Fateful Italian Passion

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Fateful Italian Passion Page 25

by Olga GOA

  “Thank you, Signorina. I owe you!” Milano saluted, chuckling at her shyness. He was aware that whenever a girl fell in love for the first time she always experienced such awkwardness.

  Payment for underwear and its packaging were made so slowly as if all saleswomen of this store extended that moment. They didn’t cease to revel in the beauty of Milano and his undeniable wit.

  Meanwhile, Veronica was spying on Milano from the street, eyeing him through the clean shop window. She was overcome by such violent jealousy that she was ready to enter the store and have sex with Milano in front of everyone. She wanted those women to realize that Milano belonged only to her, and no one could infringe on his body! Notably, no one could use his soul and his heart!

  Since when did Veronica start having these thoughts? Was the madness really contagious, and the patient’s illness also infected the doctor?

  Ignoring her own thoughts, Veronica returned to Milano. The shop staff were lost in wonder at the incoming girl. Perhaps they were thinking why did she come back. Did she want to buy another style of panties?

  “Milano...” Veronica murmured, coming up to her Demon, who apparently was flirting with the saleswoman. “You promised to introduce me to your parents.”

  The store staff froze in a silent scene, hearing Veronica’s request; everything became clear after that. The passionate girlfriend of this handsome man would bite off their hands if they had taken a step closer to Milano. The girls understood that the relationship of the couple was very serious, if Signor Veneziani will be introducing his girlfriend to his parents.

  Well then, the wedding is coming…

  “Of course, cara. You are the light of my eyes!” Milano said in a mellow voice. His soul fluttered from the fact that Veronica claimed him. She wasn’t as indifferent as Milano thought.

  And Veronica wasn’t ready for such an answer from him. She felt even more intrigued when her Demon kissed her on the lips in front of everyone. He also wanted to show this store’s team that their relationship was perfect, even if they were not.

  Pulling away from his lips and blushing, Veronica thanked the shop staff for their help. Milano hugged her affectionately, and when they went outside, he gave all the women a brief, airy kiss. Some of them sighed heavily from the realization that this man would never belong to them.

  “You never had a guilty conscience? Is that correct, Milano?” Veronica was angry, stopping abruptly in front of him and blocking his path.

  “I just showed them my gallantry. From what you said when you walked into the store you acted like I fucked them all.” Milano chuckled, trying to make a joke of it.

  “What do you take me for, an idiot? Do you like to annoy me?” Veronica boiled over, not knowing why her Demon organized this show. Or he didn’t respect her, or he was, like all men, loving women’s attention.

  “I was just amused by their naiveté towards me and their chimerical dreams. Why the hell are you pouring a bucket of dirt on me?!” Milano shouted, forgetting entirely about the main issue―do not worry the pregnant Veronica.

  “Because you cannot behave yourself in a society like my friend Timothy―nice and calm! How can you have a family if you’ve taken to ridiculing me?” Veronica cried out.

  “Shit! Why did you remember that jerk? If I see you with him―I’ll beat him to a pulp!” Milano was indignant; listening as Veronica recalled her friend enthusiastically. Why did she bring upbraid him up? To show that Timothy really loves her and I don’t? Milano was on edge.

  Veronica sent daggers at Milano who did not understand her pleas. She rushed towards the cathedral, deciding to end this fight. She didn’t hear Milano telling her to wait for him; Veronica was relentless.

  She began to walk up the stairs as she was there to meet Milano’s parents. Veronica felt uneasy to meet them without her Demon, but she squared her shoulders, meeting their gaze.

  Veronica had two decisions, what to tell Milano’s parents―the truth, that she is pregnant, and Milano wants to marry her for the sake of the child, or that they are just friends, and she will not apply for the position of his wife. In any case, not having the right to escape from her man, Veronica had to enter Milano’s dark kingdom and give him the keys. She knew that he will still find her; Milano will get her even from Underworld.

  “Buongiorno, Signorina...” Milano’s father called Veronica, smiling broadly. He looked fit and young enough, despite his fifty-one years. He was tall and stately, only slightly inferior to his son in height. His dark black hair was blowing in the wind, and his blue eyes were looking kindly at Veronica. They seemed to see through her, as Milano did. However, Signora Veneziani was silent and gave no sound.

  “Buongiorno, Signori,” Veronica responded with an Italian accent, shaking hands with Signor and Signora Veneziani. “I…”

  She only wanted to say that Milano was coming later because he’s in a store but her elbow was touched by her speedy Demon. He caught up with her so obsessively as if he was afraid that Veronica might say the wrong things. He decided to explain to his parents what was going on.

  “Veronica, this is Gabriela and Alessandro Veneziani―my parents. Parents, this is Veronica Ledyanova. We will officially be engaged today,” Milano introduced them to each other, while Veronica shook their hands in a gentle manner. But she was very nervous, her palms were becoming as cold as ice.

  “Veronica is a foreigner. She came from Russia,” Milano continued, soothing Veronica with a pat on her shoulder. “She doesn’t know Italian so well, she’s still learning. It will be easier for us to communicate in English,” he suggested, noticing how Veronica was shackled. She wanted to make a good impression not only on his father but also on his mother, whose brown eyes viewed her with some reprobation.

  Gabriela Veneziani looked at Veronica as if under a microscope and searching for the slightest flaw in her ideal appearance. She adjusted her dark brown medium-length hair, evidently to show dissatisfaction. Her elder son did not inform her about the engagement and did not even bother to send an SMS that he intends to marry. Gabriela Veneziani could have sworn it was getting serious. She had thought that if Milano was planning on marrying Veronica, it was either a whim, or that he got Veronica pregnant.

  These circumstances choked Gabriela Veneziani, and she wanted to find out everything at any cost. As she believed, Milano was doing it just to chagrin her and his father, and nothing more.

  However, Alessandro Veneziani’s reaction was directly opposite that of Gabriela’s. He stepped toward his son, hugging him and slapping him on the back. He was glad about this news.

  “You surprised us properly, son,” Signor Veneziani said with a smile, freeing Milano from his embraces. “Welcome to our family, Veronica,” turning to the fiancé of his son, he finished. Then he kissed Veronica’s hand.

  Suddenly Alessandro Veneziani felt how Gabriela poked him in the side with her elbow. Her poke caused him to give her a tense stare, and he realized that it was necessary to talk in private. He apologized to Milano and Veronica and took his wife aside.

  “Gabriela, what is your problem? Did you get out of the wrong side of bed this morning?” Alessandro Veneziani wondered, frowning at her outburst. “You should be more polite!”

  “Why are you replying instead of me? Don’t you understand why our son is marrying this girl?” Gabriela Veneziani argued with her husband without supporting his blind faith in a stranger.

  “You don’t have to understand, Gabi. Milano’s finally coming to his senses! Veronica is not bad; she is polite as I see. And her behavior is so great; she’s smart. Our blunderer-son needs such a wife like her, not the peasant women with whom he spent many nights!” Alessandro Veneziani reasoned, conducting surveillance for Milano and Veronica.

  “Alesso!” Gabriela Veneziani blurted out, pulling her husband by the sleeve and forcing him to turn to her. “Are you a complete idiot, or you just don’t notice the main thing?!” she muttered, measuring Veronica with her gaze. “Her dress is a
little loose, but I know it’s a woman’s trick to hide childbearing. She’s pregnant, Alessandro!”

  “Oh, my God, Gabi!” Alessandro theatrically rolled his eyes at his wife. “We haven’t seen Milano in months, and anything could have happened during that time!”

  “I hope Milano is really the father of her child, and she’s not trying to dump another man’s kid on our son!” Gabriela Veneziani almost screamed from helplessness. She had seen different women in her life, and each of them was more insidious than the previous one. She hoped Milano hadn’t fallen for one of them.

  “You’re talking nonsense, Gabi!” Alessandro Veneziani shook his head. “Veronica’s different. How can you blame her? After all, these are only your arguments.”

  “Don’t forget, Alesso. Our son has a good fortune, and he works in a large company. Milano is chased by a group of women since he is an excellent match. He is handsome, rich and insightful. What else could a woman in her position need?” Gabrielle gestured desperately, trying to keep drumming into her husband’s head. For her, it was pure truth.

  “That’s understandable, dear, however―” Alessandro Veneziani tried to change his wife’s mind, but it was pointless.

  Gabriela Veneziani cut him off, threatening. “Then do something, or I will!”

  “Leave them alone, Gabriela!” Her husband got mad at her. “I’ll find it out by myself.”

  “You must. It’s in your best interests, Alessandro!” Gabriela Veneziani pressed her lips in a tube, checking her anil-colored middle dress. It fit her amazing slim figure perfectly and made her look like a twenty-year-old woman.

  Returning to Veronica and Milano, Alessandro and Gabriela Veneziani informed them about their imminent desire to return to the cathedral. Milano’s parents worried about their little Luigi and have already missed him. But they didn’t have to. Their assistant Gloria had already fed their son with warm milk which was heated by the nuns. The baby slept on Gloria’s chest and snuffled, babbling something in his sleep.

  Veronica was touched by this picture, standing in the corner of the cathedral and watching little Luigi from the side. Soon she will have a cute baby who will laugh and goo-goo as well. But remembering the cold meeting with Signora Veneziani, Veronica became sad.

  “Your mom didn’t like me, and I can understand her. She probably guessed that you got me pregnant and I am not serious…” Veronica told Milano in a sad tone, dwelling in her thoughts.

  “Mother is and always will be very proprietorial. I’m surprised she agreed to Lucenzo’s wedding,” Milano told her, not trusting his mother’s true motives. “But when she gets to know you better, everything will change, my Amazon. Don’t you worry,” he persuaded her, putting his arms around her shoulders.

  “She thinks I’m a peasant woman! I am sure.” Veronica covered her face with her hands, ashamed of what Milano’s mother could think of her. Did each daughter-in-law have such problems with her mother-in-law? Veronica questioned herself in her mind. Or am I so unlucky?

  “If she ever thinks about you like that, I would cross her out of my personal life! She spat on me before, so why should I take her advice now?” Milano stamped his foot, not supporting his mother’s attitude towards Veronica. However, with such a move, he caught Gabriela Veneziani’s attention. She seemed to hear what they were talking about.

  “You should be more lenient with your mom. It doesn’t matter what relationship you had with her. I’m sure she regretted the time when she was far away from you. She is still your mom,” Veronica convinced him, understanding that Signora Veneziani loves her Milano, how any mother should.

  “Let’s stop talking about her! We have to check our bride and groom!” Milano replaced his anger with mercy, not wanting to spoil his mood because of his mother.

  “As you say, my Demon,” Veronica snorted when Milano gently tickled her neck with the tip of his nose and kissed it. He was drawn to Veronica more and more. He liked that feeling of flight and falling.

  But Milano was afraid that his demons would rise against him, and he won’t be able to save his Angel from their hatred. However, Milano confided his safety only in Veronica’s hands. She was the only one who could control his demons and send them away. She was the one.

  ~ CHAPTER 12 ~

  The Wedding of Lucenzo and Francesca

  Francesca tried to wake up from the horrible nightmare that was tormenting her. Everything that happened in her dream had a repetition―Mateo kidnapped her, beat her, and then brutally killed her in the basement in the end.

  She tossed about on the bed for several minutes until the nightmare roused her. She opened her eyes and looked surprisedly at her benevolent Lucenzo. He stroked her long golden-brown hair and was so afflicted with the past incident. He lamented that Francesca had gone through a lot of bad things. He needed to support her.

  “Lu...” Francesca said in a barely audible voice, touching his palm with her fingers, a tender palm that contacted her pale face. She didn’t believe she would see him again. However, her favorite man found her and saved her from the satanic Mateo. She was glad to cry from joy!

  “What would you like to eat, my love? You need to,” Lucenzo pleaded with her. He gently lifted her pillows to the bed’s headboard and helped her to sit up. He emanated masculinity and calmness at that moment.

  “If it is available―cannelloni and a Caesar salad.[32] And a glass of water, please. That would be perfect.” Francesca quietly confessed to Lucenzo as her stomach started to growl loudly.

  “Sure, my little bell,” Lucenzo said quietly with a hem. “I’m going to call Gloria to get everything. Just a second.”

  Taking the mobile from his pocket and calling his former nanny, Lucenzo asked Gloria to bring the dishes that Francesca had ordered with a glass of water. Learning that Francesca was awake and so hungry, Gloria exclaimed on the phone that she would warm up and bring everything as soon as she can.

  “Lucenzo. I’m sorry I kept the truth from you… but I didn’t want you to get hurt―” Francesca attempted to apologize, but Lucenzo proceeded her with his speech.

  “Fra, let’s not talk about it, okay?” Lucenzo calmed her with a light kiss. “You’re free. That bastard is behind bars. There is no point saying more than is necessary.”

  Lucenzo shook his head in response to Francesca’s recklessness. How could she have taken such a risk for me? He condemned her in his heavy thoughts. And if this scoundrel succeeded in putting his plan into action, could he not have taken the life of my Francesca? Could I have lived after that?!

  “Never! Hear that? Never do anything without consulting me!” Lucenzo chided her. “Otherwise, I’ll lose you. Next time I might not be so lucky!”

  “You have my word, piccolo. Sorry…”

  Seeing Lucenzo’s tears, Francesca hugged him tenderly and was overcome with emotions herself, noting how much he cared for her. This gave her strength and helped her to forget what happened on this evil day.

  “Do you still want to marry me?” Francesca asked Lucenzo with doubt in her eyes, grabbing his hand strongly. “Do you want to connect your life with a woman who has a dark past?”

  “No, Fra. I want to connect my life with a woman who will have a bright future!” Lucenzo smiled from ear to ear. He was sure that from now everything would be celebrated in their life.

  “I love you as much as my heart can love!” Francesca uttered with inspiration, dissolving in his mutual love. Only Lucenzo can be my husband and no one else! She told herself smiling.

  “Oh my goodness! I want this woman!” Lucenzo grinned at his precious lady, hugging her and gently kissing the line of her chin. How he wished a night of love to happen right now, and he shouldn’t wait for it for so long! He could prove to Francesca how he loves her deeply!

  “But can you stand the whole stress of the wedding? Will you be able to walk down the aisle, my little bell?” Lucenzo worried for Francesca, looking uneasily at the abrasions on her chest and abdomen. “You’re still weak.�

  “My father will help and see me to the aisle. Don’t worry, my protector. I’ll be careful.”

  Lucenzo was just about to kiss Francesca passionately when the door opened, and Gloria came inside. She was carrying a tray of hot cannelloni with cream sauce, a Caesar salad and a glass of water.

  “As you ordered,” Gloria exclaimed, putting a tea towel on Francesca’s legs and serving her flavorful dishes. “It’s a good thing I brought food with me. I was afraid the children of the guests would get hungry. Kids do not like long ceremonies.”

  “You’re our fairy,” Francesca was grateful to the old woman, inhaling the aroma from the food that Gloria cooked.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay, honey. We were so nervous about your condition! We sat next to you for over an hour,” Gloria responded, caressing Francesca sympathetically on her head.

  “And Nike was here too?” Francesca inquired, asking her interlocutors. It was likely that she still doubted how many people loved her wholeheartedly.

  “Of course,” Lucenzo replied to her convincingly. “That bastard kidnapped Veronica too, and I can’t even imagine what he would have done if Milano hadn’t arrived in time.”

  Francesca looked at Lucenzo in horror. If she’d warned Milano at least, it wouldn’t have happened.

  “I feel so guilty,” Francesca was upset, but Lucenzo no longer blamed her. She did her best to keep them all safe from her mad ex-boyfriend. But life is such an unpredictable thing.

  “We found you with Milano, and this is important. Nothing else matters, darling,” Lucenzo warmly glanced at Francesca, fidgeting with her thick curls.

  “God is always on the side of good people!” Gloria concluded, believing in the true power of the goodness’ light. “My dear ones, will the wedding take place or will you reschedule the ceremony?” she asked Francesca and Lucenzo in a solicitous way.

  “I’ll just rest after lunch, and I’ll gather myself together. We’ll probably do it at five o’clock. Is it possible, Lu?” Francesca looked at Lucenzo, and he nodded his head approvingly.


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