Rodeo Summer: A Camden Ranch Novel

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Rodeo Summer: A Camden Ranch Novel Page 15

by Jillian Neal

  “What are we cooking, Miss Sanchez?”

  “I’m making you my Frito pie. It’s a New Mexico specialty, nice and hot. Have you ever had it before?”

  “Nope, but I like Fritos, and I like pie, and I already told you I like your spiciness, so I only see this going good places.”

  “It’s almost done. Did you get registered?”

  “Yup, everything’s set. Hey, you know Miranda’s gonna be here doing a concert Friday night.” He gestured to the radio.

  “Are you serious? I love her.”

  “I was aware, and I happen to have an all-access pass to the concerts, sweet thang, that is, if you’d like to go.”

  “I wish we could. I don’t have anyone to keep J.J.”

  Feeling like an idiot, Austin grimaced. “Should’a thought of that. Sorry.”

  “S’ok. It’s not like you’ve been around him all that much.”

  “No, it’s not okay. I don’t want you thinkin’ I don’t want him here with us, or that I’d forgotten about him. I just wasn’t thinking. I got excited when I saw Miranda’s name on the concert list ‘cause I knew you’d want to go. I didn’t think beyond that.”

  “Austin, it’s fine. That was really sweet of you. You can still go if you want.”

  “I don’t want to go anywhere without you, babe. What are you even saying that for?”

  “I just don’t want you to miss anything because of us.” She shrugged and began piling Fritos on paper plates.

  “Hey,” Austin cradled her back to his chest again as she worked. “I have everything I want in this room with me.” He carefully included J.J. “If you’re here, I’m pretty much in heaven. Sure as hell not missing anything. Besides, I can’t run my hands over all of my favorite things,” his hands made another path up to her breasts, to her neck, then back down over her crotch and ass, “at a concert.”

  Laughing, Summer wiggled away from him and continued fixing their plates. “You’d be surprised what I might let you get away with at a Miranda concert, cowboy.”

  A rumbled growl escaped Austin’s lungs. “I’m pretty sure she plays Lincoln on occasion. If not there, I’ll take you to Denver. Everybody plays Denver.”

  A few minutes later, Austin dug into the Frito pie and groaned. “Damn, that’s good.” He ate with more vigor. It was outstanding.

  “Told you it was good. It’s better with homegrown peppers. I used to help mama and Ms. McCallister can ‘em. I know how. Someday, I want a garden where I can grow my own.”

  “You think you could find somewhere to garden on a 120,000-acre ranch?”

  “Whoa! Are you serious? That’s huge.”

  “I gotta do it. That’s what she said.” He winked at her as she rolled her eyes.

  “I had no idea your family’s ranch was that big.”

  “I told you, we run a ton of cattle. I wasn’t exaggerating, honey.”

  “I know. I just wasn’t expecting that.”

  “How ‘bout it? Think I can till you up a garden somewhere there?”

  “3 days.”

  “What’s that mean?” He didn’t have to ask, but felt like making her explain.

  “We’ve known each other 3 days. You said I had two weeks to decide, which still isn’t really enough time, so let’s not start garden planning just yet, cowboy.”

  “When you know, you know.”

  “You don’t know.”

  “I do know, and you like to argue.”

  “I talked to Ekta while you were gone.”

  “Nice subject change. Very smooth,” he huffed. Why couldn’t she just say she wanted to keep what they had right then? Why couldn’t she believe in him for a half-second? You said two weeks, stop being an ass or she’s not gonna give you two more days. Popping the tension out of his neck, he drew a deep breath. “What did Ekta say?”

  “She wants me to come over tomorrow afternoon for a little while, and she said to bring the hawk, which I think is you.”

  “I’m a predatory bird?”

  “Ekta said it, not me, and she’s always saying shit like that. She means it with love.”

  “Well, I have to drive cattle early tomorrow morning, and then I thought we’d take little man to the parade. My family should be here by lunchtime, but we don’t have to hang with them if you don’t want to. They didn’t give out any practice sessions before the first rounds, so we can go see Ekta whenever you want.”

  “Austin, we should hang out with your family. They’re coming all the way out here to see you. I’ll see if we can go to Ekta’s another day.”

  “Nah, it’s fine, sugar.” Austin made himself another plate of Fritos and meat. “Dad’ll want to spend hours in the old frontier town talking to the play-actors about life in the wild west then telling us how we’re all pussies now ‘cause we have indoor plumbing. Then he’ll tell us about how he had to walk to school through five feet of snow uphill both ways and got beat with a switch by the teachers just ‘cause it was good for him. We won’t be missing much. He tells the same damn stories ‘least a half dozen times a year. We can just catch ‘um next go round.”

  When she began giggling again, he instantly decided Summer’s laughter was about the sweetest sound in the entire world. “Your dad sounds like how real dads are supposed to sound.”

  “Yeah, he’s got the dad-thing down pat. Definite hero material by your qualifications.” Her grin seized the air in his lungs.

  “I can’t wait to meet him.”

  “I can’t wait for them to meet you. Luke texted me while I was out, said he and Holly are coming, too. Holl will probably stage some kind of suffragette reenactment in old frontier town. While dad’s chatting up the guy that plays Wyatt Earp about the shootout in Tombstone, Luke and I will have to sweet talk the woman playing Miss Kitty at the saloon into helping us break her out of frontier jail.”

  That did it; Summer doubled over laughing hysterically. “I think I’m gonna like Holly.”

  Austin rolled his eyes. “She’s a hot mess.”

  “Are you one of those overly-protective big brothers that threatens any guy that hits on her?”

  “I might’a done that a time or two, but only if I really don’t like the guy, or I think he’s being pushy. Plus, I don’t have to worry about her here. She’ll tell anyone who’ll listen that cowboys are dumber than stumps, and she don’t want anything to do with any of us.”

  “Your sister grew up on a ranch and hates cowboys?” Her brow furrowed.

  “Told you she was a mess.”

  Summer stood and walked around the small kitchen table. Austin slid his chair back, and she seated herself in his lap, making his entire day. “Your sister doesn’t know what she’s missing out on, and you don’t have to sweet talk Miss Kitty. I’ll help you break her out of jail.” She nestled her head in the crook of his neck and drew her legs up until she was curled up against him. Austin reveled in the contentment of having her safe in his arms. “I know you think you’re certain about us, Austin. I didn’t mean to change the subject like that. I’m just scared, and I’m not certain about any of this, okay?”

  “Yeah, it’s okay.” He swallowed down hearty portions of need and nerves. “How about if I’m certain for both of us ‘til you feel like you can be certain with me? That work?”

  “Yeah, I like that plan. I’ll try to be sure soon. I’m just not so good at the trust thing, and it’s not just me I have to worry about anymore.” She glanced over at J.J., who was banging his fists on his highchair tray, smashing his food with a great deal of vigor. “You scare me. I think you’re too good to be true.”

  “I’ll prove myself to you one way or another, Summer.”

  “Yeah, I’m starting to think you just might.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Austin cleaned up the pots and pans she’d used to cook with, cleared the table, and hand washed the dishes while Summer got J.J. ready for his bath. So this is how it’s supposed to be. Summer told herself not to get used to this, but it just felt s
o good. Being taken care of was addictive. She was running water in the bathtub when Austin appeared again.

  “Can I help?”

  “Sure. Thanks. Can you take his clothes off while I get the baby soap and stuff from his bag?”

  “Oh, that reminds me.” He disappeared for a moment and then reappeared, carrying J.J. in from the portable crib that was doubling nicely as a playpen, along with a pile of baby clothes. “Scott and Clif gave me these while I was registering. Pretty sure they’re peace-offerings.” He set J.J. on the bathroom counter and blocked him from crawling off with his body as he held up a Camden hat and outfit for J.J.

  “I shouldn’t let this work because Scott acted like a complete prick last night, but they’re really cute,” Summer admitted as she held up the baby Wranglers.

  Austin chuckled and went about removing the current t-shirt and Walmart-brand baby jeans J.J. was wearing. They needed a good washing after playing on the playground in Thermopolis. She’d have to remember to pick up some detergent next time she was out. Austin joined her on her knees beside the tub when she sat J.J. in the water. He loved to take baths and immediately splashed out his glee. Water covered Summer’s t-shirt, and Austin laughed.

  “Oh, I like bath time.”

  “Well, you did make a deal with him. Maybe he’s helping you out, cowboy.”

  “Good work, little man.” Austin winked at him.

  Summer made quick work of washing J.J.’s adorable little fat rolls. “Hey, would you mind grabbing me a cup from the kitchen so I can do his hair? I forgot it.”

  “Sure, be right back.”

  When Austin returned with a large plastic Cheyenne Frontier Day cup circa 1997, J.J. had located his penis and was pulling on it, much to Summer’s chagrin.

  “That’s normal, right?” She had to ask someone that owned one. He kept doing it, and it worried her.

  Laughing, Austin nodded. “Don’t have a lot of experience with little ones, but I’m gonna go with totally normal, nothing to worry about. It’s fun to pull on. He doesn’t know not to do it in front of people yet. Holly can probably tell you all of the psycho-babble that you’re wanting to hear about how it’s a healthy developmental stage or something. Ask her tomorrow, but there’s nothing wrong with him.”

  “I kept telling myself that, but it’s just nice to hear a normal guy say it. Should I tell him to stop?”

  “You’re not gonna stop him, honey. Not now and not in a few years. Why make it a big deal? It’s part of life. Leave him be.”

  Summer washed J.J.’s hair. He shivered and gasped when she carefully poured a cup full of water back over his hair to wash the dust and dirt out. She let the water out of the tub, which she hated to do because it always made him cry.

  Austin took over. “Okay, little man, I know the bath water is fun, but you’re gonna freeze in there eventually.” He lifted J.J. from the tub and wrapped him up in a towel while Summer retrieved his pajamas. She returned quickly and handed Austin a diaper.

  “Tell me what to do.” He looked like he was preparing for battle.

  She giggled and gave him quick instructions. J.J. relocated his earlier play thing. Shaking his head, Austin fixed the diaper around him, effectively ending playtime. “I get it, man, I really do, but maybe try not to do it in from of mama so much. Kinda wigs girls out until … well never mind. We’ll go over all of that later. Way, way later. For now, let’s do this pajama thing. Make me look good, now. Mama’s watching. I need to impress her.”

  Summer laughed. Momentary joy and all-consuming hopefulness pervaded her soul. It felt so good to hope. Austin seemed certain he wanted both of them forever. Did he really want to be a stepfather for J.J.? It seemed like he really did want to take both of them on. Someone that would be there for him for all of the insanity that came with growing up.

  Shocking her yet again, Austin plucked the bottle of milk Summer had prepared from her hands, carried J.J. into the sitting room, fed him the bottle, and read him a story out of an old copy of American Cowboy he found on the table beside him. It was an article on PRCA changes in rodeo rules from 2009. Austin would stop occasionally and explain his opinion on the ruling to the baby, until J.J. willingly let the soothing thrum of Austin’s voice carry him off to sleep.

  Summer followed them as Austin gently laid J.J. in the crib and stepped away to admire his work. “You’re amazing,” she whispered as she threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly.

  “Maybe I’m getting this hero thing down all right. Still have a lot to learn, but there’s lots of days left for learnin’. What shall we do now, Ms. Sanchez? I’m pretty good at getting you to bed, too.” He ticked that left eyebrow upwards and gave her his sexy smirk that she swore all but melted her panties every single time.

  “Don’t you have to be up before sunrise to drive cattle, cowboy?” God, she loved flirting with him, loved that determined look he got in his eyes when she played hard to get, loved that he made no qualms about taking her when he wanted her.

  “Getting up before sunrise to drive cattle ain’t nothing new, darlin’. That’s my life when I’m not playing rodeo hero. If you think having to be up early is gonna keep me from bedding you every single night until I’m spent and you’re so weak all you can do is sleep in my arms, you got several other thinks coming.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah, how ‘bout I show you?”

  Summer shimmied out of her tank-top and tossed it in his face as she headed towards the bedroom. His echoed groan sounded off the paneled walls, reaching her before he did. He stopped at the door, leaned against the jam, and crossed his arms. “Now take them shorts off for me, nice and slow.”

  She spun back to face him, but he shook his head and made a circle motion with his index finger. The hot, leaded intention in his gaze burned away any insecurities she’d ever had about her body. Every demand made her feel beautiful. Turning back, she slowly slid the shorts over the expanse of her ass, but kept her panties in place. She shook her hips back and forth as she worked, loving the fire she could feel from his gaze and the way his audible breaths quickened with every inch she revealed.

  When she stepped out of the shorts, she turned back again to note the way his entire body was tense and trained in on her with scope-honed attention. “Take your bra off for me, sweetness.” She performed that task quickly, desperate to get this party started. “Drop it and grab those titties. Let me see you play with ‘em for me.” She scooped the heft of her breasts and let them spill through her own fingers. His guttural groan pulsed through her veins and tightened in her pussy. After a few passes, she moaned more from his actions than her own. In a few quick motions, he shed his t-shirt, jeans, boots, and boxers. His massive cock sprang free. He gripped it firmly, stroking up and down as she groped her own breasts. “Now those sweet little satin panties. They still have your cum on ‘em from earlier, or did you change?”

  “I didn’t change.” Her voice was a breathless whisper. His onyx eyes gleamed in the glow of the moonlight slicing through the trees. The low flame in them emboldened to a roaring blaze. “Good. Nice and slow, then throw those in my face.” She complied. He caught the panties, brought them to his face, and inhaled deeply. “So fucking sweet.”

  A whimpered moan escaped her. She licked her lips. She still hadn’t gotten a chance to taste him, and the desire to know his flavor flooded her mouth.

  “Oh, you like that, do ya, doll baby?” Keeping the panties in his right hand, he stepped fully into the room and kicked the door shut. She watched him wrap her underwear around his cock and tug. He shuddered from the sensation, and it was all she could do not to beg him to give her a taste when he brought himself.

  “Oh my God, yes.”

  “You want me to keep going? Want me to cum all over your pretty panties, baby? ‘Cause if that’s what you want, lay down on that bed for me. When I blow, I’m unloading all over you. I’ll mark what’s mine, and every square inch of your beautiful body belongs to me.”
r />   “That’s not what I want … right now anyway.” She had no issue with his marking her. In fact, the idea of it made her body long to wear his cum, but right now, she had other plans. She didn’t mind being owned by Austin, but that road went both ways.

  Stepping up to him, she ran her hands from the tensed muscles in his neck, over his Adam’s apple, feeling him swallow down his own need as he jerked off with more vigor. She splayed her hands over his pecs, loving the expanse of chest hair she encountered. God, he was all male perfection, a cowboy with greed chiseled in every plane of his hardened body. She traced the disks of nipples with her thumbs, reveling in his rumbled groan. Leaning in, she kissed from his collarbone southward, using her tongue and then her teeth until he was so close, she gripped his hand and tossed the panties, now covered in his pre-cum, aside.

  “Save it for me. I want to drink you. I want to hear you roar my name when I slide you down my throat and swallow it all.”

  “Then you better fucking get on those knees, honey, ‘cause I’m out of patience.”

  Moaning over his demands, she sank her teeth into a hollowed plane below his collarbone and sucked, marking him for herself as well. She left more over his right breastplate, down his abs, following the hairlines, and left a final mark at his hipbone, then she fell to her knees, listening to his rasping growls as she drew his cock into her mouth.

  “More,” he pressed in slowly, shuddering as he moved. His right hand braided in her hair, drawing her in again, then back out, he guided her as she cupped his sac gently. “Suck hard, baby. I’m right there,” he begged as she drew him in tightly, hollowed her cheeks, and tasted the sexy, salty tang of him. She spun her tongue around his head, cleaning him of his essence before she buried him in again, so hungry for him to fill her mouth with everything he was.

  His flavors saturated her senses; to her shock she’d never been more turned on. She took him to his root, swallowed with him at her throat, and he came with a thundering cry of her name she was worried would not only wake J.J. but the entire damn camp grounds. Hot cum shot in hard spurts down her throat as she continued to swallow. Low, guttural groans hummed from him as he shuddered and jerked.


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