Man of Honor (Passion in Paradise Book 4)

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Man of Honor (Passion in Paradise Book 4) Page 58

by Sarah O'Rourke

  Now, seven days after the date that she should have expected her cycle to arrive, she could no longer ignore the evidence in front of her. The missed period… the endless fatigue… the nauseated feeling she’d had for the last four mornings that mysteriously disappeared just before lunch. She had three sisters that all had children of their own; she knew the warning signs all too well. And even though this wasn’t the ideal time to pursue verification of her suspicions, something inside her had insisted on knowing the truth.

  So, she took the test, and in just a few more seconds, she’d have the answer she waited for.

  Snatching her compact off the vanity, she flipped it open with nervous fingers and pulled out the sponge. Blotting the shiny spot on her forehead with the ivory-colored pressed powder, she reminded herself that no matter how that test turned out that Zeke loved her and was marrying her today. Finished with her face, she dropped the makeup back into her makeup bag and rinsed off her hands. Drying them on a towel, she knew she’d stalled long enough. It was time to look at the result window on the test.

  Turning her head she looked at the thin white test on the back of her toilet. It was amazing how one tiny object had the power to change the entire trajectory of a woman’s life, but then, she’d always known that often the tiniest things held the greatest power. How else could a newborn baby rule an entire household?

  Gathering handfuls of the yards of tulle that made up the bottom of her dress, she moved two careful steps to the right and peered down at the stick.

  “Oh, holy night,” Honor breathed as her legs went numb. Twisting so that her butt landed on the closed toilet lid, she stared at the back of the bathroom door.

  “Positive. It’s positive,” she mumbled. “I’m gonna be somebody’s momma.”

  “Honor Grace, it’s time to come out of the bathroom, girl. The photographer’s finally got his camera all set up in the back yard to take pictures of the bride under the arbor. And we a missin’ a key ingredient for that. Namely, the bride. You know we can’t make an award winning photojounalist like Ben wait! It’s just tacky! C’mon, Peanut! Aunt Orla is entertaining him and we all know that could go nine kinds of wrong if we leave her alone too long.”

  Cameras. Pictures. Photographer. Honor heard the words, but she couldn’t make sense of them.

  “Honor, will you please get out here and go full-on Bridezilla on our crazy older sister’s ass,” Honor heard Patience plead. “Or just imbue me with your wedding day powers and I’ll do it.”

  “Y’all, she’s been in there a long time. You don’t reckon something’s wrong do you?” she heard Faith worry aloud.

  Closing her eyes, Honor breathed deeply. She could do this… get married and have a baby. Hopefully, people wouldn’t do too much counting on their fingers when the little nugget she was packing around inside her was born. Zeke had a gun and a badge… he could just shoot them if they questioned their baby’s legitimacy, she reasoned silently. Zeke would always protect her and any children they brought into the world.

  “Zeke,” she mumbled out loud. She needed to tell Zeke. Rising from the toilet, she frowned as somebody banged on the bathroom door again.

  “Honor, you’ve got thirty seconds to open this door or I get Jake to take it off the hinges! He’ll do it, too, since I threatened to make him sleep on the couch if he didn’t.”

  Reaching for the door knob, Honor jerked the door open a few inches and stared at her oldest sister. “I need Zeke. Get Zeke!” she ordered before slamming the door closed again and twisting the lock.

  “Did she just say she needed to see Zeke?” Faith asked, her sweet voice confused. “Honor, you can’t see Zeke until you walk down the aisle. It’s bad luck, sweetie.”

  Honor jutted her chin out stubbornly and narrowed her eyes. “I am not leaving this bathroom until somebody brings my future husband up here,” she argued. “I need him.”

  “Why don’t you just tell me what you need and one of us can get it for you,” Harmony bargained, slipping into her role as wedding negotiator and using the tone she reserved specifically for brides on the verge of breakdown.

  Slapping the bathroom door, Honor stomped her white pump on the tiled floor. “Harmony Pearl McKinnon Stone, you send somebody marching down the stairs for my future husband or this Bridezilla is gonna go on a tear that will make what Godzilla did to Tokyo look like a day at Disneyland!”

  “That does not sound like something we want to witness,” Honor heard Maggie note dryly. “I vote we locate the lawman.”

  “Seconded,” Faith chirped.

  “Motion passed,” Patience announced as Honor heard her sister’s footsteps cross the room. Grinning when she heard the old window sliding open, Honor laughed as she heard her sister yell, “Hey, Big Daddy! Yeah, you, the one holding two of my babies, Abel! Go find Zeke. We may have a reluctant bridal situation developing up here that he needs to handle.”

  “Thank you, Pitty Pat,” Honor called, relieved that somebody was finally listening to her. “You’re an awesome matron of honor!”

  “Honor, you are the one that insisted on a traditional wedding,” Harmony huffed through the closed door. “Having the groom prancing around the bridal staging area is NOT traditional!”

  “Can somebody put a gag on Harmony?” Honor asked loudly, rolling her eyes. “She’s givin’ me a headache.”

  “We’re on it,” Maggie shouted back. “Patience, you tackle her and I’ll stuff a garter in her mouth.”

  “Very funny,” Honor heard Harmony mutter as footsteps began to thunder up the staircase. Seconds later, she heard heavy pounding on the bedroom door outside the bathroom.

  “Honor!” she heard Zeke yell. “Somebody let me in!”

  Opening the bathroom door, Honor hurried out into the bedroom. Littered with clothes and makeup, the room looked like a bomb had gone off. “Let him in, Harmony!” Honor ordered her eldest sister.

  “He can’t see you in that dress, Honor. It’s bad luck! And don’t you think we’ve had enough of that in this family to last a lifetime?”

  Tightening her fingers around the stick in her hand, Honor shook her head. “Doesn’t matter. I need to talk to him. Alone,” she insisted. “We’ll just have to risk it.”

  “Harmony, open this door before I go through it,” Zeke growled outside the bedroom. “If Honor needs me, you won’t keep her from me. Jake, do something with your wife, dammit!”

  “Wildcat, he ain’t kiddin,” Honor and the rest of the women heard Jake warn his wife. “Open up.”

  “Face it, sis, you’re outnumbered,” Patience pointed out, dropping her hands to her own sapphire gown. “Besides, isn’t the bride supposed to get whatever she wants on her Big Day?”

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake. I don’t know what you people would do without me. Tell the sheriff to settle down. We’ll have things ready in just a second,” Maggie rolled her green eyes as she stood and hobbled to the dresser. Leaning heavily on her cane, she opened two drawers before she found what she was looking for. Turning, she tossed a scarf at Harmony. “Blindfold his ass,” she directed as Harmony caught the dark swatch of fabric with one hand.

  Nodding once, she muttered, “That’ll work,” she declared with a nod as she turned to open the door. “Alright, Zeke, back up a step. I’m comin’ out.”

  Five minutes later, Honor watched as most of the females of her family filed out of the room and Zeke stumbled into it. “Kitten?” he called, holding his arms out in front of him as he took another step toward her.

  Blinking back tears as she saw how incredibly sexy he looked in his black tuxedo, Honor bit her lip. “I’m here,” she said softly, grabbing his hand tightly in hers.

  Zeke’s grip on her hand tightened as he pulled her toward him until her chest brushed his. “Hey, what’s going on? You aren’t having second thoughts, are you? Honest to God, woman, I am not above drugging you at this point. By hook or by crook, you’re going to be my wife by nightfall.”

  Honor laughed
, shaking her head. “No, nothing like that. No second thoughts at all. In fact, I’m more anxious than ever to get your ring on my finger.”

  “Then why the panic, baby?” Zeke frowned as his hand moved up and down her back, soothing her.

  Looking up, she wished she could see his eyes when she told him her news, but Harmony was right. They really didn’t need any more bad luck in this family. Licking her lips, she whispered, “I wanted to see you because I have a wedding gift to give you and I couldn’t wait for you to have it.”

  Zeke smiled. “I’m getting the only gift I want today, and it’s one I fully intend to enjoy for a lifetime. You.”

  Honor sighed as she reached for one of the hands he had settled on her back and guided it to her belly. “Oh, I think there’s one more thing I can give you that you’ll enjoy for a lifetime,” she shared quietly as she settled his big hand on the slight curve of her belly.

  Zeke’s smile dissolved as his jaw dropped. “Honor, are you saying….”

  “Yeah,” she acknowledged softly, watching his face.

  “We’re gonna have a baby,” he breathed. “You’ve got my baby inside here,” he murmured as his hand curled around her belly.

  “Yeah,” she whimpered, her eyes stinging. “You happy?”

  “Am I happy?” he echoed breathlessly. “Hell, no, I’m not happy.”

  “Wh-what?” She flinched, her blood going cold.

  “I’m thrilled, Honor!” Zeke thundered, sweeping her up in his arms and spinning her around.

  Closing her eyes, Honor felt the tension receding from her body as she relaxed in his arms. Smacking his shoulder, she sniffled. “You scared me! Put me down before you hurt your arm again,” she ordered, touching the place where he’d been shot several weeks ago.

  “My arm is fine. I’m gonna be a daddy,” he beamed, cupping her face. “Damn, I really want to see you,” he complained, pressing a kiss to her parted lips.

  “Soon,” Honor said against his lips.

  “Not soon enough,” Zeke countered before he deepened their kiss.

  Tearing her mouth from his a long minute later as she heard someone clearing their throat, Honor glanced over Zeke’s shoulder to find Harmony impatiently waiting for them.

  “Sorry to interrupt you lovebirds, but we’re seriously getting off schedule. Unless you two want to get married tomorrow, I suggest we get this show on the road,” Harmony proclaimed, her voice adamant.

  “Yes, captain, my captain,” Zeke growled, saluting in the direction where her voice had come from before pressing a last kiss to Honor’s lips. “See you at the altar, Kitten.”

  “See you there,” Honor returned with a grin as Zeke turned and walked into the nearby plaster.

  “Damn,” Zeke grunted as he rubbed his head. “Was that wall always there?”

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake. Jake!” Harmony yelled, calling for her husband. “Get the groom back downstairs before he gives himself a concussion,” she ordered as Honor giggled.

  Watching the man she loved being led out the door by her brother-in-law, Honor couldn’t wait to begin this exciting new chapter of her life. Looking at her eldest sister, she smiled widely. “Okay, Harmony. Let’s get me married.”


  The McKinnon Family Barn – 4:00 pm


  “Well, my baby,” Aunt Orla said, “The time has come. You ready for this?” the elderly woman asked as she stood outside the barn with her niece.

  Staring at the woman that had loved and cherished her like a daughter for over a decade, Honor’s eyes became glassy with tears as she nodded.

  “Oh, now, no tears, my girl,” Aunt Orla chided. “This is a happy moment. Isn’t it, Jethro?” she asked her white-haired husband.

  “Eh?” Jethro grimaced, cupping a hand to his ear.

  “I said, it’s a happy time, isn’t it?” Aunt Orla repeated, raising her voice.

  “Well, don’t tell her she’s gonna have a crappy time, Orla,” Jethro rebuked his wife with a frown. “That’s just mean. Marriage is a wonderful thing, darlin’,” he assured his niece with a loving smile, putting his wrinkled hand over hers.

  Honor couldn’t help her laugh. If looks could kill, the glare Aunt Orla shot her Uncle Jethro should have vaporized him.

  “Crazy old fool. Good thing he’s carryin’ a lead pipe in his pants or I woulda got shed of him years ago,” Orla grumbled, pursing her lips.

  Honor’s jaw dropped. She really shouldn’t be shocked by anything her aunt said or did at this point, but just when she thought she’d heard it all from the old woman, her auntie surprised her.

  “Alright, Honor Grace, I’m gonna share a little bit of hard earned advice while your sister finishes prancin’ down the aisle,” she declared.

  Peeking around the barn door to see Patience slowly advancing down the makeshift aisle through the center of the barn, Honor nodded as she looked back to her elderly aunt and uncle. “Okay, but hurry, Auntie. She’s almost to the end. If we miss our cue to move, Harmony is liable to kill us all!”

  Orla lifted her hands to adjust the lace veil shielding Honor’s face and chuckled. “Just remember, sugar, marriage can be summed up with three rules. First, when there’s a choice to be made, always choose love. Second, remember that forgiveness may be divine, but angry sex is also awesome. And third, and this may be the most important rule…when on your knees, aim to please.”

  Dumbstruck by her aunt’s so-called words of wisdom, Honor could only stare at the duo that had been her only parental figures since her teens, and she wondered how she’d managed to turn out so normal. “I…I’ll bear all that in mind, Auntie,” Honor murmured as the Wedding March began. And with her aunt and uncle on either side of her, Honor began to walk toward her future.


  The McKinnon Family Barn – 4:00 pm


  Grinning so hard his face hurt, Zeke slowly walked to his place at the altar, nodding respectfully to Pastor Wilcox. Nervously tugging at his bow tie, he scanned over the audience. From his vantage point, it appeared that half the town had shown up to watch him marry the woman of his dreams. And now, that very woman was currently nurturing a bona fide miracle in her womb. His miracle. Both of them.

  Yeah, every folding chair was filled and in the back of the barn on either side of the aisle, people stood, waiting to witness a Paradise town daughter marry their Sheriff. It was one of the reasons he loved this community so much. Whether in tragedy or in triumph, they would always come together for one of their own.

  Luckily, today was one of the triumphant days. One that Zeke felt he’d waited his entire life to enjoy.

  “Man, you gotta relax,” Zeke heard his brother chuckle as he shifted on his feet again, eagerly waiting for the ceremony to start. “You’re dancin’ around like you got ants in your pants.”

  “You’d be excited, too, if in just a few minutes the love of your life was gonna walk down that aisle toward you,” Zeke remarked softly as he kept his eyes glued to the back of the barn where he knew Honor would enter.

  “If you say so,” Ice murmured, his eyes catching Maggie’s bright green gaze as the wedding music began.

  Zeke grinned as he watched Patience appear at the back of the barn and slowly begin her march down the aisle. When she reached the altar, she paused, winking at Zeke. “Well, you’re finally gonna officially be one of us, Sheriff. You excited to join the insanity that is the McKinnon clan? You know you can’t keep our crazy in a cage, right?” she asked.

  Staring at the McKinnon sister who’d probably been his strongest advocate over the years, Zeke smiled. “As long as all that crazy comes with my Honor attached to it, I’ll cope, darlin’,” he murmured, bending to brush a kiss against her cheek.

  Patience was still laughing when she moved into position and the Wedding March began.

  Holding his breath as he waited for Honor to appear, Zeke felt his chest tighten as she suddenly walked into view. “Dear God, she�
�s a vision,” he breathed, watching as she began to glide down the aisle to where he stood. Clothed in a frothy white confection of a dress that clung to her every curve, his hands already itched to strip it off her.

  Too eager to wait for her to reach him, Zeke defied convention once again and began walking toward her, his arm outstretched and he could see her smile widen behind the veil as her footsteps quickened. Watching as her aunt released one arm, Zeke’s chest only loosened when Honor placed her hand in his.

  “You know, I’m supposed to come to you,” Honor whispered when his hand grasped hers. “Harmony’s gonna kill you,” she noted as she and the rest of the congregation chuckled.

  “Totally worth the risk,” he assured her as she moved to his side and they finished walking down the aisle together with Jethro and Orla following behind them.

  From there, the short ceremony passed in a blur. They exchanged their vows with soft, but heartfelt voices filled with the love they had for each other. Honor’s hand had shaken when she’d lifted it between them to receive the symbol of his love for her, and he hadn’t been able to resist pressing his lips to the back of her hand before sliding his gold band on her finger. A minute later, his hand hadn’t been much steadier when she’d pushed a wide gold band over his knuckle. Seconds later, there wasn’t a dry eye inside the barn when their lifelong Pastor pronounced them man and wife.

  And when Zeke was finally given permission to kiss his bride, he wasn’t ashamed of the twin tears that rolled down his cheeks as he pulled back Honor’s lace veil. “You’re finally mine. Always only ever mine,” he whispered as his lips descended to cover hers in the sweetest kiss he’d ever experienced in his life.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen of Paradise County,” the sonorous voice of the good Pastor Adam Wilcox announced, “It’s with extreme pleasure that I give to you Sheriff and Mrs. Ezekiel Monroe!”

  Taking Honor’s hand in his as they turned to face the gathered applauding congregation, he grinned as he finally was able to put a name to this feeling surging though his body.


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