Beautiful Collision

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Beautiful Collision Page 12

by T. G. Ayer

  I grab my purse from the counter and lock up. Downstairs, I knock on Kate's door and when she opens up I can already smell cooking pasta. "How the hell did you manage to get something cooking so fast?" I ask, already in awe.

  "It's a little trick called frozen cooked pasta and grated cheese. My mom taught me a bunch of tricks to help me get my meals on fast when I get back from classes. And without affecting the flavor too."

  "Your mom sounds amazing," I say and I'm not faking my awe of Kate's mom. "Can I help with anything?"

  Kate shakes her head and points from one plastic bag to the next. "Frozen pre-cooked pasta, cooking time 1 minute to warm through in boiling water. Pre-chopped bag of onions, garlic and thyme all pre-frozen, cooking time 5 minutes. Pre-grated frozen cheese, cooking time one minute. All together they make a mean mac and cheese all in less than 15 minutes flat." she grins proudly and I gave her a round of applause. Kate bows then points her spoon at the sofa. "Relax. You can nap after you eat."

  I nod and curl up on the sofa to stare blankly at a Friends rerun. I am almost asleep when I hear Kate yell out that the pasta is done.

  "Stay where you are," she says as I try to get up. "Mac and cheese tastes best on the sofa." I sink back thankfully and struggle to stay awake.

  The aroma of the pasta awakens me fast enough though, and soon I'm shoveling macaroni and delicious melted cheese into my mouth, sure that I haven't tasted anything so good in, well, ever.

  At last, I lean against the back of the sofa, sated and feeling too full to even move. "That was delicious," I say with a sigh.

  "Now go to sleep." Kate flicks her fingers at me, shooing me off the sofa. I don't resist, the idea of a nap thoroughly appealing. I head to her room and sink down onto the bed, curling up in the path of sunlight that drapes the bed.

  I'm asleep within seconds.



  Six Months Ago

  I stared at Anthony's friend, the one who'd given me the blue pills. "I'm very sorry Sara, but Nikolai needs to speak to you. It's about your brother." I almost flinched as he used my birth name and I looked at him for a moment. Nobody called me Sara. My nickname, Gray, had always been my name, even the one I used at school, although my report cards would say Sara Harper.

  I glared at them, as well as I could glare with only one working eye. Then I shook my head. "Anthony can deal with his own shit. I don't owe him anything. You can tell this Nikolai that he can have my brother. I certainly don't need him." I nodded and didn't miss the hint of admiration in the nice guys eyes.

  Beefcake watched me for a moment too, as if unsure what to do with me. Then he shared a look with the other guy and then glanced back at me with a sigh. "I want for there to be no problems. You see, Nikolai, he is our boss and Andrei and I must do what he says. And I don't want to be in trouble with Nikolai. Because trouble with Nikolai is bad bad stuff." He spoke so solemnly I almost felt sorry for him. For the first time I became aware that the big guy had an accent that seems to affect him when he was under stress.

  But Andrei, as nice as he was to me last night, seemed to be made of sterner stuff. "You should come with us. We have to take you back. With or without your consent." Those last words snapped my gaze to his face and I didn't miss the ice in his eyes. He may have been good to me last night. But today was a new day and the boss wanted me to come and see him. Seemed I had no choice. Not like I could outrun them with one ankle half broken.

  Silently, I handed my backpack to Beefcake and Andrei took my schoolbag. When Andrei took my bag, the action of throwing it over his shoulder parted his jacket to reveal a holster, and a gleaming gun at his hip. And if Andrei was packing, then so was Beefcake.

  Looked like I didn't have much choice but to go with them. Andrei offered me his hand, and I hobbled forward slowly, holding onto his shoulder, with Beefcake walking behind us. I marveled at how I'd expected to have gotten myself all the way over to Suzi's with this bum leg.

  Then Beefcake sighed, and stepped between Andrei and myself, bent at the knees and scooped me into his arms. I lacked self-control and was unable to silence the shocked squeak that left my throat. Beefcake and Andrei were chuckling as they headed for the elevator. I wasn't amused but I could see how being carried saved everyone stress. Not to mention time.

  When we exited the building my eyebrows shot to my hairline.

  Parked at the sidewalk was a limousine. Black and low, and very sleek for an over-sized vehicle. The car was running and a driver jumped out as the lid of the trunk lifted open. He took my bags with care and placed them in the trunk. Andrei opened the back door and Beefcake sat me on the edge of the seat. I was surprised he was allowing me the dignity of entering the vehicle by myself so I didn't put up a fuss.

  It was pretty obvious to me that I couldn't escape. Make a run for it and limp across the street? Andrei would catch me, probably smack me for wasting his time and then I'd be in the car again. I wasn't exactly cut out for evading dudes who looked like criminals or other equally powerful people.

  Seeing the guns was the deciding factor. I slid inside the limo quietly and watched as the two men took seats opposite me. I drew my arms around me, and shivered. Andrei, his eyes always watching, noticed and bent to fiddle with some buttons on the center panel. Seconds later, warm air filtered into the car.

  Then he opened a small refrigerator that was built into the back of one of the seats and withdrew an icepack. Without asking permission to touch me, he cupped my ankle and lifted it, placing it on his knee. Then he wrapped the cold compress around it. I hissed at both the pain and the cold.

  Andrei shook his head and held on tighter when I tried to retrieve my leg. "I know it feels painful right now, but believe me the ice is the best thing for the swelling. As soon as we see Nikolai he will call for a doctor to ensure this is not broken."

  What was I supposed to say to that logic?

  I murmured my thanks then stared out of the window. I was cold despite the warmth of the heaters. Whether it was the ice of the compress, or the ice in Andrei's eyes that had seeped into my blood I couldn't be sure. I focused on the streets that slid by and the neighborhoods we drove through and slowly we went from high-rise to condo's to residential to palatial.

  At last, the limo turned into a small drive and paused in front of a pair of gigantic wrought-iron gates. Inside, we drove for a few yards down a graveled pathway that turned into a large area partly covered by an overhanging porch roof.

  Must have been meant for important guests. Or perhaps the important owner.

  The chauffeur came around to my door and opened it for me. I hesitated then remained frozen in place. Even when the chauffeur offered me his arm I didn't move.

  Andrei came closer and whispered, "Do not be afraid. No-one here means you any harm."

  I snapped my gaze back at him. "Is that what you say to all the girls?" I asked arching an eyebrow. His changes in attitude were beginning to annoy me. Or maybe I was annoyed with myself for actually liking him when he'd helped me. I'd thought he'd been nice and had gotten it all wrong. Said a lot for my judgment.

  I glared at him then shifted in the seat, taking the chauffeur's arm and allowing him to lead me inside. I left my bags to be taken care of by whoever would bother. Right now, all I wanted to do was to see this Nikolai person and get this all over and done with. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to tell him that Anthony is none of my concern.

  Inside the grand foyer the ceiling was high, revealing the balustrades of the second floor. A large arrangement of flowers occupied the round table in the middle of the space. Above it hung a shimmering chandelier, so glittery that I felt I needed shades to protect my eyes as I looked up at it.

  I was standing at the foot of the stairs wondering whether to go up or down when a voice speaks my name. "Sara, my dear. I'm Nikolai Roshkov. How kind of you to accept my invitation." His smile was smooth, his clothing elegant, but his eyes were dark and made me wonder what this ma
n was capable of. Sure he was powerful, and dangerous too, maybe. Dressed in a suit that looked expensive, the color matching the darkness of his eyes, he smiled at me as if I was an honored guest.

  I glared at him, "Don't you mean obey your instructions?" I asked hotly, suddenly unhappy with the way everything had gone so far.

  But all he did was smile. "Of course not. The men in my employ are following my instructions, you of course are free to do as you wish."

  I nodded and smiled blankly. "Ah, I see. But as long as I do what you want I should be okay, right?" I asked, my eyes not moving from his face.

  He had charm and good looks on his side, a high brow, aquiline nose, hard eyebrows. All make him look as dangerous as he was good looking.

  He merely grinned as he walked toward me. I wondered if I should run for my life but I didn't sense a threat from this man. Not the way I felt when Andrei had stood his ground. Then this man, Nikolai, took my hand and bent over it to give it a light kiss. I shuddered but it was far from passion that caused my reaction.

  That small gentlemanly act was enough to remind me that I now stood in a strange house surrounded by strange men with not a single living person out there in the world who knew where I'd gone and why. Anything could happen to me here. And that thought was both sobering and terrifying.

  He looked up at me, a sad look flitting across his face. "Please. Do not be afraid."

  I gave a sharp nod then gazed around the room wanting to look at something else besides those dark and dangerous eyes. I was still not sure what made me so afraid of him but I bided my time.

  "I thought you wanted to talk about Anthony?" I asked, then met his gaze at last. There was nothing there to frighten me.

  In fact, he cleared his throat and said, "Straight and to the point. I think I very much like that about you Sara."

  I merely nodded while my fingers curled into fists. I hated hearing him call me by that name. But I didn't challenge him yet. "Come," he said then turned on his heel and walked across the white marble tiles. Everything in the house was white and black, accented by paintings and sculptures that added a hint of color to the place. He walked and I just followed in silence, limping slowly. He stopped abruptly then glanced over his shoulder when he didn't see me at his side.

  He gave an impatient flick of his fingers at Beefcake who strode over to me so fast if I'd blinked I would have missed it. He swung me into his arms the same way he'd done outside my apartment, and carried me into what looked like a very large lounge. All the furniture was either white or glass, and one entire wall of the room was a gigantic window, which looked out onto the blue sea and I realized we'd driven far out of the city.

  Beefcake placed me gently onto the nearest sofa and stepped away. I glanced at him and figured it was too odd that for a guy who'd carried me in his arms twice now, I still didn't know his real name. I was about to ask him when Nikolai said, "Yuri. Go fetch him now."

  The request was brisk, harsh even, and Beefcake, or rather, Yuri, hurried out of the room. I assumed the man Nikolai referred to was Anthony and just the thought twisted my stomach into vice-like knots.

  The last thing I wanted was to see my brother's face. Not when memories of his betrayal were so very fresh in my mind.

  I sat in the plush white leather, my fingers gripped together so tightly that I'm sure my nails have cut through skin and drawn the blood from my palms. The only reason I held them so tight was because they were shaking so badly I was sure Nikolai would see. Or Andrei, who now stood by the door, his hands crossed at his back, his head forward and expressionless, like some jeans-clad super-trained soldier.

  Nikolai came to sit beside me. He took my shaking hands in his and although I tightened the muscles in my arms and fingers, I didn't pull away only because I had no idea what this man was capable of, how far he can be pushed. I was happy to test him when he was across the room but not while he sat beside me, his body vibrating with energy and danger.

  A noise at the door drew my attention. I looked up and watch as Yuri brought in a man, whose face was covered in bloodstains and clotted blood.

  It took me a long moment to recognize the man beneath the swollen eyes and lips.

  Poor Anthony.



  The last time I'd seen Gray was when she'd faced off with the overeager detective. Man, the guy certainly needs to wise up if he wants to stay on the force. He'd rubbed me the wrong way and from what I'd seen he'd pissed Gray off as well.

  She'd stood up to him and I'd loved watching her do it. And of course I hadn't been able to keep my big mouth shut about it either.

  I'm staring at the unappetizing lunch tray that one of the nurses delivered when the sound of footsteps brings my attention to the doorway. I can just make out two shapes, tall and male from the looks of it and immediately I know they are here for me.

  The curtain is thrust aside and Wade enters with Matthews. My CO is carrying a paper bag and Mathews a black duffel. Wade comes to stand beside my bed. He studies my bandages with narrowed eyes and then shakes his head. "I don't suppose you know the difference between staking out a placing and breaking into one?"

  I snort and he gives me an admonishing look, tempered with a short grin. We've always got along well. Malcolm Wade, dark-skinned, medium build, medium height, balding with glasses, has been with the FBI long enough to have seen an ever widening range of recruits.

  As for now, I know he's here to check on me. "The police have my piece." I offer him that bit of information.

  To my chagrin he removes my gun from the brown paper bag. "You mean this piece?" he asks and I merely glare at the weapon, gritting my teeth.

  "They actually handed it over?" I ask surprised, considering Detective Hamlin's determination.

  "Yeah. We are the FBI you know," said Matthews, eager to offer his opinion. Wade and I both shoot him a glare that shuts him up. He swallows hard as his face reddens. He holds out the bag awkwardly. "Your stuff," he says.

  "Put it there," I said, pointing at a small cupboard beside the bed.

  As Mathews moves, Wade clears his throat. "We can't stay long. I just needed to give you your orders considering you don't have any comms on your person."

  I lean against my pillows, suddenly drained. "I dropped them on the ambulance floor. The last thing I needed was for the doctors to find them." Wade is nodding. "So what's the mission?" I ask, almost afraid to know.

  "You get closer to the girl."

  "How the hell do I do that?" Stupid question, Thane. I already suspect how.

  "By encouraging the girl to take you to her apartment, where she will take care of you until you are ready to get back into action."

  I lift my head off the pillow frowning. "But, Wade-"

  "No buts, Blackwell. You got yourself shot while entering her apartment. What the hell were you thinking?"

  "I guess you didn't read the police report, then?" I snap, uncaring that I am bordering on insolence.

  Wade's dark eyes glitter. "Why don't you debrief me, Agent Blackwell?"

  I clear my throat, annoyed at being dressed down in front of the rookie, who is clearly enjoying my embarrassment.

  "I was waiting for Matthews to take over, when Boris entered the house using the front door. I assumed he intended to enter her apartment so I got inside through her open bedroom window. Missed him by seconds. He picked the locks on the front door and was lurking around her apartment. Seemed to be looking for something. I was concerned he was there to hurt her. He made a run for it and I pursued. I shot him before he jumped out of the window and then little miss mobster's daughter put one in my shoulder for my troubles."

  Matthews snorts. He'd returned to his place beside Wade. "That teensy little thing shot you? I swear I would have put my money on good old Boris."

  Wade slaps him upside the back of his head and gives him a stern glare. Matthews sobers up and his face becomes implacable.

  Then Wade zeroes in on me and says
, "Staying in her apartment should deter Boris and perhaps you could get close to her. See how much she knows about Nikolai's operation. Now that I think of it, this is probably the best opportunity we've gotten to date."

  "Not counting the fact that I had to get shot to get it," I add dryly.

  "The agency appreciates your sacrifice in the line of duty, Agent Blackwell." Wade's face is inscrutable but I know by now it's his way of making fun of me.

  "Fine, but I draw the line at sleeping with her."

  "I'll leave that up to you." Wades tone said that if sleeping with Gray is necessary to obtain the information we require then I should go ahead and do it. I, myself, am not too keen to take it that far. "Now, I'll see about getting you discharged today."

  I snort and lay my head against the pillows. "Good luck with that," I say, feeling my body fill with frustration. Wade has a way of making things happen and most times I quite enjoy his technique. Just not today. "I just came out of surgery this morning, Wade. No doctor is going to discharge me this soon."

  Wade grins and the expression isn't pleasant. "Just leave the doctors to me. Besides, it was a through and through. Nicked an artery yes, but you got attention just in time. You'll be good as new soon enough. So, you're getting discharged today no matter how many strings I have to pull to make it happen."

  Then Wade and Matthews are walking out of the room with me glaring angrily at their backs. This shit is just getting more and more complicated. I know Wade well enough that I am pretty certain knowing I'll be getting my discharge papers soon. Then I head to Gray's apartment.

  There is a part of me that's already cursing myself for all the lies I've told her so far. I'd stepped into her life and she'd shot me.

  What more is Gray capable of if I end up breaking her heart?



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