Dead & Alive (Book 5): Oasis

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Dead & Alive (Book 5): Oasis Page 12

by I. J. Smith

  “You already know!”

  “I wanna hear it from you!”

  Kat shook her head and through her tears she replied. “A choice, they stripped me naked and gave me a choice. Gang raped me or I kill my grandfather!” Her tears took over.

  Jack pulled her close. “You need to stop now!”

  She tucked her head into his chest.

  “I want the girl who shared her blood to save my life back. I want the girl that cringed at the sight of blood back. I look at you now and you kill just like me. I don’t want you to be me!”

  He held her face away from him. “Let me be ‘The Reaper’. Let me take all that pain from you. Just be my sister and let me love you!”

  Kat threw her arms around him and held him tight. “I’m so sorry!” she sobbed.

  At the barn entrance, Raven watched as Jack consoled Kat. Sarah joined her.

  “Looks like Jack got through to her!” Sarah says.

  Raven gave a smile. “He was worried about her; she was killing without a care, so easily. It scared him.”

  “I guess, but you know Jack better than me!” Sarah replied.

  “What does that mean?”

  “I’m not judging, whatever is going on between you two, has nothing to do with me.” Sarah replied.

  Raven shook her head. “Nothing is going on.”


  “I’m telling you the truth.” Raven said in reply.

  Sarah smirked. “Then I guess you won’t mind the fact, me and Jack slept together a few nights ago,”

  Raven turned with a look of horror, as Sarah just smiled.

  “Guess I was right! Nothing happened between me and Jack.” Sarah told a relieved Raven.

  Raven looked sad. “I don’t think it matters. Jack didn’t see me, he saw Elle.”

  Sarah placed her arm around her friend as Raven rested her head-on Sarah’s shoulder.

  Suddenly the truck roared to life behind them.


  Jack and Kat strolled back in. Kat had her arms wrapped around him. “Wanna go save Bray and the kids?” he asked.

  “Let’s do this shit!” she replied, making Jack laugh.



  The sun was beginning to rise on a new day.

  The military truck they salvaged from the barn; was park outside an old office building. Adam, Zoe, Tommy, Craig, Brad and Taylor waited with the truck as Jack and the others made the journey to the roof.

  Tommy sat in the back of the truck feeding Paige. Craig was sitting alone in the corner, no one had spoken to him since the barn. Adam and Zoe carried rifles and kept guard outside. They walked around the truck making sure no one noticed them.

  “Adam! Can I ask you something?” Zoe asked as they made their way to the back of the truck.

  With a frown of fear, he replied. “Just as long it’s not about the strange noises Ryan makes when you two play naughtiest.”

  Zoe was stunned by the chuckling coming from Tommy. She looked into the back of the truck. “Shut up!” She told him. He struggled to keep a straight face, made worse by Taylor suddenly breaking out laughing.

  “Guys! It’s not that bad!” Zoe protested.

  Adam shook his head. “No, we all make chipmunk noises in the throes of passion.” He said and burst out laughing. Zoe tried to look mad, but also began laughing.

  Changing the subject, Adam asked, “What did you wanna ask me?”

  She stepped closer to him, looking around her as she spoke. “In the barn, Jack said he was stripped of rank!”

  “Yeah! And?”

  She looked uncomfortable for asking. “When we thought, Jack was dead; Elle mentioned he had been in prison. But she never explained why, I guess she felt like it was like betraying him somehow.”

  Adams expression changed, he looked a little mad. “Ask Jack! It’s not my place to say!”

  There was an uncomfortable silence when a sudden voice spoke out. “Tell her!”

  Zoe turned around to see Jack standing there, with the others.

  “Jack, I didn’t mean to pry. I was….” She struggled. “I’m sorry!”

  Jack stepped forward, with a sudden smile on his face; he kissed her on the forehead. He looked at Adam, “Tell them, I don’t care!”

  Jack walked to the back of the truck, he grabbed a sidearm and began to walk away. “I need to check something out, you all stay here!” He walked away alone and disappeared from sight.

  Banks walked forward, “I don’t care what he did. I don’t need to hear it!” He rushed passed Adam and chased after Jack.

  “Wait up!” Banks called Jack.

  “Fancy a walk Doc?”

  Banks smiled. “I just wanted to talk to you.”

  “Well, I’m going for a walk in the woods, and you are welcome to join me.”

  Jack rushed across a small road and disappeared into the woods and worked his way behind the Fort. “So, what do you wanna talk about?” Jack asked Banks.

  “Jack, you need to reconsider this. You’re not 100% yet. One bad hit and your dead!” Banks told him.

  Walking through the woods; Jack stayed silent for a moment. Then he pointed. “There it is!”

  Banks looked to see a rusted pipe poking out of the side of the Fort. He frowned in confusion and simply shrugged.

  “What happens if you die?” Banks asked. “You’re too important!”

  Jack turned to face him. “I am no more important than anyone else.” He glanced around. “But, if something happens to me. You tell Adam everything, you can trust him!”

  Banks wiped the sweat from his brow. “Everything?”

  Jack nodded. “It’s not him, I know that now. You tell him everything, he can take over from me.”

  “You have any idea who is?” Banks asked.

  “I know them all, it’s hard to know that one of them is a traitor.” Jack muttered.

  “I’m sorry Jack; I hope you know that I hated telling you!” Banks replied.

  “Because of the traitor, people died. Then they pretended to be our friend!” Jack replied. “It’s gonna take time, but I will find out who it is.” He continued.

  They began to walk back.


  Adam looked uncomfortable. Raven and Sarah moved over to listen. “Who gives a shit? What does it matter why he lost his rank!” Jacob said angrily.

  “Go on!” Ryan urged Adam.

  Adam leaned against the truck, Tommy moved closer to the back of the truck to listen.

  “OK! You know he lost rank. Do you know he was Special Forces?” Adam replied.

  Everyone nodded.

  Adam looked concerned to talk about it. “Right! Well, look, there are things about Jack’s past I know and a lot I don’t. All I know is what they shared with me. Jack lost his rank when he was sentenced to eight years in a military prison.”

  Zoe spoke out in shock. “Eight year for hitting an officer?”

  “I guess Jack kept a few things from Elle, too!” Adam added. He grabbed a bottle of water and took a deep drink.

  “Jack killed a superior officer!” Adam replied.

  Everyone went quiet, the look of shock obvious on their faces. “Jack’s not like that!” Raven said though gritted teeth.

  “There is so much you don’t know about him, he has a past that would make James Bond look like a Boy Scout!” Adam paused for a moment. “Jack and a team were sent in by Military Intelligence to disable warheads under the control of terrorists. It went bad, the information was wrong and they were faced with impossible odds. Only Jack and one other got out alive. Jack carried a comrade for miles, while under enemy fire. The man he carried could never walk again.” Rubbing his head, Adam did not want to continue.

  “Carry on!” Ryan urged Adam.

  “Military Intelligence tried to place the blame of the fuck up on the team. Jack’s best friend died in that mission
and they just blamed it all on them. Jack hit the Officer; the M.P.’S jumped in to stop him. But we all know Jack, he quickly threw them aside and the Intelligence Officer pulled a gun on him. His training kicked in, Jack pushed the gun away and forced the guy’s nose into his brain.”

  Adam stopped talking and walked away shaking his head. He quickly turned back.

  “Look, don’t judge him! They trained him to be a weapon. He was sentenced behind closed doors, Jenkins even gave evidence against him. She called him an animal. The entire thing was a mess. A few months later the sentence was squashed. There was some very powerful people who liked Jack and believed it was an accident. They sent in someone close to Jack to persuade him to stay in the Army.” Adam walked away.

  “SHIT!” Sarah shouted.

  “And you follow that asshole?” A voice spoke from the truck. Everyone looked to see it was Craig.

  Kat suddenly rushed at him, but was stopped by Sarah. Raven instead punched him in the face, as he leaned out the truck.

  “This doesn’t change a damn thing!” Jacob told everyone.

  Sarah looked at Jacob, with a smile. “Shit, I love him more!”

  Jack reappeared with Banks. “OK, is story time over? Because we got some work to do!”

  Kat gave out a giggle. She moved over to Jack and hugged him tight. Jack glanced at Adam. “Next time, tell them the cheese grater story. That’s always a winner!”

  “The what?” Jacob asked.

  “Never mind! Right, here is the plan!” Jack said and started to tell them, what he wanted each to do.

  “Ryan, Zoe and Tommy. I want you to stay here with the boys and wait for the signal. I know you want some payback, but we cannot risk them recognizing you.” Jack told them.

  “Jacob, Raven and Kat. How do you fancy just knocking on the front door?” He smiled.

  “Oh shit, the black is bait!” Jacob said loudly.

  Jack smiled. “Nah, you’re just pretty!”

  “Adam, Sarah. You’re with me.”

  Jack turned to Kat, Raven and Jacob. “Just get inside, get their attention. We need them in the open!”

  “Ryan, be ready. When you hear the signal, come running!”

  Zoe asked. “What’s the signal?” Jack simply smiled in reply. ‘Stupid question’, she muttered to herself.

  As Jack climbed on the truck he handed Tommy his sidearm. “Don’t hesitate, just do what I taught you.” Tommy nodded. “Stomach, then head?” Jack placed his hand on Tommy’s shoulder. “Good man!”

  “What about us?” Taylor asked.

  “You’re good with the bow and arrows, stay back and give cover!” Jack replied.

  Craig muttered, “We should have guns!”

  “I wouldn’t trust you with a water pistol, give you a gun and you’ll probably kill yourself!” Jack grabbed ammo and the rifle, he was about to leave when he looked back at the boys.

  “Look, I barely know you. I’m not gonna put you in harm’s way, until I know what you can handle!” Taylor and Brad agreed. Jack turned to Craig. “And you, you need to impress me, because right now, you have a clean slate with me!” Jack told him as he held his hand out on offer. Craig looked around, but eventually shook his hand. “I won’t let you down.” He muttered.

  Jack jumped from the truck and passed rifles and ammo to Adam and Sarah.

  “OK, ten minutes and you go knocking!” Jack told Jacob. As Jack walked away, Jacob grabbed his arm and pulled him in for an embrace. “You be safe brother!” Jack with his half smile and nodded.

  They went their separate ways.



  Jacob, Kat and Raven approached the large black wooden doors of the Fort. A few roaming zombies approached them, Kat was quick to pull her sword and take their heads off. Raven reached the door and banged it hard three times. Kat continued to finish off the zombies, with Jacobs help.

  The little side door opened.

  “Oh, thank God! Please we need help!” Raven said in a panicked voice.

  A clean shaven, dark haired man appeared. He looked towards the end of the bridge that led to the entrance. “OH NO! PLEASE GET INSIDE!” The man told her.

  The man stepped out of the door. “Quickly, this way!” he told Jacob and Kat. They both rushed to the door and stepped inside. The man quickly locked the door.

  “Are you all OK?” He asked concerned that one of them had been bitten.

  A blonde woman rushed to their side, “Welcome, here drink.” She said passing them a jug of water.

  Raven quickly threw her arms around the woman. “THANK YOU! THANK YOU!” As she held the woman, she noticed Rain in the corner of the clearing. She was relieved her friend was alive, but could not help but notice how dirty and skinny she was.

  Jacob grabbed the man’s hand and shook it. “You saved us, thank you!”

  Another man approached, a very handsome, long haired man with a beautiful smile. “You have nothing to thank us for, this is place of safety. We are protected here.”

  The man approached Raven, looking at her with a lustful look on his face. “Such a beauty, God has gifted you!”

  Raven felt sickened by his comments but, smiled anyway, buying time for Jack and the others.

  “I am Gabe and this is our sanctuary. You have met Brandon and Celine. Please don’t be alarmed by the soldiers with guns around the Fort. They are here for our protection.”

  Jacob was getting sick of hearing his voice. “Soldiers, they don’t look like soldiers!”

  Gabe tried to keep his smile, but it flickered. “They are the soldiers of God, sent here to protect us!”

  “Must have some small wings for Angels.” Jacob remarked.

  Gabe gave out a grunt.


  Meanwhile outside the rear of the Fort. Jack was leading Sarah and Adam through the woods.

  “We’re here!”

  Sarah looked over the moat. “Guess we swim.”

  Jack smiled. “Nah! Would make too much noise. See the rusty pipe, it’s an old drainage pipe for when the Fort floods. The main pipe will only be about a foot into the water.”

  Adam looked over Jack’s shoulder. “You sure?”

  Jack glanced at him. “What you worried about getting your hair wet?”

  Sarah laughed. “Oh, come on. They will be in there by now!”

  Leading the way Jack climbed down the bank and stepped into the water. He searched and found the pipe. “OK, be careful!” He told the others.

  It was slow, but Jack made it; followed by Sarah. Adam was much slower getting across. “Before I die of old age, it would be great!” Jack remarked. Adam stuck his middle finger up at Jack. Sarah giggled.

  “I never thanked you!” Jack suddenly said to Sarah.

  Sarah looked at him frowning.

  “You know, saving my life and helping Kat. She really loves those swords!” He told her.

  “She is sweet, she reminds me of my little sister.”

  “Never knew you had a sister?” Jack remarked.

  “She died in the outbreak.”

  With a sad look, Jack simply took her hand and held it tight, she smiled in reply.

  “Erm, hello…A little help?” Adam asked, reaching out.

  Jack pulled him in, “Baby,” he joked.

  “Alright, up and over. You both ready?” Jack asked.

  Climbing up the long grass towards the top, they could start to hear the noise from inside the Fort. The grass was wet, but they made it to the top. They crouched down behind the brick top. They could see Raven talking with a long-haired man. Adam skimmed the area. “Twelve with guns.” He whispered.

  Jack nodded. “Sarah take point here. Adam, you go right, I go left. You both ready?”

  “Let’s do it!” Sarah stated firmly.


  Gabe started talking with Raven. “We have food and water. We do however insist that you leave all weapons at the gate. There is no need for them inside.”

>   Raven, out of the corner of her eye, saw Jack running across the top of the Fort wall.

  “Nah, I think we will keep ahold of them.” Raven replied.

  Gabe gave a frown. “I’m sorry, but you cannot. You leave them here or you cannot enter!”

  Jacob stepped forward. “Then how are we gonna kick your ass?”

  Before Gabe could respond several gunshots fired out. He stepped back, he screamed to his soldiers as he pointed to the wall. “KILL THEM!”

  He then pointed at Raven, Jacob and Kat. “And them!”

  Brandon pulled a blade and lunged at Raven, before she could respond; he was shot in the leg. As he dropped screaming in pain, she looked up to see that Jack had taken the shot.

  Kat was quick to pull her machete and grabbed Celine from behind, as she held her sword against Celine’s throat. Jacob pulled his sidearm free, as a soldier rushed at them. Jacob fired at him, hitting him directly in the eye, the back of his head exploded.

  “Eww!” Jacob muttered.

  “Nice shot!” Raven complimented him.

  Raven rushed to the gate, she unlocked the door to find Zoe, Ryan and Tommy waiting. As they appeared, Gabe noticed them. “Oh shit!” He moaned.

  The soldiers were quickly dropped. Bodies laid scattered everywhere. The rest with weapons soon dropped them as Ryan and Zoe took them prisoner. Gabe stood confused, he scrambled around in the middle of the Fort. He noticed a large man with a rifle, walk down the stone steps from the wall.

  Jack walked passed Gabe, with a big smile on his face. He approached Raven, handing her his rifle. Brandon looked at her and shouted out, “FUCKING WHORE!”

  Without a warning, Jack pulled his machete and swung it through the air slicing Brandon’s throat open. Blood sprayed all over Celine.

  Gabe began to laugh loudly. “Who the fuck are you?”

  Jack stood there with a wide smile and said, “I have a question?” Gabe looked confused and angry.

  “And what’s that?”

  Jack spread out his arms and shouted. “WHO’S HOUSE IS THIS?”

  Gabe replied. “This is my home!”

  Jack punched him hard in the face, blood sprayed from his broken nose. Gabe fell backwards into the mud.

  “WRONG! “Jack spread his arms out again. “THIS IS MY HOUSE! WELCOME TO MY HOUSE!” He sang.


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