Rodeo Summer: A Camden Ranch Novel

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Rodeo Summer: A Camden Ranch Novel Page 22

by Jillian Neal


  “Yes,” she nodded frantically.

  “Good. Lay down on the bed, honey. Don’t make me tell you twice.”

  Trying to still the slight shiver of her body, she glanced down at her chest to make certain the frenzied race of her heart wasn’t actually evident to his eyes. Reclining on the bed, she watched him work. His fingertips slid from her right elbow out to her wrist. He brushed a tender kiss there in the hollow against her racing pulse, inhaling deeply of the cheap drugstore perfume she’d sprayed on before they’d left for the rodeo. She’d been wearing it for years. It had become a part of her natural scent.

  Another kiss, a gentle spin of his tongue made her squirm before he gently wrapped her wrist in the towel and secured it to the headboard. Any cowboy worth his salt could work a lariat with ease. His skill with a shredded towel was rather impressive; not that she was surprised.

  “That feel okay? Not too tight?”

  “It’s fine,” she managed in a breathless pant. If she’d needed to, she could’ve pulled her own wrist free. He’d left plenty of slack. Her beast had the biggest heart this side of the Mississippi. Her body rolled impatiently as he secured her left arm.

  “I need to do your legs, too, darlin’, or can you be still for me?” His smirk spoke volumes directly to her overly-heated core, desperate for relief. She ordered herself to still and to enjoy the way he stared at her like she was some kind of delectable buffet prepared all for him. “So fucking gorgeous, all spread out there for me. My God, you are perfection. Relax for me, baby. Let it feel good for me, because I’m about to thoroughly enjoy you.”

  “Yes! Now, Austin, please.” She fought not to squirm, but she was beginning to wonder if the man was a sadist.

  The mattress lowered under his weight, only making her more anxious. “Damn, I like you greedy for me. Beggin’ and achin’ all for me. Hurts doesn’t it? You need it so bad it hurts.” With the callused tip of his index finger he traced a looped path over the swollen rise of her mound. The ragged nerve-endings there quivered under his touch. Heated drips of her need worked their way between her thighs. A thundered groan sounded in her ear. “I barely have to touch you to make you drip for me, sugar. You’re so hungry for me, so damn perfect.”

  Her chest rose and fell in quick pants. Heat scorched through her veins. “More, please.”

  “Oh, I’m gonna give you more. Don’t you worry. I have so many plans for you tonight.”

  “Well, get on with them, cowboy. I’m about to lose my mind.”

  A sinful chuckle was his only audible response.

  She thought she was about to lose her mind? She had no idea the kind of torture he was enduring, looking at her laid out, tied to his bed, dripping wet, her body a landscape of feminine perfection all for him, and making himself draw this out. Austin’s mind scrambled with the onslaught of things he longed to do to her, what he wanted to make her feel, how perfect they were together, and how much he loved her.

  The temptation to keep her tied there until she flat out agreed to move back to Pleasant Glen with him crossed his mind, but trying to keep Summer Sanchez tied down any longer than she wanted to lay there would work about as well as trying to baptize a cat. Plus, she’d be twice as hissy and scratchy, and damn if that didn’t make him even more horny.

  He began his feast with her kiss-swollen lips, flushed ripe and raw. He leveled her body with his own, letting his cock tempt her pussy as he sucked her tongue into his mouth and nipped her bottom lip when she pulled it away, gasping for breath. He continued his drugging kisses, ravaging her mouth, weakening her resolve.

  “All mine, honey, and I’m about to take everything I want.”

  “Yes.” Another decadent roll of her body against his made him groan. He nuzzled his face between her breasts, so plump and full he left whisker burns between them in his thorough care. She damn sure would feel something in the morning. He’d make certain her entire body was aware that she’d been owned in entirety. She’d feel his presence, his possession, his greed with every step she took, every time those cute little panties she wore rubbed in just the right places, and every time her diamond-hard nipples throbbed out their remembrance of his pleasure.

  He drew her right nipple into the heated hunger of his mouth, sucking and licking, tonguing the stiff peaks until they were raw and she was begging him in broken syllables of pleasure. He nipped her captive nipple before sucking away the pain. Chill bumps skittered across her chest following the fiery trails his lips blazed from one nipple to the other. Moving down her body, leaving bites and nips along her abdomen, he settled between her legs and looped them over his shoulders.

  “Keep ‘um spread nice and wide for me, honey, I’m gonna be here a good long while.” He trailed his tongue up the right lip of her pussy and down the left, making her vibrate in anticipation. Opening his mouth over her, he let her feel his teeth against the slick, wet silk coating her. A desperate cry spilled from her lungs and she thrust upwards in his face, urging him onward. His lifted his head, staring her down. “Be still, Summer.”

  A whimpered groan shook through her body, but she complied. He buried his face between her lips, pressing his tongue in her opening and bathing her until he was thoroughly marked with the heated scent of her sex, ripe and potent. Lifting her hips with his hands, he dropped lower than she’d expected. Her shocked gasp elicited a chuckle from him, but he continued.

  “Oh my God. That feels so good,” she panted.

  “I know it does, honey. It’s all mine. I’m gonna make everything feel good.” He circled her puckered opening with his tongue, and her entire body tensed. A muted scream from her open mouth came out as a breathy mewl of longing. The bed shook with the primal urgency of her pulling at the restraints. Unable to draw it out any longer, he worked his way back up to her clit and wrapped his mouth over her throbbing pearl, fully distended, so needy for him. He lapped up the juices pouring from her, tenderly dragging his teeth against her drenched tissues, and then began to suck that perfect little bud, blooming in his mouth with frantic pulses against his tongue.

  “Come in my mouth, sweetheart. I want to drink you.” He suctioned his mouth to her clit, keeping the pressure ever-building. She spiraled over with a harsh cry of his name. Her body bowed taut before the aftershocks dissolved her into a quivering mass of beautiful curves and perfection. Complete and utter perfection.

  He lifted his head, making certain she watched his every move as he licked her honey from his lips. She shook with another wave of carnal desire. “So damn good. Sweet and spicy, just like my girl.” Giving her hips and legs a break, he settled them back on the mattress, moved to her side, and forged his way up her body with his hands and his lips. Up on his knees, he straddled himself just below her tits. Her eyes goggled, that fire he loved still a roaring blaze in their whiskey depths. Pressing his hips forward he brought his throbbing cock to her mouth. “Get it nice and wet for me, darlin’.” Since she had no access to her hands, he grasped himself and dipped the head of his cock between her welcoming lips carefully. “That’s it. Can you take a little more?”

  “God, yes.”

  His low, guttural moan echoed around them as she turned her head to the side and traced up the throbbing veins of his cock with her tongue. “Suck me,” he commanded, dipping himself in her mouth again, following the rhythm she set.

  Grabbing the bottle of lube he’d left on the TV tray serving as a bedside table, he drew his cock out of her mouth and covered her tits with the lube.

  “I’ve never done this before,” she confessed.

  “Oh yeah? Watch my cock slip and slide between your gorgeous tits, honey.”

  Summer doubted this would really do much for her, but once again she was shocked. She loved that she could give him this. He ran his hands over her lubed breasts, cupping and pulling, massaging and readying her more. It felt incredible. Yet another hungry moan poured from her lungs when he pinched her nipples with a great deal of re
straint, given the strength of those hands. As she arched her back in invitation, he rubbed his palms over her nipples, making them throb. He massaged with more vigor.

  Finally, he drew her breasts together, and she watched his cock glide between them. His head fell back as he picked up pace, moaning in reverence.

  “My God, so fucking good,” he grunted. His eyes glazed with lust. His muscles tensed and flexed, and his groans filled the air. Rivulets of sweat formed on his neck. She wished she could lick them away, taste his salt and his musk. His gorgeous body moved back and forth over her. She longed to run her hands over his chiseled abs, straining and pulling as he simultaneously felt her up and fucked her tits. He held them tightly together as he worked.

  Leaning her head down, she brandished the head of his massive cock with a drowning kiss when he neared her mouth. His growl reverberated through her veins. “Damn, baby, that feels so good.”

  Giving this to him, letting him take what he wanted, was the most fulfilling and erotic thing she’d ever done. Love and lust fought for dominance in her brain. She had no idea how he made this feel so good, but he did.

  She’d driven her own life right into hell. Letting him drive for a while was freeing, not restraining. Why was she being so stubborn with him anyway? This man knew things about her she’d never known. Why couldn’t she just go with it?

  “Austin this is … so … amazing,” came out in panted breaths. “Thank you.” Her thankfulness seemed rather stupid since his cock was currently still sluicing between her breasts. Just shut up and enjoy this Summer. You can tell him you loved it and him later.

  He smirked and released her breasts. In one split second, he had a condom on, bracketed himself between her hips, and thrust hard, parting her in one quick move that made her weak. “Believe me, sweetness, the pleasure was all mine. Now, just lay there and take it for me. My God, you feel so damn good.” He grunted as he pulled away and pistoned back, faster and faster with each pass. Her body shook. His heated musk marked her skin and filled her lungs. His body formed a protective sanctuary over hers. She succumbed to him completely.

  “Look at me, baby,” his voice strained out the demand. Letting her eyes flutter open, she stared into the onyx depths of his. Love. It was right there, glowing in the ignited fire. Verbalizing the very look in his eyes, he thrust again. “I love you, Summer,” he grunted. “So damn much.” Lowering his head, he kissed her, letting his tongue take on the rhythm he’d set with his thrusts.

  A moment later he sat back and lifted her hips, holding her legs up in a V. She shook as his lube-covered hand slipped up her overly-sensitized inner thigh and rubbed over her clit as he took her with more force.

  “God, I love to watch my cock pound into you, honey. Love to watch your cream cover me and your face when I take you like this.”

  The gruff strain of his vow sliced her resolve into ribbons, freeing her. The orgasm bolted out of her core in a mass of heat that pulsed through her veins. The binds at her hands somehow loosed the ones restraining her soul. She was his. The beast inside of him gave a thundered, guttural growl when her pussy milked him in quickening pulses that drained him completely. He collapsed against her. “I love you. Please say it back for me, honey. That was incredible.” And the beast returned willingly to its leash, because she held the restraint. She owned the beast. The heady power of love quaked within her as the orgasm finally freed her of its staggering waves.

  “I love you, too.”

  He buried his fact in her neck, nuzzling her gently as he used his hands to release the towel-restraints. Tossing them away, he drew her up on his chest as they both chased their breath.

  “That was incredible, Austin. I’ve just … never been in love before. This still scares me.”

  “I know. I’ve never been in love before either, honey. But I told you, scared doesn’t work for me. So, it’s been fast. Who gives a shit as long as it’s right?”

  “Yeah, you’re right, I guess.”

  “I may need you to write that down for me so I have proof you told me I was right about something.” He kissed away a hint of glistening sweat dewed at her hairline.

  “Shut up, cowboy. I just told you I love you. Now, let me go check on my son, since the beast gets mighty loud when he shoots off.”

  “I’ll check on him. You lay there and look thoroughly fucked. Damn prettiest thing I’ve ever seen when I get you hot and sweaty for me.”

  When he returned, they decided another shower was in order since she was covered in sweat, lube, and his cum. Summer was exhausted by the time they returned to the bed. Her legs were barely able to hold her up, something Austin seemed highly pleased with.

  He settled her on his chest once again. “I have a request.”

  “Beyond me letting you tie me up, fuck my tits, and basically having your way with me?”

  “Yes,” he laughed.

  “What else does the beast want?”

  “Beast is sated and sleeping, doll baby. Damn near whipped after all that. It was incredible.”

  “And when does the beast make his return?” A sleepy giggle slipped from her lips. She could barely hold her eyes open.

  “As soon as I wake up with you in my arms, generally. Can I make my request now?”

  “Do it quick. I’m about to fall asleep.”

  “Go out with me tomorrow night.”

  “Um, I’m pretty sure we’ve moved beyond the dating stage of this lightning round of our relationship.”

  His chuckle said he loved that idea. “Yeah, I know, but let my folks keep J.J. tomorrow night and let me really take you out on a date. I may not be any good at it. Haven’t done it since I was a teenager, but you keep saying Cheyenne makes you feel young again. Figure I ought to indulge myself in all of that.”

  “That sounds so fun, but are you sure your parents won’t mind keeping him?”

  “Already cleared it with them. They’re all thrilled. Brock, Luke, Hope, everyone volunteered to help out. He’ll be the best watched toddler on the planet. We’ll spend all day playing with him tomorrow and then head out around sundown, that sound good?”

  “I don’t want him to spend the night with them, though. Is it okay if we pick him up when our date’s over?”

  Disappointment clouded the exhaustion in his eyes. “Yeah, it’s fine,” he lied.

  She started to change her mind. J.J. would be perfectly safe and happy with the Camdens. He seemed to adore them. Picking J.J. up after their date clearly hadn’t been Austin’s plan, but she couldn’t bear to spend one more night away from her son than she was forced to by that stupid custody agreement.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Summer laughed as she watched J.J. use Austin as his own personal playground. Austin was extended flat on the floor of the sitting room. For the last hour, J.J. had been crawling over him and slobbering kisses all over his face then seating himself on his chest to applaud his own actions. Austin seemed to be having almost as much fun as her little boy.

  Austin was so excited about the date he’d planned for that night, Summer decided to explain why she couldn’t move with him to the ranch after Cheyenne the next day. It felt cruel letting him go on for the next week thinking she was going to go home with him when she couldn’t, but she didn’t want to ruin their night. The words she would have to say tumbled around in her head constantly. She would promise to move to Pleasant Glen, Nebraska as soon as the custody hearing was over. There was no other way. She’d have to return to Dallas at the end of Cheyenne, as sick as that thought made her. She had no choice. Secretly, she prayed that Austin would volunteer to move with her temporarily, but the selfishness of that idea overwhelmed her with guilt. That would mean his family would have to continue running his portion of the ranch when they’d been counting on his help after Cheyenne.

  They could do the long distance thing for a while, she told herself. He’d made a ton of money lately, and she knew he’d fly out there often for her … for them. Maybe she could fly up to
Nebraska when it was her turn with J.J. occasionally.

  It was only until September. The incoming loss was already taking vicious blows at her psyche. Watching Austin with J.J. made her deliriously happy and profoundly sad at the same time. She didn’t want J.J. to have to do without him, either.

  J.J. crawled up over Austin’s face and Austin lifted his t-shirt to blow raspberries on his round belly, making him laugh hysterically. Summer squeezed her eyes shut, memorizing that sound and the image before her.

  Austin grabbed his cowboy hat and brushed a kiss across Summer’s cheek at the same moment. “Be back in a few.” He settled the hat on his head.

  “To pick me up for our date?” she laughed.

  “Yes, ma’am, so be ready. I’ve got to get a few things prepared.”

  “What are you up to, cowboy?” The mischievous suspicion in her eyes made every bit of this worth it.

  “Don’t you wish you knew, sunshine?”

  “Yes, so tell me.”

  “Not a chance in hell. Be good. I’ll be back.” Grinning over his plans, Austin slid into his truck and headed out onto the main drag through town. If they were going to pretend to be teenagers again, he had to do this right. Getting on 25, he made it to the liquor store in under ten minutes. Searching for what he needed, he tried to recall the last time he’d actually purchased any alcoholic beverage this cheap.

  Chuckling to himself, he hoisted two six-packs of Pabst Blue Ribbon and a bottle of Boone’s Farm strawberry wine onto the counter. Damn, it had been years since he’d had either. Probably tasted like shit, but he couldn’t recall the flavor of either. He recalled kissing Miranda Harper while they split a half bottle of Boone’s between them, sitting on the tailgate of Luke’s old F-150 parked out at the reservoir. Neither the girl nor the wine had made much of an impression. Even as a teenager, he knew he wanted someone full of heat and sass, someone exactly like Summer. Luke had been busy in the cab with Miranda’s older sister, Indie. She’d been Luke’s main mount all through high school. Everyone thought they’d end up together. Austin shook his head at the memories.


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