Fateful Italian Passion

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Fateful Italian Passion Page 23

by Olga GOA

  “You’ll thank me in the end, you slut!”

  Veronica prayed to Heaven, not believing that something terrible was about to happen. How could she avoid abuse of such a nature or couldn’t Milano protect her as he promised?

  Veronica faced away, still trying to kick Mateo’s leg with all her force, when suddenly he fell at her feet. Her focus tore towards him. That was when she saw Milano standing there, his hands clenching into fists, trying to restrain his hatred for Mateo. But he hadn’t come alone. The bodyguards, Pietro and Mario, were standing by his side. Their heads were fully bandaged since their recent fight with the deranged Mateo.

  “Now I will free you, my sunny lady...” Milano muttered, not showing the trepidation in his voice. As Veronica was missing, he’d been looking for her for so long, not able to find any peace. Milano was so afraid that he was too late, but God was on his side today.

  Veronica viewed Milano with adoration while he untied the ropes around her wrists and ankles. He rubbed her stiff joints and watched her gently. Her Demon was near her now, and she could easily breathe in and breathe out.

  “How did you find me?” Veronica wondered, endeavoring not to cry before the bodyguards. It was not a good time to show her weakness.

  “My nimble bodyguards helped me, dear. This asshole, Mateo, was extremely confident, having imprisoned you in the same cathedral where Francesca and Lucenzo’s wedding is taking place,” Milano was fierce, hitting the disconnected Mateo.

  Veronica unexpectedly laughed, not understanding why everything became so funny to her.

  “Honey, you’re in shock. But it’s all over now... Relax.” Milano soothed her, caressing her delicate shoulder and bare neck. He squatted down in front of Veronica, looking discomposedly into her eyes.

  “Sir, I believe we must return to Signor Lucenzo. Sorry to let you down, but we didn’t expect such an attack from this crackpot Mateo,” Pietro admitted strictly, scanning Mateo with a murderous look. He should help Lucenzo Veneziani and bring Francesca to the rightful place.

  “The important thing is you are both okay, and we have found Francesca and Veronica. Call me when you need me!” Milano ordered the bodyguards who departed outside.

  Veronica giggled, and it seemed very weird. She was no longer in control herself and her strange reaction after her kidnapping.

  “Nikky... Nikky... It’s okay... Stop it.”

  Veronica was unaffected by Milano’s words, and she didn’t think of settling down. It lasted as long as Milano slapped her lightly on her cheek. The hysteria stopped, and Veronica stared at her Demon with an empty look.

  Milano’s face darkened. “It’s over. Don’t scare me, darling. No need to go mad over this, at least because of your condition.”

  Veronica started whimpering, her face buried in the chest of her savior. She recollected the terrible minutes alone with the crazy Mateo and cried. Were it not for Milano, she could have been humiliated by Mateo. Perhaps, Mateo wouldn’t have allowed her to live.

  Veronica resignedly sat on Milano’s lap, he softly stroked her head and hair. His other hand hugged her slender waist, and his lips gently kissed her on the forehead.

  “I thought I would stay in that basement forever...” Veronica shared her thoughts honestly. “That Mateo convinced me—”

  “Don’t you ever think like that!” Milano interrupted her, condemning his woman for such negative thoughts.

  He gently held Veronica into his arms and carried her out of this terrible place and into the street. The smell of musty furniture and old murals stuck in Veronica’s nostrils for a great while, reminding her of what had just happened. But she wanted to forget this bad morning as soon as possible.

  Milano landed on the marble steps of the stairs which led the way to the white cathedral. He sat Veronica on his lap, holding her as if she were a priceless unearthly treasure.

  “You’ll get your pants dirty...” Veronica reproached Milano, leaning against his shoulder and inhaling the scent of Milano’s cologne. She didn’t desire to leave these stairs, wanting to be next to her Demon forever.

  “Fuck the pants!” Milano waved his hand apathetically. “The most important issue is that you are alive, my Nike!”

  “Thanks to you, my hero.”

  Milano snorted, not listening to the gratitude from his Amazon. He knew it was his duty to protect her and their child.

  “Where are Lu and Fra, by the way?” Veronica asked Milano in a soft tone.

  “Lucenzo is sitting next to Francesca, treating her small bruises,” Milano said to Veronica sadly. “We were lucky that the street people recognized Francesca by our description and informed us about the kidnapper. That’s why we found her so quickly in one of the nearest chapels. Such luck happens only once, baby, not otherwise. However, such experiences for Lucenzo were nothing compared to what he displayed as I revealed Francesca’s secret. Lucenzo was angry that she was silent about Mateo Kalani and how she put herself in danger. But then he realized that Francesca did it to protect him and his family. I never thought that Francesca Lascatti would be willing to make such sacrifices for my brother! I was not right about her.” With a heavy breath, Milano acknowledged that he was wrong.

  “I was so worried about you when you went to search for Francesca...” Veronica clung to Milano, attempting to feel his warmth and protection. Milano was like a cocoon for her, where it was cozy and safe.

  “You have no panties...” Milano changed their topic of conversation, feeling the tender skin of his goddess through her chiffon dress. “That bastard tore them up, right?!” Milano grunted.

  “Yes. Do not heat up, per favore...”[26] Veronica begged her Italian, while embracing him more strongly. Milano shouldn’t blow up regardless of being on pins and needles.

  “There’s a lingerie store nearby. I’ll buy you some beautiful panties. I don’t want you walking bare-assed around Rome,” Milano said with a frown.

  “That would be funny!” Veronica smiled until she saw Milano’s stern face. He was like a history lecturer, and she was a guilty student who was condemned for indecent behavior. But how would he punish her? The question remained open.

  “I do not see anything funny here... You could catch a cold!” He replied discontentedly.

  “I won’t,” Veronica shook her head. “Today is a good day and quite warm on our fortune!”

  “Stubborn as hell!” Milano’s steel glance drilled right through her, and Veronica showed him her tongue. Milano snorted.

  But then, the lovers were suddenly interrupted. Lucenzo stood near them drooping and angry at the same time. He wanted to beat the bastard Mateo to death. He wanted him to swim in his own blood and never get out of it! Lucenzo thought up different methods on how to deal with Mateo more savagely.

  Lucenzo’s gaze turned into a laser, tears choking him. Francesca was weak and still had to sleep. But he didn’t show his vulnerability. All men of the Veneziani family should be steadfast and never present themselves as natural doormats.

  “That scum is unconscious, Lucenzo,” Milano said firmly, watching his younger brother struggle with emotions; Lucenzo’s cheek muscles moved uncontrollably. “Will you cancel the wedding or call the police?” Milano added while Lucenzo had intended to go to the cathedral. Potentially, Milano wished to tell everything to his family.

  “While the cops are driving to this place, I’ll kill him!” Lucenzo yelled, briskly heading towards the basement where Milano carried Veronica out. He knew where to find maniac Mateo. Most likely, Milano’s bodyguards notified him of this.

  “Mino! I am afraid your brother will do something stupid.” Worry lines hardened Veronica’s stare. Lucenzo had gone down into the basement, and she was worried for what he might have planned. “I’ve never seen your brother like this. Stop him! It is wrong to take the law into your own hands,” she urged Milano.

  “I want to do it myself! Go back to the cathedral, Nike.”

  Veronica docilely returned to the main hall of the
cathedral, and only after that Milano hastily rushed for Lucenzo. He didn’t want his brother to do anything bad. Killing the maniac wasn’t the best option. Court of law existed for judging such crimes.

  Milano came running on time. Lucenzo grabbed Mateo, holding the knife to the neck of the criminal. He intended to cut Mateo’s throat for his deeds.

  “The last word before your death, freak!” Lucenzo roared, and his eyes were bloodshot.

  “Fuck off, ass!” Mateo laughed, unafraid of Milano and Lucenzo who pinned him against the wall like a fly.

  “Just answer one question before you go to Hell! Did you rape Fra?! Answer me, you scum!” Lucenzo choked Mateo, thinking about how to strangle him with his own hands.

  “I wish I’d raped her. I just tarnished her worthless skin...” Mateo let out hysterical laughter.

  Lucenzo respired but his mind still urged him ‘to break Mateo’s head against the wall.’ Lucenzo smirked evilly; he didn’t fall short in yielding to that command. He walloped Mateo hard in the jaw, and he fell to the floor and groaned. The blood was boiling inside Lucenzo; he had no right to leave the field of battle.

  Then Lucenzo roared. “It’s your last hour, goat! So talk if you want to tell me something before you go to the cursed eternity!”

  “If you do not kill me, I’ll get your Francesca, and you, and all your stinking Italian family under that ground!” Mateo tittered.

  “In this decision, we agree with you, ass…”

  Lucenzo raised the knife above Mateo’s head to hit him right in the chest, but then his hand hung in the air and froze. Milano held Lucenzo’s hand to his, not allowing his younger brother to ruin his life.

  “Stop, Lu! This scumbag is not worth you destroying your future! The police will be here soon. You can be put in jail for that. Our parents won’t survive it!”

  “Ha-ha! You don’t have the guts! You are too spineless to do it, mama’s boy!” Mateo mocked Lucenzo with accusations, looking at the two brothers and grinning at their conversation.

  “He’s provoking you. Do not take a step after which nothing can be fixed!” Milano ceased his brother’s actions. “This rot will still go to jail for the rest of his life!”

  “I’ll show him!” Lucenzo snapped at the bandit as he laughed in his face.

  “No, Lu!!!” Milano clamored and stopped his younger brother’s hand. Otherwise something irreparable could have happened―murder. Milano didn’t want to visit his beloved brother in prison and see their parents’ tears.

  Thank God, Pietro and Mario arrived on time, grabbing the cold steel from Lucenzo’s hand that he had found on the floor.

  Soon the police arrived, searching the cathedral’s basement and putting the evidence in their report. The police did everything in secret, as requested by Milano Veneziani. Milano didn’t wish for the tabloids to interfere in his family’s life and spoil the whole day.

  After checking the entire basement and not finding Mateo’s accomplices, the police took him away. The carabineers asked the Veneziani brothers to go to the police station tomorrow as police regulations are required. The police were ready to take a statement from Francesca tomorrow. They also understood Milano’s explanation that today is not the day to be in the police department. It was not ideal to question a weak Francesca about her beating as well.

  Having reached a compromise, the police immediately withdrew, leaving the Veneziani brothers to themselves.

  ~ CHAPTER 11 ~

  The Meeting with Gabriela and Alessandro Veneziani

  Francesca was lying in one room of the cathedral where she was carried into by Lucenzo and Mario. After the nuns had attended to her, she was left in Gloria and Veronica’s care. Gloria was worried about Francesca’s condition, and she narrated her fears to Veronica. Although, Gloria felt badly and about Milano’s future wife; Veronica was not having the best day of her life either.

  “The Lord must punish this madman Mateo for doing such a horrible thing to this poor girl!” the elderly woman, Gloria, beefed about Francesca’s former boyfriend. She down her head to Veronica, who looked at Francesca with her eyes full of concern.

  “Where did Lucenzo find our beautiful girl?” Gloria queried Veronica as quietly as possible. She didn’t have the will to wake Francesca.

  “St. Mark’s chapel, according to Milano’s words. He and Lucenzo found Francesca thanks to the passers-by that witnessed the kidnapping incident. They interviewed those people who agreed to have seen Mateo and Francesca. Luckily, these people helped them,” Veronica explained the facts to Gloria as the elderly woman gently stroked Francesca’s hand.

  “Someone needs to snap Mateo’s hands!” Gloria snarled.

  “He’s a bastard for sure! Mi perdoni, Signora...”[27] Veronica bit her tongue, not containing the expletives from herself.

  “It’s okay, Veronica. He deserves universal condemnation!” Gloria grunted, wrinkling her nose with displeasure. “And you? Did he hurt you, child?”

  “He wanted to, but Milano managed to come on time. He’s my guardian angel!” Veronica dithered. She pondered if she would open up to Gloria or not. Veronica was frank only with her aunt and Francesca; getting closer to new people was a difficult task for her.

  However, Gloria was a sympathetic and kind woman, and Veronica could be honest with her too. Veronica could be sincere to Gloria as if to her grandmother whom she never had.

  “Milano is a good man,” Gloria added, praising her ex-pupil. “Don’t think, dear, that he is so bad. He likes to present himself only in that way; Milano hides his light from us. I witnessed moments in his life when he stumbled on his road and fell into the darkness. However, I always helped him. And about Milano’s nervous breakdowns, I spoke with his father. But Signor Veneziani believed that this is one of the vagaries of his boy. It was understandable, Veronica. If you view Milano’s past, you will find out―there were a lot of things he wasn’t supposed to see. I endeavored to shield him from evil, but you can’t keep kids out of everything. Right?”

  “I agree with you, Gloria. I’ve studied him too well for months, and I am beginning to understand him. Were you aware of Milano’s mental disorder or did you guess about it?”

  “I guessed, though I have no medical education. But who would have taken the disease seriously, when the parents were busy with their lives?” Gloria shrugged helplessly.

  “Milano narrated how his father attempted to keep him in the hospital for medical treatment. Was it that serious?” Veronica asked Gloria in a steady voice, taking her away from Francesca’s bed. Her friend should not hear what they were about to discuss.

  “I do not have the habit of hiding something from people, allied to the Veneziani family,” Gloria said and nodded at Veronica. “Milano’s father tried to help his son, but many do not understand that treatment in the hospital alone can aggravate a person’s condition.” Gloria lamented. She was still sensitive to what was happening to her former pupil Milano. For her, he was always the same child she first took in her hands. Milano was like a son to Gloria.

  “You’re quite right, Gloria. As they say, ‘do in Rome as the Romans do.’ That means I cannot persist on something if I am not a part of the Veneziani family...” Veronica looked down, feeling uncomfortable. She wasn’t so brazen as to impose her point of view on other people. She especially did not like to impose it to the older generation.

  “Come on, Veronica! You are a pure soul and a very sensual girl. Milano’s parents need to see this and take you into their family, or I’ll just stop talking to them!” Gloria abruptly frowned, obviously disapproving Veronica’s failure to join the Veneziani family. Indeed, Milano chose a woman who fit him in every way as Gloria thought, and his parents ought to understand that. Gloria wholeheartedly endorsed Veronica and Milano’s union and did not want to see them part ways. She had a feeling that if they weren’t together, Milano would die.

  “Thanks for the support, Signora. I need it right now, especially in my delicate condition...” Vero
nica smiled, looking at her rounded belly and carefully stroked it. Gloria winked at her, hinting at female solidarity.

  “Sure, sweetie. I will always help you with everything. By the way, I got the phone number of your relatives in Rome, as Milano told me, and called them.” Gloria responded in a bossy tone.

  “What wonderful news! Signora Carmela Vetrova will be at the wedding?” Veronica beamed with a smile as she heard that the second cousin of her aunt would be in attendance; of course, the wedding will take place. Indeed, all ceremonies have been scheduled, and the likelihood of the wedding’s postponement was small.

  “Yes, dear. Who can refuse an angel like you? Even Milano wasn’t able to resist.” Gloria chuckled, and Veronica was a bit shy.

  Veronica understood what Milano’s ex-nanny was hinting at. If Veronica wasn’t different from his expectations, Milano wouldn’t pay any attention to her. Her purity and honesty completely captured his mind and heart, as Veronica had hoped too.

  “Is it likely that Francesca and Lucenzo will postpone the ceremony?” Veronica doubted the rationality of continuing with the wedding.

  “It is not in the spirit of the Veneziani family to cancel such an event! Believe me, Veronica; I think Lucenzo and Milano will surely come up with something. Or maybe they have already consulted with the padre? I calmed the guests when Pietro told me what had happened. Therefore, it is not necessary to worry,” Gloria told Veronica efficiently.

  Suddenly the door opened, and a black-haired boy of seven years old looked into their room. It was a boy who would carry the long train of the bride’s long dress.

  Seeing the child in the tailcoat, Veronica smiled at him, but Gloria hushed him up. Gloria maintained that he must leave so that he would not interfere in their adult conversation.

  As the boy approached Gloria, he pressed his lips into a thin line, sniveling, and Gloria rolled her eyes at his blackmailing. She put three sweets into his small hand, and his eyes glistened with joy. Gloria told the boy to tell the guests that the ceremony would take place, but later.


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