All the Little Secrets: A Standalone Enemies-to-Lovers High School Romance (English Prep Book 2)

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All the Little Secrets: A Standalone Enemies-to-Lovers High School Romance (English Prep Book 2) Page 26

by S. J. Sylvis

  My head turned to him, surprised. “Me? Why?”

  He glanced at me for a quick second. “I don’t know. I guess because you acted fast, and you weren’t letting on how frazzled you were. How frazzled we all were. You cleaned up her cuts like you were a trained nurse or something.”

  I sunk back into the leather seat. “That’s because I was used to it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean”—I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, staring at Ollie’s grip on his stick shift—“I’ve cleaned Jason up many, many times. Cleaning wounds is my specialty.”

  “As is caring for others.” Ollie’s voice was soft and comforting. I peeked up at him and gave him a tiny smile. “You did a good job hiding that part of your life.”

  I nodded. “That’s what my parents taught me to do.”

  Ollie’s hand left his stick shift, and he grabbed mine, giving it a squeeze before letting go and shifting once more. “Well, you don’t have to do that anymore. Not with me. Okay?”

  A lightness filled my body. My heart grew with his words as if he were climbing inside my chest and making it bigger with his very hands.

  The big things in my life, the scary ones, seemed a little smaller with his hand in mine. Things felt right when I was with Ollie.

  But for some reason, after we ate our body weight in chicken nuggets and he dropped me back at home, the anxiety was back.

  Things felt right yet so wrong at the same time.

  Chapter Forty-Two


  The pit in my stomach grew deeper as each day passed. A dark cloud was following me around school, to my house…it even hovered over my head when I’d text Piper late at night.

  Tomorrow was Saturday, and although I had all the Ts crossed and Is dotted, I still felt sick. I’d questioned if I was doing the right thing, but I wasn’t even sure what was right anymore. I knew very well that Tank was a piece of shit who didn’t give a fuck about anyone or anything besides himself. He was money-hungry and self-righteous, and he needed to be put in his place.

  He fucked with Piper, and I wasn’t okay with that. And there was no way in hell I’d be tethered to him for any longer than I needed to be. I wouldn’t be racing for him after Saturday; he just didn’t know it.

  An elephant sat on my chest as I ignored the two notifications on my phone from my dad. I drummed my fingers over the mahogany table in the school library, the rich wood even richer underneath the hanging light. Books lined the shelves, one by one, as I gazed in front of me.

  I heard the tick of the clock in the background, the minutes of study hall passing by painfully slow, which did nothing but heighten my rising anxiety.

  You’re doing the right thing.

  But was I?

  My intentions were clear, but I wasn’t sure they’d appear that way.

  I was trying to be a good guy. I was trying to do the right thing and protect the people I cared about: Piper, Christian, the relationship my father and Christian had recently formed.

  But my hold on being a good guy was slipping. Things were beginning to eat away at me. I felt lost. I was tense. My teeth slid together and ground on top of one another. Sometimes I did this: I lost the battle between good and bad, right and wrong. Maybe it was the side of me that I didn’t really recognize yet. Maybe it was the blood that ran through my veins that had me halting and rethinking who I wanted to be.

  I liked being the good guy, the happy Powell brother, the one that made people laugh. But other times, I liked to step out of that box and toe the line of being something else. I wanted to dip into the other side—the side that made me want to plummet my fist into Tank’s face repeatedly until he slipped into unconsciousness. The side that wanted to hunt down Piper’s parents and scold them for not caring enough about their daughter. I wanted to ring Jason’s neck until he became submissive and got the help he needed instead of filling his veins with drugs and hurting his sister in the process.

  My breathing grew harsher as I pressed my back against the wooden chair, my fingers still drumming agitatedly over the table. A hot sweat started to coat my brow as I fought internally to stay my calm, even-tempered self. I needed to get into that level-headed, everything-will-be-fine mindset.

  I shrugged off my blazer and threw it over the next chair. I loosened the tie around my neck.

  Not helping.

  My eyes found one of the underclassmen boys that I’d played football with last semester. Kyle? Was that his name?

  My chin tipped in his direction, and his brows shot up. Yes, you. Come here.

  The freshman slowly stood up from his chair and walked over to me on wobbly legs. I felt better already. My lips twitched as I scribbled down something on a piece of paper. Once I folded it in half, I peered up at the boy. He had thick, black-framed glasses that weren’t even sitting straight on his face.

  “I need you to do me a solid. Can you do that for me?”

  The boy nodded his head vigorously, and I was almost afraid his glasses would fall off the tip of his nose. This was a benefit of being a Powell—of being Christian’s brother. I may have been a grade younger than him and Eric, but I was still worshiped just the same. “I need you to deliver this note to Mrs. Sampson’s class. Just hand it to her. That’s all.”

  His hand shook as he reached out to grab it. Jesus. Why is he so scared?

  “You good?” I asked, genuinely concerned.

  He looked surprised at first but slowly nodded, eyeing me suspiciously. “Who do I say it’s from? Who is it for?”

  “It’s all in the note, but if she asks, say it’s from Headmaster Walton.”

  His thick brows furrowed, but he nodded like a soldier receiving an urgent message from their general. I almost saluted him before he walked away.

  A lighter breath left my chest as I stood up and began walking past the several rows of book-lined shelves.

  Once I got to the back row of history books, the ones in the XYZ shelving, I turned around and leaned against their spines. I began rolling my sleeves up to my forearms, my heart pounding.

  God. I didn’t like this. I truly felt out of control, a little lost, and I was suddenly regretting keeping everything to myself—the plan for tomorrow, my family shit. My world felt a little tilted…until I saw her.

  I saw the shine from her hair as she walked through the arched doors of the library. Her flawless heart-shaped face was stricken with confusion as she searched for Headmaster Walton, per what was written in the note.

  Four-Eyes Freshman tried to breeze past her in a scurry, but when her hand landed on his arm, he jolted back, almost falling over his own two feet.

  She said something to him, and when he answered, her eyes squinted for a moment before she dropped her hand and hurriedly searched around the library.

  When her eyes landed on me, I shot her my best grin, beckoning her to come over. The freshman was long gone, probably worshiping the arm that Piper had touched moments ago.

  Once she was in front of me, I felt the wrath of her anger. “Oliver Powell!” Her hands flew to her hips, resting along her plaid skirt. She glanced behind her as she lowered her voice. “What are you doing sending me a note in the middle of class, posing as Headmaster Walton? Mrs. Sampson was so confused!”

  My hands found my pockets. I shrugged. “I needed to see you.”

  Her anger slowly resolved. The lines on her face grew soft. “Why? Is everything okay?” She took a step toward me and whispered. “What’s wrong?”

  Every bone in my body broke with the need to tell her everything. To spill everything I had locked away. I wanted to be vulnerable with her, tell her how afraid I was that this shit with my father was going to mess up what little family I had left. How I was afraid he’d taint the memory of my mother even more. How sick I felt that, after tomorrow, she might hate me for taking her brother down, too.

  But instead, I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in close. A gasp left her pink lips as I moved us further into
the last aisle of the library.

  The corner of the library was dark, the hanging light with intricate designs above it was turned off. We were tucked away where no one could see us—not unless someone was looking for a particular book, at least.

  “Ollie.” There were worry lines along her forehead, and my hand reached out to smooth them. “Is it Tank? Are you afraid tomorrow isn’t going to go how you want? We have the rest of the money from the party, right?”

  “Shh,” I whispered, placing my finger on her mouth. “Everything is fine. I just wanted to see you.”

  I could barely see the gold flecks in her green eyes, but I knew they were filled with worry.

  “I can tell when you’re lying, you know.” Her voice was soft as it floated around me. She inched closer to me, and her chest pressed along mine. “But I’m here for you like you are for me, okay? What do you need?”

  God damn. I think I might love her.

  “You’re all I need,” I said before dipping my head down to hers. Our lips hovered for a moment before she erased the space between us. Her tongue darted in, and my hands tightened around her waist.

  As she sucked on my bottom lip, I grew hungry. Maybe it was that intense need to distract myself from tomorrow, or maybe it was just her. Either way, I was lost until her lips were on mine.

  My fingers pulled her blouse out of her skirt, and the heat from her skin all but burned my hands. The strands of my hair were tugged as her fingers tore through, and I wished I could say I forgot we were in the library, tucked back behind rows of books, but I knew very well where we were. I just didn’t care.

  One of my hands left her as she grabbed onto my bicep and gave it a squeeze. I held back a raspy growl and parted her legs with my knee. My fingers itched to find her warmth. My blood was screaming inside my veins with anticipation.

  Piper. Yes. Fuck yes.

  Her skin was smooth as I trailed my finger up her inner thigh. Both of our heavy breathing filled the abandoned corner, and when I found her wet panties, I pulled away from her mouth and shut my eyes.

  A hot swallow went down my throat as I inched her panties away from her swollen clit. One finger dipped in, and she threw her head back and let out a soft gasp. Her pussy tightened around my finger, and I was three seconds from pulling out and putting my dick inside her.

  But soon, I lost all control of my inhibitions as Piper started moving her hips over my hand, riding it like it was what she was born to do.

  My finger moved in and out as she curled her hips. Her hair was falling down her back as her head was thrown back. It was the hottest thing I’d ever seen—Piper letting go, standing there in her hot, school-girl uniform, knee-high tights, riding my hand until a moan left her mouth. I hurriedly flipped us around and pressed her against the bookshelf, giving her back something to rest along as my other hand left her waist and cupped her chin.

  My lips were a breath away from her ear. “Shh. Bite my hand if you have to, but stay quiet.”

  Her eyes flared open, and something about me whispering in her ear set her off, because soon, her teeth were sinking into my hand, and her pussy walls were clenched onto my finger.

  My stomach dropped out from below as I watched her take in the ecstasy like a champ, keeping her moans quiet.

  I was so proud that she’d just let go like that in the library, and I was seconds from telling her so, but she disappeared from my sight and landed on her knees.

  “What are you doing?” I hissed as her deft fingers found my belt.

  She put her finger up to her lips and gave me a coy smile. I almost choked when her lips wrapped around my dick.

  Her warm mouth coated me as she moved up and down. My eyes shut as I grabbed onto the ledge of the bookshelf. My hands might as well have broken the damn thing with the force I put behind my grip. I tried to keep myself in line so I didn’t smother her with thrusting my hips, but it felt so good that I had a hard time keeping control.

  When I glanced down and saw Piper peeking up at me, all sexy yet innocent, I felt the tug deep within my core. Holy fuck. A hot trickle of sweat fell down my chest as she sucked harder, and suddenly, I was biting my lip to keep quiet as she milked me dry.

  Her lips stayed wrapped around me until the very last drop, and my mouth fell open from pure bliss when she popped up and wiped her swollen lips with the back of her hand.

  “Jesus Christ,” I breathed out, gripping her body and pulling her in close.

  Her flushed cheeks rose as she opened her lips to say something, but the bell sounded above our head. A rushed breath left her. “Oh my God, Ollie. We’re in school!”

  My head tilted, dumbfounded. “I know.”

  “I just gave my first blow job in the library! What has gotten into me?”

  Her first blow job? Holy shit.

  My lips twitched as I brushed by the thought. “Well…me. I’m what’s gotten into you…literally.”

  She playfully smacked my chest before she began tucking her blouse back into her skirt. “It scares me how wrapped up I get in you. I forget my name, and apparently, I forget where I am.” She glanced around the library and shook her head. “You’re the only thing I see when I’m with you.”

  Piper was still trying to put herself together as I stood back with my pants already buttoned. I quickly reached out and ran my hands through her hair, taming the wild mess. “It’s like that for me, too.”

  “It is?”

  Precisely why I needed to see you. I nodded. “It’s always been that way, Piper. It’s you I see. And nothing else.” She flashed me a soft smile, and I felt my chest split open.

  “Come on,” she said as she tugged on my hand. “We’ll be late for our next class.”

  I followed after her, letting her lead me through the book-lined shelves. I couldn’t help but feel the anxiety slipping in again as I thought about tomorrow.

  It would be here soon, and there was nothing I could do to change it.

  Chapter Forty-Three


  I stood back beside Hayley and Christian as the crowd grew crazier. The moon was creeping up past the lined trees with the sun soon setting behind us.

  Nerves piled up inside my belly. I picked at the strands of ripped denim on my jeans as I watched Tank throw his head back and laugh. Sky was standing off to the side, looking bored, with her arms hanging down by her sides. My gaze shifted to my brother right beside her. He looked okay. Skinny, as usual, but he didn’t have any noticeable marks on him. I did note that he appeared nervous, maybe because he knew tonight was the last race. Maybe he was anxious to see how this would all play out.

  He wasn’t the only one.

  I knew there were a lot of missing pieces when it came to my brother and Tank. I didn’t know the whole story between them, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to know after tonight. I just wanted this to be over with.

  Hayley nudged me. “There’s Ollie.”

  Ollie casually climbed out of his Charger, sporting his nice jeans and gray t-shirt. His golden strands stood out underneath the setting sun and all but gleamed their shine in my direction. He pulled his hat on backwards, and my heart jumped. I liked the preppy, school-boy look he sported at school, especially when he took off his school jacket and rolled up his sleeves, but this look was even better. He went from sophisticated prep student with a dazzling smile to a bad boy in three seconds flat.

  “Is he going to tell Tank he has the rest of the money? And that tonight will be the last race?”

  Christian turned and glanced at Hayley, shrugging. “I’m not sure. He has been pretty secretive lately.” Christian angled his sharp jaw in my direction. “Do you know what’s going on with him?”

  The nerves were back. My stomach was queasy. “No. He just kept telling me that everything was handled.”

  Christian’s eyes grew darker. Something was up. I could feel it in the air. It was tight and full of unanswered questions.

  I bounced my attention between Ollie, Tank, and my brothe
r. Tank seemed completely unbothered by whatever Ollie was saying, even patting him on the back with a slimy smile. Weird. My brother stood back, observing the two, but when I saw him catch Ollie’s eye, he nodded—just barely, but I noticed it.

  “Something isn’t right,” I mumbled under my breath.

  Hayley’s voice was low. “I know. I can feel it, too. I’ve got a knack for these things.”

  My thoughts were all over the place. I trusted Ollie. I did. I thought I always had, but he was off. I knew it. Yesterday, in the library, I sensed something wasn’t right with him, but instead of pushing it, I let it go.

  And if I knew anything about Ollie, it was that he was awfully good at looking okay on the outside when he wasn’t on the inside.

  As soon as he was finished talking to Tank, he made his way over to us. A few people close by were watching us, probably because we all stood out, being from English Prep, but I ignored them when Ollie appeared.

  “Everything good?” Christian pulled Hayley in close, draping his arms around the front of her body.

  Ollie didn’t say anything. Instead, he stood in front of me and stared with a tight jaw.

  “Ollie? What did Tank say? Did you tell him this was the last race? Did you give him the money we got from the party? Is Jason good to go?” I was rambling. Something felt wrong. I looked past Ollie’s shoulder, seeing Jason still standing beside Tank, looking even more nervous. His thumb was pulled into his mouth as he gnawed on his nail.

  “No. I haven’t told him anything yet.” Ollie's voice was curt, unlike him.

  I took a step closer, canceling out the chaos around us. “What’s going on?” My legs were wobbling, the ground suddenly unsteady underneath me.

  His Adam’s apple bobbed before he forced the words out. “I’m sorry.”

  I felt stripped. “Ollie.”

  His eyes were like glass as he looked away. “You know I care about you, right?”

  My hand wrapped around his sturdy chin, and I forced him to look at me. My breath was stolen from my chest when we locked eyes. Ollie was upset. Sad. Broken. Worried. It was like I was looking into a mirror.


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