Rodeo Summer: A Camden Ranch Novel

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Rodeo Summer: A Camden Ranch Novel Page 33

by Jillian Neal

  With the sheen of her release on his lips, he mapped his way up her body, kissing and licking his way to her breasts. He settled his hand on her trembling belly, loving her. “So soft, sugar. My God, you are just so perfect.”

  He whispered soft sweet kisses on the upper swells of her breasts. She arched her back, desperate for his mouth on her nipples, but he only chuckled. Dragging his lips and his tongue along the sides and working his way under her right to kiss and taunt between them.

  “Austin, please,” she groaned.

  “You have the most beautiful tits, honey. Swollen so pretty for me. Let me enjoy them tonight.” He circled her aureoles, teasing each raised bump with his thumbs but avoiding where she most wanted his touch. He ignored her nipples adamant requests, spinning his tongue between her breasts again instead.

  Her body rolled against his. The soft cotton of his shirt, the thick metal of his belt buckle, and the rough denim of his jeans sent a frenzy of euphoria over her skin. Every nerve ending from the top of her head to the tips of her toes begged for more of him. She wanted him naked, wanted to melt into his heated flesh as he pierced through her, making her his own.

  She begged, knowing he wouldn’t give in until he was finished worshiping her breasts. Finally, he swept his tongue closer to her painfully turgid peaks, zeroing in on where she most wanted his mouth. Heated breath caressed her aureole. He cupped the weight of her right breast, bringing it to his mouth as he began to suckle. A reverent moan hummed against her flesh. Tending her left with his hand, his fingers taunted her nipple, rolling and squeezing, slowly adding to the pressure until she was certain she would lose her mind.

  Her head shook back and forth, she wrapped her legs around his denim covered thigh and gave herself over to the sensations. She was so close, on raw edge. She ground against him.

  His mouth suctioned harder to her left breast. His fingers continued their torture on her right nipple. A moment later he nipped the nipple he’d primed with his mouth and gently pinched the one in his hand. She came in a quickened gasp of breath. Her fevered body shivered when he stood, removing his heat from her skin. She lifted her head and watched him shed his shirt. A moan escaped her when his belt loosened from his jeans. A half second later, he’d sheathed his cock with a condom from the bedside table drawer and hovered over her again.

  “Please, I need you, Austin.”

  “I’ve got you, darlin’. Relax for me.” Austin gripped his cock and dragged it through the slick heat coating her pussy. Bracing himself on the mattress over her, he pressed himself inside slowly, allowing only a scant inch of his cock to succumb to the awe-inspiring feeling of her body absorbing his own. “Look at me.” He breathed his command over her lips.

  Her eyes fluttered open. “More, please.”

  Allowing himself to gain another inch, he groaned from the torture of holding himself back. “You’re all mine, forever, baby. Say it for me. Tell me who you belong to.”

  “Yours. Please, please, give me more.” She writhed. “I’m all yours.”

  “That’s right, honey. All mine.” He gained another inch. His body begged to be taken to his entirety, but he denied himself the rapture he so craved. “No more running from me. Never again. If we run, we run together.”

  “Yes,” she panted her vow. Her body writhed, drawing him further in. Giving in, unable to resist, he thrust his hips, burying himself past his hilt before he withdrew and pressed in again. Their bodies aligned, chest to chest and groin to groin.

  “I love you, Summer. I’ve imagined taking you like this since the first time we made love. Look at me.”

  “I love you, too,” she cried out for him, locking her eyes on his as he held her, quivering, her body frantic for release. So many questions held in those beautiful whiskey eyes. He’d answer every one of them. There was no room for doubt between them. Tending and reassuring her became his only goal.

  He pressed in and pulled away with constant steady pressure. The heat they created when they were one rose around them, bringing the perfume of her and of sex to his lungs. A fireworks display of lights popped across his line of vision. “Feel me. Feel me take all of you.” His cock throbbed fiercely. He wasn’t going to last much longer. “Feel how much I love you.”

  On his next greedy claim of her, she broke free, trembling around him. His name sang from her lips, shattering his resolve. “My God, you’re so beautiful when you come for me.” He lost it all on a breathless grunt. Cum shot in hot, heavy spurts, filling the condom, making him wish there was nothing between them. He longed to bathe her walls with everything he was. He gripped her body to his, refusing to let go until their climaxes freed them from the ecstasy of being together, a sensation he never wanted to end.

  When the heavenly draws of her pussy on his cock waned and she’d drained him of every ounce of tension and fear he’d carried for the last forty-eight hours, he withdrew and eased beside her on the mattress, keeping her skin in constant contact with his own.

  She turned and tunneled further into his protective embrace. “I love you,” she spoke into his chest. He reveled in the vow and the sensation.

  “I love you too, sugar. So much.”

  “That was incredible. I’ve never felt anything like that, but I swear I think that every single time you take me to bed.” It seemed he’d broken through some of her stubborn shielding. He’d take every confession she’d give up.

  “We’re incredible together, Summer. It wouldn’t be like this with anyone else.”

  “I know.” She nestled closer once again.

  “Then promise me that you meant what you said. No running without me. You got that.”

  “There’s my beast.” She eased back and gave him a heart-stopping grin.

  “I’m tired, woman. Worn out after all we’ve been through and what we just shared, but I could come up with enough energy to wear your bottom out. Now promise me, Summer. No more thinking about taking J.J. and bolting because you think I shouldn’t have to give up my life here.”

  She stared up at him. “Thank you for loving me enough to leave all of this. I have to believe that we won’t have to run away or I’m going to make myself insane, but I promise, Austin. I couldn’t make it without you anyway. I guess we really are meant to be together.”

  Allowing himself to draw a full breath, he finally relaxed. “Thank you, and just so you know, I do have a few places we can go if we need to buy Detective Miller more time. I will not let Brant find you or J.J.”

  “Thank you. I’ve been racking my brain trying to think of where to go that Brant wouldn’t know about. Thing about marrying the asshole is he did play nice long enough to know where I was born and bred. Do you really think we’ll have to run to Canada? I don’t even have a passport.”

  “Nah, we can disappear most anywhere, sweetheart. I need to figure out a way to get a bunch of cash out of my accounts without my card alerting everyone to where we are. Might get Grant or Dad to make several withdrawals from the family accounts for the next few days. Not enough to tip anyone off, though.”

  “I never even thought of all of that. I suck at running away, apparently, which is crazy, because I swear, before I met you, running away is all I ever wanted to do.”

  Gently, Austin brushed his lips over hers. “I told you I’ve got you, and you know I take care of what’s mine. Now, are you ready for bed, honey? I’m beat.”

  “Are you going out to work cattle with them tomorrow?” There was a worried edge to her tone. He cradled her closer and kissed the top of her head.

  “I’m not leaving you or little man until Brant’s in prison. Good thing you kind of like me, ‘cause I’m going be all over you until we get this all taken care of.”

  “Never thought Brant would be good for anything. Guess I was wrong about that, too. I kind of like that you’re not gonna leave me alone until the asshole is in prison.”

  Letting that tiding continue to content him, he chuckled. “Let’s get some sleep.”

nbsp; “Would you mind if I took a shower? I feel kind of rough.”

  Austin considered. Every fiber of his being needed to care for her constantly, needed to prove that he’d never let her down. “How about I give you a bath?”

  “I’m not a baby. You don’t have to do that.”

  “You are my baby, and I want to do that. Plus, it’s not all that selfless or anything. I’m getting in with you. Holding your wet, nekkid body up against mine,” he gave her a low growl, “nothing chivalrous about that. It’s just a bonus it comes off that way.”

  Letting the melody of her laughter further soothe him, he headed into the bathroom to turn on the jetted Jacuzzi tub he’d added in when he’d redone the master bath a few years ago. He’d installed the large tub to ease the abuse bull riding rendered on his body, but nothing was going to feel as good as holding Summer in his arms while he washed away the world from her sweet little body.

  Suddenly, she was behind him pressing her breasts to his back clinging to his waist as he stood from testing the water temperature. “I can’t believe you take baths. I figured you were a macho cowboy, too cool to relax in a tub.”

  “You don’t sound disappointed to find out I’m not.” He spun and held her in his arms. “Any bull rider tells you he doesn’t take a long soak after he gets his ass thrown six ways from Sunday is an outright liar. We’ll play like nothing actually hurts us for the crowds, but trust me, any rider lucky enough to have a girl he calls his own likes it when she fusses over him after a ride.”

  “You wantin’ me to fuss over you, cowboy?” The sparkle in her whiskey eyes said she’d always take care of him.

  “Always, sugar, but tonight I’m fussing over you. Hop in. Water’s just right.” He took her hand and guided her into the half-full tub. “You want any of this shit?” He held up her toiletry bag.

  Giggling, she nodded. “Yeah, just some soap and my shampoo.” Austin dug around in the bag until he located the current bar of hotel soap she’d been using. Rolling his eyes, he tossed it in the trash. “No more hotel soap. I really hope I get a half-second with Brant Preston before they cart his ass off to jail for me to let him know exactly how I feel about the way you were living before we met. Here, I’ve got real soap.” Digging in one of the drawers, he skipped over the Lava he normally used and located a bar of Dial. Grabbing her bottle of VO5, he headed towards the tub. “This the one that makes your hair smell like strawberries?”

  She nodded and turned off the water so they wouldn’t flood the bathroom when he climbed in.

  “Good. I like that. You’re allowed to keep using this.” He set the soap and shampoo on the side of the tub and drew her back against his chest, allowing himself one long moment to revel in the feel of her slick skin against his and the way her ass cradled his cock to perfection.

  “You think you can just up and tell me what kind of soap I can use, cowboy?” Her stubborn side stirred his blood. It always would.

  “You like using that hotel shit?”


  “So, you just wanna argue.”


  Smirking, he proceeded to lather his hands with the Dial and work them over her shoulders until a slight moan escaped her. “Yep, I think I can just up and tell you what kind of soap to use.” His hands roved further down her back, working out the knotted muscles and taming the tension there as well.

  “This isn’t fair,” she whimpered. “God, that feels good.”

  Chuckling, he worked his hands back to her shoulders and then rubbed the soap over her breasts and belly. He cupped water in his hands and rinsed them thoroughly. She groaned as he submerged his hands to massage her ass and thighs.

  “You can’t … just tell me … what … to do ….”

  “Damn, sweetheart, you should’a told me your hips were hurtin’ like this. I would have given you a massage a few days ago.”

  She groaned as her head lolled on his chest. “I was unaware that was an option. Believe me, I’ll tell you from now on.”

  “That mean you got the arguing out of your system, and you’ll go to the store and get whatever soap you want instead of using the hotel crap?”

  “But then you get your way.”

  “I told you I like gettin’ my way, and I believe I’ve proven yet again that I’m damn good at it.”

  A half-hearted grunt was her only answer.

  “Spin around for me and let me rub your feet and calves.”

  She eased away from him and turned to recline against the other side of the tub. “If you insist.”

  “See how good it works for you when you just comply?” Winking at her, he lathered his hands again and ran the strength of them up and down her calves, draining them of any tension as well. When he moved to her feet, he centered in on her arch with his thumbs. Her entire body was lax. Her eyes at half-mast.

  When he brushed a kiss on the top of her right foot, her breaths sped. “Careful, cowboy, I might come again.”

  “Mmm, definitely have to remember this.” He drew her two smallest toes into his mouth and sucked.

  “Damn you.” She shuddered. “Why do you have to be so good at everything?”

  Another dark chuckle escaped his lips, but he was mesmerized by the sway of her tits when her back arched. Not tonight, Camden. She ain’t up for another round. He made a valiant effort to quell his erection as he moved on to her other foot.

  When she was thoroughly bathed, they stepped out and dried off. He took a moment to thank the good Lord up above for what he had in his arms, in his bed, in their home as she fell asleep curled up on his chest.

  The parts of the night before he could recall played in his mind. He hadn’t heard Max’s voice all day. Hadn’t had that same damn nightmare since the first time he’d taken her to bed, and somehow that night, finally knowing she was his for good, he couldn’t seem to access the guilt that had been his constant companion for the last twelve years.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Scooting upward in bed, panic seared through his veins. Dammit, Summer. Where are you? Bolting from the bed, he checked the bathroom and blinked twice before he could read the clock. 2:38 in the morning.

  His heart thundered to a sprint as he raced into the kitchen. The house was dark and entirely too quiet. She wouldn’t have stolen a truck. If she ran, it would have been on foot, and there were only two ways out of Pleasant Glen. He could catch her, somehow.

  Heading to the bedroom-turned-nursery, his hand landed over his heart trying to slow its frantic beats. There she was. Wearing nothing but one of his t-shirts and the moonlight streaming from the windows, she stared down into J.J.’s crib, softly rubbing his back.

  “He okay, sugar?” Austin kept his voice to a hoarse whisper.

  She nodded. Her chin trembled, but she valiantly refused any further signs of emotion.

  Joining her at the crib, he tucked her back against his chest and watched J.J. sleep soundly.

  “I heard a noise. It scared me. I just wanted to check on him.” Her voice was a half-haunted whisper.

  “You’ll get used to the noises here. Barn doors’ll bang in the wind sometimes, and the horses and cattle stir occasionally. No one knows we’re here. He’s safe. I will never let anything hurt him.”

  “I know.” The tremble of her voice shook his soul.

  “Want me to bring him back to bed with us? You’ll know he’s safe, and you can get some sleep.”

  She shook her head. “No, he’s sleeping so well. I just …”

  “I know.”

  They stood there for several long minutes. He wouldn’t rush her back to bed. She wouldn’t have slept anyway. When she finally turned and paced back to their room, he debated sitting in the room with J.J. so she could sleep. He didn’t want her to think he was worried too, though, so he followed after her and cradled her on his chest in his bed. “Go back to sleep, sweetheart. I will never let anything hurt either of you.”

  Summer was up at the crack of dawn, in the kitchen
making coffee and breakfast. Since she hadn’t really slept, Austin wasn’t surprised. With J.J. in his lap, still groggy, they watched her whirl around the kitchen like someone was timing her.

  “She used to do this at your old apartment, little man?” He yawned.

  Summer laughed but never stopped. She filled the coffee mugs and scrambled eggs simultaneously. J.J. sighed and nuzzled his head on Austin’s shoulder, babbling occasionally while still sucking his thumb.

  “I told you I missed cooking, and I need something to do so I’ll stop freaking out. Cooking makes me calm.”

  “Oh yeah, calm is precisely how I would’ve described you.” He rolled his eyes.

  After they ate, Austin got Summer to show him how to get J.J. in the baby carrier he could wear on his back and he dragged her to the stables. Admitting to himself that even he could not fuck her constantly for the next few days straight to keep her mind off Brant, Austin knew the next best thing to keep her occupied. Nothing made the world fly away like saddling up and going for an endless ride across the prairie.

  Grant was on the Gator bringing in the horses for work. Lusty was leading the pack, anxious to get back to get to it now that Austin was home. Whirlwind was at his flank. When they headed into the paddock, Austin indulged Lusty with several rubs and nuzzles. J.J. bounced in the carrier, excited to see the horses. Grinning, Austin was more than ready to train up a new little cowboy.

  “Figured you wouldn’t leave her long enough to work today. We got it. You can stay back,” Grant offered kindly.

  “I ain’t riding this morning. She is.”

  “I am?” Summer looked astonished. She tried to hide her excitement.

  “Yep, you are. You aren’t gathering cattle though. You’re just gonna ride until life makes sense again.”

  “That may take all damn day,” she sighed.

  “So be it. I got little man. We’ll figure out lunch. Maybe take a Gator tour of the ranch. I’ll show him around his new home.”


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