The Boss's Fiance Box Set

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The Boss's Fiance Box Set Page 51

by Amanda Horton

  Killian felt a bit disappointed. Anything that happened between them had to be towards the purpose of convincing people they had a thing going. She shouldn’t ever forget the reason why because it was the same reason, she got what she wanted – the cottage in the woods. He had emailed her the lease just as he promised.

  Now, she had to fulfill her side of the bargain.

  Alright, she told that part of her being that rebelled against the idea that he was using her…just as much as she was using him. Game on, then, I suppose.

  Killian wondered where she got her bravado. She drew closer and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  She whispered against his ear and said, “Alright, we have an audience now. What would you do? Show me so I know what to do the next time,” she begged him.

  She felt him stiffen, caught off guard. But it was only momentary. He quickly recovered his self-control. Killian felt his index finger underneath her chin lifting her head up to face him. The squirmy ticklish sensation of butterflies in her stomach when she first realized it was him was now hurricane category.

  Everyone else in the background disappeared. It was just the two of them. She looked deep into his eyes and noticed the flecks of gold in his iris. His eyes burned with an intensity she found disturbing. He leaned in slowly. Killian knew he was going to kiss her on the lips. She closed her eyes breathing in softly, her lips opening to receive his kiss.

  But then…

  He kissed the top of her head instead before letting her go. Killian’s eyes flew open. She saw the gentle laughter in his eyes even as he leaned in and whispered.

  “Whoa, let’s take it a down a notch. We don’t want anyone getting too suspicious at how fast we appear to be moving into a serious relationship.”

  He turned and nodded his head acknowledging all the ogling and thunderstruck nurses at what they had just witnessed.

  “Ladies,” he said casually and sauntered back to the Jeep.

  Killian watched him leave as the nurses pounced on her. Each one wanted a scoop into what they just witnessed. She felt trapped with all these cackling women. The interest was all about him…not about her. It boggled their minds about how this scenario ever happened. It just wasn’t plausible. Not for someone so ordinary like Nurse Killian Church.

  Killian felt resentment towards Max for leaving her helpless and alone to deal with the aftermath of their deliberate public display of affection. But above all else, the truth was, she also felt slightly bereft and disappointed over not receiving the kiss she expected.

  “Don’t be stupid,” she chided herself, “I don’t have the right to feel that way. This is all make believe after all.”

  And with that initial encounter with the nurses as witnesses to the supposed presence of Maxwell Saint in her life, Killian moved to the Post-Max stage of her existence.

  Suddenly everyone in the hospital knew her name - from the receptionist in the lobby to the elevator girl who greeted her unseeingly every morning. She was Killian Church, the rumored girlfriend of the hospital Chairman, not just another nurse on duty. Each time she entered the hospital cafeteria she felt eyes assessing what it was she had, versus what they had, to deserve the attention of the Chairman of the Board.

  Her stomach was constantly tied up in knots because all this attention brought back memories of high school when she was this “pretentious ho” who though the high school jock was really into her.

  But she was older now, Killian reasoned. She and Max were conspirators in a dangerous game. It would be reckless to allow Maxwell Saint to come any closer.

  It was an implicit thought better left unsaid because, if said out loud, it had the capacity to hurt. And the truth was, in her heart, she actually believed she didn’t deserve anyone of Max’s caliber to actually like her. Those things only happened in fairy tales…and her life definitely was not.

  Chapter SIX

  Killian realized that if she were to play her part perfectly, there were basic things she needed to do – like learn to relax around Max. For someone who earned the moniker, “angel with the golden fingers,” among her patients at the hospital, she became all thumbs when Max was around.

  “Relax…breathe… he is only a man,” became her mantra each time they were together.

  In less than a month, it became easier and she could regard him now as just another man – although more desirable and powerful than the regular guys she was used to seeing.

  She had him to thank for and was grateful for his thoughtfulness. He probably sensed early on that she was tense whenever he came around to see her. His presence was so noticeable within the hospital premises that it was hard to be discreet when he was around. Whenever his schedule allowed it, he would come and wait for her to get off from her shift. He would park the Jeep right across the hospital doors making it impossible for anyone coming or going not to see him. His presence was like a telegraph that was transmitted through everyone’s lips until it reached her that he was on the curb outside waiting for her.

  During those times, her stomach would literally belly flop and she would be so rattled inside the bathroom running a comb through her unruly hair, dabbing a bit of powder on the shine in her nose, spritzing mild cologne so she wouldn’t smell so much like disinfectant.

  She liked his choice of a small restaurant where they had dinner after a late shift at the hospital or the bar where he went to unwind before he brought her home to her apartment. It seemed like he didn’t want her to feel intimidated by bringing her to fancy places that Killian was certain he patronized.

  In their conversations, his contempt towards the men who composed the hospital Board was always palpable. Killian attributed it to the age gap. But as she got to know him more, she realized he did work just as hard as everyone else, made mistakes just like everyone else, except his blunders, were often magnified simply because of his position.

  Max had very funny stories of Miss Mary, their ancient board secretary. He swore old Mary had been working for his dad since he was in diapers. He appeared very fond of her though, rolling in laughter as he recounted the time Mary became disoriented, entered his office, mistaking it for the toilet.

  He talked about his mom, and from the way his face lit up, Killian knew he adored her. Then there was his Uncle Tony who he considered as a second father.

  “We should make a date for you to meet mom and Uncle Tony,” he suggested.

  Killian thought she would choke on her dessert.

  “Do we really have to?” She asked.

  Max raised an eyebrow and replied, “Of course, we have to. They are the two closest people in my life. I don’t think it will go down well with my mom if I suddenly introduced you to the whole world as my girlfriend and she has no idea who you are.”

  “Yeah, of course, you’re right,” Killian acceded. “When and where are we going to meet?”

  “How about tomorrow at the country club?” Max suggested.

  “Oh…” Killian’s face fell.

  She imagined herself in one of those affluent surroundings where the initiation fee just to become a member was more than she earned as a nurse in a year.

  Max noticed her reaction

  “Killian, I wouldn’t dream of bringing my mom to meet you in a local diner.”

  “No-No, of course not. I wouldn’t dream of it either. The Country Club then. Saturday.” She replied in a cautious voice.

  “Good girl,” he praised patting her hand as he did.

  Killian wasn’t sure if she was just overly tired but there was something in his voice that sparked a resentment inside her. She knew he patronized small restaurants and inconspicuous bars only because that is how she preferred it. But in reality, the Maxwell Saints of this world belonged in rich country club settings.

  But it wasn’t just that. It was the way Max said “local diner”. Killian sensed “local diner” referred to her personally, whereas his mom, Mrs. Julia Saint, definitely belonged in a Country Club setting.

  The diff
erence between their social statuses had never felt more tangible.

  She tried to forget it. Things have been good between them, better than she first feared when she agreed to this arrangement that it seemed petty, or rather, she was being petty – judging him from the tone of his voice.

  Saturday morning, she received a text message from him reminding her about dinner that night. Killian knew this dinner was important but what annoyed her was that part of the message telling her to wear something “appropriate”.

  “Yeah, like I’d wear my nursing scrubs to the country club to meet your mom,” she grumbled, rolling her eyes at no one.

  Yet, she made it a point to leave the hospital early so she could pass by the salon to have her hair and nails done. The next task was to find the “appropriate” dress, something she dreaded. Being a redhead, Killian felt stymied by the lack of fashion choices for someone like her. She didn’t have much time to go dress hunting and still be ready when he passed by at 6:45 pm.

  She skipped a boutique selling designer clothes. Her shopping budget was limited. Instead, she approached a thrift shop which had a “SALE” sign posted on the window. She hoped it was one of those shops that had a fashion consultant to help her make a choice.

  A man who looked like a walking advertisement for a box of crayons approached. He had a kind face even if his clothes were the most outlandish Killian had ever seen. He was one of those individuals whose flair made you want to share a secret and not feel anxious about being judged. Killian told him her fear of not finding the right clothes.

  “I’ll be your fairy godmother. Leave it all up to me,” he said.

  He was true to his word as he led Killian through a series of choices that would have left her more confused if she did it alone. Finally, they both settled for a boat neck sleeveless vintage tea dress in teal green with printed leaves.

  Killian thought the style wouldn’t go well with her petite frame but when she tried it on, she was speechless. She didn’t recognize the girl looking back at her.

  The dress seemed to have the same effect on Max when he came to fetch her. He let loose a wolf whistle that made Killian giggle. On the way to the club, he kept stealing glances in her direction and the smile never left his face.

  “It’s the dress…It's just the dress,” Killian convinced herself.

  They arrived at the lobby of the Club where a valet parked their car as they proceeded to the main restaurant of the club. Max reached out to take her hand and gallantly guided her inside. She wasn’t certain if it was to reassure her or put her on display for everyone to see. Killian noted his hand felt cold and clammy.

  “He is just as nervous as I am,” she thought.

  “Would you like to go to the bathroom for a retouch,” Max asked.

  “Why? Is something wrong with me?” Killian panicked.

  “You look perfect,” he reassured her.

  They proceeded to the second floor where a receptionist led them inside a big airy room with glass windows that offered a magnificent view of the city at dusk. The cutlery was formal and the white linen table cloth crisp. Tables were arranged such that diners didn’t miss the view from where they sat.

  Regulars called out Max’s name as they passed by. He acknowledged them but hardly stopped at anyone’s table for chitchat. They made their way to the very end where a beautiful table setting for 4 was laid outside on the veranda instead of inside the room with all the others.

  An elegant woman in a retro style short sleeve floral cocktail dress looked up as Max approached. Killian instinctively knew this had to be Max’s mom. She had the same proud features of her son but her expression was more approachable and less scary, so different from Max when Killian met him for the first time in his office.

  One immediately sensed that Mrs. Julia Saint had gone through life and had been toughened by her own life experiences. She was no longer afraid of anything and consequently was more open and daring about what life offered to her every single day. And she didn’t seem to take herself too seriously either. Laughter seemed to lurk just around her lips and she broke into a grin very easily. She obviously adored her son because her face lit up when he appeared.

  The other person on the table was a tall distinguished looking gentleman whose crinkly eyes complemented the truth that he loved to laugh. He was a joker and a clown, with a talent for recognizing bullshit in any form – Uncle Tony, Max’s unofficial guardian.

  Max made a beeline for his mom, formally kissing her on both cheeks before turning to his Uncle for a bear hug.

  “Mom, Uncle Tony, I’d like you to meet Killian Church. She works at the hospital as a nurse.”

  Julia Saint’s eyes lit up. Killian realized she was no longer wary about meeting her for the first time. Something told her she and Julia would hit it off. Uncle Tony had a pleased look on his face like he had a secret only he knew about and he wasn’t telling anyone about it.

  Both mom and uncle said they had already ordered from the menu. Uncle Tony handed the menu to Killian. Max intercepted it and after going through the list proceeded to order for both of them. He did it without consulting her giving the impression he knew her taste in food.

  Killian’s brow raised perceptively. She was perfectly capable of ordering for herself. She didn’t very much like steak preferring something lighter like fish or chicken, but Max insisted she would love what he ordered for them.

  Max was conversing with Uncle Tony but he seemed to keep one ear directed to her and his mom as both women gossiped. Killian was telling Julia about one of the patients in the hospital, Gilly, and how worried she was for the old woman. Max would intrude into their conversation every now and then asking Killian to recount a story he partially heard from her. Killian thought he was acting strangely.

  Then, Julia Saint asked about the abandoned cottage in the woods.

  “I heard you own the lease to the property now,” Max’s mom smiled approvingly. “I’m just glad someone will resurrect that place. My own mom spent the last few months of her life there. That’s the reason why that property has sentimental value. I’m glad you have it. What do you plan to do with it, anyway?” Julia asked curiously.

  Killian inched closer excited to share her plans with Julia. She instinctively sensed the woman would approve of what she intended to do.

  Before she could even begin, Max began telling his mom all about Killian’s plans for a Nursing Home. Max explained to his mom the process Killian would follow before she could operate the facility.

  Killian wanted to speak for herself. These were her plans after all. She knew them by heart and she was eager to share it with Julia. But Max dominated the conversation regarding the facility like it was his own plans, leaving her out in the cold. He talked about the technical side and even explained it to Killian as if she had no idea what to do. He contradicted her strategies about hiring staff on a regular basis allowing instead the residents to run the place as part of their therapy.

  He sure acted like he knew more than she did over her own ideas, even explaining things in a way that made her feel incompetent. She felt very uncomfortable he was speaking for her. She couldn’t raise a fuss without drawing attention to herself. It left her feeling frustrated.

  Killian was glad when the food arrived and they could move on to other things that were not as complex as the cottage in the woods. The way Max was “mansplaining” her to his mom felt a bit offensive. It appeared he didn’t trust her enough to make his mom understand her own plans.

  “My plans,” Killian fumed silently. “He wants to impress his mom that I am really quite smart but doesn’t trust me enough to get that message across?”

  The possibility left her feeling very inferior.

  The evening progressed without any hitches. Max was adorable with his mom and thoughtful towards Killian, giving both women an equal share of his attention. Seemingly it was a successful meeting of families. Max could be commended for doing a good job hosting this dinner with her, Jul
ia, and Uncle Tony.

  Killian wondered why she ever hesitated meeting Julia Saint. She was a wonderful and kind woman, and she knew they could be friends. Meeting Uncle Max was a welcome bonus for the night too.

  Killian wished she could say the same thing about Max. The more time she spent with him the more she realized she really didn’t know him at all. Killian knew he was a complex person and complex men always posed a challenge.

  There was a part of her that wanted to conquer Maxwell Saint, wanted to understand him, and alarmingly, a huge part of her wanted to own that complex person because complexity was its own attraction.

  But Killian knew she could never ever give in to that attraction. Not if she wanted to get out of this charade all in one piece.


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