His Mate- Brothers- Joe- Book Two of Adrian and Leo

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His Mate- Brothers- Joe- Book Two of Adrian and Leo Page 9

by M. L. Briers

  “I’m no longer tired.” She bit out.

  “Good to here.” He gave a deep chuckle and it sounded decidedly dirty to her ears. “Which brings me to my plan…” He stopped at the bed and stared over at it, waiting for her to look too… It took her a moment, but then her eyes flicked to the bed before they flicked back to him; then she scoffed…

  “Don’t even…”

  “If I kiss you senseless, you’re not going to zap me…” He growled out each and every word at the thought of it. Before she could say a word his lips came down on hers.

  That jolt of excitement tore through her once more. Her hands wanted to touch, to play, to revisit each and every muscle of his chest, but she refused to give in to temptation. The vampire was gone and she was free to leave… but could she actually do it?

  Could she walk out on her mate?

  She zapped him with everything that she had and he crumpled like a house of cards. She fell too, but her landing against the mattress was soft as he fell to his knees on the floor beside the bed and growled long and hard against the pain.

  “I… could… be… wrong.” He grunted as he bit down on the feeling that his muscles and tendons were going to snap from the way his body had tightened up with the pain.

  Kathy scrambled to her knees on the bed and released him from her magic. His jet black eyes locked onto hers and he growled in disbelief as he slowly shook his head. Every muscle ached as they slowly released that tension.

  “Oh, wrong doesn’t begin to describe you, wolf.” Her hands went to her hips and she tipped her chin down towards her chest; regarding him from under her lashes. “First you tell me that I’m fat…”

  “I never said…” He bit down on his annoyance. He thought he was being smart; winding her up and trying to throw her off guard, but it had backfired. Spectacularly.

  “I’m heavy? Curvy? Hmm, sure sounds like fat to me…”

  “That’s because you’re female and can’t take a joke…” He started to push up, but her hand snapped out and her index finger took a slow journey from side to side as she warned him against it.

  “Then you think you can just kiss me whenever you want…”

  “You are my mate…”

  “And that gives you the right…?”

  “Not the right, just the need, the desire, the want to feel your lips against mine…” He pushed up slowly and she didn’t zap him, but her eyes were narrowing as if she suspected foul play was afoot. “You feel that need too, don’t you? It’s bubbling, and building, and burning inside of you…”

  He made a grab for her then. Pushing off with his knee as his hands came out either side of her body, and he saw her eyes widen as she realised what he was doing, but he was fast, too fast for her to react with magic, and he took her backwards beneath him; trapping her under the length of his body before she could even blink twice.

  “The last time that we kissed, you melted like the snow in summertime…” He reminded her and she knew that she couldn’t deny it. Just the feel of his body against hers did something to her that warmed her very soul. She had the urge to zap him back in time to the Stone Age, and yet there was a battle raging within her that fought against that very need.

  “Don’t flatter yourself.” She might not have been able to deny it but she didn’t want to admit it either.

  “Tell me that you don’t want me.” He felt the hard pinch of her fingers against the flesh of his ribs and growled in annoyance as he reached around, closed his hands around both of her wrists and pushed them up over her head against the bed.

  “I don’t want to want you.” She rushed out the words so fast she hoped that he’d missed what she’d actually said, but there was a slow burning, sexy, victory smile that took his face.

  “But you do, don’t you?” He leaned in over her and she brought her knee up and slammed it against his backside. Taken off guard; he was propelled- face first- into the bedding beside her.

  She hadn’t done herself any favours. She had managed to trap herself even more beneath his weight now than she had been before, and before she could at least breathe. He hadn’t let go of her wrists and his armpit was covering her face…

  “Is personal grooming a dirty word with you?” She twisted her head and felt his weight lift from her body. “Say it with me, deodorant is good.” She snarked to the sound of another growl.

  “Sweetheart, I know I don’t smell, but if I did, I also know that you’d love that manly scent…” He pushed back up and stared down at her.

  “I think fate must have had a damned hangover the day it put us together.” She hissed up at him.

  “Do you wanna know what I think…?”


  “Good, then I’ll tell you. I think you’re desperate to wrap your body around mine like a vine…” She couldn’t stop that image from playing in her mind, and boy was it a good one.

  “I think you’re a psycho.”

  “I think the lady, if you were one, and I’m really rooting for you not to be…” He wiggled his eyebrows at her and she couldn’t believe that she found that as sexy as hell at the same time as wanting to tear him a new one. “Protests too much.”

  “You do?” She replied dryly.

  “I do.”

  “That’s just ego and wishful thinking on your part…”

  “I’m sure… it’s not.” He gave her a deep chuckle that rattled her body’s awareness of him. Even his damned laugh was sexy. Fate just wasn’t playing fair. “I’m sure that you’d love to feel my naked body against your naked body, flesh on flesh, skin on skin, rubbing against each other…”

  Her toes were literally curling as she tried to keep her body from acting of its own volition. She had the urge to push her hips upwards against his… They might not have been naked, but in that image he was creating within her mind they might as well have been.

  “That’s pretty much a disgusting thought…” She lied, and they both knew it. His words were working a kind of magic all of their own. She felt the wet heat that was taking her channel and she’d pressed her inner thighs together to try to keep it at bay, but that was never going to happen.

  “You don’t mean that…” He gave her one of those sexier than hell smiles and she wanted to groan with the whole injustice of it all.

  “Oh, but I do…”

  “I think your nose is actually growing as you’re talking…” He teased.

  Joe shifted his weight above her and she felt the hard press of his length against her thigh. Her mind zeroed in on it as if it was a heat seeking missile detector and she had inbound… Lord help her, but she was half welcoming Armageddon.

  “I think you want to be naked with me, very naked…”

  “I think you’re delusional. But I do have a question for you.”


  “Love too.”

  “Bet you would.”

  “How can you be very naked?” She crowed back at him.

  “Want me to show you…?” He had the kind of hungry look in his eye that made her heart try to leap from her chest.



  “No, no. A verbal explanation will be just fine.” Kathy assured him, but it was another lie. She wanted him to show her alright. Her body was way ahead of her mind in that respect.

  “First we get- naked, as in no clothes, no physical barriers between us…”

  She swallowed down at that thought, that damn image within her mind. She’d already seen him naked and she knew just what she was getting, but there was an urge, a desire to know how that actually felt in the moment, skin against skin…

  “Then I can taste you- everywhere…” He sort of whispered that last word and she found that her ears had pricked up so she could hear what he was saying over the rushing of her blood within her veins- the sound of her heart beating hard within her chest…

  “Then, when I push deep inside of you, stretch you around my cock and move within you…”

ly cow, I think I need a fire truck to hose me down… I had to ask! I shouldn’t have asked. You cannot un-ring a damn bell…

  “Until you don’t know where you stop and I start. When your mind, body, and soul is truly open. Then we’ll both be truly, very naked with each other.” He could see the change to her skin colour, hear the difference in her breathing, and he could even scent the sweet smell of her arousal in the air.

  Her lips had parted, only just, but the tip of her tongue ran a slow lick between those lips before her top teeth snagged her lower lip and he was mesmerised by it. His hard length ached for her. It didn’t want to be locked away behind denim, but buried deep within the satin walls of her body. He couldn’t help the deep, hungry growled that rolled through him.

  She gave a small gasp at the sound, the feel of that growl as it rumbled through her. Her inner muscles clenched around thin air and she had a need to feel him inside of her. Her mind was solely focused on him, every inch of him, and he was right, she wanted to feel him naked against her, she wanted to wrap her body around his like a damned vine…

  Then she couldn’t hold onto any other thought than that one. She lifted her head and brought her lips to his. That spark of magic between them- the jolt of excitement mixed with need and anticipation- made a moan catch in the back of her throat.

  Then he was devouring her as if she was his favourite flavour. A hungry man that needed to feast on everything that she had to offer him. He couldn’t hold back the need to touch, to feel, to taste and allow her to do the same. He released her wrists and started to strip the clothes from her body as her hands worked on his.

  It amused and annoyed him that he had to help her out. He wished that they were both already naked, and he took that annoyance out on the fabric as he ripped and tore through their clothes. His naked chest brushed against the hard nipples of her breasts and he was in damned heaven…

  Skin against skin. Neither one of them was content to be a half player in this journey. When she’d had enough of being the centre of attention and couldn’t contain her needs a moment longer to taste his flesh, she palmed his chest and used her magic to toss him over onto his back on the bed.

  He growled and she ignored it. There was a fire burning within her to explore his body the way that he’d been exploring hers, and that wet heat between her inner thighs was just going to have to wait…

  Kathy heard his heady growl as she moved down his body, licking, nipping, and kissing it better on route to where she wanted to be. Straddling his legs, her eyes feasted on the twitching hard cock that drew her towards it. She tasted him on her tongue, running it up the silken skin of the shaft, and was just about to wrap her lips around the bulbous head when his hands snagged her under the arms and he lifted her up his body…

  “That’s not…” She started to protest, but for one long moment she had to wonder where the hell he was taking her, as her knees practically nudged the headboard and her hands reached for it a moment before she felt the first swipe of his tongue against her sex…

  Her inner muscles clenched hard with the jolt of pleasure that shot through her body. On her knees over his face, and with his hands now locked against her hips, she had nowhere to go. Not that she had a thought in her mind about moving more than an inch; she didn’t.


  His fingers moved around to cup the curvy cheeks of her backside and open her sex up even more to his tongue. He tasted, growled, and then devoured her without remorse. The sounds of her gasps and moans only fuelled his desire, and he ruthlessly took her right up to the edge of the abyss and hurled her over into oblivion.


  Her scent. The taste of her juices on his tongue as he lapped inside of her clenching channel only made the fever burn hotter within him. He wanted more, needed more, and he paid no mind to the moment that she came back to him and tried to move away, tried for some relief from his ministrations- he took her right back up again and mercilessly devoured her until she cried out once more.


  His beast pushed forward. The need to claim her, to bond with her was overwhelming. He reluctantly released her from his hold and slid out from beneath her body as she still rode the waves of the orgasm that rolled through her.

  Joe got onto his knees on the bed behind her. He wrapped one arm around her waist as he palmed the gentle swell of her stomach and his other hand guided his hard length to her wet channel.

  He teased the throbbing muscles of her channel with the head of his cock; pushing in and sliding back out again, over and over until her backside came back towards him. She took him further inside. Wanting nothing more than to feel every inch of him filling her to the hilt, and when she got her wish she released a slow breath as he demanded that her inner muscles allow him inside.

  “So… damned… tight, baby.” He growled against her ear as his hips met her backside and he moved within her, playing the tip of his cock against the satin walls of her channel.

  She bit down on the moan that escaped her throat. Her fingers curled against the top of the headboard, and she revelled in the feel of the hard length that devoured her every bit as much as his tongue had. When he slowly dragged his hips backwards, she clenched down hard around his length, trying to keep him deep within her.

  “I’m coming right back where I belong, sweetheart…” He growled as he pushed back to the hilt and she closed her eyes as her head dropped back against his shoulder, savouring every inch opening her up again, stretching her wide around his thick length.

  She cursed and he growled at the sound of it. She was as hungry for him as he was for her. He pulled back out of her to the very tip of his length; only to push right back in again to the hilt. Over and over, he filled her body and made her moan, slowly, too slowly for either of their liking.

  Kathy moved her hips, pushing back against him, faster and faster, urging him on until he felt her inner muscle start to lock up around him. His beast demanded to be set free. His fangs pushed down, and he was desperate to taste her blood on his tongue.

  “I’m going to mark you…” He growled against her ear and felt her inner muscles tightened even more around his length. He grunted against the pure pleasure that caused…

  “Bond.” It was the only word that would come to her mind. It was the only word that she wanted on her lips.

  His beast roared within him at her surrender. He growled against her flesh as he ran his tongue down her neck and over her shoulder. His arm tightened around her body and his other hand fisted her hair and dragged her head to one side.

  He was done holding back. He was done holding onto his beast. His mate had surrendered to him and that was all the permission that he needed to take her the way a mate should.

  The sound of his skin slapping against hers filled his ears. The scent of their sex filled his nostrils and he could still taste her juices on his tongue. His hips slapped against the curves of her backside as he took her right to the edge once more and thrust her over.

  There was a muted cry from her lips at the intensity of the orgasm that fired through every inch of her body. Then there was another as he bit down hard and fast into her flesh. The taste of her blood rolling over his tongue sent him almost wild as his beast roared within him from the connection of their souls as they joined together as one.

  Joe released his fangs and swiped his tongue over the wound in her flesh. His hips were still beating a tune against her flesh as his cock thrust against the hard clench of her inner muscles. He growled and grunted at the feel of her body trying to milk the seed from his.

  He half lifted her- half dragged her knees across the bed and pushed her upper body down against the mattress. Curling his body over hers, he thrust in that little bit deeper and heard her moan of approval. It set a fire within him that couldn’t be stopped.

  Every inch of him needed to find that release for himself. Half wild with the fever that ran through his veins; he took her like a wild thing. His thrusts became err
atic the closer that he got to his own happily ever after, and he grunted and growled with the glorious feeling he got on every deep thrust inside of her body.

  He was lost to the moment. Lost to the thought of completing the bond between them. So much so that when she cried out once more and her inner muscles went into a hard clench and release around his cock, he felt as if her body had literally sucked the seed right from deep within his sack, and he tossed his head back on his neck and howled at the pure, intense pleasure that devoured every inch of him.

  Over and over again, he buried his length to the hilt and filled her womb with his seed until he had nothing left to give. Her body had suckled him hard, was still suckling his length, and there wasn’t a damned thing that he could have done to not stay hard within her.

  That fever, that desire for her burned too hot within him to stop now. He pulled out, rolled her onto her back, and settled back between her thighs as he thrust back to the hilt within her.

  She pried open her lids as far as she could get them and locked onto his jet black eyes as they held her spellbound.

  “Joe…” She bit down on a curse as his hands found her wrists and he locked them against the mattress above her head. She didn’t know if she was going to break into a million pieces this time, but she knew that he was taking her right back up again, and she knew that she didn’t want him to stop until she flying once more.

  “Mine…” He growled out with more beast in his voice than she had ever heard before. Her excitement grew. Her need grew…

  “Yours…” She arched her back and pushed her head back into the mattress as she felt that orgasm back-building within her body. “Joe… yes…” She bit down on that frustration- that need… He growled like a wild man, pounding his hips against her body with erratic thrusts inside of her until she cried out once more…

  Every inch of his body locked up so hard that he thought he might just snap. His seed exploded against her womb, over and over, like it was unending, as if he was never going to come back down. He roared at the intensity and the ecstasy of the moments that burned within him; until finally he was done, collapsing down onto his elbows above her, every muscle weak and shaking within him.


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