Isabella's Promise: A Sweet Regency Romance (Brides of Somerset Book 4)

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Isabella's Promise: A Sweet Regency Romance (Brides of Somerset Book 4) Page 8

by Karen Lynne

  Isabella had talked to Lady Susan and Eliza on their last visit. She had been right; a man was asking of her in town. She was not to worry, the earl had taken precautions and Fyne Court was safe, and so was she. Her future had been discussed, Isabella could marry or find a position as a companion or governess. Isabella really wanted a home of her own with someone she could come to love and respect. She thought of Lord Egerton. He had sent a note and would be visiting her this morning. Would he bring news of the girls? She missed them. Isabella took great care in her dress and passed the morning reading on the terrace.

  “Miss. Isabella, Lord Egerton to see you.” Mildred announced a slight smile crossed her lips.

  “Lord Egerton,” Isabella raised her hand. Lord Egerton took it and brought it to his lips, brushing her knuckles, a thrill ran through her.

  “Thank you for agreeing to see me so early on such short notice.” He dropped her hand.

  Alarmed by his salutation. “Are the girls alright?” Isabella’s heart rate spiked.

  “They are well.” Lord Egerton assured her. “Can we take a turn in the garden?”

  “If you wish.” Isabella led him into the yard.

  “The girls are busy exploring the house and grounds much to the consternation of my aunt Mary. She believes the girls should be regulated to the nursery until such time as they are grown and make no more noise.” Lord Egerton directed them to a bench in the shade of a tree where Isabella sat.

  “And you believe otherwise?” Isabella asked.

  “In the country, of course, children should be encouraged to explore their surroundings. That’s how they learn and expand their minds.” Lord Egerton’s brow wrinkled. “As a boy, I was given the same freedom.”

  Isabella ducked her head to hide her smile at Lord Egerton's liberal ideas of how to raise the girls. “Is that how your sister was raised as well, Lord Egerton?”

  He laughed. “My sister was much older than I, I don’t recall her upbringing.” His brow creased again. “Am I wrong in letting the girls run wild, as my aunt complains?”

  Isabella sobered. “Oh no, I agree, girls should have the freedom to expand their minds. I would suggest that when you hire a governess for the girls, that she should have the same philosophy.”

  Lord Egerton cleared his throat and began to pace before her. “That is why I have come, Miss Dalton.” He stopped before her, “to ask if you will consent to be my wife?”

  Isabella’s eyes widened; her tongue froze in her mouth. It was the last thing she expected to hear him utter as she stared up into his concerned, rough handsome face. Had she heard him correctly? “Pardon me.” She found her voice.

  “Let me explain.” Lord Egerton sat next to her on the bench, his nearness causing her mind to swim. “I need a wife to manage my house.” To manage his aunt if he were honest, “and you need protection, am I correct?”

  Isabella could not think, and it was hard to breathe with him so near. His clean, spicy scent enticing her to move closer as she was tempted to lean in. She managed to nod.

  “You would have a household budget and a monthly allowance to buy anything you need for yourself. You will have complete say in the governing of my nieces.” He continued listing the benefits. “I would not impose upon you… as a husband, I mean.” He stuttered, not looking at her.

  Her heart sank just a little. “It would be a marriage of convenience you mean; I would not be expected to perform as a wife to you?” She looked him in the eye, holding her breath.

  He raised his head, a hopeful look on his face. “Yes, a marriage of convenience, one to benefit us both.”

  Isabella lowered her head, studying the pattern of her dress. What did she expect? She listened to Lord Egerton continue to list the benefits of what marriage would bring them both. A love match? She was being silly, they had only met a few weeks ago, and yet.

  “Yes, Lord Egerton, I will be your wife.” Isabella stood, resolved to be a good wife, as much as he would let her. She loved the girls, and that would have to be enough. Isabella wanted children of her own, but would settle for Lisabet and Annalynn. She would have Lord Egerton's protection and respect as his wife. That was enough, wasn’t it?

  “You will?” He relaxed. It seemed he had expected a different answer. He reached for her hands, giving them a squeeze. “I will need to purchase a special license and meet with the vicar. I will send word when I have things ready.” He planted another kiss on her knuckles. “I will leave you now.” He bowed and was gone.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Marriage of convenience, indeed, Colton thought as he rode away. It was all he could do not to sweep Isabella into his arms and kiss her ardently, but he would keep his word and give her the respect as his wife. Colton had much to do if they were to be married in a few days. He arrived at Bowood House and asked James to be a witness.

  “So, you are getting married.” James slapped him on the back. “I’m glad you heeded our advice.” he chuckled.

  Colton shook his head. “You don’t know how bad my aunt is driving me to bedlam,” Colton replied. “I am off to see the Bishop and obtain a common license, then I’ll ride over to the parish to speak with the vicar.”

  “You have chosen a good woman,” James replied.

  “Lisabet and Annalynn like her, I will be glad to have a happy household, it remains to be seen how she will handle my aunt.”

  William agreed to stand in as a witness with James. Vicar Grant scheduled the wedding two days hence. It would be a quiet ceremony with just their friends. He sent word to Isabella as soon as the license was procured. Colton’s last meeting was with his solicitor to write up the marriage contract. It was essential to be fair to Isabella for he was asking much of her.

  Isabella sent word to Eliza and Abby. Mildred was packing. Lord Egerton had sent word the wedding would be tomorrow morning, and a wagon would be sent to transport her trunks to the estate.

  She was beginning to feel deja vu as it was mirroring her last wedding except, she had accepted Lord Egerton with her own free will, but what did she really know about him? She put on her bonnet and grabbed a shawl; she needed to visit her friends. The walk would give her a chance to think. Isabella found Mrs. Baxter in the kitchen, rolling out dough, the smell of baked bread calming her.

  “Mrs. Baxter, I am off for a visit to Montacute.”

  “Yes, dear, I shall let Mr. Baxter know.” Mrs. Baxter’s rosy cheeks beamed. “Let me pack you some fresh rolls.”

  “I fear I could not eat right now.” Isabella’s hand went to her stomach.

  “Them's just your nerves, my dear, it will pass.” Mrs. Baxter folded a tea towel over the rolls and handed her the basket.

  “Take them to miss Abby, she always loved my rolls.”

  “And your apple tarts, I hear.”

  Mrs. Baxter laughed as Isabella left.

  The morning held a chill, the smell of fall in the air. Isabella tucked her shawl tighter as she walked toward Eliza’s. Her cheeks felt flushed and her body warmed by the time she reached Montacute. The butler showed her in.

  “Miss Dalton.” He announced.

  “Isabella.” Abby rushed to give her a hug. “We were so happy to get your note.”

  Isabella handed her the basket. “Mrs. Baxter sent you freshly baked rolls.”

  “Oh.” Abby lifted the towel and took a whiff. “We shall have these for tea.”

  Isabella removed her bonnet and sat by the grate; a warm fire flickered. She closed her eyes to the warmth. “I have been such a ball of nerves; tell me I have done the right thing by accepting Lord Egerton.” She rubbed her hand across her brow.

  “Colton is the best of men Isabella. You couldn’t have found a better protector. He will do right by you.” Eliza replied.

  Isabella looked into her friend’s eyes. Abby had sat beside her sister-in-law, her head bobbed in agreement.

  “Isabella, you do like Colton, don’t you? You're not doing this out of desperation, are you?” Abby asked.

  Isabella was boarding on hysterics when the tears began to flow as built-up tension over the last months released. Her friends kneeled by her side; Eliza pushed a handkerchief into her hands. Isabella took a breath and dried her tears.

  “I am doing this out of necessity, but I find I like him, I fear I like him too much.” Isabella blew her nose.

  “You see this is a marriage of convenience and Lord Egerton has told me I will not be required to perform my…” Isabella blew her nose again, “my… wifely duty.” She blushed.

  Eliza and Abby gave each other a look, a smile broke out across their faces. Eliza squeezed her hand.

  “Isabella, do you trust us?”

  Isabella wiped her nose and nodded. “Yes.”

  “You do not have to worry, I have seen the way Colton looks at you, he is practically in love already. Be patient and give him time, he will come around.” Eliza patted her hand.


  “Yes.” Her friend’s said in unison.

  Hope began to rise in Isabella’s bosom.

  “I think this calls for some food.” Abby scooped up the basket. Eliza and Isabella followed Abby to the breakfast room, where she spent a delightful morning before she went home in a carriage.

  Isabella watched her reflection, smoothing her skirt. She was wearing the same gown as her first not-to-be wedding. Isabella hoped it would not bring her bad luck. Although she was not superstitious, her faith was firmly in the lord. She had prayed for a happy marriage in her morning supplication.

  “I hope we are making the right choice Mildred; it has been an exhausting month.”

  Mildred finished tucking the last flower and pinned it nicely. Isabella turned her head to get a better view.

  “I have heard that his lordship is well-liked among the country folk. Look how well he has taken his nieces in. That is a better judge of character if you ask me, miss.”

  “Mildred, I know you do not like gossip, but what have you heard below stairs concerning Lord Egerton.” Isabella knew Colton was setting up a new household and a lot of repairs where in progress. Even she caught snippets of information from the help. The rumors were that his aunt was making it difficult for the staff. Isabella hoped it did not carry over to Lisabet and Annalynn. If the aunt was anything like her mother, even Miss Clara could not shield the girls.

  “It is true miss I don’t abide piddle prattle among the help, but some rich folks seem to create more to gossip about than others. The scullery maids were discussing how his lordships housekeeper up and quit because of his aunt just this week.”

  “Oh, my.” Isabella’s hand flew to her mouth as she giggled between her fingers. “It is fortuitous I am bringing you into the household Mildred, if you can handle my mother, surely you can handle the aunt.”

  “To be sure, miss, as now you shall be the mistress of the house.” Mildred reminded Isabella of the responsibility she would have this day.

  The door creaked, and Mrs. Baxter’s head popped through the opening.

  “Miss. Isabella, what a sight.” Mrs. Baxter stepped into the room, fussing about her.

  “You are the prettiest bride.” Her short plump figure bustled about; her hands clasped together. “You remind me of Lady Susan on her wedding day.”

  “We must go.” Mildred reminded her.

  “Yes, Lady Susan and his lordship are waiting.” Mrs. Baxter replied, her buxom frame retreated out the door.

  Isabella twisted and untwisted her handkerchief concentrating on the scenery of green in a cloudless sky with no rain in sight, at least for now. The chapel came into view. Isabella relaxed, at least Eliza’s father would perform the ceremony.

  The carriage rolled to a stop, and Isabella closed her eyes, taking a breath. The door opened, and a warm, comforting hand engulfed hers. She opened her eyes to see Colton’s creased brow, a smile spread across his face as her gaze met his. He helped her from the carriage, maintaining a firm hold on her hand. Pulling her close, he wrapped his other arm around her waist and guided her toward the chapel door. Isabella’s breath caught in her throat as she tried to maintain composure at his nearness. He leaned down his breath warming her cheek.

  “I was afraid you would not come.” He whispered.

  She turned, their noses almost colliding, he was so close.

  “I’m here.” Isabella managed to speak.

  His eyes met hers, then trailed down to her mouth. He straightened, dropping his arm from her waist. Lifting her hand to his lips, he brushed them softly. Raising his head he cleared his throat.

  “Thank you.” He handed her off to William.

  “You know what to do?” He asked William.

  William patted Colton on the back. “Yes, now go, they are waiting.”

  Isabella watched Colton enter the chapel doors then disappear.

  William put her hand in the crook of his elbow. “I am going to give you away today.” He winked. “Everything will work to your good, I promise.”

  “That is what Eliza said.” Isabella gave him a soft smile.

  “I have never known Eliza to speak a lie.”

  Isabella nodded, taking a breath of air, she let William guide her into the chapel.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Strange sensations pulsed through Colton’s body watching Isabella come toward him on William’s arm. It was a small crowd with only the best of friends seated on the front pews. Lisabet and Annalynn giggled alongside Clara, and Isabella’s lady’s maid as Isabella stood by his side. Even aunt Mary behaved herself, dabbing her eyes as the ceremony progressed.

  A peaceful calm settled as Colton held Isabella’s hands and she promised to love, honor and obey. He wanted to shield her from further heartache as he vowed to love, cherish, and protect.

  It was done, she was his wife. Slipping his mother's ring on her finger, set with emeralds surrounded by diamonds, it had been in the family for generations. It slipped on her finger, he would need to have it adjusted.

  “You may now kiss the bride.” The vicar announced.

  Colton brushed her veil aside, her glazed eyes watched him. He only intended to kiss her cheek as he drew near. It may be the only chance for a kiss, he thought, as he changed his mind and brushed her lips with his. They were soft and warm as she stiffened, then slowly relaxed, leaning into his embrace. He intensified the kiss taking in her sweetness, surprised at how good she felt as he tightened his grip. The world swirled around him, lost to his surroundings, savoring this moment. She responded lacing her hands around his neck drawing closer, molding to him.

  The vicar coughed, breaking the spell as he reluctantly released her.

  She ducked her head, a pretty pink flushed Isabella’s cheeks. He had taken advantage of the moment, but he didn’t regret the kiss. His nieces were clapping and jumping up and down while aunt Mary fanned her face, a look of disapproval showing on her countenance. Lady Susan, Eliza, and Abigale were dabbing their eyes while Isabella gave them a shy smile, her cheeks still red from his embrace.

  “You may all meet Lord and Lady Egerton outside where you may offer them congratulations after the register is signed.” The vicar announced a smile upon his lips.

  Lady Egerton, Colton thought as he guided Isabella to the vicar's office. It had been a stressful month as he navigated his instant family. Strangely it felt complete as Colton watched Isabella sign the register in her neat scrawl, just a slight shake to her hand. She handed him the quill, and he repeated the act as his signature sealed the deal. Isabella felt comfortable beside him. Was this the beginning of love? He looked forward to exploring the idea.

  Annalynn danced around Isabella’s skirts when they emerged from the church.

  “May we ride with you and uncle Colton?” The young girls asked.

  Colton looked to Isabella who nodded. “Yes, you may.” Isabella took Lisabet’s hand while Colton lifted Annalynn into the carriage.

  “You are not going to take the children to the wedding luncheon, are you?” His
aunt looked disapproving. “Shouldn’t they go home with their nanny?”

  “No aunt Mary, they are coming with us. The other children will be there.” Colton watched his aunt, her face reddened, while her fan worked overtime.

  “Other children will be there to eat with us as well.”

  He knew his aunt Mary was appalled that the girls ate with the family and not alone with their nanny, but they were in the country, and he intended to enjoy himself and not be held to the ton’s conventions concerning the raising of children. Happy children grew into happy adults.

  “Sir William and Lord Malmesbury’s children will be joining us. The girls have not seen them since they came home, and I will not leave them behind.” Colton was firm. “If you are tired, maybe you should return home.”

  Aunt Mary calmed as the idea must have appealed to her. “Yes, I think you are right. I shall return home and rest. I will attempt to organize the staff to greet their new mistress.” His aunt turned and hobbled to the carriage.

  “Clara and Mildred may ride with us.” Eliza offered.

  “Thank you.” Isabella gave Eliza’s hand a squeeze before climbing into their carriage.

  Colton joined Isabella on the seat. His nieces sat facing them.

  “I am glad you're coming to live with us miss Isabella. Aunt Mary is grumpy. I don’t think she likes us.” Annalynn said.

  “That’s because she’s old and you make too much noise,” Lisabet told her sister.

  “I do not.” Annalynn’s bottom lip poked out, and she squeezed her stuffed monkey close to her.

  “Girls you must not quarrel. Lisabet is right, aunt Mary is old, and it is hard for her to be around little girls. Do you think you can try to stay out of aunt Mary’s way Annalynn?” Isabella asked.

  “Yes,” Annalynn replied, holding tighter to her monkey and giving Lisabet a sassy look.

  Colton relaxed and enjoyed the interaction his new wife had with the girls. He hoped she would bring peace to the household so that he could get the work of repairing the estate started again. He knew it would take years, but his aunt was slowing the process with her constant interference with the workers. Digby found that his aunt was indeed impoverished, having outlived her income. Colton seemed to be her last hope of keeping out of the workhouse. He knew she would not survive to live on those premises, but could he survive her living with him?


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