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Sheikh's Stand In

Page 4

by Sophia Lynn

  The urgency of their needs was lessened now that they were alone and they could take their time. She couldn't get enough of kissing him and running her hands up and down his body. Soon, though, it wasn't enough to feel him through his clothes, she needed to feel his skin.

  "This comes off," she said imperiously, pinching a fold of his tunic.

  "Are you giving orders now?" he asked with a grin.

  "I'll bet they're orders that you want to follow. Besides, I'll give you something nice if you take off your clothes for me."

  He raised an eyebrow. "Really? Keeping in mind that I'm one of the richest men in the country, what are you going to offer me?"

  She stepped back with a smile on her face. Viviana knew how stunning her smile was. She had used it to sell products and forward causes throughout the world. She knew when she was stunning a man, and she was stunning Mikal now.

  "Well, if you take off your clothes," she said, her voice sweet and husky, "I'll take off mine."

  Mikal as a teenager had never had much of a poker face. He was much better as an adult, but he still swallowed deeply at her words. "Good deal," he said, and he started to strip.

  The sword he propped against a chair, but the rest of his clothing hit the floor in a hurry. She had thought that he was good looking with his clothes on, but with his clothes off, he was like a god. His body was lean and muscled, and every line spoke of power.

  She reached for him, but Mikal stepped back.

  "We had a deal, darling, and I will see you live up to it …"

  Viviana smiled, stepping back. "All right," she said.

  Her clothes were strange to her, but she handled it with a minimum of fumbling. First went the tight vest, leaving her skin bare and her breasts open to his gaze. She cupped them in her hands momentarily, watching as his eyes widened.

  Then she stepped out of her slippers, and letting her skirt hit the floor. She hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her bikini briefs, tugging them down as well. Now she was naked, and she stood in front of Mikal with nothing to hide.


  "Yes?" he replied after a moment.

  "Take me to bed."

  He didn't need to be told twice. He lifted her up in his arms, letting her feel his erection against her belly. He laid her down on the bed, coming to kneel over her. There was a moment of calm before the storm, and then he was on her, kissing her with all the passion that had built up between them over the course of the last few days.

  For a moment, Viviana was quiet under his hands and his lips, but then she threw her arms around him, running her nails up his back, and kissing back with an equal demand. She couldn't get enough of the feeling of his body against hers. She ran her smooth legs along his, relishing the feel of the coarse hair against her skin.

  With a sound that was nearly a growl, he pinned her down and pressed his thigh between her legs. It wasn't enough, not nearly enough, but she arched up against him anyway, whimpering needfully.

  She could feel the desire rising up in her again, driving her forward.

  "More, I need more," she begged, and when he bit her shoulder, she cried out with need.

  He plunged his hand down between their bodies, curving his fingers down against her clit. She was drenched with passion and need, and at the first touch of his fingers, she wailed. He worked her without mercy, making her entire body shake with fire.

  "I want you soaking for me," he growled. "Before I take you, I want you to be shaking with pleasure. Come on, beautiful, just for me."

  It was as if his words unleashed something inside her. Her climax was like an avalanche that came rushing down towards her as she tensed against him. She wailed, stopping her cry short by burying her face in his shoulder. She couldn't stop the shudders of pleasure that ran through her though, or the way her entire body felt as if it was on fire.

  When she finally went limp, Viviana realized that she was whimpering his name, hanging on to his shoulder with the last of her strength.

  "Get a condom," she said when she was able to speak again.


  "Get a condom," she repeated more forcefully. "You made me feel … feel as if I was on fire. I'll be damned if you don't get the same satisfaction. Do I have to say it a third time?"

  Mikal's laugh was short and sharp. "No, you absolutely do not."

  "Good. The condoms are in my bag, over on the table. Bring it here."

  He came back with the little foil packet, and he would have sleeked it on himself, but she reached for it instead. She opened it, concentrating on what she was doing with a kind of intensity she would not have thought that she had after that orgasm. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see him stroking his cock, making it harder.

  She turned to him, pushing the latex sheath down over his erection. Viviana took her time with it, relishing the shivers that went through him. She knew it was arousing to him to see her small hands on his body, and she felt a dim shade of that pleasure echo through hers as well.

  As soon as the condom was on him, he pushed her back onto the bed.

  "I have wanted to do this since the first moment I saw you …"

  There was no more delay, no more teasing. She moaned as he entered her with a thrust, hitting flesh that was already sensitive from her climax. Once he entered her, he started thrusting, long thrusts that sent waves of pleasure through a body that was primed for more.

  She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist. She wanted him closer to her, as close as she could get. She knew that she wouldn't climax again, but she needed to wring every bit of sensation from him that she could, she wanted all of him in that moment.

  Feeling his large body shake over her was glorious. He trembled, throwing his dark head back as he pushed into her one final time. For a long moment, Mikal froze, and then he collapsed on top of her, burying his face in her neck.

  "Beautiful madwoman," he murmured, kissing her neck. "You have no idea what you do to me."

  "I think I do," she retorted with a grin. "After all, look at where you are."

  He laughed a little, pulling away from her. She made a slight sound of dismay before rolling over on her side, watching him. He went to the bathroom to clean up, and when he came back, he threw himself into bed with her, gathering her up to his side.

  "So you're definitely a cuddler after sex," she observed with amusement. "Are you a talker as well?"

  He nuzzled her hair, making her sigh with pleasure, and laughed. "Of course you would want to categorize me," he said. "But I bet I can give you a shock."

  She twisted around to gaze up at him, a fond look on her face. This man was so handsome, but she had had her pick of some of the most fascinating and good looking men in the world.

  "Go on and try," she said, her voice challenging.

  "Want to be my fiancée?"

  She couldn't cover up her shock fast enough, because Mikal started laughing, hugging her tightly.

  "Oh my, you looked a little terrified there," he teased.

  "Um, I don't know how seriously you're taking things, but just because we're a good match in bed doesn't mean that we're good marrying material, right?"

  "Calm down, pretty, I promise that I was not suddenly besotted with your charms over the course of the past hour. Or, at least, I am besotted, but not like that."

  "All right, what do you mean then?"

  "Well, you can't have missed all of those people suggesting that we would be a good match."

  "No, after the last auntie told me what a catch you were, I really couldn't."

  "Right. Right now, I'm trying to drum up some support for a few political regulations that I've been introducing. Family rights, women's rights, that kind of thing. Of course, one of the things that I am running into is that no one really wants to listen to a bachelor talk about family issues. I keep being told by everyone who's anyone that I'll feel differently when I'm married, or that no one will listen to a man who just wants to see more pretty girls doing whatev
er they like."

  Viviana made a face. She had heard similar things as well.

  "Right. Disgusting. So this is where you come in."

  "Oh really?"

  "Yes. Tomorrow, after my brother and your sister leave for their honeymoon, we announce our engagement very tastefully, and for the next four months, as some of this legislation comes to a head, you stand by my side and give me the polish and credibility I need to get some things done."

  "You weren't just taking political science for fun, were you?" she asked, and he grinned at her.

  "Not at all. I may not need to run my brother's cavalry anymore, but I'll be damned if I let this country sit in an archaic ruin because we think a woman's place is in the sixteenth century."

  She had to laugh at that. "So four months of being your demure little housewife?"

  "Never. Four months of showing the people around here what a fearless woman can do while still being respectfully engaged to a good man."

  "I see …" Her mind was spinning with the possibilities. It would do amazing things for her brand if she could add prospective princess to her list of accomplishments, and she couldn't deny that the opportunity to do some good wasn't enticing. She and Charlotte had talked about the conditions that some of the women in Khutal labored under, and she would love to see that changed.

  "What happens when we need to end it?" she asked. "Do I dump you, or do you dump me? What's that going to do to your credibility?"

  "After the legislation goes through, I'm not going to worry about it," he said with a shrug that was surely far too casual. "My priority right now is to make sure that it gets passed."

  She thought about it, and then she glanced up at Mikal. He had been handsome dressed and playing his brother's best man. Now, naked and fired up over the change he wanted to bring to his country, he was positively devastating.

  "I'll want to see the legislation," she said warningly, but she knew that she was in.


  She awoke to find him gone, but there was a note telling her to be ready, plus a small map to the dining room. Viviana smiled at their first meeting and dressed casually, pulling her hair back in a knot.

  She made her way to the dining room, and found a young woman there who asked her what she wanted for food. After the rich food from the night before, an egg-white omelet was about all she could handle.

  When the woman left with her order, she checked her phone. With an alert up regarding her own name, it only took a few seconds for her to realize how very fast Mikal intended to work.

  Sheikh's Brother Takes a Bride!

  Hidden Romance for Mikal ben-Arie and Foreign Lover!

  The Scholar and the Model, How Did They Meet?

  She laughed a little to herself, shaking her head as she started reading. Mikal must have given an interview first thing in the morning, and the details he gave were brief and vague. They had met years ago at school. She had come to Khutal for the wedding, and they had fallen in love. They were going to be wed at some point in the future, and she was very supportive of the reforms he had proposed.

  Reading over them last night, she had been impressed by their scope and depth. Everything from making sure women's health was covered to ensuring that young families received parental leave from work was included.

  "Progressive," she had mused. "You really thought this out."

  "I've done some traveling, and I have spent a lot of time with people who know their stuff," he had responded with a shrug. "If you want to invest in a future, you invest in mothers, you invest in children, and you invest in families."

  He and Aladdin were similar in looks, both very good-looking, powerful men. However, there was something in Mikal that captivated her, a kind of thoughtfulness that made her smile. She didn't know where this little charade was going to take them, but she knew that it was certainly going to be a wild ride.

  The door to the dining room opened, and instead of the girl returning, it was Mikal, bearing a plate with her omelet on it.

  "Good morning, beloved," he said, taking the seat next to her and sliding the eggs in front of her. "I caught the girl on her way here, and I offered to take it to you."

  There was something different about him this morning, and it took her a moment to figure out what it was.

  "You're wearing glasses again," she said with a smile. "I hadn't noticed until they came back. You didn't wear them for the ceremony?"

  "Or leading up to it, no," he nodded. "When I have long days, I prefer contacts that can't be knocked off of my face. At home, the glasses are what I prefer."

  "Hmm, I like them a lot. They make you look …"

  "Adorably nerdy?" he suggested, and she shook her head.

  "No. Elegant, maybe a little approachable. I don't quite know, but I like it."

  She reached over to touch the rim of his glasses, but at the last moment, he tilted his head and she brushed her fingers over his lips instead. She was not a woman who backed down from things, and with a defiant look, she slid her fingertips between his lips.

  Then Viviana realized that the joke was on her as he lapped at her fingertips, sending shivers up her spine.

  "Oh … Mikal, someone could come in …"

  "We'll hear them," he said softly. He took her hand, leaning down to nuzzle her palm. She had never realized that her hand was so sensitive as he caressed her skin there with his lips and his tongue.

  She felt as if she was caught in a sensual haze as Mikal made his way up her arm, paying special attention to the crook of her elbow. When he pulled her into his lap, she went willingly, purring with pleasure as she cuddled up next to him.

  "There, that's lovely," he said. "Don't we look like a proper pair of sweethearts?"

  "There's no camera here," she said, her voice more than a little husky. "You're putting on a show for no one."

  "Well, practice is quite important," he said with a grin. "And when the practice feels so good, I don't think I'm going to complain. Do you have any complaints?"

  "None at all," she said, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. She didn't need breakfast at all when Mikal felt this good.

  She was just leaning in for a kiss that promised to be nothing short of spectacular when their phones both beeped at the same time.

  "That's an odd thing," Mikal said with a frown, but Viviana was already slipping off of his lap.

  "You should get that," she said drily. "I'll bet our siblings just got the news."

  "Ah, yes, they have internet in Venice, as well."

  What are you doing?! Are you seriously going to marry Mikal?

  Viviana laughed quietly to herself as she shot off a quick reply.

  I know you have a thing about guys not being good enough for me, but don't you think your standards are a bit too high?

  Charlotte's response was crisp and to the point.

  You could get engaged to a hot dog salesman, and I wouldn't care if he treated you with love and respect. Of course I would expect you to know that salesman for more than a handful of days though. My daughter is older than your relationship. What are you doing?

  That one required a little more thought. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Mikal texting his brother, a smile on his face. He was doing what he was doing for the best of reasons, but she could tell that there was a fair amount of pleasure in getting his brother's reaction. It was a younger sibling thing, she thought. She was getting some fun out of Charlotte's shock as well.

  I know what I'm doing, she texted back. Mikal is a perfect gentleman, and no matter how long this lasts, we're going into it with open eyes. Don't worry, big Sis. Enjoy your honeymoon. We'll be fine, and we'll see you when you get back. All my love to Aladdin and Annika.

  Charlotte's response took such a long time to come that she thought it wasn't coming at all.

  You don't have a successful relationship by looking at its end.

  After that Charlotte fell silent, and Viviana decided to keep her mouth shut. She wasn't sure what
her sister and her brother-in-law would think about this sham engagement, but it would likely be better for all concerned if she kept everything as simple as she could.

  When she looked up, Mikal was just putting down his phone.

  "Well, I suppose you've been read the riot act as well?"

  Viviana giggled. "Well, Charlotte knows she can't stop me when my mind's made up. I hope your brother knows something similar?"

  "Well, he's not going to fly back here to try to straighten us out." Mikal hesitated for a moment. "I didn't tell him that this is just something we're doing for the good press. I had a feeling that the less people that know that, the better. Did you tell Charlotte?"

  Viviana felt a strange twinge inside her. She hadn't told her sister either, and for similar reasons, but there was something a little strange about keeping it a secret.

  "No, I didn't. I mean, I suppose we'll tell them after it's done, but right now, there's just so much going on."

  "Yes, that was my thought as well. All right, so let's go over some of the appearances that we'll be making in the next few days …"

  They compared phones, got on each other's calendars, and even as they talked, Viviana knew that something was changing. She was a woman who took risks, jumping in as soon as she got a good feeling about things. It was an instinct that had served her quite well in the past, even though it had also gotten her into her fair share of trouble.

  Right now, she couldn't tell if she was jumping into a good thing or not. All she knew was that it was a new thing and one that might change everything.

  It'll be fine, she told herself. I'm a smart girl who always lands on her feet. This is going to be fun, and at the very least, hopefully, I will be able to do some good in this world.

  She looked at Mikal, who looked so very handsome peering down at something on his phone, and without thinking, she reached over to touch his cheek.

  This time, there was no sensuous kiss. Instead, he merely smiled at her warmly before continuing on with his task. For some reason, that warmed her as well, that little brush of normality in what was a very abnormal situation.


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