All the Little Secrets: A Standalone Enemies-to-Lovers High School Romance (English Prep Book 2)

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All the Little Secrets: A Standalone Enemies-to-Lovers High School Romance (English Prep Book 2) Page 21

by S. J. Sylvis

  His face turned white. Bingo.

  “You’re bluffing, and you have three seconds to get your little rich fuck-boy ass outta here before we call Tank, and he can deal with you himself.”

  “I’m bluffing?” I shook my head and chuckled as I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed Eric. I put it on speaker for everyone to hear.

  He picked up within a second. “You need me to come? I can have backup here within a minute or two.”

  These two had no idea who I was talking to. Eric did a damn good job at pretending he was an officer, though. “Possibly.”

  “Roger that. Give me the go-ahead and I’ll be there in a second. I have no issues taking them down to the station.”

  My eyebrows tugged upward as I watched the guy standing throw his arms up. “Fine.” He angled his chin to his friend. “We’ll be outside for five minutes. That’s all you have.”

  When they brushed past me, I made sure to add, “And if you tell Tank I was here, I swear to God, you both will be in jail. Don’t underestimate the power of people owing me favors. Cops can be dirty, too, you know?”

  That was the truth, although I didn’t necessarily have any cops on hand to use in a situation like this. I couldn’t even get Jim, our family PI, to step foot in this. Not after Christian snuck behind our father’s back and used him to investigate Hayley’s father a few months back.

  “We got you.”

  And my conquest was done. It seemed Tank’s “friends” weren’t actually friends. They’d likely throw him under the bus if it meant saving their own ass. But again, there was no loyalty when you forced people to follow you with fear.

  As soon as they were both outside, I quickly lasered onto Jason. My fists ached to punch him across the jaw. My legs twitched to kick him in the stomach, especially as he sat and stared at me from his laid-back position on the couch.

  “How do you feel about letting your sister fight your battles for you?” My voice was laced with something unrecognizable. My words were short, slicing through the dim room.

  Jason slowly sat up and dropped his head down low. His arms came out and rested along his knees. “I hope you have a plan, because Tank is never going to let you go, man.”

  I walked closer to him, wanting him to hear me loud and clear. “And yet, you let your sister walk right into his fucking hands. What were you thinking, letting her take on the responsibility of paying back your debt? What is wrong with you?” I was full-on seething. The muscles along my chest were straining. My fist squeezed so hard that my nails dug into my skin. But I just kept thinking about the pain on her face when she talked about him. The fear in her voice. “Do you understand how dangerous this is for her? Do you not understand that she is absolutely destroyed by what you’ve become? Do you enjoy knowing she cried her fucking eyes out the night she almost watched you snort that shit up your nose in that tiny fucking bathroom down the hall?”

  Jason’s head shoved away from me as if he were trying to get away from my words. I half-expected him to cover his ears. But I didn’t care if this wasn’t what he wanted to hear. I kept going because he needed a little dose of reality.

  “You’re a selfish prick for bringing her into this. She’s broken, and each time you run to her and drag her into your shit, she’s flooded with guilt. So much that she has a hard time keeping afloat. Your sister is drowning.”

  Jason’s voice was strained. “Fuck, I know!” He threw his arms out. “I fucking get it.”

  I got closer to him but quickly took a step back because I couldn’t trust myself not to knee him in the face. “But do you?”

  His empty gaze found mine. “Yeah, you wanna talk about guilt? I can’t even keep myself clean for more than a day.” He scoffed, dragging his attention around the room. “It’s not like it’s easy being around these guys—especially since I know all their hiding spots.”

  That could come in handy.

  “So, are you going to do something about it, then?”

  “Wh-what?” Jason looked confused. “Do you have a plan?”

  Did I have a plan? Of course I had a fucking plan.

  “Are you ready to fix this, Jason? Are you ready to stop taking from Piper and start giving? Because from where I’m standing, you owe her a lot more than just getting yourself clean.”

  Jason straightened his shoulders, hope in his eyes. “Tell me what to do, and I’ll do it. I want to take Tank down just as badly as you do—if not worse, because I know shit. He’s fucking crazy.”

  I knew time was quickly running out, so I hurriedly got on with the more important part of the conversation. The plan. If Jason wanted to fix his mistakes, he was going to have to start somewhere.

  As soon as I exited the trailer, the two guys from before were standing outside, smoking a joint. They tipped their chin at me as I walked by, and I hoped that meant they were going to keep their mouths shut. I couldn’t bank on that for sure, but I didn’t really have another choice.

  Once I got back into my Charger and started up my engine, I checked my phone that had been buzzing since I’d last called Eric.

  Eric: I assume this means you don’t need me to throw on my old cop costume from last Halloween?

  Eric: Kegs are all set for Saturday. Word is that the entire school will be coming to your house for the party. My vote is we up the price.

  Christian: You owe me a car wash and breakfast in bed all next week. I just covered for you with Dad. He said you’ve been dodging his calls since he left. He asked if something was going on. I assume you’re avoiding him because you’re preoccupied with Piper’s drama. Correct?

  I swallowed back my guilt. That was definitely not why I was avoiding my father, but for now, one problem at a time.

  First up: Tank.

  Second up: Figure out what was going on between Piper and me—if there was anything.

  Third up: Confront my father.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  The glittery maroon dress hugged my torso, and I wiggled to break free. It wasn’t that it was an uncomfortable dress; it was just that I didn’t necessarily want to be wearing it.

  The winter formal seemed so stupid at a time like this. Every time I glanced at the clock, my nerves intensified. The only thing I could think about was Ollie and how he was at the races—alone. My heart had sped up a little each time I had caught his eye this week. I hadn’t been alone with him since he helped me with decorations on Monday, but I could feel him watching me during class. And during lunch. Butterflies swarmed my stomach, and I was pretty sure I’d formed an ulcer from all the uncertainty going on in my life.

  I hated that he was racing tonight.

  I hated that he wasn’t taking me to the dance.

  And I hated that he wasn’t going to see me in this dress, because I totally picked the color to match his Charger. Yes, I was that pathetic.

  “You girls look stunning!” Ann walked into Hayley’s bedroom and beamed at us. I’d always liked Ann, even when she was just Hayley’s social worker. I had a hunch that Hayley did, too. They shared a special relationship, and I kind of envied it, which wasn’t really fair since Hayley hadn’t had a real motherly figure in a very long time—if ever.

  I did, sort of.

  My parents didn’t even know the winter formal was tonight. They had no idea I’d slaved over decorations the past few days or that I was even on the committee. Maybe part of it was my fault. They had called and checked in with me last night, but I eluded talking about anything with real substance in my life. They didn’t ask, and I didn’t tell. It was as simple as that.

  “Thanks, Ann.” Hayley smiled shyly as she looked at herself in the mirror once more. She ended up getting the navy-blue dress that cut at her mid-thigh. I’d already bet her an iced coffee that Christian would demand she take it off.

  “Yeah, thanks, Ann,” I repeated, looking down at my dress again.

  It definitely was a pretty dress, hugging my body like a glove until it reached the
curve of my hips. Then the bottom part fell gracefully to the floor, landing at my sparkly gray heels. The best part about the dress was the slit in the front that went dangerously high. The dress was almost a reflection of me: mostly innocent with just a glimpse of sin. I wasn’t as innocent as some people thought—like my parents.

  Speaking of the pair… “Where are your parents? I told Hayley they could come by and take photos if they wanted!” Ann walked over to me and fixed a piece of my hair. “This maroon color looks so beautiful on you, Piper.”

  I smiled, ignoring the drop of my stomach. “Oh, um…” I felt embarrassed, and I hated that. I had decent parents; they just weren’t present.

  Hayley swooped in and saved me. “Her parents work a lot.” She bent down to strap her heel around her ankle. “They’re on a business trip, right, Piper?”

  “Yes, I think they’re in Prague until later next week.” I was able to hide my disappointment, although I was certain Ann could see right through me.

  She watched me closely, her mouth splitting to say something, but the doorbell rang, and she sighed. “Must be the boys. I’ll go get it.”

  Hayley and I exchanged glances, and she gave me a crescent-like smile. I didn’t need to say thank you because she already knew how I felt.

  Soon, Hayley and I left her bedroom and walked down the short hall to meet Eric and Christian. The pull in my stomach pulled even tighter with each clank of my heels against the hardwood. I should be with Ollie right now.

  I glanced down at my phone, hoping I’d have a text that read along the lines of, Come watch me race. But there was nothing on the screen besides an old photo of my brother and me.

  I wondered briefly what Jason was doing and if he was at the races, watching Ollie win back the money he owed.

  “You boys look quite dapper!” Ann’s cheerful voice rang out into the foyer, and Hayley snorted.

  Then, came the brooding voice of her boyfriend. “Hayley, you said your dress wasn’t short!”

  I held back a giggle as I watched the pair of them spout off. “It’s not that short! I thought you’d like it.”

  Ann was standing back with her hand over her mouth, as if she were truly enjoying seeing them argue back and forth. Eric came to stand beside me, and the three of us waited until Christian ate his words and basically groveled at Hayley’s feet. “You look amazing, Hay. Of course I like it. I just don’t like to share.”

  “No one is getting anything from me, Christian. Relax.”

  “I can’t relax when you look like that.”

  Eric glanced down at me and gave me his famous bad-boy grin. “You look pretty good for a fake date.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Shut up.” Then I paused, feeling bad. “But thanks. So do you.”

  A deep chuckle tumbled from his mouth, breaking the ice, and before I knew it, we were all posing and smiling for Ann and her one thousand photos.

  Once we said our goodbyes and Hayley climbed into Christian’s Charger, I climbed into Eric’s Range Rover, and we were all on our way to the formal.

  My leg bounced the entire time, and I was certain the dark nail polish Hayley painted onto my nails was chipped from my incessant chewing.

  Eric’s palm gently landed on my bare thigh as we stopped at a red light. “Piper. You’re shaking my entire fucking car.”

  I stopped my leg, staring down at his splayed-out hand. “Oh. Sorry.”

  “Alright, spill,” he demanded as he removed his hand and pressed the gas.

  I inhaled a deep breath. “This feels wrong, Eric.”

  He glanced at me for a moment. “What does?”

  “Going to a stupid dance when Ollie is missing out because he’s racing for something my brother did.”

  He shook his head, his dark hair unmoving on his head. “Not happening.”

  My bare shoulders fell with disappointment. I played stupid. “What?”

  “You are not talking me into driving you to the races. Ollie has it handled.”

  I looked out the window at the blurring cars. “It still doesn’t feel right. I should be there.”

  “For what? For every scumbag to check you out and for Ollie to feel stressed about you being on the sidelines alone?” He clicked his tongue. “That’ll just fuck him up, Piper. Leave it be.”

  I ignored Eric and crossed my arms over my chest, still staring out the window. Ollie might have felt uneasy if I were on the sidelines alone, but what about me? I felt uneasy knowing he was there alone, too.

  Didn’t he understand that I was worried about him? Didn’t anyone understand that? This was exactly why I didn’t want him involved in the first place. It was just one more person I had to worry about, because whether I liked it or not, I cared about Ollie.

  And I should have been there. I should have been there for him, just like he’d been there for me.

  One way or another, I’d get to the races tonight. I just had to figure out a way.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  I wasn’t nervous to race tonight. In fact, I was as relaxed as ever. Piper wasn’t here; she was safe with Eric. And also, I didn’t even have to try to win tonight. I had to race to lose. Fun. Sure, it kind of sucked for my street cred, but soon, I’d be done racing, and it wouldn’t even matter.

  Tank was standing a few hundred feet away with his arm draped heavily over his girlfriend’s shoulders, and for a moment, I envisioned myself running his body over with my car. Jason was standing right beside him, being the good little pet that he was, and I hoped to God he’d keep his word until next weekend when shit hit the fan.

  My fingers flexed over the steering wheel as I waited for my turn. I was racing a guy named Jaxon tonight, and if Tank hadn’t asked me to throw the race—so he’d make more money, of course—I’d easily beat him. My car was faster; I could tell just by listening to his idle. Mostly everyone was betting on me to win, except for this douchebag’s friends and girlfriend, but since I was throwing the race per Tank’s request, and he was betting against me, he was about to make fucking bank.

  Part of me wanted to be defiant and win anyway, because what a fucking cheat. But in order to keep my cards aligned to make sure things went the way I needed them to down the road, I had to stay on his good side. Being on Tank’s good side meant he was on my good side. Our relationship was mutual at this point, at least in his eyes, and he wanted nothing more than to keep it that way, because he thought I was going to continue racing for him well after Jason’s debt was paid off.

  Little did he know, I had no intention of doing that. Tank was someone that needed to be knocked down a few notches, and I would gladly be the one to do so.

  I checked my phone for the hundredth time, wishing more than anything I was the one being tagged in photos on social media at the winter formal. Not because I wanted to go, but because I knew Piper was there without me.

  The gentleman side of me wanted her to have a good time, but the selfish side of me was sweating from jealousy.

  As soon as my car creeped up to the starting line, I scanned the crowd. Usually, I looked forward to racing. I craved the escape it gave me, but now I felt agitated and bored. I was ready to get this over with so I could see Piper at the party later.

  My phone vibrated as my Charger rumbled, and I all but dropped the phone when I saw Eric’s name flashing.

  I quickly answered. “Hello?”

  “She fucking stole my Range Rover!”

  My foot hovered over the clutch. “What?”

  Eric shouted, “Fucking Piper! I have no idea what we’re going to do with her. She’s out of control!”

  I couldn’t help the laugh that echoed throughout my car. “She stole your car?”

  “Yes! Fucking keep up! She’s probably already at the races even though I told her not to go. I swear, your girl is worse than a toddler.”

  I wanted to be mad, but I wasn’t in the slightest. An excited thrill went surging through my blood. It was the same feeling I got when I’d c
atch her staring at me from across the room, or when she’d try to hide a half smile from me.

  I hung up on Eric, throwing my phone in the center console, and scanned the crowd again. I wiggled my jaw and drummed my fingers along the leather steering wheel. Where are you, Piper?

  Just as the thought entered my head, I found her.

  The smile etching itself on my face was too hard to ignore. There was Piper, standing back behind the crowd of people, wearing her winter formal dress. She stuck out like a sore thumb, but she was by far the prettiest sore thumb I’d ever seen.

  Our eyes locked almost immediately. She was already watching me, probably knowing very well that I’d be searching the crowd for her.

  I rolled my window down, the rumbling car engines filling the space. We kept a hold of each other’s eyes, and when I let my grin free, she smiled coyly.

  Well, what are you waiting for?

  Piper read my thoughts, because before I knew it, she was pushing past people and heading straight for me—winter formal dress and all.

  This race was about to get a whole lot better, even if I was about to lose.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  The second I got into his car, his cologne flooded my senses. I almost closed my eyes to savor the woodsy smell. I suddenly felt very calm being next to him. The nerves I’d felt while driving to the races intensified as I walked through the tall grass, and when I found Ollie staring at me, I almost retreated backwards—at least, until he grinned.


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