It's Not Cheating

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It's Not Cheating Page 2

by Mithras, Laran

  He rolled his eyes. "Because it's on my desk."

  I started moving again. "Oh. So?"

  "He said you were beautiful."

  I made a face at him.

  He chuckled. "He's a handsome German guy. Good English but heavy accent."


  "He seemed really impressed."

  I sighed.

  He made a face. "You know, I think if another man looked at you, you'd explode."

  "I don't want some nasty-ass threesome with you and some buddy of yours. I don't cheat."

  "No, you don't. You'd probably buck and spin your head around like Linda Blair in the Exorcist if a man ever touched you."

  I coughed. "That's not true. I like hugs."


  "No, I do. I hugged Ben today."

  His eyes lit up. "Oh yeah?"

  I felt him thrusting beneath me. I said, "Yes. We even kissed."

  "Get out."

  "We did."

  "You? You're a total prude."

  "I am not. I'm just not going to cheat. Period. Get over it."

  "So you kissed him?"

  "Yes, a couple times."

  "Wow, didn't think you had it in you."

  "Oh come on. You know I'm fine with hugs and kisses."

  "Yeah, I noticed. So it was hot?"


  "Yeah, did the kissing get you excited?" He was grinning at me hopefully.

  I rolled my eyes. "It was just a kiss. I told him what I thought of cheating."

  He nodded like he had heard it before. "Ah well, nice to see you loosen up a little."

  I moved up and down his cock. "This is the only sex I'm going to have. Nail down those dumb fantasies of yours."

  "Well, it's not cheating if you don't penetrate."

  "So? And?" I suspected he would try to maneuver me into cheating with one of his friends. He never quit.

  "So wear a skirt, ditch the panties and sit on his lap for me."

  I coughed. "Derek…"


  "Come on, now. I'm not going to be some brazen hussy."

  "No, just a beautiful prude."

  I coughed louder. "I'm not a prude! I let him kiss me today. I even let him touch my blouse." I was turning red with embarrassment."

  I felt his cock flex in me. "You did?"

  I nodded quickly. "Maybe I shouldn't have."

  His eyes went comically wide. "Oh my gawd, someone touched your blouse. Call 911 and get the divorce attorneys rolling. National disaster, news at eleven."

  I laughed. "Stop it."

  "Maybe you need to burn the blouse to get rid of the cheating-germs all over it."

  I shook with laughter. "I'm not like that."

  He murmured, "The hell you aren't."

  "Look, I know what cheating leads to: it destroys everything. I love you and I'm not going to destroy our marriage."

  "Cheating is when you do it behind my back."

  "No, we've been over this before. It's all cheating. If there's penetration, it's over."

  "So, that means blowjobs are okay?"

  I collapsed on him in futility. "I give up."

  "You do? So you'll meet Dieter?"

  I groaned, then laughed. "Derek, you dick."

  ~ ~ ~

  I was out of the shower Sunday morning.

  Derek came into the bedroom. "Breakfast at The Egg Basket?"

  "Ah, sorry. Going into work again for a few hours. Still have some files to get through." I selected some slacks.

  "Is Ben going to be there?"

  "Yes." I considered the color.

  "Wear a skirt."

  I rolled my eyes at him.

  "Really. Be comfortable."

  "I'm perfectly comfortable in slacks."

  "Think you might get kissed again?"

  I giggled. "Maybe."

  He struck a slight pose and nodded. "Kissing for me was always nicer when the gal was wearing a skirt. Made me feel more manly."

  I looked at him, considering his words. My head tilted and I studied his face. Was he being serious? Did it matter to men what a woman wore when they kissed? Maybe it was better if I wore something more womanly. Would it make Ben feel more manly? I shivered a little remembering his muscles.

  I selected a skirt.

  My husband smiled. "There you go. How about a shorter one?"

  I glared. "Don't push it."

  I went to the dresser and dug for nylons.

  He threw up his hands. "Nylons are gross."


  "I'm serious. Yuck. Why wear a skirt at all?"

  "You're supposed to in the office."

  "I see plenty of office chicks not wearing nylons. It's nice. If you're going to wear nylons, you might as well don a full suit of prude-armor. No nylons is nice."

  Would Ben think it was nice? I considered it and then stuffed the nylons back in the drawer.

  "What blouse are you going to wear?"

  I placed hands on hips. "Hey."


  "Who's dressing who, here?"


  I went to work dressed like a tart. Okay, maybe not, but I definitely would not wear a skirt to work on any normal day. I worried all the way to the door. I went inside.

  Ben wasn't here and I felt disappointed. But I dismissed that immediately and went into the cafeteria. I made coffee. By the time I was ready to get to work, Ben walked in. I was sort of leaned over looking at the two stacks of files.

  A smile lit his face and I saw his eyes drop down to my skirt. The smile widened.

  Is that a good smile? Or is he laughing at me? "Hi."

  His eyes came back up. "Hi. You look really nice in a skirt."

  I blushed, feeling a sudden surge of embarrassment. He likes it! "Oh… well, thanks."

  He poured himself a coffee and came to stand beside me. He blew out a breath. "So…"

  Are you going to kiss me? It was fun yesterday… "Yeah, lotta work to get through."

  He smiled, nodding and then leaned over and planted a small kiss on my lips. It was nice for a tiny kiss, but that's all it was. He said, "Well, let's get it done."

  I pouted. I liked being kissed. What's wrong that he gave me such a small peck? Is it the skirt? Darn you, Derek. I sat.

  We went through another cup of coffee before he shifted in his chair to get more comfortable. He grumbled, "These plastic chairs are so uncomfortable."

  "Yes…" I felt as if my butt were bruised. "Think I'll get my office chair."

  He jumped up. "Yeah, great idea."

  We wheeled in our chairs. Nice and comfortable desk chairs made for sitting all day. Both of us sank into them with sighs.

  I giggled.

  He stretched his feet out and I heard his shoes clump to the floor.

  I did the same to mine. Our feet touched as soon as I stretched my legs. "Oh, sorry."

  He laughed. "That's all right. I guess these sit lower than the cafeteria chairs." He pulled at my feet with his and placed them around mine.

  I smiled. His feet felt good bracketing mine. I went back to work. Shifting from one file to the next, I shifted my position. My feet moved and he moved his to let go. I said, "You're all right." I rubbed his foot with my right.

  He smiled and used his other foot to rub mine.

  I smiled back, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.

  We went back to work, but our feet moved every once in a while, stroking each other's in a slow playful rub.

  I stretched near noon and groaned.

  He said, "Hungry?"

  I felt jittery and depleted. "Yeah, skipped breakfast. The coffee wore off an hour ago."

  "Want to get a chicken salad?"

  "Mmm, that sounds nice. Tommy's?"

  "Yeah. Good organic stuff."


  I followed him out to his car. A wind had picked up and my skirt lifted a little. I smoothed it down.

  He had a nice Mustang classic. My guess was the late sixties. I sat in
the passenger seat. I said, "Wow, nice."

  He grinned. "I didn't restore it. Bought it this way at an estate sale. But, yeah, it was well-kept."

  "I didn't take you for a car-man."

  He scowled in an amused way. "Car-man?"

  "Yeah, someone all wrapped up in their cars."

  He poked me.

  I squealed.

  He said, "You ever hear me talk about my car?"

  "Um, no." I slapped his finger away. He kept poking it at me. I gasped. "Stop."

  He laughed and poked me some more.

  "Ak!" I slapped and then finally gripped his hand in a death-grip. I lowered it to my thigh and held it there, trapped. I sighed with relief.

  He didn't try to remove his hand.

  I felt his heat in my grasp. I started stroking his hand, my pulse beginning to race. His hand felt strong and manly. I looked down at it and traced the lines on the back of his hand. I ran my fingernail along a couple of scars there.

  He cleared his throat. "That was a slip on my handle bars as I was pedaling in the standing position. Hand slipped along the brake cable and sliced it open."

  "Ouch." I touched it more gently. Then I moved his thumb out to consider it. My hands looked small compared to his. He had clean fingernails; I hated dirty ones. I traced his knuckles and had fun doing it.

  He pulled his hand away. "We're here."

  We ordered and ate out on the patio.

  He said, "We have maybe a couple hours til we're done."

  "Yeah." I stabbed my plastic fork into my salad, thinking of Evelyn Error-face. A plastic fork tine broke off. Darn. I picked it out.

  "Cheapie plastic," he said.

  I stabbed again, more carefully, but two more tines broke off. "Of for crying out loud…"

  "Let me get you another."

  I was already getting up. "No, that's all right. I can get my own."

  He shrugged and took another bite.

  As I cleared one leg over the bench and stood, a gust lifted my skirt and then swirled. I was totally exposed. I slapped my skirt down with my free hand but the other side was up.

  Ben was looking.

  I almost fell over getting my other leg out. He must have had a great view of my panties and parted legs.

  He was smiling.

  I blew out a breath. "What are you smiling at?"

  "I like black panties."

  I blushed. "I should've worn slacks."

  He frowned. "Aw, and spoiled the fun? You look great in a skirt."

  I do? His words made me feel better. "You really like black panties? Thought men liked white ones."

  I didn't wait for an answer. I was back inside grabbing another fork. Then I grabbed a second one. Just in case. I rejoined him.

  "I prefer black ones. Cheryl only wears white. Kinda dull, if you ask me."

  "Cheryl or the panties?"

  He chuckled. "The panties. She's wonderful."

  I said, "Oh, sorry."

  "It's all right. She is, though."

  I smiled. "Good, you should think so if you're going to marry her."

  "Well, if she can get over her ex."

  I took a bite. "What do you mean?"

  "She has this ex-boyfriend. I think they have some kind of love-hate relationship."

  "Oh? How?"

  "Twice over the past four months, she's ran back to him."

  "Ran back to him?"

  "Yeah, ended up in bed with him."

  I felt embarrassed. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry."

  He waved off my apology. "That's all right. I think she's over him this time?"

  "That'll be bad news if she isn't. Once you're married…"

  He made a wry face. "Don't remind me. I wouldn't want to find out she ran back again after we tied the knot."

  "So she's had sex with him? Full-on…?"

  He nodded.

  I shook my head. "Penetration is cheating, but if you aren't married yet… That's a tough one."


  "Hmm, is it cheating if you aren't even married yet?"

  "I don't know."

  I twisted my mouth. "I would think it would be since you're promised to each other."

  "Yeah, not official, though."

  I shrugged. "Your call, but I think it's cheating."

  "If there's penetration."

  "Yep. Definitely."

  "I don't think I want her kissing him, either."

  I sort of chuckled. "Um, there's nothing wrong with a kiss."

  "I don't know."

  "Oh come on. You've never kissed five different women under the mistletoe? Or seen a woman kiss five different men?"

  "That's different."

  "Is not. It's just kissing. It's fun."

  He raised an eyebrow at me. "If your husband kissed some woman, you'd be okay with it?"

  "Sure, as long as it was just a kiss. Big deal. He kisses his relatives."

  "Does he share your view of kissing?"

  "Yes. He was happy you kissed me and I had fun."

  "He was?"

  I nodded. "Mm hmm."

  He looked thoughtful. "Huh."

  ~ ~ ~

  I held his hand in my lap on the drive back. He had squeezed my knee and I had captured it again. I stroked his fingers and heard him sigh.

  I glanced over at him as we were nearing the office. Then I looked down, my eyes drawn to something out of place. His slacks were bulging up very obviously.

  I looked away quickly. Had I done that to him? Or was he thinking about Cheryl? I stroked more on his hand and twisted my fingers around his. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his slacks flex upwards.

  Oh my gosh, I'm doing that! A wave of satisfaction and power came over me, as if just through a touch, I could excite a man.

  Back in the office, he acted as if he had forgotten me.

  I pouted, and set my mind to work. No kissing today? No fun.

  We finished around two and began refiling the hard files.

  I shut the last drawer and stretched my arms over my head.

  His glance dropped to my blouse.

  Oh goodness. There's nothing to see. I dropped my arms and left the file room. I rolled my chair back to my office and he did the same.

  He said at the front door, "Well, I guess we're ready for Evelyn."

  I made a face.

  He smiled at me, his eyes twinkling. "How about a kiss, Elizabeth?"

  "Oh? I almost thought you didn't want to. Like I stink or something."

  He snorted. "Um, no. I had to control myself all day so we could get the work done."

  I thought of his bulging slacks and giggled.

  He came at me, eyes lowered, intent on kissing me.

  I backed up against the wall, swallowing hard. His presence was so manly and demanding. I felt my knees tremble.

  His body came close and his heat touched my skin. I opened my mouth in a gasp and his mouth pressed down on mine. My arms wrapped around his neck with relief and our tongues moved fast against each other. I moaned.

  His kiss was electrifying.

  Wow, I waited all day for this and it was worth it.

  His hands traveled up my sides to my blouse.

  I gasped as his hands slid over my breasts through bra and blouse. That feels nice.

  I kissed him faster, my mouth and tongue working with his to slide over each other wetly. I moaned with a shaking voice.

  He dropped his hands down and ran them over my skirt and hips.

  My legs parted a little as he pressed. I lifted my left leg and wrapped it around the back of his thigh. I had seen it in Lifetime movies and it always looked so hot. It was.

  His hands used the opportunity and ran up my hips. I felt his hands run over my panties and pull my butt in.

  I groaned.

  He lifted me suddenly, cupping my butt and pushing me back up against the wall. I wrapped both legs around his waist.

  His kiss became more feverish.

  I felt him press his bulge against my c
rotch and hold it there. I could feel the pressure on my clit and hole through my skirt and panties. I moaned and thrust my hips back at him, feeling his bulge with my pussy.

  I had to break the kiss. I panted desperately, trying to catch my breath, but moaning more instead of breathing. I rubbed my pussy faster on his bulge, relishing the friction. Heat and pleasure numbed me from my pussy, but winding a coil of uncontrolled need rose in me.

  He growled, thrusting his hips against mine and cupping my butt with his hands.

  I sighed, finally catching my breath, though my pulse threatened to go from ballistic to emergency. Now this is a kiss. I'm glad I wore the skirt.

  We kissed again, slower this time as he slowly thrust his bulge at my pussy. It felt so thrilling I wanted it to go on. I moved with him, sliding my pussy up and down his bulge.

  This is how every woman needs to be kissed. Always.


  I didn't say anything to my husband until he asked.

  Derek winked at me in the bedroom. "So?"


  "What happened today?"

  "We worked all day. We went to lunch at Tommy's and then finished up at the office."

  He threw up his hands. "That's all?"

  I shrugged.

  He made a face and drooped his head as if under a burden. "Like, did you get kissed again?"

  I smiled. "At the end, yes. A nice one."

  "How nice?"

  "Nice." I don't know what to say.

  "A little peck?"

  "No, that was the first kiss. The kiss before we went home was the nice one."


  I giggled and nodded. "It was very nice."

  Derek smiled. "How long did it last?"

  I shrugged. "A few minutes. Maybe five."

  His smile broadened. "Did you suck him?"

  I rolled my eyes and grunted in disgust. "No."

  "Bah, you're no fun. Just a dumb kiss?"

  "It was nice. He had me up against the wall."

  Interest flickered on his face. "Oh yeah?"

  "He lifted me up against it and kissed me like that for a few minutes."

  Lights lit my husband's eyes. He growled in approval. "Good man."

  I laughed and shook my head.

  "Did you feel him?"


  "Was he excited?" he winked and pointed to his own crotch.

  I blushed and looked down. "Well, I think so."

  He laughed. "What do you mean, you think so. Did you feel anything?"


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