Fateful Italian Passion

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Fateful Italian Passion Page 16

by Olga GOA

  ~ CHAPTER 7 ~

  The Offer Which Cannot Be Refused

  Veronica met with most of the agencies that were looking for young designers, but no one took her seriously. No matter what sketches she had shown them and what style of clothing she offered, everything had no purpose. Maybe this was because her prospective employers scrutinized her passport―they understood that Veronica was not an Italian citizen. Also, Veronica had no recommendations from a previous job, because she never practiced her career or had even the slightest experience.

  Veronica was sad―right now she felt the uneasy fate of the current immigrants. Having remained in Italy, people shouldered a lot of problems, especially those connected with accommodation. Veronica worried about her future and guessed that things would get more complicated. If she does not finish the last course in her specialty―fashion design―she will not have a higher education. And without a diploma, it will not be possible to get the right place of work. Everyone knows that.

  Some things in her life had become ambiguous, but Veronica confided in Milano. She knew that her man would always support her, no matter what. Her mate was not a fool or petty tyrant; Milano Veneziani controlled his actions and decisions. He remained the chess player, confident and calm about the next move. He was sure of which one of his steps could lead to victory. As he told Veronica, he rarely lost his games and is often known for being a winner. He wasn’t afraid to take a risk, especially regarding his Amazon. That’s why Milano decided to adopt a new approach in their relationship.


  One day, during lunch, Milano called his cottage. As always, his beloved ex-nanny Gloria answered on the second ring. Milano politely asked her to contact Lucenzo and Francesca, giving them his request. They had to prepare Veronica for a romantic date with him and do whatever he asked. It should take place without a hitch.

  Milano planned to give his goddess something special that Roman evening. Milano was changing dramatically. Perhaps Veronica’s influence was positive, and this affected his character as well.

  “I never would have thought that your brother would rush the engagement!” Francesca was talking to Lucenzo while she washed the dishes in the sink. She liked helping Gloria who needed an extra pair of hands. The woman was aged, and she had to rest.

  “He’s doing the right things, Fra, and I admire him!” Lucenzo enthusiastically praised his elder brother. “Think about it, darling. If the press had sniffed out that Veronica was not engaged to Milano and lives in his house, not as his wife, rumors would spread. The newspapers will attack her like fierce wolves, and to hear dirty words from such people in her condition will not bode well! She mustn’t worry at all!”

  “Agreed, my Lu. I hate tabloids―they turn everything upside down. They need all kinds of news, and to them, it doesn’t matter how bad their stories are!” Francesca paused. “By the way, did Milano tell Veronica about the date or is he afraid she will refuse him?” She continued, inquired.

  “Quiet, Fra! It’s a surprise!” Lucenzo shushed her. He took his fiancée by the arm, pushing her in the corner of the kitchen. “Milano asked me not to tell Nike. If we do, he’ll snap my neck…”

  “Come on!” Francesca laughed. “He won’t do it. Milano loves you so much—”

  “And he has a greater affection for Veronica,” Lucenzo interrupted Francesca impatiently. “He’s changed so much within the last few months! He used to go to work on autopilot, and now he is pleased with his job. You know why? Because Milano wants to provide the best for his child, and especially, for his future wife. So he won’t let Veronica go, despite all his dark sides. That’s a good sign!” being proud of his elder brother’s actions, Lucenzo broke into a smile.

  “From what I’ve heard, Veronica would not tolerate his commands. She doesn’t like to be completely dependent on Milano,” Francesca sounded her conjectures for Lucenzo. “She’s an independent girl, just like me.”

  “I suppose the man’s business is earnings, the woman’s business is family and home.” Lucenzo said thoughtfully, scratching his chin.

  “You’re a chauvinist, Lu!” Francesca got angry, throwing a wet rag at him. “You and your brother are two peas in a pod. Why are you so convinced about women?” Francesca stood in a pose, preparing to attack Lucenzo while he just chuckled.

  “Don’t be so angry, my little fish. I just expressed my point of view...” Lucenzo smirked, still watching her grumpy face.

  “You’ll do everything in your own way!” Francesca was not inferior to her future husband; independence was the most precious thing for her. She and Veronica had the same outlook on life. This explained their sweetest female unanimity.

  Francesca waved her hand and left the kitchen. The fight between them was pointless, and she decided to go elsewhere to calm down. Unlike Lucenzo, she was more temperamental, but Lucenzo did not judge her for that. He loved Francesca for who she was; he liked all her whims and quirks. He did not wish to change her just as Milano didn’t change Veronica.

  Catching up with Francesca at the stairs, Lucenzo kissed her passionately on the lips. It was his solution to any quarrel. He supposed that if people are completely different, they should find common ground on a different issue. Otherwise, they shouldn’t have started a life together.

  “Are you mad at me, Fra?” Lucenzo questioned her with kind eyes as Francesca was still sulking at him.

  “A little,” Francesca nuzzled her head into his chest, putting her hands on his stomach.

  Lucenzo lightly pressed his woman to him, weightlessly kissing her on her crown. “I love you... I do not want you to abandon me…” He assumed that he wouldn’t want anything if Francesca leaves him. Maybe, he wouldn’t want to live…

  Francesca shook her head, distracting him from his thoughts and tugging at his hair. “How can you talk about that? I will never leave you because I love you. You’re the meaning of my life!”

  “I’m not as experienced as Milano, though. I’m a virgin...” Lucenzo lamented, freeing his beloved from his embraces and looking sadly into her beautiful eyes. “Why do you need me if I can’t satisfy you in bed?”

  “Such a silly boy!” she reproached him with a smile. She went forward to hug his neck while fastening her fingers to the locks of his hair. “Because you’re innocent, you mean the world to me. You saved your body for your fiancé, and that’s so rare these days. You’re like Veronica—”

  “Veronica was innocent, but my brother seduced her…” Lucenzo blurted out, snorting.

  Francesca giggled, running her hands over his hips, clad in jeans, and held her breath close to his ear. “Like this?” She continued to caress her fiancé.

  “Oh, Jesus! Fra, don’t...” Lucenzo responded with a groan, ready to take more decisive actions from his side than before. Although he was still true to his word and couldn’t break it.

  “Why?” Francesca whispered, kissing the hollow of his neck and feeling Lucenzo’s shivering. Goosebumps crawled on his skin like ants when she began to provoke his manhood.

  “Fra!” Lucenzo reined her hand up, gasping from her pressure. Francesca had no equal in men’s temptation, as Milano had no equal in seducing women. Because of this comparison in his mind, Lucenzo burst out laughing. It was hilarious to him the fact that Francesca and Milano were so similar in sex but different in life.

  “We need to cool down, my sweet bell. Please…” Lucenzo asked her while she still exhausted him with her persistence. She was a demoness and obnoxious, almost like Milano.

  “Fra!” he shouted, stopping her hand.

  “That’s my feminine trick. I like to apply it on you...” Francesca grinned.

  “After our wedding, I’ll show you my tricks!” Lucenzo uttered in a bold tone, catching somehow a new fire that was emanating from his heart. Milano guided him so well in sex tricks, and Francesca was stunned by that.

  “Hurry up and go to work, my wonderful macho, or Milano will lower the boom on you,” Francesca threw out a laugh, well und
erstanding Lucenzo’s brother. To her, Milano was an aggressive, impulsive, and arrogant man. However, Francesca could believe him watching the result of Milano’s relationship with Veronica. Francesca eyed the good things in Milano’s behavior and the huge changes in his personality.

  Sweetly kissing Francesca on the cheek, Lucenzo avoided her lips. He did not trust himself and was afraid that he would jump on her. Passion was not alien to his flesh.

  Flying out into the street with the speed of the wind, Lucenzo cooled his hot blood. He closed the front door and headed for his white Ford. Starting the car, he began the drive to Milano’s office. His brother so counted on him.


  Going up to Milano’s room, Francesca was surprised to see that Veronica was working at the coffee table, drawing new sketches. Francesca wanted to scold her dearest friend for that, but she hesitated before she said a word due to Veronica’s delicate condition.

  “Veronica, why are you working?! If Milano finds out that—”

  “Francesca!” Veronica quickly cut her off. “Please do not tell him anything, I don’t need any trouble. This activity is my favorite one, and I’m eager to finish my clothing collection. My aspiration is to become a fashion designer, even though I had to interrupt the fifth year of my study. I still have the intention of rounding off my course later…”

  Francesca clapped her hands, admiring Veronica. She was sure that Veronica would go far if she does not lose the quality of being assertive.

  “However, this Demon shot down all your plans...” Francesca observed, cautiously leaning her palm to Veronica’s abdominal. The girls suddenly laughed, Veronica realizing what Francesca was hinting at.

  “I’ll have to leave for an hour since I have to take orders for the Lucenzo wedding party. Please, Veronica, do not go anywhere. I implore you!” Francesca folded her arms as if she was praying.

  “Don’t worry, my dear Francesca. I’ll be here.”

  Hugging Veronica, Francesca wished her a good day. She also told her that if Veronica needs help, she can call Francesca. Francesca will rush to her home as soon as she can.

  Walking her friend to the door, Veronica noticed that Gloria wasn’t home. She probably went to buy groceries or visited Milano’s parents’ house. Veronica was determined to get back to her work that gave her moral satisfaction.


  Soon a mobile phone rang. It drew her away from the attention she gave to the sketches she was developing. Clicking the button, Veronica had not expected to hear a familiar voice. The voice that was dearer to her than the whole Universe, like the voice of her birth mother.

  “Veronica…” Henrietta Ledyanova said softly, waiting for her niece’s answer.

  “Aunty! My dear and beloved aunty!” Veronica sang happily. Not quite able to restrain her emotions, she started crying.

  “My little girl, do not cry! I am okay and healthy like a bull.” Henrietta laughed, cheering Veronica up. “Are your female hormones raging, is that why you’re crying? How are you and how’s your baby? Will the baby be a boy or a girl? Or maybe twins? So when’s your wedding?”

  “So many, many questions!” Veronica grinned when her emotions suddenly changed. Her aunt could make her smile fast like her stunning Milano. She was pleased with their similarity. “I will answer in order, my dear aunty―I feel fine, the baby does too. Milano and I don’t know the sex yet and don’t care to find out. The wedding will be soon, but I suppose only after Milano’s brother’s wedding.” She continued excitedly.

  “Holidays all around would be good for your mood!” Henrietta nodded. “By the way, lovely, I’ve solved the problem with university. The dean heard about your situation as I told him everything. He promised to give you a reprieve for your studying if you send a medical report about your condition.”

  “Do I have to come back to Russia?”

  “No. Send me a copy of your doctor’s report by fax, certified by a notary, and I will pass this document to the University. I’ll text you the fax number. I’m sorry, my darling, I didn’t call you after our last conversation; plenty of work laid ahead of me. Ricardo too kept distracting me all the time…” Henrietta rolled her eyes.

  “Work and life make people see each other less than they want. But this doesn’t reduce our feelings. Right? Although sometimes I feel lonely because you are not here...” Veronica mumbled in a broken voice.

  “Let’s not snivel, Veronica...” Henrietta pronounced, blinking away. “I promise―I will come with Ricardo on your wedding day. I would like to talk to you more but it’s time to return to the workplace as lunch has ended. Kisses to you, my girl, and see you later. Love you.”

  “So I will call you later about the wedding date, Aunty. Love you too.”

  “I’ll wait, my honey... Bye.”

  “See ya, Aunty.”

  With high spirits after Henrietta’s call, Veronica continued working on her sketches. She was so glad to know that the bad had been forgotten, and only bright days of happiness are ahead of her. Veronica will get married and experience tranquility of the soul and she will give birth to her child without stress. Thereafter, she will try herself in the fashion sphere.

  Thoughts of Veronica’s future were interrupted again by the vibration of the call from her mobile. She was shocked when she picked up the phone and heard her favorite, smarmy, masculine velvet voice. It was…

  “Milano?! How do you know my number?” Veronica asked, frowning.

  When did he manage to do that? She said in her mind, puzzled.

  “While you were sleeping, I used your phone to call mine. That’s how I found out your number, you foolish girl...” Milano laughed, twirling in his leather armchair.

  “That’s you who is foolish!” Veronica growled out at his frivolous manner of speaking, deciding to hang up. “When you learn how to talk to me, then call me…”

  “Don’t hang up, Amazon! I am warning you! It will be nasty if you do…” Milano threatened her, not removing the smile from his face.

  “Sometimes I wonder what you would be like if you were a modest and shy guy...” Veronica was ruminating on a different version of events in her life. If her Italian was not so uptight and arrogant, how could it work out? Would they still be together or not?

  “And I would like to know you as a woman with experience in sex.” Milano joined the flow of her thoughts while passionately whispering into his phone. He almost guessed how his witty goddess would respond.

  “Sex, just sex alone! Cut it out!” Veronica chided him for the unholy avowals.

  “I will cut it out after I get an answer to my offer... Will you be having dinner with me?” Milano asked her in a deep timbre, adjusting his black tie.

  “What if I won’t?” audacious, but with a grin, she asked her beloved Demon.

  “I will come to get you myself or order Pietro to bring you here!” Milano decided for her, raising his voice.

  “Your domination is over limits. So I must do what you say!” Veronica spoke sarcastically with him, mentioning such a familiar control of Milano.

  “You look beneath the surface, cara, but I am what I am,” he never ceased to sneer at her lightly.

  “My aunt phoned me recently... She promised to come to our wedding.” Veronica channeled the conversation in the right direction, narrating about current events.

  “That’s splendid, my sun! You won’t be sad,” Milano responded, not comprehending why he was so affectionate to his Amazon. Is it going to last for a few days or longer? What will be going on next? Will he read the sonnets of Shakespeare to Veronica like a hopeless romantic? But won’t she break my heart the way my former mistress did? In response to his unspoken question, Milano only spat out.

  “You think so?” Veronica asked, at the same time seeing the images in her head. She believed that if her Demon was varied; it meant to accept that black is white. And was it possible?

  “My Queen,” Milano replied without hesitation. “If you’re happy, so I will be too.�

  “That is pleasant to hear, my King.” Milano’s participation in her deeds was clear to Veronica. He wanted a rapprochement with her, but how close did he want to be? “Mino, I agree to go with you to dinner. But what should I wear? I didn’t bring any cocktail dresses with me—”

  “Don’t worry!” Milano suddenly broke her speech. “I remember seeing you naked before…”

  “Milano!” Her voice sounded very petulant.

  “Just a joke!” he chuckled. “You may wear whatever you want, mia bella. Pick a canvas bag and besmear it with mud, I will still recognize you. Our conversation will touch important topics over the dinner…”

  “You are so mysterious, Milano...” Veronica sighed at his silence. This man represented a mix of secrecy and stillness.

  Milano didn’t plan to reveal the secrets regarding the surprise to Veronica. He was a little distracted, looking at the buildings outside the window and searching for faults in their construction. He cogitated on how to make this evening extraordinarily magical.

  “You should work, Milano, just like me,” Veronica answered mindlessly, forgetting to bite her sharp tongue.

  Milano was pissed off. Veronica behaved just how she wanted. “You’re not listening to me again, damn it! I’ll send Pietro to watch over you. I’ll order him to throw all the paper out of my house, and you won’t draw anymore!”

  “Would you use tyranny in my case?” Veronica wanted to pour a waterfall of angry words on him, but Milano besieged her.

  “I want to try punishment as well.” He snarled, implying something different by the word ‘punishment’―slow, dominant sex that will drive Veronica mad. But he did not wish to disturb his Amazon with his secret desires.

  Milano closed the folder of the new contract with a smile and opened another one to study. “I’m supposed to be working, but instead, I’m waiting for the night with impatience. Pietro will pick you up, my Nike.”

  “Thanks for the surprise, my dark sunshine.” Veronica gave Milano sincere gratitude. At this minute she wanted to be an Elf and appear in his office immediately.


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