The Boss's Fiance Box Set

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The Boss's Fiance Box Set Page 56

by Amanda Horton

  Killian saw the rage in Max’s eyes. He swung back and hit the reporter squarely in the jaw, a punch that sent him flying. The whole scenario was like a bad movie in slow motion. Killian swore she heard Jason Martell hit the lobby floor, his face in shock and crunched in pain.

  Another reporter joined the fray, threatening Max. The security force saw that their boss was at a disadvantage and in the middle of the hungry pack. They descended upon the horde trying to clear the chaos. Intentions were misinterpreted and suddenly fists were flying, bodies were landing everywhere.

  Suddenly, it was a brawl, a free-for-all right there in the lobby of the Medical Arts Building right across the prestigious Maxwell Saint Sr. Memorial hospital.

  Maxwell Saint Senior was surely turning in his grave at that very moment.

  Chapter TWELVE

  Killian glanced at her watch. It was 2:30 in the wee hours of the morning. She had spent the entire night alone pacing around the inner courtyard waiting to hear any word from Max.

  She was still in shock…

  Max hustled her out through the back exit just as the police sirens blared in the distance.

  “Go home and wait for me there. I don’t want you anywhere near this chaos when the police arrive,” he barked.

  “But…I don’t want to leave you here all by yourself,” Killian protested.

  “I won’t be alone. I have a lawyer with me. Uncle Tony is on his way. We’ll take care of it.”

  “But—but, I want to make a statement to the police about that Jason Martell,” Killian insisted.

  Max gripped her arm so hard she winced. He didn’t seem aware that he was hurting her.

  “There will be another time to set the record straight about all the lies he has been saying about you. Right now, I have more than enough problems to deal with. I have to treat every goddamn bruised ego of the members of the Board. I hate having to explain to them about anything. The gap between me and them is so wide we could be communicating in different languages for all the good it has done.”

  “That’s why you need me back there. I can help explain things to them too,” Killian protested.

  Max’s face turned dark. “I don’t need you in there Killian. You can help me by leaving now,” Max said angrily.

  She paid no attention thinking he just wanted to protect her. Then she saw the bruise near his jaw where Jason Martell grazed him. “You’re hurt,” she exclaimed reaching out a hand to touch his chin.

  Max caught hold of her hand then pulled away from her, “Goddamit Killian. Listen to me. Go home, stay there and wait for me till I return. Is that clear?” Max was shouting at the top of his voice.

  Killian recoiled in shock. He had never used that tone of voice on her before. She backed away from him, eyes wide, and ran away as fast as she could. From a distance, she saw that police cars were now swarming the porch of the Medical Arts Building.

  Killian went home and waited.

  Being alone gave her time to think about the events that led to that unfortunate brawl back there. She should have called Max first before proceeding to his office. She should have recognized that that explosive article would have repercussions not only for them who were connected with the hospital but for all other media outlets too. It was too controversial to be ignored. Killian blamed herself for not seeing things coming to a head.

  Being alone could be a curse too. She now had all the time in the world to paint a scenario of doom. She worried about the hospital and how it could recover from this kind of scandal. Would they start losing their patients to other facilities?

  What about the members of the board, those old men who had been wrongly accused of soliciting? How would their families be affected by the allegations?

  What about the nurses who were accused of prostitution on the statement they made money in exchange for sexual favors?

  She thought about Max and how he was pictured as a manipulative, egotistic man who didn’t care about rules and policies, and acted on his whims and impulses.

  Despite all the confusion in her mind, what stood out the most was Max asking her to leave. She had never seen him that angry. It was such a sharp contrast to the man who came charging to save her from being crushed.

  She was confused and worried about him and wished he would come home to her. She had no idea what happened after she left him back at the hospital. That was hours ago. Not knowing where he was and how he was coping made her feel abandoned.

  Glancing at her watch again, she realized only a couple of minutes had passed since she last checked. Then she heard footsteps coming into the courtyard. She knew it had to be Max. He appeared in the doorway. He seemed surprised to see her.

  “Killian, why are you still awake? I thought you would be in bed by now.”

  “I was waiting for you,” she replied, trying to read his face. He looked exhausted.

  Her heart went out seeing him that way. She ran to him and hugged him tightly, encircling him with her arms.

  Max held her briefly before moving away. The gesture wasn’t something that was perceptible but Killian felt it. She wondered if he was still angry.

  “Are you hungry? I can whip up something in the kitchen,” she offered.

  “No, thank you. I’m not,” Max replied.

  Killian was at a loss. She wanted to make things right between them because she knew something was amiss. If he talked to her then she would have an idea of what was wrong. She would know how to proceed.

  “What happened after I left this afternoon?” she asked. “I’ve been going crazy thinking about it. I was worried about you. I wanted to call you but you seemed really angry when you asked me to leave.”

  Max shook his head and sighed heavily. “The lawyers are taking care of it. You shouldn’t worry about it anymore,” he replied briefly.

  “That’s it?”

  Killian began to feel annoyed. She couldn’t help it. Why was he treating her like some idiot who wouldn’t understand even if he tried to explain?

  Her loyalty to him prevailed as she stomped down the thought. It had been a long day.

  She followed him into the bedroom. She didn’t know what else to say to lighten the mood between them. He seemed aloof and distant. She watched as he took off all his clothes and entered the shower. Killian thought she would join him there.

  She undressed and walked naked from the bathroom door to the stall where he stood beneath the spray of water. She came up behind him and crossed her arms around his waist. She rested her face on the back of his broad shoulders. They stayed that way for a few seconds, motionless, just feeling the cool water run down their bodies.

  Her hands began to caress his chest. She felt him stiffen but she wasn’t sure. She led one hand down lower between his legs. He caught it before she could make a grab for his penis. He wiggled out of her embrace, reached for a towel, and left the bathroom.

  Killian watched his receding back dumbfounded and embarrassed. This was the first time he rejected her. This was no longer just about what happened earlier in his office.

  She stepped away from the shower, dried herself, and put on her nightdress. She brushed her teeth and combed her hair before entering the bedroom. The light was off on his side of the bed.

  So now he is pretending to sleep.

  He didn’t have to worry. She had no intention of making further advances. His refusal in the bathroom stung.

  She peeled back the sheets on her side of the bed and went under, careful not to make any sound in case he really was asleep. She turned on her side, her face away from him and closed her eyes. She just wished for sleep. Her body, mind and spirit took a beating today. But it was her heart that had the bruises. Maybe the morning light would bring more clarity because at this very moment she had never been more confused about Maxwell Saint.

  She felt him stir and then move closer until he was spooning her. Killian felt his stiff cock prod against her ass.

  What? So now he wants sex? Killian asked herself silen

  Her first impulse was to rebuff him and have her revenge over his rejection earlier. But then she wasn’t certain if that was the right thing to do. She didn’t know what he wanted by spooning her and she was afraid of making the wrong interpretation. So, she stayed motionless and waited. She hated playing mind games. It wasn’t who she was.

  Max placed a hand on her thigh and began to slowly caress her before reaching between her legs in search of her clit. Killian gasped as she felt the familiar heat surge. His hands expertly moved between her legs in a slow and sensual motion that left her weak and wanting. She raised her thigh inside the cover to give him more access to her clit even as she felt his hot breath on her back and neck.

  She felt him poke her ass with his cock, sliding repeatedly between her butt cheeks before finding her pussy and entering her from behind. Then he began a slow sweet dance of penetrating her pussy, his fingers busy caressing her clitoris until she felt the first stirrings of an orgasm. She rolled her hips adding pressure between her clit and his finger until she felt her orgasm burst forth. She heard him grunt loudly in her ear and knew he too was done.

  Then he moved away from her, turned on his side, and went to sleep.

  Killian's eyes welled up with tears. She cried silently because she didn’t want him to know how deeply he had hurt her again.

  She didn’t want him to know that for the first time since their relationship, she never felt more anonymous as she did now. She could have been any other woman in that bed with him. It just so happened she was the nearest warm body available. That was how he made her feel and the feeling cut at her heart and made her stomach turn.

  Chapter THIRTEEN

  Killian woke up after a few hours of troubled sleep. She knew she wasn’t going to let the day end without resolving things with Max. They both needed to air out their differences. Not talking about it only magnified the situation. She did not want to go around carrying this load on her chest.

  She turned slowly towards his side of the bed when she realized it was empty. He must have woken up earlier than she did. Killian hoped he felt just as bad as she did and would be more susceptible to a conversation.

  She crept out of the bedroom intent on finding him. She was determined to resolve their issues before it got more complicated. She walked barefoot in the direction of the living room, passing through the kitchen to put on a fresh pot of coffee. Then she headed out in search of Max.

  She turned a corner when she heard voices coming from the parlor. She stopped in her tracks. She only had a flimsy nightie on and wasn’t expecting visitors this early in the morning.

  Killian backed up to return to the bedroom when she recognized the voice speaking. It was Uncle Tony and he sounded very angry. Killian was rooted to the spot. Instinctively, she knew they were talking about the incident yesterday. She pressed herself against the wall and eavesdropped.

  “I don’t understand what got into you, Max. You should have handled the whole thing with diplomacy. Instead, you were right there in the middle of the fight like some goddamn thug. You’re the Chairman, for Christ’s sake!”

  “Martell punched me first, I just defended myself,” Max retorted.

  “There were eyewitnesses who allege he merely grazed you. But you broke his nose. From the yellow journalist that he is, you have managed to make him look like the victim here.”

  “What did the lawyers say?” Max asked.

  “We will go after him and his publication with multiple lawsuits until their heads spin. Hopefully, the other newspapers will take the hint and leave us alone.”

  “Sounds like a good plan,” Max agreed.

  “Fuck the plan, Max. This whole thing is a publicity nightmare that the hospital can do without. Your reputation will be dragged through the mud, your past dug up and all dirty laundry washed in public. It's something I would not wish on anyone.”

  “I can take it,” Max replied simply. “What about the Board? Have you heard from any of them?”

  Even from where she stood hidden, Uncle Tony’s sigh was audible.

  “Those old farts keep me in the dark regarding anything they plan to do. They know I report to you. I met Joe Benning last night and he made a point of letting me know there is a scheduled meeting today and I wasn’t invited.” Uncle Tony paused then added, “We know how they react each time your shit hits the fan. They convene and talk about having you removed from your position as Chairman so I won’t be surprised that is the agenda for their meeting today.”

  “Can you still do something about it?” Max asked.

  “The last time they threatened to remove you I threatened them back that I would spill the dirt on each of them. But after that asshole Martell’s innuendos, I do not want to add more damage to the hospital’s reputation.” He laughed bleakly, “I actually thought announcing Killian as your girlfriend was the solution we needed. I never assumed you’d listen to me asking you to settle down and find a girlfriend. But a nurse at the same hospital? That was a touch of genius.”

  “Well, it's not like I planned it,” Max denied. “Things happened that led me to ask her. She wanted the lease on the property at the back of the hospital and I needed her to pretend. None of this is her fault,” Max replied.

  “Yeah, except that Martell just kept on obsessing about her and never once let up,” Uncle Tony grumbled, “there’s nothing more we can do for now. The lawyers are taking care of the incident threatening everyone with major lawsuits. You and I will wait for the Board’s next move. I think we both know what that will be. I’m glad your mom is still away on vacation. She doesn’t need this kind of aggravation.”

  The two men ended their conversation and headed out of the house together. Killian turned back and headed for the bedroom. She needed time to think what her next move would be. Everything was making her mind whirl.

  She knew with absolute certainty that Max’s feelings for her had changed. He no longer cared about her. After all the negative publicity that was thrown her way, it was possible he thought she wasn’t worth it. It hurt her to think that he would surrender their relationship at the first sign of trouble. She couldn’t blame him entirely. Their relationship started out as a sham. It could not withstand a storm. She wanted that cottage in the woods badly. He needed a fake fiancée.

  Despite doubts about her own situation, Killian couldn’t stop thinking that Max was in danger of losing his position as Chairman. That wasn’t right. She had to do something about it, put her own troubles aside for now. It was the only reasonable thing to do.


  Killian was doing her hospital rounds when she heard the gossip circulating around the floor. Another nurse confronted her openly about it.

  “Have you heard? Your boyfriend is about to be kicked out as Chairman,” she said scathingly. “After what happened yesterday, I’m not really surprised he’ll get the boot. This institution is falling apart,” she sneered, “and it’s because some people don’t know how to position themselves. Sometimes too much ambition can be a bad thing.”

  Her meaning was obvious. But that wasn’t Killian immediate concern. Max was. But she needed Uncle Tony’s help. She scrolled his number on her cellphone.

  When he answered, she only asked for two things. One, Max shouldn’t find out she asked for his help. Two, Killian wanted Uncle Tony to bring her to where the Board was meeting. He was surprised and hesitant so she promised she would explain everything before he brought her to see the members of the hospital board.

  They met at a nearby café. Killian explained what she intended to do. Uncle Tony’s eyes popped out of his sockets.

  “You’re willing to do that,” he asked incredulously.

  “Yes,” Killian replied earnestly, “it’s the right thing to do. Hopefully, it will be enough to change their minds about replacing Max as Chairman.”

  “But you’ll lose everything that you’ve worked for,” Uncle Tony protested.

  “I-I can start all over again,” she replied
unable to mask the anguish in her voice.


  A few minutes later, Killian stood before the Board of Directors of the Maxwell Saint Sr. Memorial Hospital. She searched each face intently trying to gauge their reaction over her sudden intrusion. The old men’s faces were mostly surprised and curious while some were suspicious. She drew a deep breath to calm her nerves before she spoke.

  “Gentlemen, I am here because of recent events that may have caused you some pain. What happened yesterday at the lobby of the Medical Arts Building was something I didn’t expect but I think it was because of me that it happened. I apologize sincerely.


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