps over toward Tiny.

  “Not you, Reid; we want her,” another man shouted as Reid turned to me and beamed. It’s almost like his experiment at the science fair was just awarded first place. This shiny new Molly was getting the pap’s approval seal, and that man couldn’t look more thrilled. Reid extended his hand out to mine, bringing me closer to the flashing lights.

  “Smile and pose pretty for the camera whores,” Reid whispered in my ear, causing me to giggle. “Give me your purse.” Tossing him a puzzled look, I handed over my clutch.

  “Reid Chambers, carrying a woman’s bag. Is this serious, Reid?”

  “Well, she is the love of my life,” he hollered back while tossing me a playful wink. I panicked when he made that outward confession on our relationship, stumbling ever so slightly in my sparkly heels.

  “Reid,” I mentioned through clenched teeth, still forcing a smile that had started to hurt twenty minutes ago.

  “Thanks, guys,” Reid called out, slipping his arm once again around my waist and placing a kiss along my jawbone.

  “What in the hell was that?”

  “Just staking my claim, Baby.” He squeezed my side again. “Are you ready to head inside?”

  “Finally.” I let out an exhausted sigh. If wearing spanx and this dress wasn’t enough, Reid just declared me his property to the whole world. I needed a glass of champagne, or better yet, just give me a bottle of vodka and we could call it an evening.

  One would never know these award shows last forever. It’s all contained in a two or three hour segment on cable television, but actually attending the event takes much longer. The politics in show business is even more of an issue than having Reid call out our relationship. These people no longer associate with this person; this person is evil, and so on and so on. There was no way in hell I would remember even a quarter of their names tomorrow. The only person I knew I wouldn’t forget was the charming bus boy who kept refilling my wine glass anytime it was remotely low. His name was Nathan, and if I wasn’t in total love with Reid, I would have taken that boy home. Bless his heart for keeping me boozed throughout the night, considering if I had to listen to another one of the skinny model bitches complain about their job or whatever bullshit, I was going to shank a bitch.

  “You doing alright?” Reid said quietly, pretending to still be engaged in conversation with Bill number six.

  “I’m dying for a cheeseburger, my feet are starting a petition to overthrow my leadership, and I’m slightly buzzed. Alright, I’m really drunk, but at least I have yet to break the seal.”

  Reid laughed lightly and playfully swatted my ass. “I promise the moment we get out of here, you can ditch the shoes, get naked in the limo, and I’ll feed you all the cheeseburgers you can eat.”

  “You are so romantic.” Flashing him a naughty smile, I couldn’t help but think about peeling the layers of spanx off my body and ripping the tape off my side boob. Ah, the simple joys.

  “Are we going out after this?” Brody asked the group, bouncing up and down like a drunken idiot.

  My eyes grew wide in horror as his looked over at Reid. There went my opportunity to get out of the dress and stuff my face with greasy goodness.

  “Thanks, brother, but I think we are just going to head back to the hotel,” Reid chatted, quickly giving me a sly grin.

  Thank god for cheeseburgers and a man who understand the need to feed me.

  “I love you, Molly, but you really put a damper on Rei
d when you’re around. Shit, looks like I’ve lost my wingman again,” Brody raved as his hands reached around and groped the model’s ass.

  “Feel free to punch the fucker in the face,” I commented to the blonde, showing my obvious disgust for the man.

  “Whatever, Molly; that man is great at picking up chicks.”

  “Chicks?” I questioned, tossing Reid a death glare.

  “Chicks for him, Molly Anne, just chicks for him,” Reid said in protest, quickly holding his hands up in surrender.

  Tightening my lips, I shook my head. Brody had better be talking out his asshole, otherwise Reid and I had a massive discussion coming.

  Chapter 23

  Bitch please; I don’t need a sugar daddy.

  The moment the limo door closed my shoes flew across the backseat. Groaning as I flattened my feet against the floorboards, I sunk back into the leather seats, slouching like the nastiest of women in the hood.

  “Comfortable?” Reid chuckled, loosening the tie around his neck.

  “Wait,” I replied, quickly lifting the hair off the back of my neck and turning toward him. “Unzip me please.” Reid’s fingers slid across the bare skin above my shoulders, slowly grabbing the tag of the zipper and easing it down my back. Pulling the black fabric down around my shoulders, he pressed his lips along my spine, instantly sending tingles down my body.

  “I really love when you do that, but………………I really need to eat.” Dropping my hair, I turn back around to face Reid. An amused look graced his face, as I shrugged my shoulders. The last thing that went into my stomach was a banana this morning. Danielle was terrified of any sign of bloat in the dress, thus forbidding me to eat anything until after the show.


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