Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2

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Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2 Page 1

by JG Jerome

  Courting Crazy

  Book 2 of the Green Lord

  By JG Jerome

  Edited by Heather Jerome

  Cover by Albert Chauw

  Copyright © October 1, 2019

  J.G. Jerome

  All Rights Reserved

  “Love is at the root of everything. Love or the lack of it.” - Fred Rogers.


  Courting Crazy



  Chapter 1 - Kristina Visits

  Chapter 2 - Wine and Roses

  Chapter 3 - Checking in

  Chapter 4 - Christie Returns

  Chapter 5 - Laurel

  Chapter 6 - Ariana

  Chapter 7 - Leaving the Box

  Chapter 8 - Dinner in the Sky

  Chapter 9 - Hunting party

  Chapter 10 - In the wind

  Chapter 11 - Rescue Operations

  Chapter 12 - Trina’s Adventure

  Chapter 13 - Unexpected Allies

  Chapter 14 - Gathering Lost Birds

  Chapter 15 - Morning after

  Chapter 16 - Trina Meets the Trees

  Chapter 17 - Talking to the Bitch

  Chapter 18 - Clean-up Aisle 3

  Chapter 19 - Old friend found

  Chapter 20 - Alliances

  Chapter 21 - Wrecking Crew

  Chapter 22 - Breakfast and Scheming

  Chapter 23 - Getting Organized

  Chapter 24 - The Secret Cabal

  Chapter 25 - Meet the Nymphs

  Chapter 26 - Checking out the new house

  Chapter 27 - Road trip

  Chapter 28 - Catching up with coffee

  Chapter 29 - Making plans

  Chapter 30 - Connecting

  Chapter 31 - Getting Ready to Red-eye

  Chapter 32 - Gearing up

  Chapter 33 - Selene

  Chapter 34 - Final preparations

  Chapter 35 - Staging the Troops

  Chapter 36 - Flying towards the sun

  Chapter 37 - Move to contact

  Chapter 38 - the Goblin King

  Chapter 39 - Unexpected Complications

  Chapter 40 - Poor Diplomacy

  Chapter 41 - Nameless

  Chapter 42 - Catching a breath

  Chapter 43 - Recovery

  Chapter 44 - Verdic ladies

  Chapter 45 - Tasting Winter

  Chapter 46 - A nice lunch

  Chapter 47 - Looking death in the face

  Chapter 48 - Emotions

  Chapter 49 - Stepping into Summer

  Chapter 50 - Christie reconciles

  Chapter 51 - the Faerie Queen

  Chapter 52 - Return to the Goblin Court

  Chapter 53 - After Action

  Epilogue - Honeymoon Interruptus




  About the Author



  This is an adult fantasy for mature folks that comes out of my twisted mind. They are my dreams, daydreams, and fantasies transcribed onto paper.

  As such, this story includes descriptions of genitalia, descriptions of sexual activities, mixing of US and UK idioms, panamorous relationships, harem relationships, romance, bro-mance, BFFs, cursing, bathroom fondling, co-ed showers, off-beat humor, eating food while naked or partially naked, drinking, hot chocolate, licorice bon-bons, unusual interpretations of myth and legends, going to the bathroom, the insurance industry, the IT consulting industry, construction, wineries, and many other things that might possibly offend someone in our judgemental society. If you are offended by any of those things, then kindly close the book, tell Amazon you made a mistake, get your refund, and go forth to enjoy life elsewhere. I wish you the best.

  If you’re not dissuaded, then…

  In book one, Jack learned about being the Green Lord. He met Christie, but she wiped his memory of herself. Jack also met Myra, Trina, GC, Erica, the Ravens, Megan, Peg, Lorn, Kellianne and Johnny, the Shadows - Jason and Trevor, Supreet, Cholley - the Goblin, the Demi-fey, the Elves, and amps up his existing relationship with Kristina. Jack takes Myra and Trina as lovers. Myra and Jack marry Elven style. Jack claims Kristina, Megan, Supreet, and the Ravens for his own. Peg reveals she knew the last Green Lord and pledges her service to Jack. Jack wins both major lotteries and forms Verdic Holdings. He does all this as he works with his team to deliver an IT consulting contract in Hartford.

  There is a chronology at the back of the book.


  Supreet walks with me back to my hotel the evening after our two-day kick-off event at Hartford Comprehensive Insurance. The project is moving forward after a very productive kick-off workshop. Don brought Mary, a middle-aged female Programmer-Analyst from his company, InsEc, to work with HCI’s Business Analyst, Gregory. They hit it off pretty well, and they make quite a powerful team when dealing with underwriters, actuaries, and claims analysts. I did a quick health scan of both of them to ensure they didn’t have any major health issues. I had to fix a stomach aneurysm for Gregory. I suspect he thought I was coming onto him as I held his hand a little longer than usual for a handshake, but he should live longer now. With Gregory and Mary working together, we’re going to get significant value from this product from the first release. As an added value, I suspect Mary won’t be wanting for company when she’s in Hartford. Don headed to the airport this afternoon after we wrapped up. That means I have no one to distract me from the attentive, Indian beauty walking next to me.

  As we walk, we discuss what to do about dinner. Supreet joined me for dinner at Sorella the night I arrived, so we decide on room service from Perron & Pina, the restaurant at the lobby level of the Goodwin. Actually Perron is the restaurant. Pina is the bar & donut shop.

  Yep, alcohol and donuts. If I were still in my twenties, I would think it was heaven!

  My relationship with Supreet has only gotten stronger each moment I spend with her. She has maintained her desire to hold onto her virginity, but she has been open to accepting and providing oral pleasures. She is so sweet, I’d be happy just holding onto her in bed all night talking to her. She smells really good, too; however, it’s hard to quantify. I get a flavor of spice from her, but I also get an impression of cool silk from her. My sense of smell is ‘funny.’

  We get to the room, hang our coats, kick off our shoes, and strip off. She sits on my lap with the room service menu, and I pull a blanket around us. We discuss the available options and decide to order one of each of the Pinxtos and Tapas, plus a portion each of the the Jamon Iberico and the Kentucky ham with a bottle of Craggy Range Sauvignon Blanc and two liters of sparkling water.

  I pull on shorts and a t-shirt to await the food. Supreet decides the shirt I wore today would make the perfect lounging robe. She ignores the buttons, but pulls it on and rolls up the sleeves. Her perky, full breasts play hide-and-seek as she moves around the room putting her clothes on hangers and putting her shoes out of the way. I pull her back into my lap and kiss her deeply. I tease and pull on her nipples as I kiss her.

  As I open my eyes, I see her lids slowly raise to reveal golden irises with slitted pupils. A forked tongue flicks from her parted lips to touch my skin. Suddenly she launches out of my lap, drops my shirt, and picks up her undergarments. As she puts a leg into her panties I ask, “Serpent Shifter?” She freezes with one leg in the air and her foot through her panties as she looks at me with huge frightful, human eyes and a surprised look.

  She shakes her head. “Honey, you are not the first shifter I’ve met. You are mine, and I am yours. What variety of person you are doesn’t matter to me. The person you are is
who I care about. We belong together. I caught a flash of gold from your eyes the first night you joined me at the hotel.”

  She puts her foot down and pulls her panties up her right leg, leaving the left nude. “I am of the Host, Jack.”

  “The Sluagh? Well, you probably are the first of the Host that I have met. You do realize that I am not strictly human, right? Have you seen my eyes?”

  She nods, “They turn brilliant green when you hold me.” I will them to glow. “Oh my, you are him! I was afraid of this!” Supreet bursts into tears and drops her panties as she covers her lovely face and sobs piteously.

  I get up and wrap her in my arms and pull her to me. “Supreet, I am the Green Lord. There is a large string of reasons why I shouldn’t be, but I am. Why are you afraid about my being the Green Lord?”

  She looks up at me with running eyes and nose, “The Green Lord is an ally of the Summer.”

  I chuckle at that, “Well, then I am a crap ally because I fell in love and married the Winter Lady. I’ve killed a handful of Summer Knights. I suspect I am not well thought of by the Summer Court if they even know about me.”

  I reach for a tissue and wipe her nose. She hiccups, “But, Jack. If Trina is a Sidhe, she is certainly Summer Court.”

  I nod, “She is Lady Katrina ab Koran Mac Laughlin of the Winter Court. Apparently, half the Laughlin clan got fed up and moved to Winter several generations back. Myra, my wife, is Princess Moira ab Liam Mac Nessus, the Winter Lady. Since she married the Green Lord,...”

  “She is the Queen of all Fae!” Supreet interrupts excitedly. “A Winter Lady sits the throne!” Then her face falls again, “Jack, my clan are Naga in addition being Sluagh. The Naga are allies with the Nameless.”

  “Really!” I exclaim. “Well that’s interesting. You are full of surprises. A couple of weeks ago one of Yournian’s concubines told me the story of how they earned that name. I’ve been thinking it might be a good idea to sit with them and open relations. I’ve been wondering how I might contact them. Do you suppose your father could connect me with the head of the clan?”

  “Seriously, Jack?” She asks. “After they were ostracized, they became committed to destroying the line of the Green Lord.”

  “Did they commit themselves to it, or were they hired?” I ask. “I have it on pretty good authority it was the latter.”

  “I don’t know, Jack. I just don’t want them to find you.”

  “You were going to leave me. Why?”

  “No Green Lord would want to love one of the Host,” she sobs, burying her face in my chest again. “My people are considered abnormal among shifters, as we don’t completely shift. We are freaks.”

  “I have all kinds of ‘freaks’ in my family, Supreet. I love them all, just like I love you.” She jerks her face up to look at me.

  “You love me?” She asks.

  “Yes, Supreet. I love you. I have since shortly after we met. Trina saw it coming while we were still on that first video call. I’ve told you before, but it bears repeating. You are mine, and I am yours. Why do you act surprised?”

  She shakes her head, “Jack, you’ve never told me you love me.” Tears stream down her face as she smiles at me. “I’ve been torturing myself thinking I was just a toy to you while I love you so much.”

  “No Supreet.” I tell her. “You are definitely fun to play with, but I love holding you and talking to you as much as the sexual aspects of our play. Please don’t ever doubt me. I am in love with you, and want you with me forever. I thought I had told you! Please forgive me for taking so long.”

  “I’ve been holding back because I wasn’t sure. I want to make love to you, Jack! Tonight!” she exclaims.

  “If you wish, Supreet, my Love. I thought it was an Indian culture thing. I’ve enjoyed all of our time together, and I will wait as long as you wish. The only thing I ask is that we figure out how to get you out to Arizona to meet the rest of the family and spend time with us regularly.”

  “I’d love that, Jack! Thank you!” She hesitates for a minute. “Indian culture does play a large part, too. I am supposed to remain pure until married. Plus, my father has been trying to push me off on Reddy Shivkumar because he think’s Reddy’s a catch. Honestly, he’s a prat. I don’t want to work for him, let alone marry him.”

  “Well darling, you don’t have to worry about him. If he gives you any shit, walk out. We will have work for you at a good salary in one of my companies.” I step back and look her up and down. “Now, Supreet. The panties half-on look is cute, but I don’t think it will catch on.”

  We laugh as I step back, and Supreet kicks off her panties with a giggle.

  “Will you show me your other form, Supreet?”

  “Are you sure, Jack? A Naga is like a human-serpent hybrid. My family actually are greater Naga, which means that we are really large serpents, and we grow additional limbs in our Naga form. My mother and I both have four arms in our Naga form. Then she and I also have a third form that is more human with the additional limbs. It’s very unusual, even among Naga. It’s a secret we keep from my father. We kinda look like images of Kali.”

  “Supreet, you are mine. More importantly for you, is that I am yours. You’re not going to scare me off easily.” I pull her into a passionate kiss. As we part I look into her slitted eyes, “If you’re not ready to show me, that’s okay too. Just know that when you are ready, I am ready.” I kiss her again as we hear a knock on the door.

  “Do you want to answer the door, my Love?” I tease her.

  “Jack! I’m naked.” she giggles. “Where is your shirt?” I snag it up and hold it open for her.

  She slides into it. Then she closes three buttons on the shirt, and says “Please sit, my Lord. I will bring your dinner,” she laughs.

  I laugh as I pull the covers straight on the bed. “I’m coming,” she calls.

  I toss the pillows into place as I hear another insistent knock. I get a sense of unease from that last knock. “Just a second,” she calls right before I hear her throw the bolt.

  I call “Wait!” just before I hear the door latch turn and the door open. I launch to intercept her in time to see a middle-aged Indian man and woman standing in the door.

  “Ba Ba!” Supreet exclaims.

  I blink, and suddenly I am at her side just before the man tries to reach out to grab her, “Ghasty…”

  Whatever else he was about to say is lost as I put his body to sleep. Grabbing a handful of shirt front, I lift him up with my left hand as I gently pull Supreet behind me. Then I beckon the lady inside the suite. “Please close the door and throw the bolt and place the chain.”

  I watch the lady do as I asked, and then she follows me as I walk the man back into the main room. I’m not certain if I have enough practice in my lessons to levitate his weight yet. I do the work manually instead of showing off. Holding an adult male in the air with one hand above my shoulder height isn’t showing off, right? Calling over my shoulder while I watch the woman’s expression, “Supreet, my Love. Are these your parents? Or are these some of the Nameless?” Her eyes open wide at ‘my Love,’ and nearly pop out of her head at the mention of the ‘Nameless.’

  “They are my parents, Jack. My mother, Jagpreet, and my father Ravikumar.”

  “Ms. Mishra, please have a seat on the chair. My name is Jack Jerome. May I offer you some water? We have food and wine coming.”

  She sits, “I will wait, Mr. Jerome,” she says precisely in British-flavored speech. “I must apologize for the intrusion. My husband was quite certain our daughter was acting inappropriately, so he came to find her. I came to protect him. Apparently he was right about her behavior.”

  I nod, “Your daughter’s behavior has been impeccable. I appreciate your desire to protect yours. Your husband is unconscious because I also desire to protect mine.”

  She bristles at that, “My daughter is not yours, Mr. Jerome!” She stands to show her indignation.

  Supreet gives it right back to
her, “Yes, Ma Ma. I am. I am his. He is mine! He loves me, and I love him. It’s all over except the marriage!”

  Jagpreet gasps and sits back down. I lay her husband down on the bed, and arrange his limbs in a dignified pose. Then I open my arms to Supreet. She wraps her arms around me and buries her face in my chest. “We’re giving you an emotional roller coaster this evening, aren’t we my darling.” She nods. “Kiss me, Love.” She looks up and I kiss her gently on her plump, moist lips. She gives me a glorious smile. “Shall I wake your father?” She nods.

  I exert my will and tell him, “Wake up, Mr. Mishra. Wake up.” He slowly blinks his eyes for almost a full minute before he bolts upright and looks around to find his wife sitting next to the bed, himself sitting on the bed, and his daughter wrapped in my loving embrace.

  “Hello, Mr. Mishra. My name is Jack Jerome. I am the Green Lord. Welcome to my temporary home. I offer you hospitality.”

  Both of the elder Mishras gasp at my title. “I am sure we have much to discuss, but I have a dinner date with your daughter. So, I will keep this direct and concise. I met Supreet shortly after I became aware of my heritage. We met through work; I have taken a contract with her company. Her beauty, intelligence, and fearlessness all drew me to her. I’ve grown closer to her very quickly, and I love her dearly. I hope to eventually marry her. If you ever call her a whore again, I will cause your tongue to fall out and not grow back until I’m feeling more charitable. Do we have an understanding?” I will my eyes to do the ‘burning glow.’ Even Supreet gasps at that, but it might be more at the threat than my eyes.

  “Mr. Mishra?” I prod.

  He slowly nods his head.

  “Great! Now that we’re done with unpleasantness, you are both welcome to join us for dinner. We’re having Spanish room service - Tapas and Pinxtos. We have enough coming to get started, but I’ll need to order more food if you are staying. It will be a picnic on the bed. What would you like to do?”

  Ms. Mishra says, “I have dinner on the stove, Ravi. We cannot stay long.”


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