Man of Honor (Passion in Paradise Book 4)

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Man of Honor (Passion in Paradise Book 4) Page 60

by Sarah O'Rourke

  Jumping when the back door opened, Honor spun to face the unexpected visitor. Pressing her hand to her chest when she saw her husband striding into the kitchen, Honor smiled. “Ezekiel, you just scared me to death,” she chided. “I didn’t expect you home for another hour, at least!”

  Tossing his Stetson on the counter, Zeke grinned, wrapping one arm around her waist and pulling her to him.

  “Little eyes are watching, Lawman,” she murmured just before his lips covered hers.

  “Ewwwwww…. Daddy, you ‘top kissin’ my momma!” Boone shouted from the table.

  Lifting his head, Zeke chuckled. “She may be your momma, boy, but she’s my wife.”

  “No, she my momma,” Boone growled, his face like thunder as he hopped down from his chair and ran to burrow between Zeke and Honor’s legs. “You not kiss my momma.”

  Honor laughed as she looked up at her surprised husband.

  Kneeling in front of his son, Zeke tried not to grin as he stared at his boy. Boone had his gray eyes, Honor’s blonde hair, and his Aunt Patience’s temper. In short, he was a fireball of the first degree. “Well, son, I reckon we’re gonna have to agree to share ‘er.”

  “S’are? I hates s’aring,” Boone grumbled.

  “Yeah, me neither, but we both love your momma so we’re gonna have to share her. I promise, I’ll only kiss her if I just can’t help myself.”

  “’Kay, buts I gets to gif her kisses anytime cos’ I’m ‘er baby,” Boone announced seriously.

  “Deal, Little Man.” Zeke winked at his son. “Wanna seal the deal with a hug?”

  Honor’s lips twitched and her heart melted as she watched her big, bad lawman husband embrace his son without an ounce of hesitation. That was the kind of openly affectionate father her husband had turned out to be.

  Ruffling his son’s blonde hair, he rose back to his feet. “So, where are my princesses at?”

  “Here, Daddy!” Honor heard Brenna yell as she ran down the hall followed closely by her little sister.

  “Hi, Daddy,” Maise waved with a wide toothy grin.

  “There’re my sweet girls,” Zeke returned, his eyes crinkling at the corner as he beamed down at where each of his daughters hugged a thick leg.

  “Happy Birthday, Daddy,” Brenna greeted him happily, squeezing Zeke’s thigh.

  “Yeah, Daddy, happy birthday,” Maise said a tad more sedately.

  “Oh, yeah. Happy birfday, Daddy! We gets cake for dinner t’night,” Boone yelled, bouncing up and down.

  “We get cake after dinner,” Honor corrected her son with a chuckle. Clapping her hands, she pointed at the counter. “Okay, troops, it’s table settin’ time. Brenna, you do dishes. Maise, you’ve got silverware. And you, Tiny Man,” she said to her son, “Are in charge of napkins.”

  Watching as their kids filed out of the kitchen to do her bidding, Honor leaned against her husband. “Happy birthday, honey,” she whispered, shivering slightly as he gently touched the pendant nestled around her neck. “How does forty-five feel?”

  Rocking his hips against her, Zeke’s eyes twinkled. “I dunno, Kitten. You tell me. How does forty-five feel to you?”

  Honor’s smile widened as she wrapped her arms around her husband’s waist. “Well, in my expert opinion, it feels pretty dang good.”

  “You ready for some more passion in Paradise, babe?”

  Tilting her head back to look at him with sparkling eyes, “Always, Zeke. Always”


  Want to read more by Sarah O’Rourke and find out about all of the McKinnon sisters and friends in Paradise?

  Check out all of her books at


  Acknowledgments – Crazy One

  First, I have to thank my family for all the wonderful support they’ve offered me during the course of writing this book. Whether it was cooking supper for the family because I just needed to get one more chapter finished or running an errand because I couldn’t leave my fictional world of Paradise, your help and encouragement had made all the difference. None of this could have been possible without the love of my awesome husband and my beautiful babies. To my momma, daddy and sister – thank you for always being there! Especially my momma who cheered me on every step of the way with Man of Honor.

  Second, I have to thank my co-writer and partner in crime, Crazy Writer #2. She’s truly been one of my biggest cheerleaders as I’ve written this story. Her daily pep talks truly bolstered my confidence and incentivized me to keep going, even when I wanted to stop. I love you, girl. You are truly the sister of my heart!

  Third, big thanks and major love to my Sarah O’Rourke Crazy Crew! You wonderful ladies have made me laugh when I felt like crying, made me smile when I was tired, and kept me going when my emotional gas tank sat on empty. YOU ROCK!

  Fourth, major props go to all those authors who have given me their time and advice over the years. Huge thanks to ladies like Emily Minton, Shelley Springfield, Myra Statham, CP Smith, Rochelle Paige, Aurora Rose Reynolds, Julia Goda, Jordan Marie, Brynne Asher, Sarah Curtis, Laramie Briscoe and Layla Frost. Your generous hearts are just one of the many reasons I adore you.

  Fifth, thank you to every blog that has helped promote our work over the years. Bloggers often have a thankless job. These underappreciated individuals tirelessly support and promote authors, often for little to no compensation, and I just want you to know that we love each one of you. THANK YOU!

  Last, I want to thank our readers. When I started the Passion in Paradise series years ago, I wasn’t sure anyone would be interested in a tiny southern town in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains. You guys proved me wrong, and I can’t thank you enough for taking a walk through my little world of Paradise. Many blessing to each and every one of you.

  All my Love,

  Crazy One

  Acknowledgments – Crazy Two

  Sometimes, there are not enough words to say thanks properly. So many people have contributed to the success of this book, and we are honored to have each of you all in our lives.

  I’d be remiss if I didn’t start with my hubby and daughter. My husband provides support in ways I cannot explain, but I’ll try. From the mornings that he runs out to grab Krispy Kremes so I can have that special burst of energy to edit to the times he reads 27 books to our daughter so that I can stay on the phone with Crazy One and discuss plot lines, he’s been supportive through thick and thin. We never thought that our lives would have taken such twists and turns, but he’s been the rock in the middle of my hurricane more times that I can count. And... I must give the proper shout out to my baby girl Bunny (or she will take great offense and find a way to make me me.) While being the mother of a 6-year-old while I’m in my 40s is just as hard as it sounds, Bunny brings excitement and energy to every single day...and most of you know all about it from my Facebook posts! I’m also blessed to have an amazing mother and father who will make the trek to Atlanta at a moment’s notice to spend time with their granddaughter while I work on our books...yes, they are honestly that fabulous.

  And how can I say thank you to my bestie, Crazy One? My husband claims that she and I are identical twin sisters born to separate mothers...and that’s a fair assessment, friends. She is the sister I never had but always wanted...and I get to write books with her! How cool is that? Thank you, Crazy One, for the all-night support sessions, for the fabulous ideas that you put to paper that allow us to do this crazy thing called writing, and yes, even for the heckling about my attempts to parent! That’s true sisterhood.

  Next, I want to give a shout out to our fabulous Beta Team! We are honored to have the following women as part of our team who read the draft of Man of Honor and were honest with their ideas and corrections...we love them dearly for that! Thanks to Brynne Asher, Danielle Deraney Palumbo, Emily Minton, Jane Graf, Layla Frost, Mila Grayson, Nicole McCurdy, Renee Entress, Shay Lich, and Tabitha Charisse.

  Thank you to our ama
zing Crazy Crew Street Team and our Read and Review Team! You all are fabulous and we are honored to have you in our corner!

  Most of all...thank you to our readers! You are so sweet to PM and email us and comment on Facebook about how much you love our Paradise characters. Thank you for your encouragement, for buying our books, and for becoming a part of our extended little family. We love you all dearly.

  Crazy Two


  1. Chasing Cars – Snow Patrol

  2. Right Here Waiting for You – Richard Marx

  3. Never Saw Blue Like That - Shawn Colvin

  4. People Like Us – Kelly Clarkson

  5. Fix You – Coldplay

  6. Til It Happens to You – Lady Gaga

  7. Say Something – A Great Big World & Christina Aguilera

  8. You’re Beautiful – James Blount

  9. Stuck Like Glue - Sugarland

  10. Like I’m Gonna Lose You – Meghan Trainor

  11. Stand in the Rain - Superchick

  12. Fight Song – Rachel Platten

  13. My Church – Marren Morris

  14. Roar – Katy Perry

  15. God Bless the Broken Road – Rascal Flatts

  16. Tell the Devil – Jill Andrews

  17. I Do – Paul Brandt

  18. Can’t Help Falling in Love With You

  19. Life is Beautiful – Vega4

  20. From My Front Porch Looking In – Rascal Flatts




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