Secrets in Sanctuary [Sanctuary, Montana 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Secrets in Sanctuary [Sanctuary, Montana 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 14

by Zara Chase

  Easy for him to say! She felt lube being squirted over her backside and a slick finger sliding inside. That was more like it. Oh my, was that a second finger sliding right in alongside the first? Isaac sucked hard on the lips of her pussy just as Drew replaced his fingers with what had to be the tip of his cock. He hadn’t suited up, and she didn’t want him to stop and do so.

  “Forget the condoms from now on,” she said breathlessly. “I have birth control covered.”

  “You sure?”

  “Positive. I want to feel you. All of you.”

  “Baby, you’ve got it. Or, put another way, you soon will have.”

  Isaac’s lips increased the pressure from below, his tongue continuing to tickle her swollen clit with skilled downward slides. Drew was easing into her anus, but not nearly quickly enough. The sensation burned, but she resisted the urge to tense up against it, guessing the discomfort would be momentary.

  “That’s it, babe,” Drew said, his voice heavy with passion. “Let me in and we’ll fly together. You okay?”

  “Wonderful,” Farah replied, raw need slamming through her, making her head spin and causing mayhem with her senses.

  “You’re so fucking tight, darlin’, and I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You’re not. Isaac’s driving me wild with his tongue and so are you. Just…” She screwed up her eyes, reveling in the ambiguous ecstasy that made coherent thought impossible. “Just…just don’t stop.”

  Drew laughed. “I don’t think I could, darlin’, so if you have any doubts, now’s the time to voice them.”

  Instead of responding, she thrust her butt backward as hard as she could, meeting his next foray head-on. She felt him slide deeper and heard him groan.

  “Careful, darlin’. Your back passage is a different proposition to your pussy. It’s S-shaped. If you push too hard you’ll do damage. Wouldn’t want that. Just keep still and let me do the work.”

  “You do it too slowly.”

  She heard Isaac gurgle beneath her, presumably because he found her neediness amusing. She’d give him amusing! Just wait until she had his gorgeous cock in her mouth again, then she’d get her revenge.

  “Now we’re fucking, sugar.” Drew’s body heat radiated across her back as he settled into a rhythm and Isaac continued to do his worst with his tongue. “Just stay with me, babe, and let it build.”

  Farah was on sensory overload, and loving every minute of it. She rode the surging tide of sensations her two skilled lovers created within her, determined to last as long as they did and not fall back on begging. Her limbs trembled and ached as she struggled to hold her position in the face of the soaring excitement that surged through her body, almost deafening her.

  On my word! Isaac took little nips at her pussy one minute and sucked the life out of her clit the next. Her determination to last them out would never stand the test of time.

  “Shit, Isaac!”

  She thrust her distended clit farther into his mouth, and he sucked her senseless. Her orgasm hit and she clung to his mouth like a limpet to a wet stone. One of Isaac’s hands massaged her mons as she came for him, and then came some more. Volcanic passion drove shivers of liquid excitement pulsating through her. The burning sensation was fed by the vital strength of her tormentors who ensured that it built until her entire body ignited.

  “That was like nothing I’ve ever known before,” she said in a shaky voice when the aftershock finally started to fade.

  “And it ain’t over yet,” Drew told her.

  He was still buried in her backside but had paused to let her have her fill of Isaac’s mouth.

  “That’s good to know,” she said.

  “Damn, she’s receptive.” Isaac sat up and wiped her juices from her mouth. “Tastes like heaven and looks like it, too.”

  “And she’s taking to this like a natural,” Drew said. “Can’t hardly believe it.”

  “Then perhaps we should…”

  At first Farah didn’t know what they were talking about. Then she noticed Isaac’s massive erection in the periphery of her vision and she understood. Dare she? Excitement ran riot with her insides as she thought about it.

  Hell yes! What’s to think about?

  “No, it’s too soon.”

  “Don’t I have any say?” Farah asked.

  She couldn’t see their reaction. No one spoke and she suspected they were trying to decide. She knew what they wanted, and how badly they wanted it, because she did, too.

  “You sure?” Isaac asked. “We didn’t mean to take you that far so quickly, but you seem so ready that—”

  “Would you please stop analyzing every damned thing, Isaac Kincaid, and go with your instincts. One shrink in the family is quite enough.”

  Drew chuckled. “She has a point, buddy.”

  Isaac manipulated his large body beneath hers and his hands immediately closed over her dangling tits. At the same time she felt the tip of his cock slide into her pussy. She didn’t think there’d be room for him, not with Drew taking up so much space in her backside, but that problem was solved when Drew withdrew. Then they reversed the procedure, moving like a well-oiled machine that had done this many times before. Farah didn’t waste time feeling jealous about their previous conquests. She believed them when they said they meant nothing. Instead she felt grateful that they’d honed their skills to such a degree that they could fill her so sublimely.

  “I’m in trouble here, buddy,” Drew said, his voice strained.

  “I hear you,” Isaac replied, pinching hard at one of her nipples. “Let’s give the lady what she needs.”

  At last!

  “Keep absolutely still, darlin’,” Drew said. “Let us do the work.”

  Keeping still was asking a lot when the physical alchemy that existed between them had just gone off the chart. Pleasure spangled through her entire body, fragmenting her senses as yet another mind-blowing orgasm built.

  “Oh yeah!” Isaac said from beneath her as he drove his cock as deep as it would go. “That’s it, sugar. You’re the best.”

  “Feel that, darlin’?” Drew asked as he took his turn to plunge. “You like my cock filling your backside?”

  “I love it but, guys, you’re sending me over the edge. I can’t hold it. I really need to come.”

  No sooner has the words left her mouth than her body went into a series of violent spasms. She closed her muscles around Isaac, but there was nothing she could do to keep a hold of Drew and had to trust that he would keep up the glorious pressure from behind. He seemed to know exactly what she needed from him and she marveled at his self-control in holding off until she’d fragmented.


  It was the only word she could cobble together as she gave herself over to the sheer joy of the moment. A white-hot explosion flooded her body as she rode the crest of the most thrilling orgasm she’d ever known.

  This is for you, Mary-Ann, she thought, wondering if her overstimulated heart could take so much pleasure without bursting apart.

  “Okay, darlin’,” Drew said from behind her. “Hold tight. It’s our turn.”

  They upped the pace and lasted mere seconds before they both climaxed. Farah stayed with them, another less intense orgasm gripping her as she felt their hot sperm shooting deep into her pussy and backside at exactly the same moment. Never had anything felt more absolutely perfect, so totally right. If Farah had harbored any doubts about this three-way relationship, they evaporated at that moment.

  Her whole life had been leading up to this point, she realized. This was who she was supposed to be.

  “Ah, sweet darlin’,” Drew said, touching her face and looking at her with his heart reflected in his eyes. “You understand now, don’t you?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  All three of them remained where they were for several minutes, recovering their breath, waiting for the aftershocks caused by such mind-blowing sex to subside. Farah’s body was bathed in a thin film of perspiration, as w
ere the guys’. She felt exhausted but totally and absolutely satiated—completely fulfilled in a way she’d never known before—feminine to her fingertips. Both of her guys appeared spent but still felt the need to touch her, as though they couldn’t quite believe the force of the alchemy that bound them together, either.

  “Now I get what this love thing’s all about,” Isaac said, leaning up on one elbow to kiss her lips. “I gotta tell you, babe, it was worth the wait.”

  “I still can’t believe what you just did to me,” Farah replied in a dazed tone. “I can’t begin to describe how you made me feel. It was like…I don’t know, like my body got a complete makeover from the inside out. I’ve never really had an orgasm from penetrative sex before.”

  “What!” the guys said together.

  “How can that be?” Isaac asked alone. “You’re so damned responsive, it’s a crime that no one’s taken the trouble to—”

  “I just assumed I was one of those women who couldn’t.”

  “Well, I’m glad it was us who got to prove you wrong, darlin’,” Drew said, running a finger down the outside of her left breast. “But just to be sure it wasn’t a fluke, the doctor prescribes regular doses of the same medicine.”

  “Well, that’s inconvenient, but I couldn’t possibly disobey doctor’s orders,” she replied, laughing.

  Drew eventually stirred and set the shower running.

  “Come on,” Isaac said, scooping Farah into his arms. “Let’s get cleaned up, then we ought to eat.”

  They washed every inch of her, sliding a sponge between her legs and down the crack in her ass with far greater dedication than the task actually warranted. Incredibly it made Farah feel horny again. She was almost embarrassed by the extent of her need for them. Had she turned into a raving sex maniac overnight just because her body now appeared to be in perfect working order and she had lost time to make up for?

  “Oh no!” Isaac wagged a finger at her when she tried to wrap her legs around his waist while standing beneath the hot jets of water. “We’ve already taken you too far way too fast.”

  “Says who?” She flicked a finger against his half-erect cock. “Your mouth and your body seem to be in disagreement.”

  “Oh, we want you as many times as you can take us,” Drew said. “But we need to ease into this.”

  She giggled. “My thoughts exactly.”

  “Come on, witch!” Drew shut off the water and Isaac exited the stall, returning with a large fluffy towel that he wrapped around her.

  “No need to dress,” Isaac said when they’d spent almost as long drying her off as they did washing her. She’d got their measure now. They got off on deliberately turning her on and then telling her she had to wait. Hmm, two could play at that game. “We like to see you naked.”

  “I’ll start the fire to make sure you don’t get cold,” Drew said, winking at her.

  Farah shrugged. They’d both pulled their jeans back on but wanted her to stay naked. That was okay. She could live with that—for now. Her objective was for the three of them to be naked, and snuggled up in bed again just as soon as they’d fed their other appetites.

  Farah began to plot her strategy.

  Seymour looked up from the rug in front of the fire and whined.

  “Sorry, buddy,” Isaac said. He pulled on a jacket over his naked chest and thrust his feet into his worn cowboy boots without bothering with socks. “I’ll just be a moment. This guy needs to take care of his business.”

  “Sure thing,” Drew replied, looking up from fixing the fire.

  Once he was done he went into the kitchen and pulled three thick steaks from the fridge, along with some baking potatoes.

  “You cook, too?” Farah asked, feeling a little inadequate. This guy had created a roaring fire in no time flat, appeared to be able to cook, and had made her body sing like a diva. “Is there anything you can’t do?”

  “I take it you’re not a domestic goddess?”

  “Guilty as charged. Mom loves to cook. She tried to get me interested when I was a kid, but I could never get into it.”

  Drew laughed. “Our moms are far more civilized about the feud, but I still worry it’ll be spatulas at dawn when it comes to county show time and the baking prizes are up for grabs.”

  Farah rolled her eyes. “I know what you mean. Both moms think they have the only recipe for the all-American apple pie. Mine guards hers with her life.”

  “Mine, too.” Drew grinned at her. “I’m not surprised you don’t like being in the kitchen. You were always more interested in trailing around after your brothers.”

  Farah laughed. “The more they didn’t want to involve me in their games, the more determined I was to show them I was as tough as they were.”

  “Hence becoming a cop?”

  “Are you analyzing me, Doctor Baldwin?”

  “Nope, I’m definitely off duty. It was just an observation.”

  “Well, my macho brothers were possibly part of the reason for my career choice.”

  Drew smiled as he pierced potatoes and set them in a dish to microwave. “Tatum was the same as you. I remember you two termagants crashing more than one boys-only party.”

  “And stopping the McLeans and Baldwins punching each other’s lights out.”

  “That, too.” Drew tweaked her nose. “You gals spoiled all our fun.”

  “Looks like we’re making up for it now.”

  “Well, there is that.”

  “What can I do to help, given my non-domestic abilities?”

  “You could set the table.”

  “Okay. Do you need me to make a salad? I can manage that.”

  “I’m not risking you naked anywhere near a knife, darlin’.”

  “I could put some clothes on.”

  “Not an option. Set the table for me. Silverware’s in that drawer. Then grab yourself a glass of wine from the bottle in the fridge and let us look after you.”

  “You’ve got yourself a deal, mister,” she said, leaning in to give him a kiss.

  Farah found table mats, silverware, and napkins. She also found one of Drew’s scented candles. She lit it and set it in the middle of the table. A light fragrance almost immediately radiated around the loft. She sorted through a pile of CDs and slid a country compilation into the player.

  Satisfied that it looked as inviting as she could make it, Farah poured a large glass of wine and curled her feet beneath her in the corner of the settee closest to the fire. She leaned her head back and allowed the cool liquid to trickle slowly down her throat, totally content, wondering if days were allowed to be this good. Wondering if it really would be possible to have Drew and Isaac and keep her family, too.

  Isaac returned with Seymour, both of whom had wet coats. Seymour made a beeline for the fire and then shook water in all directions, spraying her in the process. Farah laughed and leaned forward to tickle his soggy ears.

  “It’s started to rain,” Isaac said, stating the obvious.

  “Come and sit with me then, both of you, and get dry,” Farah said. “We’ll leave the master chef to do his thing.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Isaac stripped back down to his jeans, rustled up some food for Seymour and a beer for himself, and joined her on the couch. Farah stretched out full length and rested her head in Isaac’s lap. He stroked her hair, her tits, her arm, like he didn’t ever want to stop touching her. Farah could get used to that. Drew watched them from the kitchen as he prepared their supper.

  “Do you think this is how it was for Mary-Ann a hundred years ago?” she asked. “I can see you looking at Isaac touching me, Drew, but you’re not jealous. You’re happy to share me, and that’s how Oliver and Marcus felt before others interfered.”

  “You’re probably right,” Drew replied. “But in our case no one else is gonna tell us how to live our lives.”

  “Count on it,” Isaac agreed. “We love you, we think you’re amazing. Talented, clever, feisty—all the things we hoped
to find in a woman we could share. All the things Drew kept telling me you were.”

  Farah widened her eyes. “He did?”

  “Constantly, but I didn’t believe anyone could be that perfect.” He gently squeezed one of her breasts. “Now I know better.”

  “Dinner’s ready, guys.”

  Farah was ravenous and did justice to the food on her plate, unsurprised to discover that it was delicious. The guys watched her devour it with amused expressions.

  “If she’s gonna eat like this then we’ll have to make sure she gets lots and lots of exercise,” Isaac said.

  “What sort of exercise?” Farah asked with a mischievous grin.

  “I’m sure we’ll think of something appropriate,” Drew replied, blowing her a kiss.

  “Do I get to choose?”

  “Nope,” the said together.

  “We’re in charge,” Drew added alone.

  Farah rolled her eyes. Some things never changed.

  After the guys had cleared the supper things away, they went back to studying the papers they’d unearthed, learning more about Mary-Ann’s tragic love triangle. Once again it brought tears to Farah’s eyes.

  “Such misunderstandings couldn’t happen nowadays, could they?” she asked. “Not with modern technology and stuff.”

  “I’d refer you to our respective families,” Drew said.

  “Yes, but that’s an old feud that’s withstood the test of time without anyone really knowing why it started.”

  “Well,” Drew said, stretching his arms above his head. “We can’t change the past, but with the information we now have, we ought to be able to reshape the future. If our parents still don’t want to kiss and make up once they know the truth, then the rest of us won’t feel so bad going our own ways.”

  “But surely they’ll have to see reason once they’ve heard it all,” Farah said passionately. “Especially if they’re being asked to choose between making up or losing some of their children.”

  “You and Tatum,” Drew said.

  “Exactly.” Farah shook her head. “It’s just so stupid and I can’t bear for it to go on.”

  “Let’s hope we can talk them around,” Isaac said, winking at her. “Otherwise it’s you and me, babe.”


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