That Ass Is Mine (Curvy Women Wanted Book 26)

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That Ass Is Mine (Curvy Women Wanted Book 26) Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  She released a moan as he gripped her panties, and with a tug, they were gone, completely.

  He slapped the inside of her thighs and she spread her legs. His fingers stroked between her slit, moving to her core and pushing in deep.

  “You know no other man is going to take you, don’t you? You belong to me.”


  “Good.” He thrust two fingers inside her as his thumb stroked back and forth. Closing her eyes, she tried not to come straight away, but it was impossible. They were in his office, and one knock at the door would disturb them. Sinking her teeth into her lip, she tried to contain herself, but as he kept up his teases, she couldn’t hold back.

  She held on to the edge of the desk, crying out as she came hard. Her moans filled the room. Anyone who passed by would be sure to hear her.

  “You know, I’ve got to open those doors in less than ten minutes,” he said.

  She opened her eyes to find him already taking his cock out and helping her move over him. With his cock in hand, he took charge as he got her into position, and she whimpered as she took him inside her.

  With her fingers on his shoulders, he cupped both of her hips and showed her how to ride his cock, going deep and hard.

  She whimpered, begging him for more. Hungry for it.

  His grip went to her ass, sliding her up and down.

  “You know, Talia, you drive me fucking wild, baby. You make me lose myself and I can’t think when I’m around you.”

  Good. She didn’t want him to think about anything but her.

  “Yeah, baby, that’s it. Ride my cock. Take it all. Fuck it, yeah, baby. I’m going to come and you’re going to have me inside you all night long. Whenever those men are looking at you, you’re going to be thinking about me.”

  He pulled her down for one final thrust and she felt the kick of his cock as he filled her. One of his hands glided up her back and sank into her hair, and she kissed him back, moaning as she did.

  The pleasure was intense, and she knew in her heart the crush she had on Sarge wasn’t going to go away. This was way more than sex. It was better than any sex. She wanted him for forever, only she wasn’t going to get her wish.

  Sarge didn’t do forever.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she closed her eyes, feeling the pain wash over her at knowing soon he was going to replace her, or at the very least get rid of her.

  “We’ve got two minutes to open the bar,” he said.

  She burst out laughing. “You certainly know how to be a timekeeper.”

  Chapter Six

  “You want to go where?” Sarge glanced around his kitchen. Thanksgiving was later this week, and he always closed the bar this week to give his staff the time with their families. This made his staff rarely phone in sick. He always gave them the time they needed. He was a firm boss, but fair. No one took the piss out of him.

  “I need to go back to my apartment.” She pushed her pile of eggs around her plate.

  Sarge ran a hand down his face. They’d been together now for over a month. Time was flying by so fast.

  “Do you want to go back?” he asked.

  “I’m paying for rent, and I need to at least toss out what I’ve got in the fridge. I imagine some alien life form is growing there.” She chuckled. “Do you mind? I can call a cab.”

  He finished filling his plate and moved back toward her, taking a seat. “You’re wanting to handle your apartment?” he asked. “You don’t want to leave here and stay there?”

  She smiled. “I don’t want to leave. I mean, I rather like coming home with you. Not that I want to pressure you or anything. I know this is only temporary, for however long you want me.”

  He winced. Damn. He sounded like a dick.

  Russ sat by her feet. His dog adored her and well, he couldn’t deny it, the thought of her not being around anymore pissed him off. He’d given her his rules, and he’d broken them.

  He woke up with her in his arms, fell asleep with her in his arms. There was no reason to change that for him.

  “How about you get rid of your apartment?”

  The eggs she’d been about to eat fell off her fork. “What?”

  He laughed. “Is it that hard to imagine living with me?”

  She smiled. “You want me to live with you?”


  “What about your rules?” she asked.

  “Do I look like I give a fuck about the rules?” He ate his food.

  “I don’t really know all that much about you,” she said.

  He finished chewing. “Ask me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Ask me whatever you want to know about me. I’ll tell you.”

  “Okay, do you have any brothers or sisters?”




  “What did you do before you opened a strip club?”

  He finished his bacon and looked at her. “You really want to know?”

  She nodded.

  “I was part of an MC. I’m not going to tell you which one. It doesn’t matter and it’s for your own safety.”

  “Are you still part of an MC?”

  “No.” He knew his vague answers would only make her even more curious. “If you must know, I rode with one of the meanest motherfuckers around. We weren’t good people, but when I saw they were going to darker shit than I was prepared for, I cut my losses and got the hell out of there.”

  “Wow,” she said.

  He held his hand up when he saw she wanted to ask more questions. “You don’t get to ask anything else about them. They’re off-limits, got me?”

  “Got it.” She licked her lips. “But you’re safe now?”

  “I paid my dues. What about you? Did you see yourself working in a strip club?”

  “Behind the bar, maybe. I don’t know. I never really had any plan or direction. I just knew you had to work hard in this life to make a good living. That’s about it.” She shrugged. “Sorry, I don’t have any dark past.”

  “What about your folks, do you miss them?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Not really. I mean, they weren’t bad parents. They were just more interested in themselves than their kid, which was fine. More than fine.”

  He took another large bite of his food. “You’re an interesting woman, Talia Clark.”

  “Not that interesting.”

  They finished breakfast, and he helped her into his truck, taking Russ along with him for the ride to her apartment. He’d helped get her set up four years ago, but as he climbed out of his truck to see where she lived, he wasn’t happy.

  He noticed the men lurking outside the apartment building and they screamed dealer and pimp.

  “If you wait here, I’ll grab a few things.”

  “Not happening.” He climbed out of his truck, Russ jumping out of the back to follow him.

  Talia followed and he took her hand, walking across the street. The men were tense. He didn’t pack a weapon, but he didn’t need it.

  During his forty-five years, he’d had a few run-ins with dealers and pimps. Very rare for him to not come to blows.

  As he came to a stop in front of them, he stared them right in the eye, waiting.

  No one moved.

  Russ released a growl.

  “You know what, I’ve got somewhere I need to be. Got some sluts to go and find.”

  One by one, they moved out of the way, and Sarge took Talia to her apartment. He couldn’t believe she was paying for this place.

  When he saw inside her apartment, he was even more pissed. The rent was through the roof and she couldn’t afford even the basics. It looked like she slept in her one chair. No furniture, and the space was small.

  He found a bag, packed her shit up, and took her back to his truck. He left Russ with her as he went to find the landlord.

  Sarge wasn’t a fool, and as he pounded the truth out of the bastard’s face, he knew he’d been overchar
ging Talia because she was young and didn’t know any better. He got her a refund and a clean break.

  There was no way he was going to let anyone take advantage of his woman. No fucking way at all.


  Talia spent Thanksgiving with Sarge.

  He didn’t allow her to look for another apartment. Their time together soon worked its way toward Christmas. They put up a tree together during the first week of December. Their relationship was still a secret from everyone they worked with, and she didn’t mind. Cherry had long ago stopped asking her about who she was dating, but that could have something to do with the man she was dating.

  They shared Christmas together and with the refund he got from her landlord, she’d been able to buy him a brand-new bike helmet. He’d gotten her a whole new array of lingerie and he’d insisted on seeing each garment that very morning.

  New Year’s Eve came and went. This time, they celebrated inside the bar with everyone. He did kiss her in front of everyone, and then announced she belonged to him as people gawked at him.

  Now, as Talia looked down at the pregnancy stick on Valentine’s Day, she felt sick to her stomach. She’d never gotten on the pill. Going to the doctor had long ago faded from her mind and now, she was in big trouble.

  She’d started to feel sick around Christmas, but she’d put that down to her cooking. Then, her breasts had started to swell. Her stomach as well. She couldn’t deny the warning signs. Had already ignored them for nearly two months.

  As the test said, she was pregnant.

  Getting to her feet, she wrapped the evidence in tissue paper and stepped out of the bathroom.

  Their time together was only supposed to be for fun, and now she was pregnant. She put a hand to her stomach. A child grew inside her.

  Sarge wasn’t going to like this. He’d told her to get on the pill, and like a fucking child, she’d forgotten.

  She was so damn happy, angry, sad, and so confused.

  The crush she had on Sarge wasn’t that of a schoolgirl, but she had fallen in love with him. It went deeper than lust as well. Her feelings for him were so strong they scared her. The past few months had been the best of her life. Spending time with him was a dream come true. She loved him so much. The way he’d hold his arm open for her to snuggle up against. Waking up to his kisses down her spine, or on her pussy.

  Yes, the sex was out of this world, but it was the little things she loved. He folded up her clothes for her. Made her breakfast. They had movie days together.

  Now it was all ruined.

  She put a hand to her chest, trying to control the fear that clutched at her. She closed her eyes, taking several deep breaths as she did. Panicking wasn’t going to help. She needed to walk, to clear her head.

  Washing her hands, she made her way out of the bar, going straight toward the back door.

  “Talia, babe,” Sarge said. “Where are you going?”

  She tensed up. “I just need to get some air.”

  “I need you to help clean up the mess I made in my office,” he said.

  “No, get Cherry to do it, or someone else. I’ve got to go.”

  “Talia, what’s going on?” he asked.

  She spun around and glared at him. “You’re not my dad, okay? I just need to take a walk.”

  Feeling even more like a child, she cringed at how she reacted but rushed outside. She picked up her pace and started to run. She needed to get as far away from him as possible.

  A baby.

  In her mind, she allowed herself the chance to think about what having a baby actually meant. A newborn baby. Someone to love, to hold, to cherish. She would take care of any baby she had.

  The city wasn’t her favorite place to be. Out of breath, she came to a stop near a bench. It was still light out and she collapsed onto it. She hadn’t gotten herself a jacket and as she wrapped her arms around herself, she felt so fucking stupid.

  Sarge didn’t deserve her anger. It wasn’t his fault that she’d fucked up big time. She dropped her head back against the bench.

  She was going to be a mom. She didn’t know the first thing about raising a child. Sure, her parents hadn’t really been there for her, but they’d at least gotten her to a teenager. She knew how to take care of herself.

  Not that she’d done a good job.


  If Sarge chose to, he could fire her. Who would hire a pregnant woman?

  Tears filled her eyes. Emotions, that was what was happening to her. They were messing with her already. It wasn’t like she didn’t have enough problems in her life, now her feelings were going to be all over the place. It was just her luck at this time. She went from happy to emotional.

  Great. Just great.

  She reached into her pocket to grab the pregnancy test only to find her pocket was empty.

  Talia frowned.

  She’d put the damn thing in her pocket. Shoving her hands into both pockets, she groaned. The test wasn’t there.

  Dropping her head into her hands, she groaned. With all her running, she’d probably dropped it somewhere, which was so gross. She’d have to remember the direction she came from and trace her way back to find it. There was no way she was leaving something like that for anyone to find.

  She hated littering.

  Getting to her feet, she knew she had to go back eventually. There was no way she could keep this news from Sarge. He had a right to know the truth.

  Squaring her shoulders, she began the walk back to him. Regardless of what he wanted, she was going to keep this baby. She had no idea how she was going to keep it or make it work, but she was determined to hold on to the precious piece of love she’d created with him.

  Chapter Seven

  Sarge stared at his office, knowing it wasn’t the most romantic of settings to propose to a woman, but he hadn’t had the time to find a good restaurant or plan for this. Holding the velvet box with the engagement ring, he knew it was so fucking corny to ask his woman to marry him on Valentine’s Day, but he wanted this day to be special.

  Now it looked like Talia was waking up to the real bastard that he was.

  There was a soft knock at the door.

  “Sarge,” Cherry said.

  “Not fucking now, Cherry. I don’t want to have to deal with you tonight.”

  She snorted. “Please, believe it or not, Mr. Ego, I found a man I want and I won’t cheat, okay? When you find the one, it makes you do crazy shit. Anyway, I just thought you should see this.”

  He turned to see Cherry holding some tissue. “What?”

  “I found it in the bathroom. I think this is why Talia ran out of here. I watched her leave just before she yelled at you.” She placed the tissue in his hand. “Hopefully this is a congratulations for you both.”

  He didn’t have a fucking clue what she was going on about. He unwrapped the tissue paper and stared at it. “I don’t know what this is.”

  “Like most men, you don’t know your ass from anything. It’s a pregnancy test and it’s positive. You’re going to be a dad. I think it freaked Talia out, and that’s why she needed to go for a walk. Congratulations, Daddy.”

  Cherry left him alone and he stared down at the test in shock.

  Talia was pregnant.

  He wasn’t surprised. She hadn’t gone to the doctor and he hadn’t encouraged her to go either.

  Nor had he used any protection. He’d expected her to get pregnant. Was she angry with him? Did she not want to have his baby? Was that why she’d run from him?

  Grabbing his jacket and hers, he was annoyed with himself for not following her. As he left his bar, he came toward the path that meant he could go left or right. He didn’t know where she’d go but decided to take a chance. He turned right, going toward the city. Picking up his pace, he passed people, looking all over for Talia. If something happened to her, he’d never forgive himself.

  He crossed the street, trying to get a better view, and just when he thought about calling the cop
s, he saw her, blonde hair waving in the wind. She didn’t see him as she was too busy looking down at the path in front of her.

  Cupping his mouth, he called her name. People turned to look at him, but he ignored them, not caring if he was making a spectacle of himself. He needed to speak to her.

  When she didn’t respond, he moved toward the edge of the path, checked, and started to make his way across the road, nearly getting hit as he did. She hadn’t looked up, even as he slammed his fist down on the hood of the car. Fuckers. He walked toward her, and when he was a few feet away, she finally looked up. Her face was pale and she looked a little scared.

  The moment he was close, he cupped her face, tilted her head back, and kissed her hard. She wrapped her arms around his waist, and he kissed her harder. He loved this woman so fucking much it scared him.

  He’d never had these kinds of feelings about anyone, but this was Talia, and fuck it, he was in love with her. There was no reason to hide his feelings from her. He loved her more than anything.

  Breaking the kiss, he stroked her cheek and smiled down at her.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Marry me,” he said.

  This made her gasp. “Sarge?”

  “I don’t give a fuck that you’re pregnant, Talia. I love you. I love you more than anything in the world and I want to make this official with you. I want a ring on you, so everyone knows you’re claimed.” He ran his thumb across her lip. “I don’t want to ever let you go.”

  “What if the only reason you’re saying that is for the baby?”

  “I’m not.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Oh, hell, yeah, I do. I know what I want, Talia. It’s you. It has always been you.”

  She smiled at him. “What about what you told me?”

  “Ignore it.”

  “This is just sex?”

  “It was never about just sex, baby. You know it and we both know how you feel about me.”

  “So you’re a mind reader now?”

  “I’m whatever you need me to be, but we’re doing this. I’m not taking no for an answer. Tell me I’m wrong.”

  She licked her lips and shook her head. “No, you’re not wrong. You’re not wrong at all. I love you so much. I tried not to.”


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