Urban Vampire: The bookset 1-3

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Urban Vampire: The bookset 1-3 Page 55

by Pace, Pepper

  I pointed to a spot a few feet from us. “Paul, move over there—away from us.” Slowly he did. He watched me with wordless curiosity.

  You are in me! Like a THING! I thought this to myself. I thought it to that piece of me that made up my Vampire…that entity that was the succubus.

  You want her, don’t you? You want to be in her. I concentrated on feeling it inside of me and then I concentrated on pushing it towards her.

  Dear Lord, it was happening! Like an invisible ball of power the succubus pushed into Mara!

  It was the exact thing that Alexis had done to me. It was how he had made love to me that very first time! Without hands, without touching! His succubus had rolled through me. And now I was rolling my succubus through Mara.

  Her body bowed and then Mara hit the floor like a sack. Ooops, I apologized silently.

  Paul hurried to her but I waved him away. I didn’t know what would happen if he touched her…I didn’t want him touching her when the succubus was in her.

  I felt it wrap around her like a lover’s arms. Yes, we were one in the same in that it was just an extension of me…only with its own sexual agenda. It was all about sex where my human influences stifled it and kept it in a small corner.

  I had done the succubus an injustice. Even when I made love I never let it free. And right now it was showing Mara such tender attention. I let it take control…but I watched. I watched with caution ready to stop it if I had to.

  As I watched Mara’s breath come out in long, pleased releases, and her body writhe gently there on the floor. I felt my own body release much of my own sexual tension. It had some place to go other then me and that was a good thing. Especially if someone else wanted it…like Mara seemed to.

  A short while later, Mara threw her head back, her knees up and she clawed at the floor passionately then her body went limp.

  Like a spring the succubus coiled home to me…but it was sated…and so was I. I sighed.

  Paul came forward curiously. I’d almost forgotten about him. I knelt beside Mara and helped her sit up. She rubbed her eyes as if she was coming out of a deep sleep.

  Then she looked at me quickly and then at Paul and her face turned beet red. My face turned red, too. We both looked at Paul. He was smiling. He looked from one to the other of us. This exchange of looks seemed to last a long time.

  “Would you two mind doing that again?” He said quietly.

  We both burst out laughing. Paul offered each of us a hand up and we took it.

  “Fool,” I laughed. “Just a fool.”

  Mara straightened her clothes. She looked at us both. “I need a cigarette.” The three of us fell out in renewed laughter.

  Mara excused herself to one of the guest rooms and the laughter between Paul and I subsided to chuckles. But soon Paul’s expression grew serious.

  “Let’s go out to the court yard.”

  I wiped my face with my hand noting that it was sticky with blood. “Let me clean up first-”

  “No. After,” he said.

  I shrugged. What was this about? I followed him through our bedroom suite and out to our private patio.

  Ours was the only bedroom on the main floor—which allowed us access to our private little outdoor sanctuary. The patio was cobblestone with an old world, stone privacy fence sheathed in vines and creeping flowers. The fountain that had been built into the wall was that of a brass lion’s head and it provided just enough tinkling sound to create a natural backdrop. There was also a wildflower garden with a cobblestone walkway that led to the main back yard, which is where we did our official entertaining out by the pool.

  I closed the French doors behind me and looked at him expectantly while still swiping at the stickiness around my mouth.

  Paul raised his head to the starry sky as if paying tribute to the moon. He inhaled and the breeze ruffled his long hair. He looked like a painting on the cover of some romance novel. My heart beat one solitary time.

  He looked at me then as if he had heard it. Although the Werewolf’s senses surpassed a Vampire’s, I didn’t think it was possible that he had heard that one beat of my heart.

  He reached out and took my hand in his. I accepted it, curious at what he was about. His eyes gleamed as they looked down at me. He traced the outline of my lips.

  Ah. He wanted some under-the-moon-loving! I could get with that.

  Paul looked serious as he lowered his face to mine. I was expecting his lips upon my own. Instead it was his tongue that I felt lightly lapping at the blood smeared around my mouth. I heard him sigh then he released me.

  I looked at him surprised. He seemed anxious at my reaction. “I have a proposition for you.”

  I nodded slowly. “Okay … ?”

  “Do you know the spot in the forest where the stream forks?”

  “Yeah, where Tyler dropped that deer?”

  “Exactly. It’s about five miles from here. My proposition is this, you race the Wolf to that spot and if he wins you let him fuck you.”

  “Huh?” I had to remember to close my mouth. I’ve never fucked the Wolf in all of our time together. I’m not saying that Paul hasn’t partially transformed during sex, but he’s never been the Wolf during sex.

  Don’t get me wrong I am not turned off by the Wolf—not any longer. But I’m not sexually attracted to it either. I have never had a desire to fuck a hairy Wolf-thing. It just never did it for me … and yeah, my human side is the main reason for that. The succubus in me doesn’t care who it fucks. I, on the other hand, have slightly more discerning tastes…just slightly.

  I shrugged. The whole idea was a moot point because there’s no way that a Werewolf could move faster then a Vampire. Our movements are mere blurs to the human eye. Even if you didn’t consider our ability to disappear and reappear at will, a Vampire’s movements are difficult to track. Oh, Werewolves are fast, but they don’t move in blurs.

  “Baby,” I grinned. “You think your Were can outrun my Vampire?”

  Paul thought before answering. “I think … that if the Werewolf does outrun you, then you should give it what it wants.”

  I lowered my eyelids in a sexy way. “That’s what it wants?”

  He nodded.

  “And that’s what you want?”

  Without hesitation he nodded again.

  “Is that what you were hinting at yesterday?”

  Paul’s eyelids lowered then. “That…and so much more. I want you in the wildest ways possible, Kim. I want you in ways that we’ve never done before.” And we’ve done a lot … Paul reached out and traced a finger down my arm. “I didn’t know how you’d feel about that until … today.”

  “You mean because of … what I did with Mara?” I was a bit uncomfortable about the implication of what Mara and I had done.

  “Well…that but more the comment you made about ripping flesh.” Paul pulled me into his arms. His pelvis was pressed suggestively against me and I could feel just how much this all excited him.

  “During the full moon, when I hunt I also want to fuck. Tyler and Jason can while they are still in wolf form. I come home to you and there are days that I want to…” he struggled for the right words. “Loose control. But I don’t—I can’t. I turn back into human form, then I make love to my wife.”

  I rotated my hips allowing my pelvis to crush against his. “But our lovemaking after a hunt is CRAZY. Don’t you think its mind blowing?”

  Paul knelt down and kissed me sweetly. “Oh, that is always mind blowing. But I’m not talking about lovemaking. I’m talking about fucking.” I burst out laughing and he chuckled along with me.

  I pulled away from him. “So if the wolf catches me then it gets to fuck me…but what if I win the race. What do I get?”

  Paul licked his lips. “I’ll make the wolf allow you to rip into me.”

  “What?” I said quickly. My lifeless heart thumped in my chest in excitement.

  “That’s what you want, right? And so do I—on some level; when the sex
is really heated. Yeah, I want it. The only thing holding us back from it is the wolf.”

  My breath came out in short pants. “You want my teeth in you?”

  “When you bit Mara twice I almost came undone.” His voice was husky and low.

  I licked my lips. Yes. This was a wager that I’d certainly take. “How would you make the Werewolf let me?”

  “You know that chain in the garage…?”

  I thought about it. Chain my husband and then have my way with him…and he’d be happy about it…the Werewolf—not so happy …. Hmmm.

  “I’m game!” I said happily.

  Paul rubbed his hands together and grinned. “Okay, one rule only. This is a race…no disappearing and reappearing.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Of course, baby.”

  He started pulling off his clothes and kicking off shoes. “And although it’s a race, if the wolf catches you before you reach the fork in the stream—well, he gets to fuck you.” I noted in pleasure that he was already hard and ready for me. I could feel the succubus, just so recently sated wanting to drop down and take him right there.

  “If he thinks he can,” I responded absently as I studied Paul’s magnificent body.

  I had been wearing slippers and I kicked them off. Dressed in jeans and a sweater I felt comfortable for the run. My mind couldn’t shake the picture of Paul’s willing flesh beneath my teeth, in my mouth…

  I groaned aloud.

  He paused. “You’re ready, aren’t you, Baby?” His voice was a husky growl. “Then go.”

  He wasn’t even transformed but I went. I knew exactly where the stream was but hadn’t had much of a reason to walk there in the middle of the night. I was a little unclear about the exact path. I just started running in that general direction.

  I didn’t hear anything behind me. What was he doing? I slowed enough to glance behind me. I saw him grin as if he knew that my curiosity would get the better of me. Then he shook his head and POWW! Just like that he had morphed!

  DAMN! I have never seen him change that fast!

  No more games…my body felt like liquid as my legs pumped and my bare feet slapped the forest ground. The trees and bushes looked like streaks as I moved past them. I concentrated on what I was doing because I truly didn’t want to run into something. At this speed it would knock me out!

  I could hear behind me the rustling of movement. It was far enough behind me that it didn’t worry me.

  I saw a fallen tree and was upon it much faster then I had expected. I leaped and almost tripped over it. That’s what happens when you can run almost as fast as you can see!

  I heard something strange. It was the sound of running and then nothing, but then the very next second the sound was back--only much closer!

  It dawned on me that Paul’s power was running, but it was also jumping…

  Two could play that game! Using the force of momentum I brought both feet together and sprang forward. Wow! I had never done that before and I felt my body soar some twenty feet into the air. Unfortunately, once I hit ground again I hadn’t traveled forward by much…I had probably actually lost some of my lead.

  Damn. I could really hear him closing in on me. How? That was the question. I was moving like…well like the wind. But clearly, I could hear him leaping. How many feet could he leap; twenty, thirty feet? More than me, that’s for sure.

  I concentrated on my goal. I was probably half there. I felt my muscles stretch and lengthen as I ran at full capacity. I couldn’t believe how fast I was going. I couldn’t tell if just ahead was a small ditch or a large shadow, but I was going to leap over it just in case. I prepared to spring when something crashed into me.

  The force of something hitting my legs at the speed that I was going threw me about ten feet! I felt like a pinball!

  Before I could hit the ground the Werewolf leaped and grasped me in two massive front paws. Together we went rolling. We must have rolled 10 times before coming to a stop with the Were’s heavy weight on top of me.

  I’d made two mistakes that turned out to be in my favor. First I had allowed myself to breath while I was sprinting. Somehow it made me feel that I was moving faster—a false illusion, I’m sure. But when the Werewolf rolled me it knocked the wind out of my body.

  My second mistake is forgetting that I didn’t need to breath and I lay there choking and trying to suck in air. Now, how it worked in my favor; Paul immediately transformed back to human form.

  “Oh my God, Kim! Are you alright, Baby?!” His eyes were bugging out of his head.

  It was then that I remembered. ‘Of course I’m all right. I don’t have to breathe.’ Instead of responding I used my hands and my feet and I pushed him off of me with all the force that I could muster…which was considerable. Paul went flying through the forest. This time I didn’t bother to look. I just scrambled to my feet and started running again. He’d caught me before with a better lead. I had to strategize.

  He could use long strides and leaps for distance. But I could rely on my ability to weave and duck. Game on! Now that I could see the possibility of the Werewolf actually beating me, I had to consider the fact that I might be fucking a Werewolf tonight—instead of chewing on the flesh of my husband. Ewww! Our lives were disgusting…but the thought didn’t cause me to slow down.

  I heard a scurrying behind me. I could sense him more than hear him just at my heels. Well…my senses hadn’t failed me yet.

  I leaped and saw the Werewolf lunge for the spot where I used to be. Paul’s Werewolf looked upward but instead of leaping upward to catch me it lunged forward. I saw something that dumbfounded me.

  The Werewolf moved like a Vampire. When it lunged its movements were a blur! I’ve seen Werewolves move. I’ve seen them chasing game. I’ve never seen Paul, Tyler or Jason move this fast though.

  Damnit! Now he was heading for the stream. He’d given up on trying to catch me and was now just trying to win the race.

  But if I caught him before he reached the stream? Then my win! I focused on the blur of movement in the distance. Lord but he was fast. When did he develop this skill … but more importantly why didn’t he tell me he had it?

  I couldn’t … quite catch him. He was moving further out of my reach.

  I kept picturing my teeth piercing his Werewolf flesh and drinking of that rich, earthy blood. I’d seen the damage the Werewolf could do, the passion it put into bringing down its prey. If I were mated to the Werewolf then it would let me bite and rip its flesh. It would just be considered a love bite because Wolves did it when they mated. Just by fucking the Wolf I’d be mated to it and it would probably never want to attack me again … Hmmm. There were more benefits than not to fucking the Werewolf.


  My husband won the race fair and square…at least that was the story I intended to stick to. I heard him howl a piercing, triumphant yet purely animal sound and knew the exact moment that he had reached the stream. Animal sound…

  Not wanting to give the wolf reason to come after me, I quickened my pace to it and eventually saw him by the stream, moving anxiously, sniffing the air and calculating my distance. I love my husband, but at the present moment he wasn’t Paul; he was the Werewolf. Sleek dark fur covered a body that was now easily seven feet tall. A tail, sheathed in a mixture of coarse as well as downy fur curled behind him. When he sat, awaiting my approach it thumped the ground expectantly until he rose anxiously, pacing back and forth. Werewolves don’t really look like wolves because although they used all four limbs to move a Werewolf still had distinct arms and distinct legs—each rippling with muscles.

  The wolf appearance began at the head where an elongated canine snout and a mouth pulled over rows of sharp teeth overshadowed the human face. Ears now positioned at the top of his head stood up in total focus at my approach. Instead of paws a Werewolf had taloned digits that were powerful and deadly. I had seen my husband use them to cut down other Werewolves, rogue Vampires as well as prey. And yes, my husband still exi
sted in this creature of fur and teeth and muscles that nearly ripped through its flesh and bone confines—but right now I was dealing with the Werewolf.

  When he saw me, he howled and his need was clear. The Werewolf intended to fuck the shit out of me! I saw his cock like a great club and swallowed past the lump in my throat. Oh, I didn’t worry that I wouldn’t be able to accommodate him—I was Vampire after-all, but a stretched vagina still hurt.

  I called upon my succubus; my insatiable, dependable succubus to help me out. I had never called upon her—I usually prayed that she stayed away. Somehow I knew that I had done her an injustice by not satisfying her needs. And hadn’t she been a very patience succubus? But now I intended to rectify my mistakes—now that I had taken the time to understand my demons and how we could work together to satisfy each others needs.

  She crashed into me as if to say, Finally.

  My body clenched low, erotic spasms of pleasure caused a gasp of delight to escape my lips. The Werewolf sniffed long as if he could smell it wafting from me, even at this distance. I could feel that part of me focus on the Werewolf with equal intent and desire and I withdrew to allow her complete reign over her desires. I wasn’t sure if it was wise to allow the succubus to take over completely but it was time to find out just how much I could trust her.

  Immediately she quickened her speed, going at a full out run towards the Wolf and I felt alarmed as I warned, Careful! He is a powerful creature that can rip and tear…She ignored me and I saw that the Werewolf bare teeth and stood with hunched shoulders at the ready. Suddenly he leaped and inwardly I cringed. The two crashed together, she gripping him in need and he…doing the same!

  They slammed to the ground and even that felt wonderful—pain and passion intermingling. The Werewolf gripped our hair at the back of our neck exposing that neck and I saw eyes that glowed green instead of the hazel brown that I was accustomed to. Instead of ripping out that neck the Werewolf licked it with a long sensual stroke. Yes! My husband was still present!

  He bared one deadly sharp claw and sliced through my shirt with a precision that left not even a scratch upon my skin. Suddenly his tongue swept across my breast spending a moment to linger at my nipples before returning to my neck. I felt myself shiver and the succubus moved swiftly to undo our pants.


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