The Boss's Fiance Box Set

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The Boss's Fiance Box Set Page 40

by Amanda Horton

  Ana was ready to leave the studio when she bumped into Lash at the foyer.

  “Hey, wait up,” Lash hailed.

  Ana’s adrenaline was still pumping from the day’s triumph. She knew she made an impression on him. She wondered if his initial opinion that she wasn’t good enough had changed.

  “Yes,” Ana replied, eyes shining.

  “You were great today, Ana.” He complimented her.

  “Thank you…”

  “So great that you will no longer be dancing with the rest of the girls, Lash announced.

  “You’re firing me,” Ana asked suddenly confused.

  Lash inhaled and replied, “on the contrary, I’m promoting you. Romina has resigned. You are taking her place as the company’s main female dancer.”

  The announcement was totally unexpected. If someone struck her with a feather Ana would still totter backwards. She stood there with mouth open wide. Still incredulous if she heard correctly, a part of her hoped this wasn’t a dream while another part said it was not going to end well for her heart.

  Chapter SEVEN

  Ana’s promotion didn’t come without its share of challenges. When the troupe was informed about Romina’s resignation, there was a mixed reaction. Some thought that was the end of opening night.

  But everyone held their breaths wondering who would take her place.

  When Jonathan Engels made the announcement that Ana was taking over Romina’s role, there was a cry of disbelief. Ana expected that. What she didn’t expect was being treated like a pariah.

  The girls talked behind her back for days wondering what she did to deserve the spot. Malicious speculations were rife. She must have slept with the Lash or Jonathan, probably both. Ana resented the idea of sleeping with Jonathan. She knew he was gay. As for sleeping with Lash, she didn’t even want to go there, almost afraid to admit that the thought did cross her mind.

  “Most of these girls probably think about it too,” she consoled herself.

  Who wouldn’t? Lash wasn’t only attractive and sexy; he exuded the confidence that came with having money and the power to do whatever he chose. She was secretly afraid of him, intimidated by his presence often feeling awkward and clumsy when he was around. Yet, he approved of her taking over his principal dancer’s spot. That had to mean something, right?

  Ana knew it was going to be an ordeal because she had a lot of catching up to do before she learned all of Romina’s dances. While the rest of the girls were home after 8 hours of intensive rehearsals, she stayed a few hours longer. The only advantage was she now lived a few blocks away from the studio. She took over the apartment that Romina left behind. Another gift from fate, which she reciprocated by being always the first to arrive and the last one to leave rehearsals.

  Lash made certain that she had everything she needed to perform well. New dance clothes, shoes, and a nutritionist for her diet, a masseuse who came to her apartment regularly. Ana didn’t dare think any of these meant anything. She wasn’t that stupid. It was all to ensure that opening night was a success. Nothing more. She didn’t dare disappointment him. When Lash was told she was doing extra hours to learn all her parts, he would often stay until she finished. A couple of times he took her out to a late dinner and brought her back to her apartment.

  Ana hated to admit it, but she enjoyed that private time with him. He was good company, a great storyteller, often teasing her and making her laugh. Slowly her reserve melted as she learned how committed he was to make the Foundation a success. He asked her opinion when he was uncertain about a project that would benefit the Roma people. That flattered her immensely to know he cared about what she thought. She marveled at his extensive knowledge of the different businesses he ran. She admired his devotion to his mother’s memory. Ana felt the need to help get the endorsement Lash wanted from Horne Calloway, as legitimizing the Aurora Mancini Dance company was his dearest wish.

  “I promise to do everything I can to impress Horne Calloway,” she said.

  “Thanks, Ana. I know you will,” Lash reached out and tapped her knee as he stopped the car outside her apartment.

  “Would you like to come up for coffee or a nightcap,” Ana asked.

  She was surprised at her own daring. She didn’t even think before she spoke. She felt her cheeks go warm in the darkened interior of his car even as she waited for his reply.

  “No, thanks. Maybe some other time. I need my principal dancer rested and ready for another rigorous rounds of rehearsals tomorrow,” Lash replied then added, “I’m having a small party for the cast and crew at my apartment this weekend. I hope you can make it.”

  “Oh. Okay,” Ana replied even as disappointment flooded her.

  She stepped out onto the curb and watched the taillights of his car disappear around a corner.

  “Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!” She cursed herself regretting the bravado that made her ask. “What makes you think he will ever be interested in you other than the fact that a lot depends on your performance on opening night,” she asked her reflection on the bathroom mirror. “Besides, just look at you. All he has ever seen you in are your sweats. Placed alongside his girlfriend, you do look like you just came out of a brawl,” she berated her reflection.

  Ana soon realized that parties in Lash’s apartment were always something the dancers looked forward to.

  “He always goes all-out. A small band, the best caterers, waiters, and a butler at the door.” One of the girls said.

  There was excitement over what to wear.

  “We won’t even have time to change into party clothes. Rehearsals usually end late,” Ana said.

  A dancer rolled her eyes. “Oh, This will be first time. Jonathan usually cancels afternoon rehearsals to give the girls a chance to primp up, go to a salon to have manicures, and all that stuff.”

  Ana was elated. She would get a chance to make herself pretty, she thought. Then another thought struck her. Would his girlfriend, the glamorous model Lili Chong, be there too? Suddenly she wasn’t as excited anymore.

  As soon as Jonathan announced that Saturday rehearsals were over, the dancers all grabbed their gear and headed out the studio. Ana stood by the sidewalk wondering how she would spend the rest of the afternoon. Still resentful of the idea that Lash’s model girlfriend was going to be present at the party tonight, she gave up hope of getting even an ounce of Lash’s attention.

  “I can still go and get a haircut or something,” she muttered.

  Ana knew most of the girls were headed to the same salon. But she wasn’t in the mood for more chatter about how fabulous the party tonight was going to be. She headed in the opposite direction wandering aimlessly until she noticed a park where white tents billowed in the breeze. People milled about. Curious, Ana walked nearer and realized it was a flea market. She had heard about these open markets from the girls. Who had told her that they sell vintage dresses at basement bargain prices.

  Ana admitted that the dress she had in mind to wear tonight was a hundred years old. It was a gift from her employer on her 21st birthday. That was years ago.

  “Won’t hurt to look around,” she thought, feeling a spark of excitement.

  Ana scanned the various tents. There was vintage furniture, souvenirs from every era, antiques, and art from local designers. She joined the crowd until she spotted what she was there for.

  Towards the rear were rows of clothes racks with dresses in various styles and prints. She had no idea what she wanted and the sheer number of choices left her confused.

  “No,” she muttered, returning a sexy black dress that would reveal her soul. “Nope,” she declined a flaming red dress that plunged all the way to the navel. She looked at a heavily embroidered brocade dress and decided looking like a saint statue lining the walls of a cathedral wasn’t a good idea either.

  She kept pulling out hangers then returning them to the rack. The birthday dress hanging sadly in her closet suddenly looked appealing. Ana wanted to give up.

y I help you,” a voice hailed her. “My name is Stefan.”

  Ana turned. The voice was definitely male, and it belonged to a tall thin man whose appearance was a spectacle in itself. He must have decided to wear a piece from every dress in the rack. Ana was awestruck she couldn’t speak.

  Stefan approached with an exaggerated swaying of his hips and circled her like prey.

  “Hmm, lemme see. New girl in town, probably a struggling dancer, doesn’t know the difference between a sheath and a flared dress…absolutely clueless… has somewhere important to go, probably a party, and about to give up,” Stefan intoned.

  The smile on his face took the sting away from the words.

  “H-How did you know?” Ana quipped.

  “Been around far too long dahling,” Stefan replied with an exaggerated sigh.

  Ana sensed the kindness and decided to stay.

  “Tell me about it. Maybe I can help,” Stefan suggested.

  “Well, there’s this party that I have to go tonight. Work,” Ana shrugged pretending disinterest, “and I have nothing to wear except a dress that was a gift for my birthday years ago.”

  “Where is it gonna be? Club, hotel, poolside, private room?” Stefan asked.

  “My boss owns this apartment, and the girls at work said his parties are always extravagant.” Ana replied.

  “And you want to impress him?” Stefan’s question took her by surprise.

  “No! No! Nothing like that. Besides he has a supermodel for a girlfriend. I doubt he’d even notice me at all.” Ana fidgeted unable to look Stefan straight in the eye.

  “You like him,” Stefan concluded as deft fingers skimmed through the clothes rack. “I’m gonna give you some free advice. Never compete. Highlight your assets. Forget hers. Why would he want something of the same if he already has that? Be different. Be you.”

  Stefan pulled out a hanger. “This is you,” he proclaimed.

  Ana looked at the dress. She couldn’t believe it. It was love at first sight. It was a hot little off-the-shoulder number with a delicate flower print in various shades of pastel. The waist was accentuated with a wide stretched belt. It was light and sheer. She could picture herself wearing it.

  “Isn’t it a bit short,” she asked, suddenly skeptical.

  “I can’t see what’s inside those sweats. But I bet you have long lean dancer’s legs,” Stefan replied.

  “Yeah, I could wear a short dress,” Ana proclaimed. Then, “Shoes. I-I don’t think I own a decent pair,” she wailed.

  Stefan rolled his eyes. “I bet you’re clueless about hair and make-up too?”

  Ana nodded embarrassed. “I was thinking of getting a haircut. I don’t really put on much make-up. Maybe a lipstick and some blush?”

  “Girl, I bet when you got out of bed this morning, you had no idea you’d meet your fairy godmother in a flea market. Come,” Stefan took her decisively by the elbow.

  A few hours later, Ana stood in front of a full-length mirror in a salon owned by Stefan’s twin brother, Nigel. The hairdresser did wonders to her untamed hair, weaving them into a goddess braid crown that displayed her neck and shoulders. Stefan asked her to don the dress he chose earlier and the netted open toed booties they shopped for together. A single gold bracelet was on her wrist for added drama.

  “Well?” Stefan asked as Ana gazed at her reflection.

  “It’s still me, only better,” Ana decided.

  “Atta girl,” Stefan gushed ushering her out the door.

  Half an hour later, Ana stood nervously outside the door of Lash’s Manhattan penthouse. Ana cocked an ear. Nothing filtered through the door. No sound of laughter or music or conversation.

  “Maybe I have the wrong apartment,” Ana thought. It was sacrilegious calling it an apartment, as it was the only unit occupying two top floors of the building. She wished she had gone with the other girls, and then she wouldn’t feel so self-conscious making a grand entrance.

  Her tentative knock was answered by a uniformed butler who ushered her into the foyer, which was more spacious than her house back in Spain.

  “This way, miss,” the butler said, leading her through a series of hallways before they came into a spacious living room. The lights of the city were displayed in full splendor through the glass windows wrapped around the room.

  Ana entered a walkway with an alcove glass ceiling. Vine trellises crept intricately onto the metal posts that supported the ceiling. Indoor plants lined a walkway of artificial grass, as recessed lighting enhanced the outdoorsy ambiance that led to an open verandah.

  Ana recognized the cast and crew as they milled around a swimming pool that was decked with floating candles. A waiter met her at the entrance of the verandah and offered her a glass of champagne.

  Ana felt eyes on her. She raised her chin. Stefan and Nigel did a great job on her. She was Cinderella attending her first ball. Her prince came in the person of choreographer, Jonathan Engel, who came to greet her.

  “Ana, you look fabulous,” Jonathan gushed, taking her elbow before leading her inside.

  Ana approached an entrée table as she furtively scanned the room in search of Lash. She was on the lookout for a familiar face that she saw in a magazine spread. Both Lash and Lili were nowhere to be found at the moment.

  “He probably went to pick her up,” a resentful thought occurred.

  A 3-piece band was playing, and some of the girls hit the dance floor. She watched from the sidelines wondering if she should join them when someone spoke.

  “Hello Ana.”

  She turned around. It was Lash and he was alone. She didn’t even notice he had joined the party.

  “Hi,” she replied as shyness overcame here. “You have a beautiful house,” she complimented.

  He shrugged. “It’s only four walls and a roof. It’s not really a home ‘til you have someone to share it with.”

  “I’m sure it’s not for lack of applicants to share it with,” she retorted cheekily. He seemed to be going solo. There was no trace of the exotic Chinese model anywhere in sight. That elated her somehow.

  “Planning to join the line,” he asked with a grin.

  Ana didn’t know if it was the champagne. But tonight, she was feeling very bold as she countered, “No, I’ve had my share of complicated men.”

  “Seeing how you look tonight, you’ll have a hard time keeping them at bay. You look stunning by the way.” Lash answered.

  Ana pirouetted before him and said, “I met my fairy godmother in a flea market earlier today. He did this,” she said.

  “Fairy godmother? I don’t understand,” Lash replied, confused.

  Ana narrated how she met Stefan and ended up in the salon of his twin brother. She laughed at the look of disbelief on his face.

  Ana was certain a hundred pairs of eyes were directed at them. Lash took her elbow as the butler announced dinner. There was no special seating arrangement. Everyone could sit anywhere they pleased as waiters hovered over every table to cater to the guests’ needs. She found herself seated beside Jonathan and some members of the cast and crew.

  Lash was an impeccable host as he moved from table to table, making small talk. Ana realized he wanted everyone to feel equally important. She was thrilled when he joined them at her table.

  To Ana’s left was Ricardo Ruiz, the main male dancer of the company. She had only met him that night. When Ricardo learned about Romina leaving the company, he immediately sent word to Jonathan that he preferred to dance alongside Ana only after she had mastered all the dances. Ana thought he had an attitude. But Ricardo’s reputation preceded him. Ana hoped she would meet his standards when it was time for them to rehearse together.

  Throughout dinner, Ana felt that Ricardo wanted to know her. She wanted that too. Rapport was important between two lead dancers if they were to be credible on stage. She listened and laughed at his jokes, and Ricardo was even curious about her. Ana soon discovered that Ricardo was a flirt, whispering in her ear, lowering his voice s
o that Ana had to lean in closer to hear him. They talked about the program for opening night and how they both could make it a success. They conspired like little kids and giggled at each other.

  Ana glanced up and accidentally met Lash’s eyes from where he was seated. He did not seem pleased, his brows creased in a frown. Ana wondered what was wrong and sent him a smile. He didn’t return it.

  The waiters cleared the table as more champagne bottles popped open. The band struck the opening chords of a famous Argentinian dance. Ana was taken by surprise when Ricardo stood and held out his hand.


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