Third Time's a Charm- Book 3 of the Colvin Series

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Third Time's a Charm- Book 3 of the Colvin Series Page 15

by Heather Morris


  “Karlie? Leah? Mom said you two were in here. Hello?” I walk through my apartment looking for the two of them.

  “We’re in your bedroom!” I hear Karlie yell so I cautiously walk to my room. What in the world are they doing in my room?

  “What are you two doing?” I walk in my room and see them scurrying around like little elves. They have dresses and shoes strewn all over my bedroom.

  “We’re finding your wedding dress you goof. You didn’t give us much time to get one! Next time please don’t give us an hour’s notice before a wedding! Now get undressed.”

  “I was just going to wear my white maternity dress I got for the summer months. It’ll work just fine.”

  “It would have been fine yes. But you have to be stunning! So, we’ve found a few different things in your closet and ours that we’ve taken apart and created a fabulous one of a kind wedding dress for you! Isn’t it gorgeous?” Leah says and holds up their creation.

  “That is the most beautiful wedding dress I think I have ever seen. How did you two pull this off?” I can’t believe they did this. The dress is fitted everywhere above the waist and flowing below.

  “This bottom part is from my wedding dress. Recognize it? I took out the stitches and just attached it to the bottom of the dress you already had. With it being a maternity dress we knew it would fit you. So we built on that.”

  “Karlie, you took that off of your own wedding dress? Won’t you miss it? How could you trash your own like that? Leah why did you let her do that?”

  “Actually I took some off my Grandmother’s dress I found in the attic. The lace veil is hers too. We want you to have the most beautiful wedding we can throw for you. It makes us happy to do this. Just be thankful and go with it.”

  “Girls I can’t believe you have both done this. I can’t begin to tell you how much it means to me. Is the dress all done?”

  “All ready for your hot body to get inside of it. Do you want your hair up or down?” Karlie asks and gestures for me to come put the dress on. I slip out of the dress I was currently wearing and step out of my sandals.

  “We have shoes for you too. Remember the little slippers we got for all of you bridesmaids at our wedding? We found yours in the bottom of your closet and those will be perfect and comfy under your dress. You’ll never see them either.”

  “You two are amazing and I love you so much! You’re exactly the sisters I always wanted!!”

  “We love you too. Now hurry up and get in that chair so I can do your hair and makeup. The clock is ticking and you’re going to have a handsome groom down there waiting patiently to see you look beautiful.” Leah says and gets busy with my makeup and hair brush.

  “I can’t believe I’m marrying the man of my dreams in a few minutes. This is so surreal.”

  “You’re the one who said it had to be tonight. Whatever possessed you to do it so soon?”

  “What? Should I wait as long as you and Austin have?”

  “Actually we were going to tell you all at dinner that we had set a date for the wedding but you and Prince Charming kinda stole the show.” Leah stood there smiling with her hand on her hip.

  “OH!! I’m so sorry. When is it?”

  “October 6th.”

  “Of this year right??” Karlie pipes up.

  “Of course. We’ve waited long enough. You two can start planning tomorrow. Tonight it’s all about your special day Audrey! I am so overly happy for you and Maysen.”

  “Leah I am so thankful to have you in our lives too. Austin has been such a changed person since you came back. And Karlie, we all know you and Aiden never could have stayed apart. I have the sweetest niece and I’m so thankful for what you two are doing and have done for me.”

  “No crying. This makeup will run and then you’ll look like the Bride of Chucky.” Leah growls making us all bust out laughing.

  “Can I join the pre-party?” We turn to see my Mom peeking in the doorway of my bedroom smiling and wearing the dress she wore for Aiden and Karlie’s wedding. She looks so young and beautiful in it.

  “Of course you can Mom. Is Maysen ready? And Martha? Did she get a good spot to sit?”

  “Yes honey everyone is ready and waiting for the bride. I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of the woman you have become and of the man you have chosen to marry. Maysen is wonderful and his mother is also a wonderful woman. When Aiden married Karlie I gained a daughter and a very good friend in her mother. I will gain another son and a friend in his mother tonight also. I love you girls so much. Let’s go make you a Mrs.” Mom hugs each one of us leaving me for last because we all know with these hormones I’m going to need a touchup on my makeup.

  “I love you so much Mom. I will strive to be a mother like you have been to me and my brothers. You’re the most amazing woman I know and am so blessed to have you as my mother. My son will be blessed to have you as one of his two amazing grandmothers.”

  “Okay let’s fix the makeup and blow this popsicle stand!” Karlie blurts out and we all laugh until we almost cry.


  “May I come in?” I hear a familiar voice from the doorway of the room we’re getting ready in. I turn around to see my mother’s smiling face. She looks so full of pride and happiness tonight. It’s so very good to see her like that again. She’s been so sick in recent years that it’s been tough to be too happy.

  “Of course you can Ma. Is my tie crooked? This stupid bowtie is choking me. The guys think this is what Audrey would want me to wear so I’m wearing it. Even though I have never worn a penguin suit in my life, I’ll wear it for my bride whenever she wants.” I smile and at my mom and she starts to tear up.

  “Maysen I am so proud of you. You have found your true love and will be marrying her tonight. You’ll soon be a father and I know with all my heart you’ll be the best husband and father anyone could ask for. I have worked so hard over the years to ensure you were the kind of man a woman would want and now that you are I couldn’t be happier.” She hugs me and I feel her sob while in my arms.

  “Ma don’t cry. You’re going to mess up that makeup Audrey did for you and I’m going to cry too. I love you and you’ve been the best mother any guy could ask for. My son will be so blessed to have you and Amelia as his Grandmothers. I love you. Thank you for teaching me to be a man and to be a good one.”

  “Knock knock. Mom says it’s time. You ready for this?” Aiden asks from the doorway now. I look at mom’s smiling face and then at Aiden’s. This really is happening. I’m going to marry the girl of my dreams. Tonight. Right now. Wow!

  “More than ready. Let’s go.” I motion for Mom to follow Aiden and I follow her down the hallway and out onto the back patio.


  I’m struck with how amazing the backyard looks. This place has transformed into the most spectacular outdoor wedding. White lights twinkle in the trees. Chairs are set up facing a gazebo that’s adorned with white lights and white roses all over. I don’t know how much of the yard looks like this year round but it’s amazing. It’s better than anything I could ever have dreamed up myself. Mom and I walk down the aisle to the front where I see a man who must be Reverend Lowell. I shake his hand and thank him for being here on such short notice. I walk my mother to her seat in the front row. And Carter’s here too. Wow.

  “Hey man, what’s up? How did you get here so fast?”

  “I was actually still here. I’ll tell you about that later. You look pretty sharp!”

  “I’m so glad to have my best friend here with me when I marry Audrey.”

  “Of course man. Don’t worry about it. When you go big you go really big don’t you? A son and wife all in a couple of days.” Carter jokes and slaps me on the back.

  “Hey, when it’s right it’s right.” I smile and take my place at the front. I look around and see everyone I know here. Aunt Ingrid and Uncle Sam are sitting with Mom. Amelia’s sitting on the other side with an empty chair f
or AJ. Aiden and Karlie with Aleah and Austin with Leah. Even Tracey made it? That’s interesting. How did she and Carter both get back here so quickly? Anyway, most everyone I have met from the garage is here too. Audrey must know the rest because I think that’s the extent of those that I do.

  I can’t keep this foolish grin off my face. I am so over the moon happy to be marrying Audrey tonight. I can’t wait to look her in the eyes and tell her I want to spend the rest of our lives together. Now’s my chance. The wedding march starts playing. And oh my goodness there is the most gorgeous woman I have ever laid eyes on. And she’s about to become my wife. What did I do to deserve this? “Thank you Jesus for bringing her to me.”


  “It’s time baby girl. Are you ready?” Dad asks me as he lowers my veil over my face.

  “More ready than I have ever been for anything in my life Daddy. I love you. Let’s go I can’t wait to see my groom.” We start to walk towards the back doors of the house. Mom set it all up out in the back yard. Oh my goodness that’s exactly what we had talked about so much while I was growing up. She remembered almost every detail.

  “Oh Daddy it looks so beautiful.”

  “Your Mama has always planned on doing this for you sweetheart. She never forgot all those nights you two dreamed it all up.”

  “I’m going to cry again.” I try to breathe and not cry. I can’t cry until after the pictures at least. Speaking of pictures I look around for Karlie. There she is camera in hand.

  “Don’t cry now. Your old man here doesn’t wanna look like a sap in front of everyone.” He smiles down at me and I’m finally at ease. This is all right and perfect. I look up to where I see Maysen standing waiting for me at the end of the pathway. I tighten my hold on Dad’s arm as we step down the patio steps and onto the grass. In between rows of chairs we walk step by step getting me closer to my Prince Charming.

  “Who gives this woman to be married tonight?” Reverend Lowell asks as we reach the end of the pathway. I turn to my father and then to my mother who has stood up on my other side. “Her mother and I do.” Daddy gives me a kiss on the forehead and Mama gives me a kiss on the cheek. She smiles so big I know it has to be hurting. I love seeing her and everyone else so happy. They look as happy as I am.

  I feel Maysen’s hand slip in mine as we step forward and face each other in front of the Reverend. “We are gathered here today in front of God and all of you to join Maysen and Audrey in holy matrimony.”

  Maysen and I look at each other and as soon as our eyes lock I’m honestly not sure what else the Reverend said or how long we stood there entranced in each other.

  We both jump back into reality in time to hear, “Maysen repeat after me.” Sure hope we didn’t miss anything else too important. I hope Karlie’s videoing this too so I can watch it later to see what all was said. That makes me giggle a little and from the look on Maysen’s face he’s thinking the same thing.

  “Audrey, today I take you as my wife. I promise to love you without reservation, comfort you in times of distress, encourage you to achieve all of your goals, laugh with you and cry with you, grow with you in mind and spirit, always be open and honest with you, and cherish you for as long as we both shall live.”

  As the perfect man recites his vow to me I can’t help but let a few tears fall. I start shaking and it’s getting too hard to fight off the emotion any more. Mom must have seen it coming because she stood up and handed me a tissue just as I was about to lose it. Maysen also saw it coming and squeezed my hands tighter and smiled at me. I took a deep breath and exhaled. That’s better. Whew I almost lost it there. That would have been embarrassing.

  I say my vow to Maysen as eloquently as he did to me. Once again it’s the Reverend’s turn but this time I make sure I pay attention to his words. One of these times he’s going to say you can kiss your bride and I’m not missing that part.

  “If anyone here has any reason that these two shouldn’t be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace.” We look at each and then at the Reverend while both of us are thinking let’s move on. Get to the pronounce you man and wife stuff.

  “Then by the power vested in me by God above and the State of Oklahoma, I pronounce you man and wife. Maysen you may kiss your bride.”

  You didn’t have to tell Maysen twice on that part. Before I could even process it he had my face in between his hands and pressing his lips to mine. Sealing the vows and making me his and him mine for eternity. I kiss him back with every part of my being. This is my husband. The only man I will ever want to kiss until the day I die.

  “I love you so much Audrey. We did it. We’re married.” He says and twirls me around.

  “I love you too Maysen. Let’s get some cake. I’m starved again!” Everyone cracks up laughing that heard me say the cake part. Great that wasn’t supposed to come out that loud. But oh well, this is my wedding after all.

  “I now present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Maysen Correli.”

  We start on down the aisle stopping to get congratulations from everyone. I’m just so happy I could implode. From the look on Maysen’s face he feels the same.


  We did it. She’s my wife. I have a wife and I couldn’t be more happy and proud. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. That baby inside her stomach makes the deal even sweeter.

  We stop to sign the marriage license and it’s officially official. I just married the woman of my dreams. Married. If you would have told me that last week or even four days ago I wouldn’t have believed it. I am so thankful Audrey was put on this Earth to love me for eternity. I know I will love her that long. Maybe longer.

  “Mrs. Correli are you ready to get that cake?” I wrap my arms around her from behind and lay my hands on her ever growing stomach. I feel our son move about that exact time and realize he’s happy too that his parents just got hitched.

  “More than you know!” She shrieks and we head for the cake table. With such short notice there sure is a wonderful assortment of cupcakes on this table. Every one of them had a C on them. Audrey’s last name is Correli. It just dawned on me that she’s got my last name now. What idiot doesn’t think about that until now? Me I guess. I smile and look around at all the family and friends that are gathered around us. This is definitely a night we will never forget.

  “I am so happy for you two. Maysen, you take care of my bestie here and make her as happy every day as she is today.” Tracey says as she hugs Audrey.

  “I will do just that. Thank you. I’m going to go talk to Carter for a few minutes. Enjoy my wife while I’m gone. I will be back to claim her soon.” I kiss Audrey on the forehead and walk off towards my bestie. Good grief I’m already sounding like a girl. I smile knowing that I will see Audrey every day and every night for the rest of my life.

  “Hey man, what’s up? You ready to tell me now why you were close enough to Colvin to get here for the wedding? I’m not complaining or anything, it just weird. When you left this morning you said you were headed home.” I lift an eyebrow which makes Carter crack up.

  “Nothing gets by you does it Dude? If you and the Mrs. hadn’t have decided last minute to get married you would never have known the difference. Do I really need to get into this now? Don’t you need to run off into the sunset with your bride now?”

  “No. Spill it.” I cross my arms and wait for the details I’m not sure I’m going to like.

  “I was with Tracey. At her hotel room.” I immediately reach for his neck but he’s quicker and I guess saw it coming.

  “What the hell do you mean you were with Tracey? She’s Audrey’s best friend and has been through hell. The last thing she needs right now is a player like you messing with her plans. What were you thinking? Actually I know what you were thinking.”

  “Hey now, Mr. Judgmental. Chill out a minute. Nothing happened if that’s what you’re so pissed off about. We’ve been hanging out and just talking. She’s so great to talk to. She e
ven made me realize just how screwed up my priorities are.”

  “She did that in a few hours’ time? I’ve been trying to do that for YEARS!”

  “I know Maysen but I like her. She’s a very nice person and I loved spending time with her. I never even thought about jumping her bones. Promise.”

  “Oh my goodness I never thought I would hear those words come out of your mouth. I always thought you would be the seventy year old playboy.”

  “Hey now. You just got married not me. I didn’t say I was cured, just that I see how bad my choices have been.”

  “Am I shocked to hear these words coming out of your mouth? Oh yes. Am I thankful someone finally made you see the light? Oh yes. But my wife’s best friend who has had a crappy last couple of years? Dude really? You had better not hurt her. My wife will castrate you if you do. I promise you that.”

  “Wow. So much love coming my way. I promise Dude I won’t hurt her. We’re just friends. Good grief I only met her today. We’re not running off into the sunset hand in hand like you. Chill out. No harm done, I promise. You go run along and find the ol’ ball and chain. I’ll deal with my own life thanks.” Carter says and slaps me on the back. I nod and turn around in search of Audrey. Right now I would rather see her than deal with all of Carter’s demons. That’s his cross to bear right now, not mine. I just married an angel and I intend to keep her as happy as she is right now. But when she finds out about Carter she’s going to kill us both.


  “Could we have your attention please? Leah and I have an announcement of our own to make since we’re all gathered in one spot for some a happy occasion.” Austin says as he clinks the side of his glass. He reaches one arm around Leah and they both smile at each other.

  “We have set a wedding date. We all want you to mark your calendars for October 6th. I’m sure the women will start the planning in the morning.”


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